Is Eddie really Gerald Ford?


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2004
Belle Mead, NJ
After Watergate and the political fallout that followed, Richard Nixon resigned because he was not comfortable in chaos. He was replaced by Gerald Ford, a laid back, non-confrontational politician. He was what the country needed at the time to get over the scandalous Nixon years. So if Rice was Nixon, and Jordan is Ford....... who will be our next Jimmy Carter?
Nixon quit cause he was going to get impeached. So perhaps Eddie is Nixon? And scared to think we have a Jimmy Carter coming in next. great human. Bad results (talk about chaos)..

But I did enjoy the analogy. Very creative
...guess I'll be long gone before we finally get to Reagan and restore our Glory years...
Interesting topic. RU coaches as presidents. My thoughts.

Bill Foster - the father of our program, George Washington

Dick Lloyd - one termer sandwiched between two historical greats, appreciated more many years later. John Adams.

Tom Young - led us to promised land. Abraham Lincoln.

Craig Littlepage - followed a legend and crashed and burned, faced impeachment. Andrew Johnson.

Bob Wenzel - energized a fan base, but didn't last. JFK.

Kevin Bannon - did some good things but legacy tarnished amidst lawsuits and nakedness. Clinton.

Gary Waters - under appreciated while in office, driven out but history looks back fondly. Truman.

Hill and Rice - too soon

This post was edited on 2/23 6:38 PM by ColonelRutgers

This post was edited on 2/23 6:42 PM by ColonelRutgers
I'm afraid Eddie is trending toward U.S. Grant right now. Hero of the past, inept in new job but hangs on for two terms. I'd take Eisenhower right now, hero of the past, calming influence does little but presides over period of prosperity and growth.
I'd take FDR right now....spend $ we don't have but anything to get us out of this depression..decare war on the Axis (Trenton and the NSL).
Hopefully does not turn out to be like:
Chester Arthur (1881-1885) who had no VP

where people don't even remember his term in office.
RU Basketball has the luck of McKinley's first VP....
Originally posted by Rufaninga:
Hopefully does not turn out to be like:
Chester Arthur (1881-1885) who had no VP

where people don't even remember his term in office.
oh no...this might be it
They were good really good athletes and leaders for their respective sports programs as undergrads.



This post was edited on 2/24 9:45 AM by srru86
Originally posted by ColonelRutgers:
For those that don't know, McKinley's 1st VP was actually a Rutgers grad.
Nice to see somebody did their research.

As that's where I was going.
Originally posted by e5fdny:
Originally posted by ColonelRutgers:
For those that don't know, McKinley's 1st VP was actually a Rutgers grad.
Nice to see somebody did their research.

As that's where I was going.
Yes, a guy that was a Monmouth County native, RU grad and made his professional reputation in Paterson might have been President. But he died and then McKinley got that upstart Teddy Roosevelt as VP because the New Yorkers wanted to be rid of him.

UVa Miller Center American President: Reference Resource Garret A. Hobart (1897-1899)