Maybe to those of my demographic it is. But your comment brings to mind the widely-published Fox dictum when they got the MLB contract, "Anyone who talks about a dead guy during a broadcast gets fired".
You do trust the Fox brand, right?
Yeah, because 1995 and 2009 are really the same year, right? Good grief. Mets fans are really just swinging at anything, just like Grandy.Still living in the past like Cowboys fans
Being a Cowboy fan that's hurtful, but well-deserved.:)Still living in the past like Cowboys fans
Matz out for a while - mild strain and rotator cuff inflammation. Might as well shut him down for the season.
Youre that much of a douche towards Mets fans that youre honeydicking for the Nationals now? Throwing up another excuse by saying that Strausburg is out? Mets have had half the freaking team on the DL but IMO, its part of the game and Mets (TC) shouldve adjusted better. GTFOOH!!!!Strasburg to the 15-day DL.
Strasburg to the 15-day DL.
Please put the d-bag with the crazy-eyed rat avatar on ignore. Everyone else in this thread has done so. You are feeding the troll. Ignore it and it will go away.Youre that much of a douche towards Mets fans that youre honeydicking for the Nationals now? Throwing up another excuse by saying that Strausburg is out? Mets have had half the freaking team on the DL but IMO, its part of the game and Mets (TC) shouldve adjusted better. GTFOOH!!!!
Please put the d-bag with the crazy-eyed rat avatar on ignore. Everyone else in this thread has done so. You are feeding the troll. Ignore it and it will go away.
It's the "buyers" vs the "quitters" as far as I'm concerned.You had a Yankee thread fall off the planet because Yankee fans gave up on their season just like management did. Your only joy is watching and hoping the Mets season, as "buyers" goes up in smoke. Funny thing is, and shows how ignorant you really are is, EVERY season the Yankees didn't make the playoffs or make the WS is exactly like what might happen to the Mets. Now I see your posting a little earlier than normal, so congrats on the shift change at Exxon from the 3-11 shift to the 7-3 shift,lol.No. I won't.
Being a Cowboy fan that's hurtful, but well-deserved.:)
I'm hoping Dak Prescott leads us to the promised land. The kid looks like a winner.
Being a Cowboy fan that's hurtful, but well-deserved.:)
I'm hoping Dak Prescott leads us to the promised land. The kid looks like a winner.
Like you said, Romo's a huge injury risk. 2 back surgeries and two collarbone surgeries. One hit and he's done for the season.He can be perfect for the rest of the preseason and he will not win the starting job as long as Romo stays healthy. However, it may be for the best for him to hold the clipboard and learn from a veteran. Hopefully, he won't turn into a choke artist in win or go home games.
It's the "buyers" vs the "quitters" as far as I'm concerned.
You should go back to work if retirement is so boring that you have so much time trolling Mets threads. Do you have accounts at Mets message boards too?No. I won't.
Gsellman should have started this game. Another example of Terry not knowing his team.Niese...I'd rather have Loney try to pitch. Zero confidence.
No. The funny thing is that the "quitters" have a better record than the "buyers" over three weeks past the buying and selling. Maybe what the mets need is a little quitting.
You should go back to work if retirement is so boring that you have so much time trolling Mets threads. Do you have accounts at Mets message boards too?
Not worth talking about as the Mets own the city.
Three threads were made but know how that go.Lets try and start a Yankee thread to give Kbee some buddies to talk with. Oh wait, that was tried, no interest, and the thread fell off the boards.Not worth talking about as the Mets own the city.
"That's called a winning streak. It has happened before."
+1. Big opportunity to pick up games in this series before heading home for the Phils, Marlins and Nats.Feels like sweep or bust mode. Chasing the Cards is typically not a good thing. :(
I think you've seen the last of Niese. When he took himself out, it felt like a Steve Trachsel moment. He had nothing yesterday and he knew it.Not wishing injuries on anyone but yesterday's game was won when Niese went out. Wish he and Granderson would take one for the team and run away.