Help Canceling Premium

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All American
Gold Member
Aug 2, 2010
Has anyone had any luck canceling Rivals premium? I’ve been trying for a while and the chat function just doesn’t work. That’s the only way to cancel (M-F 9-5 via chat). I’ve tried every which way and the chat function just simply does not work. I DM’d Richie and he also wasn’t able to help. Super frustrating. Feel like Rivals is stealing my money at this point - any help would be appreciated.
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Has anyone had any luck canceling Rivals premium? I’ve been trying for a while and the chat function just doesn’t work. That’s the only way to cancel (M-F 9-5 via chat). I’ve tried every which way and the chat function just simply does not work. I DM’d Richie and he also wasn’t able to help. Super frustrating. Feel like Rivals is stealing my money at this point - any help would be appreciated.
Dispute the charge with your credit card company. Have all the backup available
If Richie isn't able to help- not sure we can find anything he cant- take the advice above and alert your card not to authorize payment.
Thanks all, I got a different chat to work after trying 50 times. Not the chat to cancel but a different one and they were able to help
Had a similar problem many years ago and cancelling was a big pain. I barely visited premium because I don't care about recruiting and was like no point in keeping it. I looked to cancel and it was very difficult to find out how and just like you a bunch of run around. Tried a couple times and then left it and must've let it run 2-3 years (billed on the annual sub) more because it was such a pain and other attempts failed. Finally said enough is enough and made a bigger effort and got 1 of the old admins to intervene and cancel it.

I don't like to waste money but that was a waste. It taught me a lesson though. When these companies get you in their hooks they don't want to let you go and make it hard to leave. They bank on a person not wanting to deal with the hassle. So now, I never sign up for anything without seeing the cancellation policies first and seeing how easy it is or isn't to do. If it's not easy, I don't even think of signing up.
So hard to cancel premium. I recall waiting on hold for about 45 minutes before my call was disconnected. The credit card cancelation is the way to go, but keep trying to cancel through Rivals. It sucks, but you will need the due diligence for the credit card company.
You can do it in the profile. Click on your profile up top. Click edit password you are redirected to the main rivals page and asked to log in. Once you do that there are three little lines on upper left that includes subscription. Click subscriptions and next page allows you to edit subscription. Click that and you will find a cancel button.
Had a similar problem many years ago and cancelling was a big pain. I barely visited premium because I don't care about recruiting and was like no point in keeping it. I looked to cancel and it was very difficult to find out how and just like you a bunch of run around. Tried a couple times and then left it and must've let it run 2-3 years (billed on the annual sub) more because it was such a pain and other attempts failed. Finally said enough is enough and made a bigger effort and got 1 of the old admins to intervene and cancel it.

I don't like to waste money but that was a waste. It taught me a lesson though. When these companies get you in their hooks they don't want to let you go and make it hard to leave. They bank on a person not wanting to deal with the hassle. So now, I never sign up for anything without seeing the cancellation policies first and seeing how easy it is or isn't to do. If it's not easy, I don't even think of signing up.

I read an article long ago that consulting firms are teaching corporations to put up hurdles to protect their business. For example, 90% will wait for a ten minute period or fill out a form for a refund, but only 70% will wait on a second hurdle like transferring the call to another customer service rep. Only 40% will wait for a third hurdle or 30% wait for a fourth hurdle. This apply to cancelling insurance, following up medical charges, cancelling subscriptions Or numerous charges. It’s part of their business, instead of good customer service, they do the opposite.

I was thinking of putting out a product and giving an guarantee or money back and putting up hurdles like 6-8 and only 4-5% will ever get their money back since everyone will give up after the 6th hurdle. There wouldn’t be any product but I would keep 95% of the money received.
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I read an article long ago that consulting firms are teaching corporations to put up hurdles to protect their business. For example, 90% will wait for a ten minute period or fill out a form for a refund, but only 70% will wait on a second hurdle like transferring the call to another customer service rep. Only 40% will wait for a third hurdle or 30% wait for a fourth hurdle. This apply to cancelling insurance, following up medical charges, cancelling subscriptions Or numerous charges. It’s part of their business, instead of good customer service, they do the opposite.

I was thinking of putting out a product and giving an guarantee or money back and putting up hurdles like 6-8 and only 4-5% will ever get their money back since everyone will give up after the 6th hurdle. There wouldn’t be any product but I would keep 95% of the money received.
You just got to be tenacious to get your money back. I was the only one to get my security deposit back from my landlord. I went to his house to get it. Another favorite way is what i call the Nuclear option. If you are bing rebuffed by a corporation go on their FB or X page and post up about your experience. I f they wont let you post reply to all of their posts do it 50 times if you need to. This was the only thing that worked with Frontier Airlines to get my money back after they cancelled flight two times on me
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I read an article long ago that consulting firms are teaching corporations to put up hurdles to protect their business. For example, 90% will wait for a ten minute period or fill out a form for a refund, but only 70% will wait on a second hurdle like transferring the call to another customer service rep. Only 40% will wait for a third hurdle or 30% wait for a fourth hurdle. This apply to cancelling insurance, following up medical charges, cancelling subscriptions Or numerous charges. It’s part of their business, instead of good customer service, they do the opposite.

I was thinking of putting out a product and giving an guarantee or money back and putting up hurdles like 6-8 and only 4-5% will ever get their money back since everyone will give up after the 6th hurdle. There wouldn’t be any product but I would keep 95% of the money received.
Years ago- I was dating the daughter of a Sr VP at an insurance company. Well before we had internet available to the masses...
He walked me through this exact same business model.
One of the things they would do- a person gets a ticket of any sort- even parking. Or a minor accident that they were not at fault- they would send notice of raising their rate.
They knew that almost 70% of drivers would either not know that their insurance shouldnt go up or after a bunch of calls- they gave up. For the other 30% - they would apologize for the mix up and put the rate back to where it should be.
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