Gavin needs more touches…


All Conference
Feb 5, 2003
IMO..He’s not touching the ball nearly enough when he’s in. Hyatt is becoming a bit of a ball hog. The kid can shoot and needs to be more involved. Looks almost like he’s being ignored 🤷🏻‍♂️

Hope his minutes increase during Big10 schedule.
IMO..He’s not touching the ball nearly enough when he’s in. Hyatt is becoming a bit of a ball hog. The kid can shoot and needs to be more involved. Looks almost like he’s being ignored 🤷🏻‍♂️

Hope his minutes increase during Big10 schedule.

Less Gavin hiding in the corner like he's a one dimensional spot up 3 point shooter who can't do anything else. That's fine for Oskar. It's not using Gavin's strengths effectively. He can shoot it and drive to both score and dish

The offense has not been good enough. If we are going to rely on one on one bball then Gavin should be one of the players in the mix relied on to make plays


Less Gavin hiding in the corner like he's a one dimensional spot up 3 point shooter who can't do anything else. That's fine for Oskar. It's not using Gavin's strengths effectively. He can shoot it and drive to both score and dish

The offense has not been good enough. If we are going to rely on one on one bball then Gavin should be one of the players in the mix relied on to make plays

Agree bro.
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Hyatt has more FGA than anyone else on the roster.

Hyatt 59
Cliff 52
Gavin 52 - but only 5 last night. I think we can all agree he needs to be shooting more than 5x in any competitive game. His previous four games: 15, 11, 9, 8.
Simpson 47

Along with the most FGA, Hyatt has the second lowest FG% for guys in our regular rotation. These are all small sample sizes for the season, of course.

Davis 8 for 29, .276
Hyatt 21 for 59, .356
Fernandes 16 for 44, .364 - but three straight good halves. Maybe he is shaking off the rust from the injury last season and adjusted to playing again.

Hyatt is up to 10 assists through six games (1.7 avg) after only getting 27 in 34 games last year (0.8 avg), so he has made some progress there. He is also 2nd on the team in rebounds per game.
Hyatt has more FGA than anyone else on the roster.

Hyatt 59
Cliff 52
Gavin 52 - but only 5 last night. I think we can all agree he needs to be shooting more than 5x in any competitive game. His previous four games: 15, 11, 9, 8.
Simpson 47

Along with the most FGA, Hyatt has the second lowest FG% for guys in our regular rotation. These are all small sample sizes for the season, of course.

Davis 8 for 29, .276
Hyatt 21 for 59, .356
Fernandes 16 for 44, .364 - but three straight good halves. Maybe he is shaking off the rust from the injury last season and adjusted to playing again.

Hyatt is up to 10 assists through six games (1.7 avg) after only getting 27 in 34 games last year (0.8 avg), so he has made some progress there. He is also 2nd on the team in rebounds per game.
Hawk about to Hawksplain why actually that still makes Hyatt our best shooter
IMO..He’s not touching the ball nearly enough when he’s in. Hyatt is becoming a bit of a ball hog. The kid can shoot and needs to be more involved. Looks almost like he’s being ignored 🤷🏻‍♂️

Hope his minutes increase during Big10 schedule.
He needs to PLAY more; I don't care if he occasionally gets beat on defense but he is far and away our best 3 point shooter even if the numbers/percentage is not there yet he can't come in 5-6 minutes into a half especially the first with that horrible starting lineup that can barely score against St. Peter's the first 5 minutes of the game!!
Also this coach NEVER EVER runs off the ball screens to get shooters open
Each game there has been different points of focus they have worked on. Gavin had his game. Last night it was Fernandes night, and get the ball to Cliff. Spread the floor a bit and work on him driving. These first five games are to try out different approaches and not beat one dimension to death. So for Gavin it was stand in the corner night.
If Hyatt is the teams offensive focal point during big ten play then we are going to be a bad team. Not time to panic yet but so far our offense has been very discouraging. Hyatt should be nothing more than a 6th man who gets hot once in a while.
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He’s our best pure shooter and has shown handle and hops. He’s earned more minutes. Defense will come. We gotta big guy back there to protect rim.

