Harbaugh called our HC “Rob” in postgame

Not even teams in our own division pay enough attention to even know Ash's name and still blow out his teams.. Did Michigan even watch tape?
He did walk around a bit after shaking Rob's hand and talk to some of the RU players.
Most of the time I see coaches shake each other's hand and leave the field right after that.
Also he took his foot off the gas after the 3rd quarter ended.
42-7 loss is because of that.
If he wanted to, the score would have been a bigger blowout then the 5 TDs it was.
I agree it is such a clutch move. Can we fire Rob Ash too
for some reason I was watching....harbaugh was actually complimentary toward Rutgers. thought misheard in my drunken state. guess not
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Harbaugh to a NJ recruit: Who else is recruiting you, son?
Recruit: Chris Ash
Harbaugh: who?

We never even had a chance.

LMAO The second I saw your post, my mind flashed back to GotG scene.

Eventually Rutgers is going to win big, and it will suck, because you are the only fans that can find humor when times are down. Major props to that. [cheers]
Harbaugh to a NJ recruit: Who else is recruiting you, son?
Recruit: Chris Ash
Harbaugh: who?

We never even had a chance.

At this point, we would be lucky if a recruit even mentions us in their top list. Ash has made this whole thing into a joke.
Harbaugh was complimentary of our running backs and team in general. Then dropped the "Rob" comment. I had to replay it 3 times to make sure I heard it correctly lol. He is a strange dude.
Harbaugh, who has been around forever, mixed up Chris Ash with his old college coach at Drake, who actually is named Rob Ash. In other words, it was a slip of the tongue, and not a glaring mistake.
The Rob Ash comment is a glaring sign that Harbaugh does not give a f**k about us. And why should he? We are no threat to him on the football field. We are no threat to him on the recruiting trail. His comments about us being so close indicate that he values us a scrimmage team, another bye week, and wants to keep it that way as do the rest of the coaches in the B1G. ASH MUST GO.
He did walk around a bit after shaking Rob's hand and talk to some of the RU players.
Most of the time I see coaches shake each other's hand and leave the field right after that.
Also he took his foot off the gas after the 3rd quarter ended.
42-7 loss is because of that.
If he wanted to, the score would have been a bigger blowout then the 5 TDs it was.

He took his foot off the gas mostly because his backup QB is hurt and he wanted his new backups to get reps.
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I was out doing other things today, so I am a bit surprised I haven't seen a bunch of posts from Rob Ash on this site today.

Or maybe I haven't checked enough posts.
Michigan football's Jim Harbaugh: Rutgers has great ... kickoff coverage.
Harbaugh loves trolling ash error.
Eventually Rutgers is going to win big, and it will suck, because you are the only fans that can find humor when times are down. Major props to that. [cheers]

that's because we have had so much experience being losers. Finding humor is a lot less expensive than therapy.
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