Barchi's response

Originally posted by suggakane:

Originally posted by PatrickRU92:
simple question that I have never seen the answer to---why can't we borrow the cash?
We're still paying for the last loan which was rather large. Debt service would become an issue.

I just want to clarify that with the exception of "still paying" the rest of the above statement is categorically incorrect. Finances are not stopping RU from athletic capital improvements.
Originally posted by JPhoboken:

Originally posted by jay_hq:

Originally posted by bac2therac:
Rutgers does not belong in the Big 10....thats truth...I told you guys we would just cash the check...Barchi cannot leave soon enough but the wtetched BOG will still be there...only football will be supported at this school...kiss everything else goodbye
give it a rest. Football wasnt always supported. That changed.

When the big ten money comes in basketball will change.

Barchi is the president of an academic institution not an nfl and nba team.[/B]

I cant blame his decisions when the money isnt there.
Nobody said Rutgers has to spend like Mich or Ohio State. We will never spend like them. But we are in the BIG.

The BIG was founded to "organize and develop principles for the regulation of intercollegiate athletics." (From BIG website)

The charter members set "academic goals" and a "steadfast commitment to athletics." (From the BIG website)

This is the organization we accepted membership into. Being a university that strives for being the best we can in academia, research, and athletics. You simply cannot expect to join a prestigious conference like the BIG without being prepared and be willing to make some investments. If this was not the case, we should not have accepted membership.

Since Mr. Barchi is our president, has a responsibility for our academic mission as well as our Athletic mission since he is the president of a BIG school. He needs to step up and be a leader. We all understand the challenges of getting a practice facility built. We get it. But ignoring it and cowering to state politicians is not leadership.

Leaders solve problems. Find a way President Barchi.
I endorse this post JP - well said. :>)
Some of you guys are really killing Barchi. He was brought in to handle the merger deal with UMDNJ. The amount of debt assumed by the university in this deal makes the cost of your practice facility seem like child's play. He is no doubt trying to pull rabbits out a hat on a daily basis to make that deal fly."Cut the subsidy to 0 " is the mantra he had little or no choice with. The merger must be sucking every last nickel out of the budget. That is the cost of that deal and that deal is #1. This is just my perception.. excuse the rant.

This post was edited on 3/3 12:05 AM by suggakane

This post was edited on 3/3 12:28 AM by suggakane
Originally posted by suggakane:
Some of you guys are really killing Barchi. He was brought in handle the merger deal with UMDNJ. The amount of debt assumed by the university in this deal makes the cost of your practice facility seem like child's play. He is no doubt trying to pull rabbits out a hat on a daily basis to make that deal fly."Cut the subsidy to 0 " is the mantra he had little or no choice with. The merger must be sucking every last nickel out of the budget. That is the cost of that deal and that deal is #1.
+1000 There's just no way to get there right now. As Ben Franklin said to Thomas Jefferson after a night of carousing in back street Paris Brothels ....."tough titties".
Originally posted by RUSK97:

Originally posted by bac2therac:

the faciliites are a HUGE issue...stop arguing and accepting it. It prevents a decent coach from coming here...its the perceived lack of investment in the program for 25 is a huge perception problem among NJ coaches and players
Not suggesting lack of investment in the facilities isn't an issue, but frankly I'd rather not be like Nebraska...spend a fortune that we don't have to upgrade facilities, then continue to field the same lackluster coaching staffs, whose ceiling is bare-bones mediocrity. I'd rather invest in the right coaching staff, which is how it got done in FB.
The right coaching staff isn't coming here without investment promises. GS had very specific requests and would only accept the job if there was a promise to get it done. There was.

Basketball, along with other sports, needs that to happen. We have lost out on some good coaches because commitments couldn't be made.
Originally posted by RUSK97:

Bac, not arguing with you that it would be a challenge to hire an established successful coach given the current conditions, but how the hell'd we end up hiring Stringer? I know she wanted to get away from her past in Iowa, but it couldn't have been just John Chaney's good word that lured her here?!?
Because it was 20 years ago and we offered her an obscene amount of money to try and get Lawrence some good P.R. after his idiotic comments.

Money talks, and the arms race wasn't that far along back then.

