It's quite simple really.....


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Feb 7, 2007
What happened, especially with Boggs, is not a good look for the program. While you can't have total control of 100 plus kids 24 hrs a day, it's still Flood's responsibility to protect the program. The ball is now in the AD and big money people's hands.
If they believe in Flood it's quite easy to justify keeping him around and allowing him to steady the ship
If they don't, they have their excuse for a clean start.
Personally, I can see either option being the correct.
That being said, it's ridiculous to have 700 threads(now 701) on this the day before the season starts. Nobody is changing anyone's mind as the Flood haters want blood and his supporters simply blame the kids. Case in point, I just saw Flood notified the school within 24 hours of hearing this. Somehow this board has managed to spin that simple statement to support both arguments. Hopefully the mods start to combine all these threads so we have one for both sides to vent and the rest can simply talk football.
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If they get rid of Flood, might as well clean house and get rid ofHermann too. No way we can get a reputable coach to pin himself to Hermann when she hasn't exactly demonstrated great leadership. Heck, Schiano hasn't had a job in 2 years and people close to him are saying if they get rid of Flood, he wouldn't even consider it as long as Hermann is there.
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If they get rid of Flood, might as well clean house and get rid ofHermann too. No way we can get a reputable coach to pin himself to Hermann when she hasn't exactly demonstrated great leadership. Heck, Schiano hasn't had a job in 2 years and people close to him are saying if they get rid of Flood, he wouldn't even consider it as long as Hermann is there.
It cuts both ways. Schiano might not want to work for Herman but no reputable ad is gonna want Schiano. He's going to want way to much power and JH isn't going anywhere. Then again I don't think flood is either
I believe John has already stated that after we had enough time to vent about recent transgressions, they will start combining/deleting threads