Your "choice" is to not to buy season tickets then.
Some choice.
It's still a choice. If you don't like it , don't buy it.
Your "choice" is to not to buy season tickets then.
Some choice.
another attempt at an explanation then..... of course it is too late to have this game at RU...
the protest is an attempt to prevent FUTURE home games at Yankee stadium.... you voice two complaints to the administration
1) we do not like having a home game at Yankee stadium
2) we REALLY do not like having the game included in the season package, being
forced to pay for it, when I might decide to just skip this game
it is all about the future..... you make noise now, hopefully the administration listens
The only thing e-mailing is going to do is, hopefully, assure we don't schedule ANY future home contests, especially B1G ones, up there.
Take it or leave it is not really a choice.It's still a choice. If you don't like it , don't buy it.
Basketball season ticket holders got the choice but Football season ticket holders do not. I wonder why? what you're saying is Rutgers did this on their own and weren't forced into this by the B1G? ;)The basketball game at MSG is part of the Big Ten Super Saturday series. The Big Ten didn't commit to any of the teams in the series including tickets as part of season ticket packages. Last year Penn State was the home team and next year Minnesota is the home team. You really can't expect teams 200 and 1200 miles away to include MSG tickets in season ticket packages.
The football game at Yankee Stadium is a deal that Rutgers made, and apparently Rutgers committed to including the game as part of the season ticket package (similar to what we did for the game at Giants Stadium several years ago). I would assume the guarantee of season ticket holders buying tickets is part of the financial viability of the deal.
-----Sure, but if this is a succeess from a ticket sales standpoint they could still do it again and chalk up just deleting emails as the cost of doing business.
Spoke to Sarah on the phone yesterday regarding my email. To summarize: She was sincere and as genuine as can be. She thanked me again and again for voicing my concerns and made it clear that she wants to hear feedback on everything and anything to quote " that is how we will grow and get better as a program." She wanted to hear my concerns regarding the game at Yankee Stadium. I brought up the loss of a home game, the lack of college atmosphere (tailgating etc), the commute for some, the ticket distribution and the playing surface. She said she has receive many emails and phone calls with similar concerns and understands 100%. She mentioned she commuted to Yankee Stadium from central jersey and knows how frustrating it can be.
She went on to say that the deal was made some time ago and they are dedicated to trying anything and everything to get fans into the seats. It was obvious to me that the admin are not very happy with the game either but according to her "the horse has left the gate." She mentioned that they added the wrestling and are actively seeking ideas and trying to brainstorm more ways to make it as much of an RU home crowd as possible.
She also said the athletic dept is trying to be very transparent and want to hear from the fans as much as possible. She said an email will be going out early next week to anyone who sent a letter about the game that will clarify some of the questions.
All in all, I was VERY impressed that she sought to speak with me on the phone. She kept emphasizing fan feedback and basically made me realize that if you are a Rutgers fan you HAVE TO GO to this game. Yes it sucks, yes it's inconvenient, but the last thing we want is for this to be a Maryland home game, protesting this game is not going to accomplish anything positive for our school. This is a done deal (for whatever reason) and fans who don't go are just going to be spiting themselves and Rutgers. what you're saying is Rutgers did this on their own and weren't forced into this by the B1G? ;)
But for BB we're not 200 to 1,000 miles away and yet...
And to my knowledge the Army game at MetLife was a moneymaker for RU before we even took a bus up the Turnpike. This one, not so much. Unless there are details we don't know about yet?
My wife, son and I said after the Army game at Yankee Stadium it was the last football game for us there, and it has been and will continue to be. Between R.U. getting their ass handed to them too many times in recent years, this shit show in Yankee Stadium against Maryland and having to pay full price to see teams like Howard I am not sure if we will be renewing our tickets this year. We may just pick a few games and get tickets from another source and save ourselves a lot of money. We could also go up to West Point and see a game or 2 up there and take in another Devil game or 2 with the saved money. We have bought season tickets for the last 14 years and it would be a shame not to renew our tickets and I would miss doing so but things are getting out of hand with most college and pro teams and their money grab from loyal fans!
My wife, son and I said after the Army game at Yankee Stadium it was the last football game for us there, and it has been and will continue to be. Between R.U. getting their ass handed to them too many times in recent years, this shit show in Yankee Stadium against Maryland and having to pay full price to see teams like Howard I am not sure if we will be renewing our tickets this year. We may just pick a few games and get tickets from another source and save ourselves a lot of money. We could also go up to West Point and see a game or 2 up there and take in another Devil game or 2 with the saved money. We have bought season tickets for the last 14 years and it would be a shame not to renew our tickets and I would miss doing so but things are getting out of hand with most college and pro teams and their money grab from loyal fans!
It could be a 3am kickoff for all I care.
I won't be there!
I'm guessing it might be sooner because of the wrestling thing?Is there any chance the kickoff time for this game will be announced sooner than later due to the venue or is it subject to the same rules as a typical B1G game?