Barchi's response

Originally posted by TonyLieske:

Originally posted by bac2therac:
But the BOG and their Patriot League ways remain...there are no hoops donors because the bball program got pissed on for 25 years..the scorched earth policy employed by Uncle Bob sure worked
Yes, the BOG that subsidizes sports more than any other school in the country. That BOG.

You guys are so ridiculous. Look at this thread. MBB fans talking about dropping tickets as if that is going to fix things.

The problem is that donors do not give enough, not that they are giving too much. How the heck is giving less money going to help? lol

If you guys want to know why the program is so moribund, go look in a mirror. You get what you pay for.
That's not entirely true. RU is trying to get blood from a stone. Alumni giving hasn't changed much over the past 5-10 years. Our best year for the entire AD was 9 million in giving. Alumni giving didn't get us the stadium expansion. We're not raising money privately for an 80 million dollar "athletes village". We can barely raise 3 million for a baseball/softball practice facility (and yes I've donated to it). Barchi and the BOG leadership is a disgrace and using the subsidy figure is a cop out. They need to fix their accounting. It isn't nearly as bad as they make it look.
Originally posted by NotInRHouse:

Originally posted by bac2therac:
But the BOG and their Patriot League ways remain...there are no hoops donors because the bball program got pissed on for 25 years..the scorched earth policy employed by Uncle Bob sure worked
Pitt's bball program sucked and then Petersen stepped up and they got the Petersen Events Center and became a prominent program.

TTFP got a hockey program, entirely funded, from scratch, by the Sabres owner.

Big donors are big donors, not thick and thin donors. Other schools have sucked in football and/or basketball for as long as us but ultimately got rescued.

Schiano also got Greg Brown involved, none of the recent coaches in bball put in what Schiano did with that kind of thing and that makes all the difference.
um no kidding...and you see that facilities matter when Pitt built that...and lets not go crazy either saying they sucked, they sucked for a period of time but they still had a pretty good history before that.

none of the recent coaches in bball have never been given the promises that GS got

football only was built because the school spent money and investment, please do not change the story to fit your narrative.

no other school has been this bad at bball except for Northwestern

and its not just hoops, our facilities across the board are MAAC level not Big 10 level, we are in the Big 10 in name only not infrastructure, we were not even Big East
Originally posted by bac2therac:
Originally posted by Scarlet_Scourge:
Originally posted by bac2therac:
The suggestion to play at Prudential is ludricous and missing the point.

The bottom line us Rutgers does not belong in the Big Ten.
Rutgers should play in the Patriot League, am I right?
I am not joking ... the school was not prepared for this before and after. Its not about just changing stationery and scheduling plans.TP bears some big blame because of his big gaffe, which caused him to be removed right when we needed a strong AD to get things done. Julie then had to learn the landscape and deal with all the crap neglected by Bob.

if the school does not want to compete with the big boys -- and that was said as much by Barchi -- then they should be competing at a lower level
When you say "the school does not want to compete with the big boys," you're incorrectly implying that -- somehow -- the university has an unwillingness to win championships and be a national brand. No, the problem is that successful college basketball programs are a product of their communities: alumni, coaches, fans and boosters. Governors and presidents merely execute the policy of their benefactors and trustees, and if not nearly enough people are clamoring for Kentucky or Kansas, then you're going to get a "participation sport."

Lesniak? Politi? a few hundred people on ScarletNation? Where is the demand for great basketball in Piscataway? It's non-existent. Blaming that on a lack of competitiveness on "the school" just seems to smack of the same old "it's that guy's fault!" that has come to define both Rutgers and New Jersey.

What does the Court Club have to say about this, other than "Julie told us not to expect much." Where is the financial power of that organization in turning Rutgers Basketball into a juggernaut? Where is the "Yum! Brands" money for New Brunswick?
Originally posted by bac2therac:
Originally posted by Scarlet_Scourge:
Originally posted by bac2therac:
The suggestion to play at Prudential is ludricous and missing the point.

The bottom line us Rutgers does not belong in the Big Ten.
Rutgers should play in the Patriot League, am I right?
I am not joking ... the school was not prepared for this before and after. Its not about just changing stationery and scheduling plans.TP bears some big blame because of his big gaffe, which caused him to be removed right when we needed a strong AD to get things done. Julie then had to learn the landscape and deal with all the crap neglected by Bob.

if the school does not want to compete with the big boys -- and that was said as much by Barchi -- then they should be competing at a lower level
They are competing at a lower level.
Unfortunately the only way Barchi, Hermann, the BoG, and all other interested parties will listen to these complaints is if you write them in the Memo section of a check. The more zeroes, the more attention they will garner. Anything else is just another RU fandom meltdown, toddler style.
Man, Barchi is awful - for the past 25 years ne has been responsible for the lack of funding for RU hoops. We should have canned him 20 years ago. What are we waiting for??????
Originally posted by PatrickRU92:
simple question that I have never seen the answer to---why can't we borrow the cash?