As you know, the last time we did it right with the stadium expansion it caused the ouster of a popular AD in big bob and it put a lot of pressure on McCormick who was pro ru sports

Then we had the rice fiasco and it forced out the athletic director and put the sxhool and the president and bog under the microscope again

Bottom line is two past events that ran trough the athletic department that got the schools top brass into hot water has soured them on doing anything that is conceived "controversial"

The star ledger would start another witch hunt for nothing if we sore the money we should be spending now while it's cheap to upgrade athletic facilities bexause they would report sxhoo over spending on athletics with a deficit. News about nothing

The BoG and president hasn't the balls to step up and do what is in the best interest of the sxhoo athletic deptl Bedause they are afraid of the media. Period.

Even though these are all improvements that must be made and could be made now with cost of money being low and building cost never going to drop
Originally posted by jay_hq:

Originally posted by bac2therac:

GS got facility upgrades and spending across the board so you would have to do that with basketball. No basketball coach of merit is coming here with no upgrades...coaches have turned us down specifically because of it
so youre saying the good football head coach arrived before the upgrades.

and then you go on to argue no good coach will come without upgrades.

No one knew how the first time HC (Schiano) would turn out...especially after he lost his first 17 conf games over 2 1/2 seasons.
Originally posted by Dpgru:
Apparently President Barchi has responded to Lesniak's emails. We now know for sure that there is no plan in place for upgrading facilities. Apparently, however, a plan is being planned. There was no information as to when the plans for the plan will be completed. It has been two years since the invitation to the BIGwas accepted. At that time it was common knowledge to both RU and the BIG that RU's facilities needed serious upgrades and yet there is still no plan in place. What have they been waiting for? You don't need the BIG money to make the plan. To implement it yes but not to make the plan. This is a disgrace.
Only 33 posts to get to calling it 'a disgrace.' I'd tell you that was a new record, but it's not even in the Top 100.
Everyday more eyes are open to Barchi's so called "support" of athletics. But Im sure the defenders will come out of the woodwork.
Originally posted by Caliknight:

The ole standby to standby, we are being told. It's a great way to treat a telemarketer.

We clearly aren't reinvesting in athletics until the B1G checks start rolling in. It has been said, directly. The department's stated goals:

1) Cut the subsidy down to $0
2) See number 1

Everything else is window dressing. People think I am nuts for saying they should suspend the hoops program until true and proper investment can be made. It sounds a helluva a lot better than getting our teeth kicked in every night, with zero chance of sustained success. Building from the ground up is a lot easier than tearing something a part and rebuilding it, especially after it has been left to rot for decades.

There is so much work to do with few funds to get it done. Imo, it is really time for drastic measures. The status quo is far worse than alums, fans, and the even the players deserve. It is better to no field teams, than to field teams that have no hope of being successful. That is just cruel.
A continuous never-ending loop. Not to mention the perception losing programs create for potential recruits.
Why not move BB to the Prudential Center in Newark? It's a couple blocks from the train station, making it very accessible to NB students and fans, and is so close to NYC. Get NJ Transit on board (sorry) to run special game -day rail service from NB. The B1G may also find that venue attractive come tourney planning time.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Because Seton Hall already plays there and it's a terrible idea for a school in the Big Ten to play that far off campus
Seton who? Seriously, Mother Seton will forgive us. RU has a tremendous drawing card there. Build success via that route and the re-evaluate a campus facility.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by DJ Spanky:
We can't get rid of him soon enough!

After all - RU exists mostly to have a good basketball team.

The rest (this) well none of that matters.

If you think the next guy is going to come in and not do the same thing (i.e. not allow athletic borrowing, and not demand zero subsidy) then you dont understand who is actually in charge. The guys who hired Barchi are still around and will pick someone similar.

RU has alot of catching up to do to be a Big Ten level university. And most of that is unrelated to athletics. Even within athletics - the whole damn place needs spending outside of MAYBE football.

So BB is where it is - either some rich guys step up to fund it, or it waits 5-7 years until the Big Ten money comes in. Thats life. RU is taking another budget cut this year. It will likely continue to take them as long as Christie is governor, and probably even after that. It just released a plan to revitalize the neglected main campus - something that will cost alot of money that will need to be fund raised.

