Anyone making the trip to see RU at USC in October?

To those making the trip---

I am thinking about getting together a Thursday morning hike to the Hollywood sign. You can get right behind it and take pics, the view is great of the city from there as well. Would be a great group RU fans photo op. The hike itself is modestly strenuous but nothing crazy .
On a thursday AM it won't be terribly crowded either (you can imagine on weekends it draws a lot of people)

Anyway, just in the early planning stages and trying to garner interest. If this appeals to you private message me here, or if you want my email can give it to you if you have questions

anyone welcome!

Please remind people to bring gifts and wear proper attire for the meet-and-great with Victory Cat Marcus Aureliua.
so it seems like Friday works better for most which works fine for me as well. This would be morning hike but you east coast people will probably be up early with the time zone change anyway.

You don't have to be a triathalon runner for this but should be in decent shape. its 6 miles round trip, 1100 feet elevation gain. View of the Griffith Park observatory, down town LA and hollywood hills and of course the Hollywood sign are stupendous. Please let me know if you are interested. there is no max or min amount, whoever wants to come can come.
Sounds pretty dern strenuous to this old man.
I'll be up for the hike.
Shelby would risk missing the game even if he started on Columbus Day. Ascending barstools and with a great view of Budweisers and burgers is much more in his wheelhouse.
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