Let's go METS 2016 thread ......Just get in and anything can happen!

Maybe to those of my demographic it is. But your comment brings to mind the widely-published Fox dictum when they got the MLB contract, "Anyone who talks about a dead guy during a broadcast gets fired".

You do trust the Fox brand, right?

That's incredibly stupid. What do they do when they're talking about a current pitcher's chances of winning the Best Pitcher award ? They can't mention Cy Young ? Or if a guy has a long hitting streak going they can't mention Joe DiMaggio ?
Or worse yet....what if the news just came across that a guy has mention ?
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Strasburg to the 15-day DL.

Interesting take on my posting of the news on Strasburg.
I actually thought my post was kinda bland.

BTW, you should have seen me when Harvey went down for the first time. I think I actually saw tears in the eyes of some mets fans I know.
Youre that much of a douche towards Mets fans that youre honeydicking for the Nationals now? Throwing up another excuse by saying that Strausburg is out? Mets have had half the freaking team on the DL but IMO, its part of the game and Mets (TC) shouldve adjusted better. GTFOOH!!!!
Please put the d-bag with the crazy-eyed rat avatar on ignore. Everyone else in this thread has done so. You are feeding the troll. Ignore it and it will go away.
Please put the d-bag with the crazy-eyed rat avatar on ignore. Everyone else in this thread has done so. You are feeding the troll. Ignore it and it will go away.

No. I won't.
No. I won't.
It's the "buyers" vs the "quitters" as far as I'm concerned.You had a Yankee thread fall off the planet because Yankee fans gave up on their season just like management did. Your only joy is watching and hoping the Mets season, as "buyers" goes up in smoke. Funny thing is, and shows how ignorant you really are is, EVERY season the Yankees didn't make the playoffs or make the WS is exactly like what might happen to the Mets. Now I see your posting a little earlier than normal, so congrats on the shift change at Exxon from the 3-11 shift to the 7-3 shift,lol.
Being a Cowboy fan that's hurtful, but well-deserved.:)

I'm hoping Dak Prescott leads us to the promised land. The kid looks like a winner.

I was really bummed when Da Boys didn't grab him in the 3rd (no way I thought he'd last to the 4th); imagine my glee when he did. I have hopes he becomes the Cowboys version of Russell Wilson - so far so good.
Yanks arent quitting. Just going younger. And once they get ARod around these young guys he'll teach them what it takes to win like real Yankees.

Being a Cowboy fan that's hurtful, but well-deserved.:)

I'm hoping Dak Prescott leads us to the promised land. The kid looks like a winner.

He can be perfect for the rest of the preseason and he will not win the starting job as long as Romo stays healthy. However, it may be for the best for him to hold the clipboard and learn from a veteran. Hopefully, he won't turn into a choke artist in win or go home games.
He can be perfect for the rest of the preseason and he will not win the starting job as long as Romo stays healthy. However, it may be for the best for him to hold the clipboard and learn from a veteran. Hopefully, he won't turn into a choke artist in win or go home games.
Like you said, Romo's a huge injury risk. 2 back surgeries and two collarbone surgeries. One hit and he's done for the season.

It's just great to see us finally drafting a solid QB. Troy may have been the last one. I can't wait for Jerry to step down and actually hire a real gm. We haven't won a SB, since I was in college. Sheesh.

I don't want to hijack this thread. We can start a Cowboys thread on the main page. Giants fans would love it.:)
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Wilmer goes deep 3-0. Niese gives it all back after mets let him pitch with a bad knee ??? Mets comeback and get 2 more in second now 5-3. Oh my is it going to be a long stressful 6 weeks ! Oops I mean 12 :boxing: weeks
No. The funny thing is that the "quitters" have a better record than the "buyers" over three weeks past the buying and selling. Maybe what the mets need is a little quitting.

Still can't handle the truth, huh ?
mets own the city ? Too funny.
You should go back to work if retirement is so boring that you have so much time trolling Mets threads. Do you have accounts at Mets message boards too?

1. I always manage to squeeze time into my schedule to visit this board. And yes...I'm enjoying retirement.
2. This is the only board that I visit.
3. I just inject some reality into the conversation here. Facts that mets fans can't handle.
It's quite enjoyable.
Trivia question - what Met has hit the longest home run as measured by STATCAST? Answer - Justin Ruggiano, 461 feet - tonight. Of course STATCAST has only been used since last year, but still...
Not worth talking about as the Mets own the city.

Talk about funny.
If the Jets had a worse record than the Giants 3/4 of the way through the football season and less attendance and a Jets fan was to say "we own the city".....their sanity would be in question.
If the Nets had a worse record than the Knicks 3/4 of the way through the basketball season and lower attendance and a Nets fan was to say "we own the city"...their sanity would be in question.
if the Devils had a worse record than the Rangers 3/4 of the way through the hockey season and less attendance and a Devils fan was to say "we own the city".....their sanity would be in question.
And with the mets having a worse record than the Yankees 3/4 of the way through the season and less attendance, a mets fan saying "we own the city" is just plain nuts.
It's why I love posting the facts here. I'm just trying to give you the help you so sorely need.
1986 was so long ago. And apparently it's taken its toll.
Hope its not too late but the Mets are finally as healthy as theybcan get this year minus Harvey, Wright, Duda, etc. I would put Matz on that list as well since he'll visit the DL at least one more time before September. Id just shut him down for the year but...
HUGE performance from the rookie coming in as the long man after whatever the hell it is you want to call what Niese did....time to go away now Niese, although it's not your fault you were called on to spot start. TC/sandy dropped the ball on that one....i was not only impressed by gsellmans poise, especially after his first pitch ever in MLB was a ringing double by yadier molina, but his stuff and location were pretty outstanding minus the walks. 93-95 with a nice slider.

Still can't believe how unbelievably good Jose has been since he's put on the uni, I mean I know he was going to be super motivated to come back to NYM, but he's been everything we could've asked for. He looks like vintage Reyes- triples, homers, stolen bases, drawing walks, spraying line drives everywhere, playing great defense. AWESOME

such a big time win last night, keep it going tonight LGM
Cabrera definitely deserves credit, his D has been pretty awesome this season and his bat has been solid. There's a reason why Jose didn't take over at short when he first got here. If it ain't broke don't fix it!
Not wishing injuries on anyone but yesterday's game was won when Niese went out. Wish he and Granderson would take one for the team and run away.
I think you've seen the last of Niese. When he took himself out, it felt like a Steve Trachsel moment. He had nothing yesterday and he knew it.

His last contribution will be to save the team $5 million next year.
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