You would need past and projected cash flow figures in the prospectus. Those wouldn't read well for a $100 million borrower. $$$$
Originally posted by hoquat63:
Man, Barchi is awful - for the past 25 years ne has been responsible for the lack of funding for RU hoops. We should have canned him 20 years ago. What are we waiting for??????
very funny but I bet some of those BOG have been their for years and are responsible. Point is Barchi is there now...we are in the Big 10 he is responsible. His response was a total insult filled with run on stuff that had nothing to do with the issue at hand
Originally posted by hoquat63:
Man, Barchi is awful - for the past 25 years ne has been responsible for the lack of funding for RU hoops. We should have canned him 20 years ago. What are we waiting for??????
And his foul shooting is dreadful! The only thing he excels at is throwing people under moving mass transit vehicles.
If the practice facility was in Newark or Camden, this would be a done deal. All of the state of NJ incentives have been towards those two cities. I know people very close who work with the state Business Action Center. Think about the ridiculous tax incentive given to the Sixers to build a practice facility in Camden before you think about the $30m cost to build a new practice facility in NB.

I am a hard core die hard NJ Republican but the sooner you all figure out Christie doesn't give a crap about Rutgers, the better you will be. Barchi is just singing his tune with the subsidy.
Originally posted by RUsilencer:
If the practice facility was in Newark or Camden, this would be a done deal. All of the state of NJ incentives have been towards those two cities. I know people very close who work with the state Business Action Center. Think about the ridiculous tax incentive given to the Sixers to build a practice facility in Camden before you think about the $30m cost to build a new practice facility in NB.

I am a hard core die hard NJ Republican but the sooner you all figure out Christie doesn't give a crap about Rutgers, the better you will be. Barchi is just singing his tune with the subsidy.
Christie is a very powerful he apparently has stopped almost all of RU's 400,000 plus alumni over the past 25 years (well before he ever dreamed of being Governor) from donating their own personal $$$ to Rutgers Basketball.

Now that's power!

This post was edited on 3/4 8:08 AM by Knight_Light
Isn't the only B1G sport we're a doormat in men's basketball? I see we still have chicken littles around here.
Originally posted by RUskoolie:

Originally posted by TonyLieske:

Originally posted by bac2therac:
But the BOG and their Patriot League ways remain...there are no hoops donors because the bball program got pissed on for 25 years..the scorched earth policy employed by Uncle Bob sure worked
Yes, the BOG that subsidizes sports more than any other school in the country. That BOG.

You guys are so ridiculous. Look at this thread. MBB fans talking about dropping tickets as if that is going to fix things.

The problem is that donors do not give enough, not that they are giving too much. How the heck is giving less money going to help? lol

If you guys want to know why the program is so moribund, go look in a mirror. You get what you pay for.
That's not entirely true. RU is trying to get blood from a stone. Alumni giving hasn't changed much over the past 5-10 years. Our best year for the entire AD was 9 million in giving. Alumni giving didn't get us the stadium expansion. We're not raising money privately for an 80 million dollar "athletes village". We can barely raise 3 million for a baseball/softball practice facility (and yes I've donated to it). Barchi and the BOG leadership is a disgrace and using the subsidy figure is a cop out. They need to fix their accounting. It isn't nearly as bad as they make it look.
I am not even sure what you are trying to say here makes any kind of sense.

Because Rutgers fans/alums are SO cheap, the school should subsidize sports EVEN MORE?

I think you guys are looking at this completely backwards. If Rutgers fans/alums want to have great sports teams, they HAVE TO DONATE. There is no other rational solution. Asking the school to spend EVEN MORE money on sports is just crazy talk. Rutgers already subsidizes its sports program more than any other school in the country (and world).

Next thing MBB fans will be arguing for is that China simply doesn't have enough people and their government needs to find ways to encourage its citizens to have more babies.
Originally posted by bac2therac:
Then this school does not belong in the Big 10
Maybe, but if that is true it is because the donors are too cheap, not because the school was not willing to spend money.

Again, this notion that the Rutgers BOG or Barchi are not supportive of athletics is ridiculous on its face. This schools spends more money on subsidizing its sports programs than any other school in the world. That is a problem, not something to be proud of. The underlying problem is that donors continue to be too cheap.

Maybe they are too cheap because the school has been to willing to spend the money themselves in the past, instead of asking the alums/fans to put up the cash (which is how most other schools do it).

