Conspicuous By Their Absence

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Playing Wisc as close as we did and could have gone either way- and giving Mich their toughest game of the year should also not be a hit on our team either. The results of both of those games are much better then anyone could have expected.

We gave Michigan a good game but we did nothing on offense and couldn't run the ball. Is anyone giving GS grief for that game? They shouldn't be. Take away the defensive TD and the game looks much closer but Michigan completely controlled that game. No shame there.

Wisconsin was better than us. Dixon made a bunch of great plays to prevent Wisconsin putting more on the board. We had NO run game and when we needed the ball back in the 4th, we couldn't stop them. They are a better program. 10-7 at half would have made it more exciting but they controlled the game. I really liked what they were trying to do on offense and our defense did a very good job defending them. They stressed our defense more than we stressed theirs.

Just like RU did against VT and Temple. Against VT, we stop having an interest in scoring for a period of time when it was 21-3. It was 13-7 against temple at the beginning of the 4th. Did temple have a shot at winning that game? I don't think so, but there are probably some Temple fans that would disagree.
Don't blame the money. Money helps... but it doesn't help everyone equally. Do you think Michigan State fans got value from their donations are that jerkoff coach Tuck? And everything costs so much more here.. our endzone expansion could have funded at least half a new stadium elsewhere. And most of these places did take lots of government money to establish the basis upon which all these big donations are derived.. WINNING. But they did it many decades before Rutgers even considered going "big time". We missed that window.

Bottom line is Rutgers, as a State University, has a very unique history and has unique problems... unique barriers to establishing the kind of support other state U athletics programs get. It has opportunities as well.. but it will take some craftiness and wizardry to cash in.

I think I heard some stuff from GS that might mean he is working on that... said something along the lines of fundraising being of prime importance to him as head coach these days of NIL. If he is successful.. if Rutgers games becomes "events" in the eyes of money people in this area.. the sky is the limit.

And, right now, that is what my message would be in selling Rutgers to prospective Jersey and even NYC businesses who get involved in such things at all. Rutgers has been at a recruiting disadvantage for many decades.. because of history, name recognition.. competition in this area from many name programs... but now, with NIL, there is no limit to how good Rutgers could be. Rutgers could be at teh top of the heap if it can pay for the top talent.. just like the Yankees have done for over a century. You could help make that happen and be there to see it happen.

One slightly discordant note, though you paint an essentially accurate picture. Rutgers was indeed very late to the game of having a development office worthy of a flagship university. But for, roughly, the last 25 years, probably less for athletics, things have been on an upgrade. But the response from the alumni body, beyond the serious fans who populate this board, should have been better by now.
who/what do you think cost us the wisc game?
We don't get to claim a win to be fair...They beat us- but my point is that it even closer than the score

My reasoning
1) The Melton PI on the first drive was a horrendous call and lead to their first 3. Or at least made that first FG much much easier.
2) The pick 6 - dude made a great play and this was on GW. To me- it was more on KC then anything...we should have done nothing but run the ball.

Halftime was 17-0 which changed how we would have to play the 2nd half. But they had not outplayed us 17-0. That was my point on the game- it was much closer than even the 24-13 score
This list is too long for comparisons to how the OSU-RU game will be perceived by Vegas. I'm expecting to see us getting 17 pts over more. Games I think don't qualify:

Oklahoma is "only" a 9 point favorite over Kansas. Name-wise you may have a point.

Georgia - Florida - huge rivalry and Georgia's top offensive player (Bowers) is out this week. Line is 14.5.

USC @ Cal - 10.5 pt spread and the USC team is kind of unproven. Plus, they are ranked #24, nowhere near the OSU/PSU territory.

Tulane - Rice - 10.5 pt line, and Tulane doesn't have enough history to compare to PSU/OSU.

Air Force - Colorado State - I know the Zoomies are undefeated and favored by 14 but beating an academy at home just isn't going to turn heads.

UNC at GT - 11.5 pt line, strange things happen in night games at Bobby Dodd. UNC just lost to a crappy UVA team. Cristobal's brain fart was the key but GT was able to beat a ranked Miami a few weeks back.