Here’s the diff between GG and Hyatt.. GG doesn’t need as many shots as Hyatt to score a bunch.

Gavin needs to average double digits for us to be in the high 70s each night which is what coach wants. That’s his roll.
I don’t like the stagnant stay in the corner on offense we are regulating GG to. It’s brutal.
Kid needs to get screens and make cuts to get open and get the ball in his hands. This is where our offense will come from when jot in the hands of Noah or simpson.

This is the best offense we have rather than posting up Cliff…attack attack attack the rim and kick out if needed

The best use of Cliff is when people are attacking the basket and he gets open looks or rebounding for putbacks. Throwing the ball to him in the low post is not proving efficient and not the game anymore especially when he goes up weak(jumpshot) and not attacking the rim(dunks).
I don’t like the stagnant stay in the corner on offense we are regulating GG to. It’s brutal.
Kid needs to get screens and make cuts to get open and get the ball in his hands. This is where our offense will come from when jot in the hands of Noah or simpson.

This is the best offense we have rather than posting up Cliff…attack attack attack the rim and kick out if needed

The best use of Cliff is when people are attacking the basket and he gets open looks or rebounding for putbacks. Throwing the ball to him in the low post is not proving efficient and not the game anymore especially when he goes up weak(jumpshot) and not attacking the rim(dunks).
Yes, posting up cliff hasn't really worked
Need more lobs, he excels at that. Last year it seems like mulcahy had good chemistry with him as far as lobs go. Yesterday it looked like the team emphasized figuring out the best way to use cliff offensively..
IMO..He’s not touching the ball nearly enough when he’s in. Hyatt is becoming a bit of a ball hog. The kid can shoot and needs to be more involved. Looks almost like he’s being ignored 🤷🏻‍♂️

Hope his minutes increase during Big10 schedule.
Absolutely. I think he should almost never leave the floor.
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Gavin is going through a stage most offensively-gifted freshmen experience. He is deferring to the upperclassmen.

Griffiths is a team-first player and doesn't feel comfortable taking too many shots at this point. He won't get out of this stage until his "elderly" teammates and coaching staff demand he take more shots.

His time is coming. I'm not concerned.
Gavin is going through a stage most offensively-gifted freshmen experience. He is deferring to the upperclassmen.

Griffiths is a team-first player and doesn't feel comfortable taking too many shots at this point. He won't get out of this stage until his "elderly" teammates and coaching staff demand he take more shots.

His time is coming. I'm not concerned.
Exactly. He's trying to play within the system and not become the "entitled" one. He will score more as he gets more comfortable. Zero concern.
There a few things going on here… 1) Gavin will play a lot more when he fully understands defensive positioning and rotations 2) Gavin is going to be very good but many over estimated how much he could contribute as a freshman. The seniors/juniors on this team will make or break the season, not Gavin. 3) it’s just going to take time. Most players (yes, even many 5 star and high 4 star players) need time to adjust to the physically nature and speed of the college game. 4) by the end of the season Gavin should have a bigger roll. Expect a similar transition that Simpson went though. He struggled mid season when the competition increased and then settled in when he was used to the level of play. Everyone wants to rush this but Pike knows he needs to be brought up to speed slowly so that the team can play with the proper intensity and rhythm. That will help Gavin and the team most come end of season.
Gavin is going through a stage most offensively-gifted freshmen experience. He is deferring to the upperclassmen.

Griffiths is a team-first player and doesn't feel comfortable taking too many shots at this point. He won't get out of this stage until his "elderly" teammates and coaching staff demand he take more shots.

His time is coming. I'm not concerned.
Yeah he passed a few times last night when he could have taken a pull up mid range jumper which I would much rather him take than have him pass the ball
When Mag comes back that will take some minutes away from Andre which is a good thing. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying Hyatt is a net negative, he just should not be playing this many minutes or taking this many shots on a tournament team or bubble team. He should be 7th or 8th in the rotation. Mag being out an GG getting his sea legs means more minutes for Hyatt for now.