IMHO if donors were willing to even pay for 50% of the cost of a new practice facility I think you would find the BoG a lot more willing to borrow money again. But, as you guys keep bringing up, they got absolutely burned with the football stadium expansion. Remember the original plan was to raise $30 million privately and then fund $70 million via bonds. But again because no donors stepped up, the school ended up being on the hook for the entire $100 million. Once bitten twice shy, as they say.
be careful Tony--you're not 'blaming' the politically correct entity that some around here use as convient scapegoats
Originally posted by mal359:
Isn't the only B1G sport we're a doormat in men's basketball? I see we still have chicken littles around here.
Sadly, in the world of collegiate athletics, basically only Football and Men's Basketball seem to count the most, as for most schools, those are the only 2 revenue producing programs...hence their high profile.

Gymnastics, Swimming, Cross Country, Baseball, etc...nice to have programs for 99% of them are not revenue producers, so their importance to the athletic dept overall, don't match the importance of Football and those 2 programs generally fund ALL the other sports.,
Originally posted by bac2therac:
Its not the donors fault the school has not invested in basketball infrasctructure since the 70s
If there were more donations, wouldn't there be more money to invest in the basketball infrastructure?

A guy I used to know from work, donated $10M to St. Joseph for their basketball facilities.
Originally posted by bac2therac:
Its not the donors fault the school has not invested in basketball infrasctructure since the 70s
At other schools the donors have stepped up and made investments during that time.

RU has the LOWEST rate of giving back in the entire B1G...I think you would be hard pressed to find another P5 school with worse.

Who is responsible for that?

Also, have any of the parade of horribles of coaches we've had over the years asked for improvements or for anything or had any plans? Because in football it was Schiano who had all the ideas and we're still using a lot of them.

I don't like Christie and our state funding is pathetic but not any more pathetic than our alumni.
Originally posted by mal359:
Maybe the alumni as a whole simply don't care about sports?
RU alumni just give less than most schools, and not just for sports.
Originally posted by PaKnight:

Originally posted by mal359:
Maybe the alumni as a whole simply don't care about sports?
RU alumni just give less than most schools, and not just for sports.
To be fair, it is something that has been improving over the last decade or so, both for sports and in general. RU has also been doing a better job at getting donations from non-alums, which is as important as getting alums to donate.
Originally posted by TonyLieske:

To be fair, it is something that has been improving over the last decade or so, both for sports and in general. RU has also been doing a better job at getting donations from non-alums, which is as important as getting alums to donate.
Yes we need to remember that on a long term basis Rutgers has only recently got really serious about putting resources and effort into the giving solicitation programs. Just as our Athletics program operated in a very small time manner for most of our history we have a long way to go to catch up on our colleagues that have nurtured alumni giving over the course of generations.
Lol...I forget its the football you realize that donations have been steered toward football for the past 15 years
Originally posted by TonyLieske:

Its not the donors fault that they do not donate...? Yeah, lets blame donors who donated 9 million last year. We all wish it could have been more, but blaming the people who do donate makes no sense.

The lack of more large and corporate donors would help of course, but criticizing donors is not the way to go.
Originally posted by JPhoboken:

Originally posted by TonyLieske:

Its not the donors fault that they do not donate...?

Yeah, lets blame donors who donated 9 million last year. We all wish it could have been more, but blaming the people who do donate makes no sense.

The lack of more large and corporate donors would help of course, but criticizing donors is not the way to go.
No one is blaming the people who gave money, it is the lack of donations.
Originally posted by bac2therac:
Some of you are excusing the school totally
I am not. But you are going to the other extreme and blaming them for everything.

It is not like if the school had the money that they would refuse to upgrade anything.

JH would upgrade EVERYTHING if she could. Barchi would greenlight it all if it came from private donations.
If this was about spending money on football everyone would change their tune....this school has done nothing with bball...uncle bob drove the program into the ground
Yes, it is true Football fans care more about football. Shocking I know.

The difference between Football and all other sports is that only Football can get Rutgers invited to the Big Ten.

If Rutgers had state of the art Basketball Arena and Practice faculties with a team that makes NCAA every year. But also had a 20,000 seat broken down football stadium with a team with zero chance to make bowl games and terrible TV ratings, it would have never ever gotten into the Big Ten.

I am not sure why you don't get this.

The fact that Rutgers views Football as unique and all other sports as equals to each other is clearly driving you crazy.
Originally posted by JPhoboken:
Originally posted by TonyLieske:

Its not the donors fault that they do not donate...? Yeah, lets blame donors who donated 9 million last year. We all wish it could have been more, but blaming the people who do donate makes no sense.

The lack of more large and corporate donors would help of course, but criticizing donors is not the way to go.
I assume by donors he actually means potential donors - not actual donors, or actual donors who give very little and could realistically afford to give more, but don't.
Now you're something different up..this isnt about what drives the you realize how deplorable basketball has been for most of the past 25 years......and also exaggerating...we need to see SOME investment...ANY investment. ..we dont need a new rac