Oregon State at Arizona - the line is OSU -3. This is not a big gambling upset if it happens.
Some part of it is because some of the back and forth arguments were based on Ill/Maryland Iowa/Wisc
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you guys are utterly ridiculous in your own vacuum with respects to expectations. Surprised at you Good, you used to be one of the more level headed and intelligent posters.

all I know is I wish you guys were doing my reviews!
We gave Michigan a good game but we did nothing on offense and couldn't run the ball. Is anyone giving GS grief for that game? They shouldn't be. Take away the defensive TD and the game looks much closer but Michigan completely controlled that game. No shame there.

Wisconsin was better than us. Dixon made a bunch of great plays to prevent Wisconsin putting more on the board. We had NO run game and when we needed the ball back in the 4th, we couldn't stop them. They are a better program. 10-7 at half would have made it more exciting but they controlled the game. I really liked what they were trying to do on offense and our defense did a very good job defending them. They stressed our defense more than we stressed theirs.

Just like RU did against VT and Temple. Against VT, we stop having an interest in scoring for a period of time when it was 21-3. It was 13-7 against temple at the beginning of the 4th. Did temple have a shot at winning that game? I don't think so, but there are probably some Temple fans that would disagree.
Didn’t Dremel have a 69 yard pass for a TD against Michigan in the first series? Much of the B1G can’t run against Michigan .
Didn’t Dremel have a 69 yard pass for a TD against Michigan in the first series? Much of the B1G can’t run against Michigan .
And on the 2nd series we seemed to be moving with ease without the BS holding call
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Don't blame the money. Money helps... but it doesn't help everyone equally. Do you think Michigan State fans got value from their donations are that jerkoff coach Tuck? And everything costs so much more here.. our endzone expansion could have funded at least half a new stadium elsewhere. And most of these places did take lots of government money to establish the basis upon which all these big donations are derived.. WINNING. But they did it many decades before Rutgers even considered going "big time". We missed that window.

Money is always to blame.

Rutgers biggest advantage has always been in being part of the largest television market in the US. For the first time the system, specifically NIL, plays to our advantage. Big corporate will possibly invest in Rutgers NIL if we show we are competent/good. Which is why today more than ever competence matters. But (imo) it is only NIL Rutgers can get these groups interested. The “payoff”, good Rutgers sports teams, has potential value due to market. These same groups aren’t endowing scholarships or building buildings. That is for alums. And unlike Michigan, Ohio State, MSU, Northwestern, etc. we do that part very poorly.
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Are people expecting us to beat in or scare OSU or PSU this year? That's not reasonable. I'm just hoping for some positives out of those games. I think there will be.

It's Iowa and Maryland for me. Beat Iowa and battle Maryland. Iowa has NO offense this year and their QB is terrible. It's a golden opportunity for us. We should be favored against them (I know we won't be).
Careful with that! Iowa is a world beater according to one of the head of moving-the-goalposts/ hater crowd. Just watch, should Rutgers defeat Iowa, the goalposts movers/hater will slide them over again, claiming Iowa was "better" and had a "better record" when Minnesota played them, so Minnesota's victory was "better."

And Maryland??? Now the goalposts movers/haters are relying on early season winning records as a standard of excellence, but will discount the pre-season expectation of suckitude or early season bad performance of a team we beat that ends up with a winning record?

Perhaps Virginia Tech is actually "better" than Maryland, who was losing to a horrible Charlotte team into the 3rd Quarter and whose wins are against 3-4 FCS Towson, a 2-5 AAC Charlotte a 2-5/0-4 Michigan State, a 2-5 ACC crap Virginia, and a 2-5 Indiana.

Woo Hoo, let's crown Bret Bielema King of Shit- last place in the mighty B1G West 1-4 in the B1G and 3-5 overall, nearly lost to a MAC team and struggled with an awful AAC FAU team. That's some real next level shit to celebrate. They should have a freaking parade for Bielema in Illinois!!!
Didn’t Dremel have a 69 yard pass for a TD against Michigan in the first series? Much of the B1G can’t run against Michigan .

Our 1 score was a chunk play. Great throw into a tight window and great play by Dremel. I don't want to see us attempt that pass against Iowa. Too high risk. 0 points in the next 59 minutes. The bs holding call was a bummer but we had plenty of other drives to do something. No one is saying we should have won that game though. It was a respectable result against Michigan. Like we controlled temple, Michigan controlled us.

