Why do they want to get Barchi fired?
because they are tools
Why do they want to get Barchi fired?
Why do they want to get Barchi fired?
because they are tools
Could be that too given where she was trained.Orchestrated may be a better word. Everything seems a bit like L'Ville- lite to me
No, but part of his job is to ensure that the ADs are doing their jobs.
I'm about as big a defender of Barchi as anyone on this board. But he hired Hermann, who failed at leading the athletic department. Barchi gets faulted for hiring her and from keeping her around so long. But he also gets credit for ultimately firing her (and for firing Flood too, which should have been the AD's job to do).
Let's face it, Barchi made mistakes here. If the rest of his tenure was riddled with screw-ups, this could be the straw that gets him fired. But the BOG is thrilled with the way he is managing the university, so this is a ding and they'll forget about it.
Yet still no criticism of TP from you hmmmmmmm.....Sorry. Being gay doesn't make you qualified for being AD. That's why she shouldn't have been hired in the first place. The "We Did It" crowd sure did.
We have an out and out Deputy AD who is amazing. Far more competent than her former boss. If she were to someday be AD, I'd be very happy. And it has nothing to do with her sexuality.
So go f yourself for trying to make it such.
Too bad that's not gonna happen. So they can go back to being glorified sports bloggers and shut up about it.because they are tools
Too bad that's not gonna happen. So they can go back to being glorified sports bloggers and shut up about it.because they are tools
Too bad what's not gonna happen??
Too bad what's not gonna happen??
thats he is not resigning or being fired..good lord...take a xanax and send some to your buddies in the media
Apparently you can't put 2 and 2 together either. I honestly hope Trump forces reform in the media. Too much ability to write whatever you want in the media without being held accountable. A big fat class action lawsuit from RU would shut down the SL for good.Just asking a question, buddy. Very vague statement that I wanted clarity on.
And I agree. Shouldn't fire someone cause media is calling for them to.
Apparently you can't put 2 and 2 together either. I honestly hope Trump forces reform in the media. Too much ability to write whatever you want in the media without being held accountable. A big fat class action lawsuit from RU would shut down the SL for good.Just asking a question, buddy. Very vague statement that I wanted clarity on.
And I agree. Shouldn't fire someone cause media is calling for them to.
Absolutely not. The faculty I'm still in touch with are between "meh" and "too focused on the med school" about him. They don't hate him, but don't like him either. And these are very reasonable folks. I also know some folks who really hate him, but they hate anybody who is half a step above them in the system.'Course, that's not necessarily a condemnation, at least in the eyes of this faculty member.
I would rather look as it as a chance to eliminate an enemy. The SL gets unchecked when they are clearly in the wrong by making mountains out of molehills, and now they deserve to be held accountable for their actions.Not sure how this discussion morphed into criticism of the media..but whatever..
Why should anyone be held accountable for having an opinion??
Just asking a question, buddy. Very vague statement that I wanted clarity on.
And I agree. Shouldn't fire someone cause media is calling for them to.
I would rather look as it as a chance to eliminate an enemy. The SL gets unchecked when they are clearly in the wrong by making mountains out of molehills, and now they deserve to be held accountable for their actions.Not sure how this discussion morphed into criticism of the media..but whatever..
Why should anyone be held accountable for having an opinion??
Let's leave it at that then. You can fantasize about Barchi being fired, and I can fantasize about SL burning to the ground.Not sure what any of this has to do with the SL..but ok...
Blame the media for this. Thats fine.
Ill blame RU for employing a coach who had no clue what he was doing, and ADs that really werent qualified..and a president that didn't care early in his tenure..
Just asking a question, buddy. Very vague statement that I wanted clarity on.
And I agree. Shouldn't fire someone cause media is calling for them to.
that Carino is even saying that Barchi should resign is ludicrous. I remember Carino patting Barchi on the back for canning Julie and Flood and hiring Hobbs...so yes Barchi did take action and not stick his head in the sand. Sounds like he wants to make another judgment and blood sacrifice after the fact...everyone knew last year that there was investigation going on and drug tests were part of it, its not new news and I am sure the beat writers knew what was going on
Carino is the snarkiest little douche of a writer, and I am surprised he has not gone over to NJ.com to become Manahan's lap dog. He will take shots at RU whenever he gets a shot.who cares what Eddleson and Carino are saying..they are tools..they want to create fake news and a fake narrative and get Barchi fired. Its all about headlines and clicks and sensationalism. Most NJ sportswriters were left with their tails between their legs when they were scooped on the Mike Rice story by national media, an embarrassment on their credibility for them..ever since they have taken a crusade against RU ..do not be fooled, NJ press still has it out for RU..**** them
Let's leave it at that then. You can fantasize about Barchi being fired, and I can fantasize about SL burning to the ground.Not sure what any of this has to do with the SL..but ok...
