1. Flood's recruiting did not fall off because Tim was fired, but because the basketball media shitstorm surrounding RU led to his firing.
2. Tim did not control his budget. After Schiano left Barchi and the BOG had final say on whom he hired. I suspect that any AD would want to hire the best coach available, not the most affordable.
3. At the time Flood was retained it appeared, understandably, to be a good hire because there was continuity in recruiting and the price was right. Who knew that the media shitstorm, the Barnwell fiasco and the indictments would follow? The criticism of Flood that persists to this day is now justified mainly because of Barnwelll. What he did cannot be defended. The Maryland collapse, the criminals, the blowout losses and the critics just made it easier for RU to dump him without cause. He left as the only dismissed FB coach at RU with a winning career record in decades.
4. Julie was fired because the media was out to get her, the governor suggested a replacement and two coaches she did not hire were unproductive.
5. The local media prevailed again (think Mulcahy and Pernetti)..
6. The local media will turn on our FB coach and AD quickly if major events are leaked to other institutions first. In fact, it might already be too late. This is the functional equivalent of Tim blowing his nose in the SL or Julie saying she did not want to make headlines to keep the SL alive.
7. Despite all, our future is bright.
8. Merry Christmas.