My only issue is that game was the Michigan OC was more creative (still conservative). They schemed plays to defeat our very good defense and create chunk plays.

Michigan has a GREAT defense. Was anyone thinking that we would be able to move the ball against them in the way we like to?
I am not going to waste all my time listing all the upsets by preseason predictions which are usually total garbage anyway. I will stick to B1G games in the last two weeks, since I believe that is the conference we belong to, not sure, but I believe that is the case, so, in that light how about Minny upsetting Iowa last week and Illinois beating Maryland the week before. Now please tell me again why Greg Schiano in year 4 of a rebuild shouldn't be held accountable to beating one, yes, just one, team with a winning record. If Illinois can beat Maryland, why again shouldn't we, oh that's right, Illinois has the facilities and NIL money to match up with Maryland, right? I think you should do some research on that fact and come back and educate us all.
Well maybe because we haven't played them yet...
Money is always to blame.

Rutgers biggest advantage has always been in being part of the largest television market in the US. For the first time the system, specifically NIL, plays to our advantage. Big corporate will possibly invest in Rutgers NIL if we show we are competent/good. Which is why today more than ever competence matters. But (imo) it is only NIL Rutgers can get these groups interested. The “payoff”, good Rutgers sports teams, has potential value due to market. These same groups aren’t endowing scholarships or building buildings. That is for alums. And unlike Michigan, Ohio State, MSU, Northwestern, etc. we do that part very poorly.
But what happens if a certain element among Rutgers profs starts getting the NY Times to launch a "cancel" campaign against corporate sponsorships of NIL for Rutgers. It is a plausible scenario, right? We need an answer to this that will work. Be prepared.
Go tell that to Alabama 2021 national Champions. See if they think their National Championship is meaningless.
I think Indiana’s great year has a lot less meaning because of COVID. Best players on rosters were routinely missing and some games weren’t even played at all. For a team like Rutgers, what we did that year can’t be measured against other years.
Our 1 score was a chunk play. Great throw into a tight window and great play by Dremel. I don't want to see us attempt that pass against Iowa. Too high risk. ...
I have the exact opposite take. Especially on the first play of the game.. you know teams are going to go anti-run vs us and the first play usually has them over-hyped. Its not like we open every game with a pass.. is it? Hmm.. I think this year more than last.. which is nice.. but would Iowa be expecting a pass? In any case, hopefully we will have scouted them enough to know what D they are in by who is on the field and how they line up.

But I think we need to pressure safeties with seam routes more often... especially if Monangai is hot and gashing them for yards... making safeties antsy to come up in run support.
All those things are the reasons teams close games.
We are not there yet and no one should think we are. To win that type of game, at this point, we would need every break and do everything right and they need to do everything wrong.
But being Michigan’s toughest game of the year, that is mikes ahead of where I thought we would be before the season started.
We don't get to claim a win to be fair...They beat us- but my point is that it even closer than the score

My reasoning
1) The Melton PI on the first drive was a horrendous call and lead to their first 3. Or at least made that first FG much much easier.
2) The pick 6 - dude made a great play and this was on GW. To me- it was more on KC then anything...we should have done nothing but run the ball.

Halftime was 17-0 which changed how we would have to play the 2nd half. But they had not outplayed us 17-0. That was my point on the game- it was much closer than even the 24-13 score
I enjoy your views, even if wrong lol not saying you are:)
I enjoy your views, even if wrong lol not saying you are:)
Haha- I could be right or wrong but if I have an opinion, I can actually still have a rational discussion if the other person is also rational. It is when they jump into just crazy talk, where I start to get ugly. lol
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I am not going to waste all my time listing all the upsets by preseason predictions which are usually total garbage anyway. I will stick to B1G games in the last two weeks, since I believe that is the conference we belong to, not sure, but I believe that is the case, so, in that light how about Minny upsetting Iowa last week and Illinois beating Maryland the week before. Now please tell me again why Greg Schiano in year 4 of a rebuild shouldn't be held accountable to beating one, yes, just one, team with a winning record. If Illinois can beat Maryland, why again shouldn't we, oh that's right, Illinois has the facilities and NIL money to match up with Maryland, right? I think you should do some research on that fact and come back and educate us all.
Boom! Well done.
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