Blame the media for this. Thats fine.
Ill blame RU for employing a coach who had no clue what he was doing, and ADs that really werent qualified..and a president that didn't care early in his tenure..
I seriously doubt I'm the only RU alum here who wishes that disgrace of a newspaper goes up in smoke.Fair enough..though not something is fantasize about.
I seriously doubt I'm the only RU alum here who wishes that disgrace of a newspaper goes up in smoke.Fair enough..though not something is fantasize about.
:boxing::boxing::boxing::boxing::boxing:[poop][poop][poop][poop][poop][poop][poop]Carino is the snarkiest little douche of a writer, and I am surprised he has not gone over to NJ.com to become Manahan's lap dog. He will take shots at RU whenever he gets a shot.
Edelson tries to come off as some sort of high fallutin' writer taking a different angle, but his writing and premises suck. His face is very punchable.
By your logic, anytime someone screws up, the entire chain of command would lose their jobs. COuld you imagine running anything like this?? Its lunacy.
If President Barchi should be held responsible for the behavior of a sick, twisted football coach, then isn't the Board of Governors also then accountable? And if the Board of Governors is to blame, doesn't culpability lie with the University as a whole? And if the whole of Rutgers University is guilty, then isn't this an indictment of our educational institutions in general? I put it to you, Marc - isn't this an indictment of our entire American society? Well, you can do whatever you want to us, but we're not going to sit here and listen to you badmouth the United States of America. Gentlemen!
Why do they want to get Barchi fired?
You peGay bashing? Really? Are identity politics that deeply ingrained in you people that now to say a woman or homosexual is incompetent is a hate crime?
wtf does "you people" mean?Gay bashing? Really? Are identity politics that deeply ingrained in you people that now to say a woman or homosexual is incompetent is a hate crime?
Because that is what the media does. Dramatize stories to drive traffic. Escalate, escalate, escalate. This is the entire objective of modern media. Drive clicks. You know this as well as anyone.
Barchi isn't directly responsible for what Flood did, but he is directly responsible for the culture that led to Flood's hiring. This has nothing to do with American society, it has everything to do with the policies, re: Atletic Department spending, imposed by Barchi. Just like his choice for AD had a huge whole in her resume when it came to football, he had no idea how to manage a major college athletic program, and before you argue that he should not have had to, then explain why he did. This is clearly a combination of a president who was at worst biased against major college athletics, and at best extremely naive about them, and an athletic director completely unprepared to oversee a football program.
Huh? Do you understand that Barchi assumed the position of President of Rutgers University Eight Months AFTER Flood was appointed Head Coach ...
When Flood was hired - Barchi was President of Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia .... so please explain how he is directly responsible for the culture that led to Flood's hiring. ?
short memories for a few around here--I recall the Herman fans arguing that the investigation pushed by Barchi after the Flood events but before his actual firing, had essentially no impact and that that was reported in the press and that Julie was in the clear -- I argued we never really got confirmation in the press ----guess what ,she was fired for incompetence as well as these infractions and Barcchi did his job.
Yet still no criticism of TP from you hmmmmmmm.....
Listen Julie was AD so she has some culpability here, how much we have no idea. However the idea that she wasnt qualified is BS, was it PC hire? maybe but Julie never talked about her personal life and it wasnt an issue here so not sure why people are hammering it to death here. Her qualifications spoke for themselves. Anyway she was handed a dud in Flood and she failed in managing that situation and for whatever reason even though she wanted him gone after 2013 it didnt happen. She isnt here anymore because she failed to control the situation period. She didnt get it done. Julie hired Sarah so lets not go crazy saying she is more competent than her boss until she has paid her dues. and I love Sarah. If Julie wasnt here there would be no Sarah
No they don't. They want to sabotage us since they are owned by Syracuse alumnus.Won't argue that. Doesn't mean they want a guy fired, though.
Believe me, the media in this area would love for Rutgers to be good. Winning will drive clicks.
No they don't. They want to sabotage us since they are owned by Syracuse alumnus.