We need Mag back soon for so many reasons.
Yes, posting up cliff hasn't really worked
Need more lobs, he excels at that. Last year it seems like mulcahy had good chemistry with him as far as lobs go. Yesterday it looked like the team emphasized figuring out the best way to use cliff offensively..
In order for post ups to actually work, the guy on the receiving end needs
1) Actual post moves and an inside go to shot, which currently, other than dunks, Cliff does not possess this.
2) Very good hands.
3) The recipient MUST not put the ball on the floor and dribble much. Cliff often does, and gets stripped or fumbles it away.

He works best with lobs and passes on the move.
In order for post ups to actually work, the guy on the receiving end needs
1) Actual post moves and an inside go to shot, which currently, other than dunks, Cliff does not possess this.
2) Very good hands.
3) The recipient MUST not put the ball on the floor and dribble much. Cliff often does, and gets stripped or fumbles it away.

He works best with lobs and passes on the move.
More specifically…Cliffs best offense is created off of high pick and rolls. Last night when we actually close in score to St Pete’s and failing to show any life on offense we went to that and Simpson was able to create and get a layup. To me this is where Cliff excels and should be more of our go to offense especially with a sharpshooter like Gavin on the wing when defenders will need to collapse down. I would limit the amount of post passes we do into Cliff as it’s clearly not working for him nor the guards with turnovers too
IMO..He’s not touching the ball nearly enough when he’s in. Hyatt is becoming a bit of a ball hog. The kid can shoot and needs to be more involved. Looks almost like he’s being ignored 🤷🏻‍♂️

Hope his minutes increase during Big10 schedule.
Is becoming? LOL
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I blame Pike. You need to sacrifice some D for offense. You’re never going to take the next step playing just defenders who can’t hit the side of the barn on offense. And you won’t continue to get big time recruits if you are sitting guys who can play offense.
I blame Pike. You need to sacrifice some D for offense. You’re never going to take the next step playing just defenders who can’t hit the side of the barn on offense. And you won’t continue to get big time recruits if you are sitting guys who can play offense.
Huh? They may have the top class in the country next year. If you don’t play defense well, you don’t play anywhere that wins.
Huh? They may have the top class in the country next year. If you don’t play defense well, you don’t play anywhere that wins.

Read my post more carefully…”won’t continue to get”. I am well aware of next year’s class. But if you continue to sit guys that light it up offensively, that won’t sit well with recruits
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Read my post more carefully…”won’t continue to get”. I am well aware of next year’s class. But if you continue to sit guys that light it up offensively, that won’t sit well with recruits

While we all expect GG to be great and you can include me in that list, he has not been a sharpshooter so far. He is getting 22 minutes a game just 7 games into his freshman season. It’s not like he’s getting 15 minutes/game while shooting 45% from 3.
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I blame Pike. You need to sacrifice some D for offense. You’re never going to take the next step playing just defenders who can’t hit the side of the barn on offense. And you won’t continue to get big time recruits if you are sitting guys who can play offense.

Absolutely agree

So we're now at the point where Pike has landed a Top 3 recruit and #11 class in the country with a chance to be #1 with the addition of Dylan....who are not even here yet.....AND ..... you're denigrating Pike about not being able to land another such class beyond that ..... SIMPLY BECAUSE....he's not playing a freshman enough even though in his first 6 collegiate games he is averaging 22 mpg which is in the top 5 for team, averages 2nd on the team in shot attempts, and has the 2nd most 3 point attempts on the team (with less than a .300%) is shooting less than 50% from the field, ~56% from the FT stripe, and has an inverted 1 Assist per 2+ turnover ratio.

The kid has a lot of talent.....but at what point do you stop being serial complainers and trust that Pike knows what he is doing in bringing GG along in his development.