But reality is this - we dont need to raise $30-50 million. We need to raise $3-4 million a year for a real coach. Without a real coach we will suck new facilities or not. With a real coach, we can have some modest success even with crap facilities, and use that to fundraise for new facilities.

LOL at moving to the Rock. A) the problem isnt the arena, its the practice facilities. B) We cant get students to take a short, free bus ride to Livingston, but you expect them to take a relative expensive train ride to Newark? LOLOLOLOL

But really - like I said - its coaching, first and foremost. League minimum salaries lead to league minimum results.

This post was edited on 3/3 9:40 AM by derleider
Pinehurst. Like it or not Seton Hall has the contract so its a complete non starter. Also like it or not Seton Hall has a better program. They play mostly all freshman and will be a very good team in the near future.
Originally posted by WhiteBus:
Pinehurst. Like it or not Seton Hall has the contract so its a complete non starter. Also like it or not Seton Hall has a better program. They play mostly all freshman and will be a very good team in the near future.
That might be the least of the issues with his suggestion.
Originally posted by RUSK97:

Just out of curiosity, how come WBB can be competitive, but the MBB struggles to get to 0.500 every season, yet both use the exact same facilities? You can argue all you want that Stringer is past her prime, but the WBB team remains competitive, if not a powerhouse. If other schools have better facilities and that's what you need to win, how come it's not a competitive disadvantage for Stringer?
WBB is a terrible example in that the talent pool is so much shallower than that in mens hoops. There are only a handful of schools that are really even attempting to compete in terms of resources. After UConn and UTenn and a few others there is a real drop off in the amount of resources committed. In the Big East years we were spending roughly the same amount of money to support our program as what Geno A got to spend in Storrs. The difference was his program generated revenue. We never made enough to cover our coaches salary top notch salary.
The suggestion to play at Prudential is ludricous and missing the point.

The bottom line us Rutgers does not belong in the Big 10
Originally posted by srru86:

Originally posted by RUSK97:

Just out of curiosity, how come WBB can be competitive, but the MBB struggles to get to 0.500 every season, yet both use the exact same facilities? You can argue all you want that Stringer is past her prime, but the WBB team remains competitive, if not a powerhouse. If other schools have better facilities and that's what you need to win, how come it's not a competitive disadvantage for Stringer?
WBB is a terrible example in that the talent pool is so much shallower than that in mens hoops. There are only a handful of schools that are really even attempting to compete in terms of resources. After UConn and UTenn and a few others there is a real drop off in the amount of resources committed. In the Big East years we were spending roughly the same amount of money to support our program as what Geno A got to spend in Storrs. The difference was his program generated revenue. We never made enough to cover our coaches salary top notch salary.
The answer is - we paid for a good coach. Coaching is the most important thing. If we are going to spend money, it should be on coaching first. Yes - promise facilities upgrades once the BIg Ten money starts rolling in. But in the meantime, you get a guy in here who can recruit on this name and knows how the college recruiting game is played.

That would take more investment than we want to make though.

Sor reality is - we are going to suck until athletics is self sustaining. Thats life. Dont like it - make a few billion and then donate enough money to the unviersity every year to offset the operating cuts to academics.
I think we ought to do what Lesniak says: Concoct a half baked, back of the napkin plan paid for with money we don't have and then borrow the rest. That's worked so well in the past. And with a bright light like Lesniak leading the State Senate, you now know why NJ is in dire straits.

I don't question the urgent need for a practice facility, but let's all hold our whining until Herrmann, Barchi and the Board announce a real plan, supported by real financials. I know people are impatient, but trying to do this all piecemeal means that it will surely cost more and be an inferior product, with the risk that the Olympic sports will be left out in the cold. The RAC was built this way and 40 years later it is still a piece of junk.

My real concern is what this "debate" says to donors. Do they really want to put their money into a quick fix with the hands of the state government all over the project, or do they want to donate to a well conceived plan, supported by a real financial strategy, so that they know their money is being well spent. For the first time in decades, we have real professionals running the university and the athletic department -- people who have been through this before. Let them do their jobs and work with the donors to craft a plan that works.

