Danny Hurley - Rhode Island

The OP is a known troll here
When Hobbs makes his announcement, you'll finally stop with this troll BS, or maybe not, I could care less.
My boss doesn't care, and he is one of the 10 biggest donors to RU for the past 30 years, so that's all
I care about in your internet message obsession.
You also went negative on me when I told you in a late January thread that the market would ffinish up on the quarter.
As of 4:00 pm today (15 minutes from now), the Dow is -.37%, S&P500 -.80, and Nasdaq -4.70.
Two weeks of quarter-end cash hiding to go.

Enjoy your March Madness. New Coach should have RU dancing within 4 years!
Scarlet, if what you were told is true it sounds as if he never wanted the job in the first place, so why did he have the interview? Maybe leverage at RIU for a new contract or just to get his name in the headlines for a while? Either way he looses respect in my book.

One would think "the moon" will get us would think.....:flushed:
Gotta believe Johnny Dawkins is now in play, given his experience and ties to Coach K..The mention of bringing Billet back as an assistant is a tip off..
What does Geoff Billet have to do with Dawkins? is there a connection?
URI is as good or a better job. Unless someone views RU as their last stop, you'll end up with someone who doesn't get it done or someone who leaves when they have success. Northwestern is the only major conference program which has never qualified for the NCAAs, but Rutgers is behind them
He turned the job down when the money wasn't there, and I hear is running the top program in
the country with 5 1st or 2nd picks in the NBA draft in past few years.

And I was correct about Stringer, given the past 3 years, no?
Hobbs is addressing the women's mess after this hire is announced.

how about a truce?
it does not matter what it was before, it matters what Hurley was left with.....he was left with 8 players and 7-24 team...who was on the team 5 years earlier doesnt matter. He didnt have much to work with

yes 7-24 is abysmal and gets your fired especially if you havent made the tourney in 11 years...seems like the program imploded which happens sometimes
How many NCAA'S did Hurley bring his teams to as a HC.
If he's so good, how come he couldn't overcome injuries in his fourth year on the job.
You would think a great recruiter like Danny would have some depth on the roster .

Danny might be one of the better candidates, but that might be more about how hard it is for RU to get qualified candidates interested than how good Hurley is.
Danny Hurley took over programs that were down, but nowhere near the rebuilding project some are trying to claim Wagner and Rhode Island are.

Hopefully since Danny took the smart route , Hurley lovers will see that even Danny knew he wasn't up to building RU MBB into a winner and went back to where he could be considered a success.
He turned the job down when the money wasn't there, and I hear is running the top program in
the country with 5 1st or 2nd picks in the NBA draft in past few years.

And I was correct about Stringer, given the past 3 years, no?
Hobbs is addressing the women's mess after this hire is announced.

how about a truce?
Tarheel, why not give the name then?
Carino said Hobbs offered Hurley the moon. Maybe he took it as he was sending Hurley to the moon.
He turned the job down when the money wasn't there, and I hear is running the top program in
the country with 5 1st or 2nd picks in the NBA draft in past few years.

And I was correct about Stringer, given the past 3 years, no?
Hobbs is addressing the women's mess after this hire is announced.

how about a truce?
As much BS as you have put out as inside info, you're bound to guess right occasionally.
The times you aren't are ignored , but you make the ( very few) right guesses look like
you're info is worth trusting.
That's like letting a Blind Squirrel find the nuts you need to store for winter.
When Hobbs makes his announcement, you'll finally stop with this troll BS, or maybe not, I could care less.
My boss doesn't care, and he is one of the 10 biggest donors to RU for the past 30 years, so that's all
I care about in your internet message obsession.
You also went negative on me when I told you in a late January thread that the market would ffinish up on the quarter.
As of 4:00 pm today (15 minutes from now), the Dow is -.37%, S&P500 -.80, and Nasdaq -4.70.
Two weeks of quarter-end cash hiding to go.

Enjoy your March Madness. New Coach should have RU dancing within 4 years!

On a more serious note, can you tell your boss to hire me as a technician, please and thank you :)
Carino said Hobbs offered Hurley the moon. Maybe he took it as he was sending Hurley to the moon.
Who did Carino get that from: Bob Sr. ?
I have a slight suspicion Mr Hurley is talking to the media about his son and RU , making sure Danny comes out smelling like a Rose .( but that's just my opinion)

Pat Hobbs was "exceptional, extremely impressive," in his presentation to Hurley, I'm told. Offered the moon, still no dice.

To be harsh - candidate Hurley ultimately lacked the courage to take on the challenge.

