Let's go METS 2016 thread ......Just get in and anything can happen!

His velocity was good in the first 3 innings. I don't think it's an arm problem (deGrom, on the other hand, may have an arm problem). It may in fact be mechanics and conditioning. Strassberg had a similar issue last year. Keep running him out there, and he will likely get it fixed.
They're in a bad spot with him now. Not sure he can fix this without pitching his way out of it, but he's killing the team every time he's on the hill. Also unsure if sending him to the minors is good for his seemingly fragile mental state right now.

One thing I am sure of is that he should have addressed the media tonight. Walking out to let Kevin freakin Plawecki answer for him was a bad look.
While I'd like to send him down I don't think you can. Need to skip a start and put him up against a cup cake team. As stated above, he needs to pitch his way out of this. Washington and LA aren't teams to do that against.
While I'd like to send him down I don't think you can. Need to skip a start and put him up against a cup cake team. As stated above, he needs to pitch his way out of this. Washington and LA aren't teams to do that against.
Put him up against New Mexico. Cupcakes.
You are what your record says you are.

Again- a ridiculous comment coming from a ridiculous Yankee fan. That quote was in regards to football. This here, sir, this is baseball.

It's been explained ad naseum- there are many different variables involved with a pitchers' record. RUN SUPPORT is a highly regarded variable. You have google old man, look up Harvey's career run support. Go ahead now
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Again- a ridiculous comment coming from a ridiculous Yankee fan. That quote was in regards to football. This here, sir, this is baseball.

It's been explained ad naseum- there are many different variables involved with a pitchers' record. RUN SUPPORT is a highly regarded variable. You have google old man, look up Harvey's career run support. Go ahead now
His ERA blows as well.
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His era blows this year we all get that. And we also landed on the moon. Thanks cpt obvious. Again, didn't hear any of you geniuses explain how he's had some of the worst run support in baseball throughout his career. But I guess you are what your record says you are....gimme a break

So now we're linking post articles here. Oh brother...the guy has been there after every game win or loss his entire career to talk to the media. Literally. But he bails on one interview and he's labeled a phony. Lol can't make this s*** up.
So now we're linking post articles here. Oh brother...the guy has been there after every game win or loss his entire career to talk to the media. Literally. But he bails on one interview and he's labeled a phony. Lol can't make this s*** up.
It's not just the Post. Duke Castiglione on Fox 5 said Harvey was unprofessional for bailing. The sports guy on WOR 710 was more harsh than the NY Post. Harvey made a bad move here. And I agree that the Mets have given in to his every demand, and what have they gotten in return? Hoping Harvey works through his issues, but in the meantime, he needs to man up with the media.
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Knight shift. The NY media overreacting to something? Ya don't say...I think it's ridiculous. The guy is allowed to foul up without being ridiculed. I think David wright is wrong to call Harvey out for not being accountable. Totally off base and unwarranted. Sometimes I think the wrights and the jeters kiss the medias a**' too much. No need to go all Barry bonds on the media but c'mon now.....

And I'm not even going to post his stats or run support cause I'm tired of defending him to these clowns. His stats are incredible, even including this seasons' bad ones, which prove he's way better than a career 28-25 pitcher. If these Yankee losers wanna talk sh** or rustle feathers that's fine, trolls gonna troll. I wish zappaa would post in these baseball threads, although I understand why he doesn't. He's a real player who understands the rigors of success vs failure as as professional player, not a frivolous troll..
So I guess the Washington Nationals are the worst first place team in the history of professional sports?
Knight shift. The NY media overreacting to something? Ya don't say...I think it's ridiculous. The guy is allowed to foul up without being ridiculed. I think David wright is wrong to call Harvey out for not being accountable. Totally off base and unwarranted. Sometimes I think the wrights and the jeters kiss the medias a**' too much. No need to go all Barry bonds on the media but c'mon now.....

And I'm not even going to post his stats or run support cause I'm tired of defending him to these clowns. His stats are incredible, even including this seasons' bad ones, which prove he's way better than a career 28-25 pitcher. If these Yankee losers wanna talk sh** or rustle feathers that's fine, trolls gonna troll. I wish zappaa would post in these baseball threads, although I understand why he doesn't. He's a real player who understands the rigors of success vs failure as as professional player, not a frivolous troll..
We will have to agree to disagree. But my feeling on it is if you stepped into the role of media debutante when times were good, face the fire when times are not. I said that I hope Harvey works his issues out. But he needs to back off on his me first attitude and think about the team. If I was Plawecki, who had to stand up and defend him (while Plawecki is having his own troubles, I would have given Harvey some shit in the locker room or stuffed him in a locker. Be a team player.
Harvey WAS unprofessional for bailing after the game and the next day. No getting around it.

It, of course, has nothing whatsoever with his pitching problems and how or whether they'll get fixed. But it's not professional. Wright called him out on it yesterday.
Im a Mets fan but Harvey can at times be hard to root for. He burst onto the scene like he was broadway joe namath, nitelife, talking about looking forward to a 200 mil contract, posing in mags........ The guy has won all of 28 mlb games in his life and is 28-25 slightly over 500 despite a good era. We are not talking Tom Seaver here, damn he is 4 best on the current Mets. Major headcase who I would love to trade for an everyday SS. He may work out his issues but I hope it quiets him down, doubt it. Screw Boras also...,,,
To what I have said, and this is the last I will say on Harvey for now, I actually do believe the Mets should trade him at the next point his value is its' highest (easier said than done), which requires him pitching well for an extended period.