As someone mentioned earlier, the real problem with men's basketball isn't facilities, but the constant turnover in coaching and philosophies. Three of the past five coaches were canned for improprieties. Our coaches since the Young era lasted about five years each, which is hardly enough time to build a roster and create a program that endures. Facilities help, but leadership matters more. I am sure that won't stop some of the more vocal critics around here, who haven't met a Rutgers coach they don't want to fire.
Originally posted by Caliknight:

People think I am nuts for saying they should suspend the hoops program until true and proper investment can be made. It sounds a helluva a lot better than getting our teeth kicked in every night, with zero chance of sustained success. Building from the ground up is a lot easier than tearing something a part and rebuilding it, especially after it has been left to rot for decades.
You are nuts, if serious.

Football and basketball is what is responsible for the Big Ten membership and money in the first place. They are, relatively speaking, at least revenue neutral. Why would you suspend basketball and lose even more money?
You really need to drop this line.. you look foolish.
Originally posted by raritan1:
I think we ought to do what Lesniak says: Concoct a half baked, back of the napkin plan paid for with money we don't have and then borrow the rest. That's worked so well in the past. And with a bright light like Lesniak leading the State Senate, you now know why NJ is in dire straits.

I don't question the urgent need for a practice facility, but let's all hold our whining until Herrmann, Barchi and the Board announce a real plan, supported by real financials. I know people are impatient, but trying to do this all piecemeal means that it will surely cost more and be an inferior product, with the risk that the Olympic sports will be left out in the cold. The RAC was built this way and 40 years later it is still a piece of junk.

My real concern is what this "debate" says to donors. Do they really want to put their money into a quick fix with the hands of the state government all over the project, or do they want to donate to a well conceived plan, supported by a real financial strategy, so that they know their money is being well spent. For the first time in decades, we have real professionals running the university and the athletic department -- people who have been through this before. Let them do their jobs and work with the donors to craft a plan that works.

As someone mentioned earlier, the real problem with men's basketball isn't facilities, but the constant turnover in coaching and philosophies. Three of the past five coaches were canned for improprieties. Our coaches since the Young era lasted about five years each, which is hardly enough time to build a roster and create a program that endures. Facilities help, but leadership matters more. I am sure that won't stop some of the more vocal critics around here, who haven't met a Rutgers coach they don't want to fire.
Four of the past four actually - Bannon, Waters, Hill, and Rice were all nominally let go for reasons other than coaching.

Five years is plenty of time to determine whether someone CAN build a roster and create a program.. Bannon and Rice had to go for thier off court stuff. LIttlepage and Hill for their on court crapitude (as will Eddie before year four is up). Wenzel had shown that he wasnt going to get it done after 1991. Really only Waters was iffy - ut I think had he stayed post-Douby, he would have flamed out too.

The issue is that we keep spending no money on coaches and then have to fire them because they suck, espeically when coupled with junk facilities. No surprise there.
Originally posted by bac2therac:
The suggestion to play at Prudential is ludricous and missing the point.

The bottom line us Rutgers does not belong in the Big 10
Rutgers should play in the Patriot League, am I right?

I know some basketball guys will hate this---but thank god for RU football--and keep your fingers crossed for bball--because I think that's all we can hope
Originally posted by ru66:
I know some basketball guys will hate this---but thank god for RU football--and keep your fingers crossed for bball--because I think that's all we can hope
oh I agree with you..thank god for football....its been made clear that's all we have...its also what Julie has been spending her time shoring up for those who want to say she has done nothing. She knows that football needs to be very strong

for bball fans, I would suggest giving up your season tix for about 5 years until the school decides to invest, I am dropping one of mine next year.
Originally posted by Scarlet_Scourge:

Originally posted by bac2therac:
The suggestion to play at Prudential is ludricous and missing the point.

The bottom line us Rutgers does not belong in the Big 10
Rutgers should play in the Patriot League, am I right?

I am not joking...the school was not prepared for this before and after. Its not about just changing stationary and scheduling plans. TP bares some big blame because of his big gaffe that caused him to be removed right when we needed a strong AD to get things done. Julie then had to learn the landscape and then have to deal with all the crap neglected by Bob.

if the school does not want to compete with the big boys...and that was said as much by Barchi then they should be competing at a lower level
...or you need to step off the ledge. His contract ends in 2 years and our Governor is on his way out.

