Good chance he may cash in and he's had an excellent season but I don't see him as any less gimmicky than I did before. Still not sold on him for the step up to the P5 either.
Many coaches get hired and fail. The validation isn't in the hiring whether it be Oregon, Purdue or wherever. The validation is in getting consistent results after the hiring. WMU has that validation in his hiring. We don't know that about the P5 whether he gets hired or not this year.
While not undefeated Brady Hoke had a very strong year as well at Ball State and we know how his tenure at a premiere program like Michigan went. Darrell Hazell at Kent State too. Dave Doeren had 2 very good years at NIU, including an undefeated season where he left before the bowl and had a more hefty resume before he even became NIU HC and he hasn't had a winning ACC record in his 4 years at NC State. He hovers just around or above .500 overall but when I look at his OOC, I saw only 1 P5 game and that's a bad ND team this year. The rest of his OOC games during his 4 years are lower level schools so his slight above .500 overall record the last few years is likely aided by that.
Point being you can have an excellent season in the lower level but you can't assume it's going translate when you step up. Whomever it is, you always have to project but I still wouldn't be optimistic about Fleck n the P5. I definitely think he'll need Orgeron type help, as in money for top coordinators like Aranda
That being said he deserves congratulations for an excellent year and being undefeated. Even though I think Navy is better I think WMU should get the bid for the G5 spot as well. If there was a single blemish with that weak schedule I think they would've been passed assuming Navy won its last 2 games but since they're undefeated I think they should get it. I think there's a "power" to being undefeated that's hard to overlook even if the schedule was easier. Navy has 2 losses too, if it was one Navy loss maybe or if WMU had 1 loss instead probably.