Ps.....the defense that you appear to hate so much won the game against SPU.....and in case you missed it... the #2 Recruit signed to play at RU knowing Pike's defensive first history and philosophy as a coach.
Hes not getting enough TOUCHES hence the reason and my post
I’m responding to the post and idea that we are going to lose out on high end recruits because GG is not getting more minutes.
So we're now at the point where Pike has landed a Top 3 recruit and #11 class in the country with a chance to be #1 with the addition of Dylan....who are not even here yet.....AND ..... you're denigrating Pike about not being able to land another such class beyond that ..... SIMPLY BECAUSE....he's not playing a freshman enough even though in his first 6 collegiate games he is averaging 22 mpg which is in the top 5 for team, averages 2nd on the team in shot attempts, and has the 2nd most 3 point attempts on the team (with less than a .300%) is shooting less than 50% from the field, ~56% from the FT stripe, and has an inverted 1 Assist per 2+ turnover ratio.

The kid has a lot of talent.....but at what point do you stop being serial complainers and trust that Pike knows what he is doing in bringing GG along in his development.

Ps.....the defense that you appear to hate so much won the game against SPU.....and in case you missed it... the #2 Recruit signed to play at RU knowing Pike's defensive first history and philosophy as a coach.
Way too logical for this crowd.
So we're now at the point where Pike has landed a Top 3 recruit and #11 class in the country with a chance to be #1 with the addition of Dylan....who are not even here yet.....AND ..... you're denigrating Pike about not being able to land another such class beyond that ..... SIMPLY BECAUSE....he's not playing a freshman enough even though in his first 6 collegiate games he is averaging 22 mpg which is in the top 5 for team, averages 2nd on the team in shot attempts, and has the 2nd most 3 point attempts on the team (with less than a .300%) is shooting less than 50% from the field, ~56% from the FT stripe, and has an inverted 1 Assist per 2+ turnover ratio.

The kid has a lot of talent.....but at what point do you stop being serial complainers and trust that Pike knows what he is doing in bringing GG along in his development.

Ps.....the defense that you appear to hate so much won the game against SPU.....and in case you missed it... the #2 Recruit signed to play at RU knowing Pike's defensive first history and philosophy as a coach.
Beating St. Peter’s relying on D is not taking the next step…
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So we're now at the point where Pike has landed a Top 3 recruit and #11 class in the country with a chance to be #1 with the addition of Dylan....who are not even here yet.....AND ..... you're denigrating Pike about not being able to land another such class beyond that ..... SIMPLY BECAUSE....he's not playing a freshman enough even though in his first 6 collegiate games he is averaging 22 mpg which is in the top 5 for team, averages 2nd on the team in shot attempts, and has the 2nd most 3 point attempts on the team (with less than a .300%) is shooting less than 50% from the field, ~56% from the FT stripe, and has an inverted 1 Assist per 2+ turnover ratio.

The kid has a lot of talent.....but at what point do you stop being serial complainers and trust that Pike knows what he is doing in bringing GG along in his development.

Ps.....the defense that you appear to hate so much won the game against SPU.....and in case you missed it... the #2 Recruit signed to play at RU knowing Pike's defensive first history and philosophy as a coach.

Fair enough and now I’ll flip it. Are we now at that point that we can’t even discuss the team, rotation, minutes, etc, without other fans saying that we’re “complaining”. I love Pike, but we also have to recognize that for all of the reasons you mentioned we are no longer in the same position. Right or wrong, certain level of recruits are treated differently than others. So, I’m not sure how we can blindly trust Pike in this situation when he has already stated Gavin is the most talented kid he’s ever recruited. We haven’t been here before and it’s only going to become a more significant aspect of the program next year.

I do think Gavin needs more touches. I think he is critical to our success this year because quite honestly I’m not convinced our small guards will consistently get to the rim in league play. We’re also playing very good defense, but the competition hasn’t been good. So, I think it is more than fair for fans to look for some sets to be run for Gavin so that he can accelerate his development.