Things change in life. Look at Rutgers football spending before 2001 and afterwards.
Isn't interesting that the Barchi haters were the biggest Pernettitards?

Who hired Rice? The best coach Pernetti hired was Flood- and after that, to say there's a drop off is generous. Think about that for a second.

RU is a University, not a NFL or NBA team.

It's not Barchi or Julie, it's the "big donors". Why is that Flood's salary was doubled 3 weeks into the season, but every other sport besides FB, WBB, women's soccer and wrestling is completely disastrous?

Guess what, not just at Michigan or Ohio State but also at your Iowas and Marylands, regular schmo alumni make donations, and the big donors donate so much to the two main sports that there is left to spend at everything else. Not like here where a slight ticket or parking increase results in an insurrection.

We have many fans who want everything but won't buck up. Fans at other B1G schools buck up- they pay more for EVERYTHING, they have tickets for ALL SPORTS, and they also in more cases than ours, schlep hours to the stadium and arena where as most of our fans live in the smallest B1G state or an adjoining one.

Coaching is everything, absolutely everything, the money should go FIRST to fixing the coaching positions in the majority of sports. Then we can talk about facilities.

We're not going to get Coach K but if we even got the basketball Schiano we'd be in a good place, let's do that FIRST.
But the BOG and their Patriot League ways remain...there are no hoops donors because the bball program got pissed on for 25 years..the scorched earth policy employed by Uncle Bob sure worked
Originally posted by NotInRHouse:
Isn't interesting that the Barchi haters were the biggest Pernettitards?

Who hired Rice? The best coach Pernetti hired was Flood- and after that, to say there's a drop off is generous. Think about that for a second.

RU is a University, not a NFL or NBA team.[/B]

It's not Barchi or Julie, it's the "big donors". Why is that Flood's salary was doubled 3 weeks into the season, but every other sport besides FB, WBB, women's soccer and wrestling is completely disastrous?

Guess what, not just at Michigan or Ohio State but also at your Iowas and Marylands, regular schmo alumni make donations, and the big donors donate so much to the two main sports that there is left to spend at everything else. Not like here where a slight ticket or parking increase results in an insurrection.

We have many fans who want everything but won't buck up. Fans at other B1G schools buck up- they pay more for EVERYTHING, they have tickets for ALL SPORTS, and they also in more cases than ours, schlep hours to the stadium and arena where as most of our fans live in the smallest B1G state or an adjoining one.

Coaching is everything, absolutely everything, the money should go FIRST to fixing the coaching positions in the majority of sports. Then we can talk about facilities.

We're not going to get Coach K but if we even got the basketball Schiano we'd be in a good place, let's do that FIRST.
Nobody said we were. But we accepted an invitation into a conference that has set high standards for Academia and Sports. We won't spend like Ohio State or Mich, and that is fine, but we need a strong leadership to compete in athletics. Since Barchi is president of a BIG school, he also has responsibility to lead the charge for Competitiveness in athletics as well as academics.

We understand Donors and corporate sponsors need to be a big part of the solution for New athletic infrastructure and a Men's bb practice facility, but we Need strong leadership as well. I hope Barchi will be that leader, but actions are louder than words. Let's see what happens going further, and soon enough we will know whether he is up for the job.
Eddie Jordan knew more about what was needed by Rutgers facilities wise than any other candidate that was interviewed this last go around. We were coming off of a horrible situation with Rice and TP firings. You would think he could have at least gotten a commitment or two out of the administration knowing how successful Schiano was with his demands unless Eddie was far more desperate for a job than any of us realized.

Big mistake on his part. He had the cards to play at that time.
His letter was just a rebuke to shut Lesniak up and deflect...we lack leadershio..a true leader would be working on a plan
Originally posted by bac2therac:
But the BOG and their Patriot League ways remain...there are no hoops donors because the bball program got pissed on for 25 years..the scorched earth policy employed by Uncle Bob sure worked
Yes, the BOG that subsidizes sports more than any other school in the country. That BOG.

You guys are so ridiculous. Look at this thread. MBB fans talking about dropping tickets as if that is going to fix things.