Regardless - it leaves me absolutely thoroughly convinced that Hurley wants little to nothing to do with a University where Basketball is not THE number one program -
- he wants to be totally certain that he will get the lion's share of the athletic program resources and visibility. The exceptions would be programs that already have a basketball legacy and are already in at least a position of parity (if not superiority) with Football.

also - all that rubbish about Barchi being the scary Bogeyman making Hurley afraid of the support that he would be able to count on was a bunch of nonsense poorly disguising Hurley's cold feet.
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the hurleys are no friends to rutgers and never have been. bobby went to duke and danny went to seton hall. we had danny as an assistant under nutjob bannon.

we got rosario, a 6-3 tweener guard, eli carter over st bonaventure, and echinique who left and is not a world beater.

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Don't kid yourself RU wanted Danny bad. Just too steep a climb at this point to get him to come to RU. And this is why money does not solve everything.

Trust me URI cannot match $2mil/year for Danny that RU was willing to give him. Yet he still said no.
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Don't kid yourself RU wanted Danny bad. Just too steep a climb at this point to get him to come to RU. And this is why money does not solve everything.

Trust me URI cannot match $2mil/year for Danny that RU was willing to give him. Yet he still said no.

If this is the case than he was not the correct fit for RU. A guy looking for the perfect "fit" to escalate his standing in coaching circles is not what RU needs right now.
Me too kennyschiano. I was sick of hearing about Hurley- did not want him and glad he dropped out
I'll reserve judgement on how I feel about the Hurley flirtation until after a hire is made.
All hype, no accomplishment.

If he wasn't the son of a NJ powerbroker, no one would care. Notice how many other jobs he gets mentioned for? Zero.
So much better without Danny Hurley. Riding his illustrious dads coattails. Has done nothing to warrant big ten gig.
Let's not forget that he and his top two assistants logged 20 years on the RU staff during this 25 year NCAA drought.

They may be fine people (always liked Carr) but were all part of the losing culture.
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Let's not forget that he and his top two assistants logged 20 years on the RU staff during this 25 year NCAA drought.

They may be fine people (always liked Carr) but were all part of the losing culture.
An Eddie was on the Final 4 team and on Wetzel's staff. Meanwhile Cox was on winning staffs at Georgetown. I think your point is overblown. What top NJ high school sends it's players to RU?
Don't kid yourself RU wanted Danny bad. Just too steep a climb at this point to get him to come to RU. And this is why money does not solve everything.

Trust me URI cannot match $2mil/year for Danny that RU was willing to give him. Yet he still said no.

Are you hearing anything, Mich?
Maybe Hobbs stopped further negotiations and gave DH a deadline by like today to decide because other strong candidates are in the mix.
I think we absolutely dodged a bullet. I think Hobbs felt some pressure to hire Danny or at least pursue him as the top candidate. It made sense as there was a relationship with Danny and seton hall and I'm sure Hobbs knows Bob Hurley well. I didn't want Danny here 3 years ago and didn't want him now. I certainly didn't want Eddie Jordan either. I don't know what went down with Danny but if we pulled out all the stops and offered 2 million a year and gave him a facilities comittment timeline, screw him. A punk kid who was a mediocre player at seton hall and nothing like Bobby. Bobby I would have wanted in a heartbeat. He was a super talent and I think he will succeed at ASU.

I want a proven coach like Ammaker or Lonegan or if we decide to young and hungry, give me Archie Miller and let him run with everything like we are doing with Ash. I honestly could care less if the players come from NJ or not. We are in the big 10, we have a major renovation plan in place and this is an opportunity for someone to build this ship on solid footing and I'm looking forward to having a plan like we now have in football.
Is tarheel suggesting that hobbs pulled out first because he wants someone else? I do not buy that.
The way I've heard about coaching job interviews is that there is a lot of legalese used in terms of if and when offers were ever made.

When we all know how Schiano turned down Michigan several years ago, there was never an offer.... Schiano himself explained that what happened was he was asked if he would be interested in the opening and said no thanks. So I wouldn't be surprised if despite what was said about negoatiations with Hurley, there was never any formal offer made. It was all hypothetical.
The way I've heard about coaching job interviews is that there is a lot of legalese used in terms of if and when offers were ever made.

When we all know how Schiano turned down Michigan several years ago, there was never an offer.... Schiano himself explained that what happened was he was asked if he would be interested in the opening and said no thanks. So I wouldn't be surprised if despite what was said about negoatiations with Hurley, there was never any formal offer made. It was all hypothetical.

This is not even remotely accurate. Schiano accepted the Michigan job verbally and changed his mind overnight.
Seton Hall just won the Big East tourny. Do you honestly think Hurley is waiting for that job to open up? If so, you are a complete and utter idiot.

Holloway next SHU coach well down the road
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