The problem is that donors do not give enough, not that they are giving too much. How the heck is giving less money going to help? lol

If you guys want to know why the program is so moribund, go look in a mirror. You get what you pay for.
you are kidding me right...check the facts.

Rutgers has done ZIPPO for basketball 25 years...get that through your head...RU moved into the best basketball conference ever in the Big East and they INVESTED NOTHING when that happened. Every coach was hired on the cheap. Bob Mulcahy actually siphoned money AWAY from basketball to football. He didn't bother to change anything in the RAC, TP at least got the ball rolling for a new scoreboard that was an embarrassment. Julie has spiffed things up there the best she could

do you realize that football in 99 and basketball right now are in the same spots...did you lecture and say well its all the fans of footballs fault...did you? Football only got better because the school invested, please the donors didn't dig it out of some hole and any potential bball donor has been driven away by the constant mediocrity and lack of investment in a basketball program for 25 decades...they scorched the earth of any bball fans they could have had.

don't insult me by blaming the basketball fans...all of whom also are big football fans.
I keep wishing that the B1G leadership sends Rutgers a letter stating that part of membership is having teams that can successfully compete at a high level of competition.I'm pretty sure Rutgers won/loss record for all teams in league competition will be bottom tier.What is the plan of action to improve each team?The answer better not be wait until 2021.Upgrading facilities should be part of any plan of action.Until I see shovels in the ground this entire discussion will be summarized as just another missed opportunity.The year 2021 is 6 years too late.
Originally posted by bac2therac:
But the BOG and their Patriot League ways remain...there are no hoops donors because the bball program got pissed on for 25 years..the scorched earth policy employed by Uncle Bob sure worked
Pitt's bball program sucked and then Petersen stepped up and they got the Petersen Events Center and became a prominent program.

TTFP got a hockey program, entirely funded, from scratch, by the Sabres owner.

Big donors are big donors, not thick and thin donors. Other schools have sucked in football and/or basketball for as long as us but ultimately got rescued.

Schiano also got Greg Brown involved, none of the recent coaches in bball put in what Schiano did with that kind of thing and that makes all the difference.
Originally posted by JPhoboken:

Originally posted by NotInRHouse:
Isn't interesting that the Barchi haters were the biggest Pernettitards?

Who hired Rice? The best coach Pernetti hired was Flood- and after that, to say there's a drop off is generous. Think about that for a second.

RU is a University, not a NFL or NBA team.[/B]

It's not Barchi or Julie, it's the "big donors". Why is that Flood's salary was doubled 3 weeks into the season, but every other sport besides FB, WBB, women's soccer and wrestling is completely disastrous?

Guess what, not just at Michigan or Ohio State but also at your Iowas and Marylands, regular schmo alumni make donations, and the big donors donate so much to the two main sports that there is left to spend at everything else. Not like here where a slight ticket or parking increase results in an insurrection.

We have many fans who want everything but won't buck up. Fans at other B1G schools buck up- they pay more for EVERYTHING, they have tickets for ALL SPORTS, and they also in more cases than ours, schlep hours to the stadium and arena where as most of our fans live in the smallest B1G state or an adjoining one.

Coaching is everything, absolutely everything, the money should go FIRST to fixing the coaching positions in the majority of sports. Then we can talk about facilities.

We're not going to get Coach K but if we even got the basketball Schiano we'd be in a good place, let's do that FIRST.
Nobody said we were. But we accepted an invitation into a conference that has set high standards for Academia and Sports. We won't spend like Ohio State or Mich, and that is fine, but we need a strong leadership to compete in athletics. Since Barchi is president of a BIG school, he also has responsibility to lead the charge for Competitiveness in athletics as well as academics.

We understand Donors and corporate sponsors need to be a big part of the solution for New athletic infrastructure and a Men's bb practice facility, but we Need strong leadership as well. I hope Barchi will be that leader, but actions are louder than words. Let's see what happens going further, and soon enough we will know whether he is up for the job.
Barchi: Hello Governor Christie, President Barchi here. I had XYZ fancy architechts in my office and we will need 30M for a new...

Christie: No. I already cut your budget by over $300M.

Next steps?

This is entirely a donor problem, we have the worst donations across the board, academics and athletics, of any B1G school.

Are we supposed to believe that the Flood salary funder asked to donate to bball and was turned down?