His recent failures could be attributed to the fact that he's pitched the most innings the year post TJS, more innings than wainwright or any other ace who's had it within past 10 years. Fact. Ask Pedro Martinez about his mechanics, I think he'd know. Obviously compensating for something atm, maybe not hurt but definitely uncomfortable. Maybe the pre season stomach surgery is affecting him? Or it could be he's a head case, much debatable....I don't think a player wanting to thrive in NYC, his moxy, or his apparent lifestyle makes him a bad guy or a non conformist, nor do I think it makes him an unprofessional head case! plawecki shouldn't say s*** bc he's never had any success anyway...

Regardless he's not a guy, nor is really any player imo, worth a 7 year 150-200mil contract. Kershaw really the only pitcher, and the generational hitters (trout, Harper) are worth that kind of risk. I'd bet about 98% of those contracts look terrible by year 6 when a guy is 34 and already declining. Given out far too often. Most importantly sandy alderson doesn't think so either. That's why harvey needs to take some time off, hangout in the minors to give his head or body time to rest or whatever, and come back strong in 2nd half to help mets win + make himself trade-able in the offseason.
I'm not thrilled with Harvey. He should be pulled from the rotation until he gets himself straightened out. But I'm also sick and tired about the media bitching whenever a player doesn't show up for an interview. Hey media, get a clue. This is your job and we don't care about it. Nobody else gets to write about things they don't like at their job. So Harvey blew off an interview. Too bad, deal with it. It isn't news and has no effect on Harvey or anything else in the world other than your ability to write a story. Get over it.
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I'm not thrilled with Harvey. He should be pulled from the rotation until he gets himself straightened out. But I'm also sick and tired about the media bitching whenever a player doesn't show up for an interview. Hey media, get a clue. This is your job and we don't care about it. Nobody else gets to write about things they don't like at their job. So Harvey blew off an interview. Too bad, deal with it. It isn't news and has no effect on Harvey or anything else in the world other than your ability to write a story. Get over it.
It's probably targeted at the Daily News. They treated him pretty badly following his health scare, so I have no sympathy for them. The guy thought he may have some form of cancer and all they can do is make front and back page potty jokes? I'm not a Met fan and I thought that was pretty classless.
james lonely coming to Mets. .280/.290. Little power ,contact ,low strikeout 7th type hitter in the lineup. Above average defense. One article said ....last 1,500 MLB at bats he's hitting .285. People just want/expect more power from a big guy at first. I'd be extremely happy if ...when Duda is healthy there IS a decision to make . 286 /3 HR /No errors and Mets with a 4+ game lead in division.
UnF**king believable. What a bulls**t call by the ump.

MLB needs to tell these umps that no one pays to see them.

I agree that Syndergaard shouldn't have been run. But the argument about tossing stars is dangerous. That logic suggests the game's best can literally do anything because they are exempt from being tossed.
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That was a bull sh*t call by a young ump. Thor should have gotten a warning. He didnt even hit Utley.

On a side note, Doc Gooden looks really sickly thin. Sad how drugs affected him.
I agree that Syndergaard shouldn't have been run. But the argument about tossing stars is dangerous. That logic suggests the game's best can literally do anything because they are exempt from being tossed.
I'm not saying stars should not be tossed but that the ump is changing the whole game by not letting them play.

Keep in mind that Syndergaard was going to lead off the next inning. Pretty old school on his part to send a message pitch knowing he would be in the batters box a few minutes later.
I'm not saying stars should not be tossed but that the ump is changing the whole game by not letting them play.

Keep in mind that Syndergaard was going to lead off the next inning. Pretty old school on his part to send a message pitch knowing he would be in the batters box a few minutes later.
I like that.

And I like how he just up and left. No real issue. Tells me (and other hitters) he'd do it again....

"I'm 60' 6" away. If you have a problem with me, come on down and we can talk about it."

I am more of a Marvel and less of a DC guy these days. ;)
Ray Knight telling how it would have been handled in the glory days:
“There would have been a big melee in the middle of the diamond,” Ray Knight told The Post. “There’s no way I’m gonna allow somebody to do that that blatantly, that blatantly. A hard slide’s a hard slide, but that was one of those slides that should never have happened. I think you’d of seen — Wally would have reacted right there, and it may have been Wally they took out, if it was Raffy [Rafael Santana] that they took out. You play together and you eat together and you travel together and you fight together. So if you’ve got somebody that is endangered or somebody that’s getting treated wrong, you’re gonna stand up for him.”
Ray Knight telling how it would have been handled in the glory days:
“There would have been a big melee in the middle of the diamond,” Ray Knight told The Post. “There’s no way I’m gonna allow somebody to do that that blatantly, that blatantly. A hard slide’s a hard slide, but that was one of those slides that should never have happened. I think you’d of seen — Wally would have reacted right there, and it may have been Wally they took out, if it was Raffy [Rafael Santana] that they took out. You play together and you eat together and you travel together and you fight together. So if you’ve got somebody that is endangered or somebody that’s getting treated wrong, you’re gonna stand up for him.”
That's the team I remember! I'm pretty sure Ray was a Golden Gloves Champ, and no one wanted to mess with Mitchell.
Look for Mets to sign / trade for James Loney or Adam Laroche.

Flores will play 1B when he returns.

D'Arnaud heading to Port St Lucie mid week so he's getting better (hopefully)...Plawecki can't hit......

It still bothers me greatly that Mets did not resign Murph and play him at 1B and trade Duda during offseason. Duda is a stiff who can't hit lefties; strikes out too much and is too inconsistent......
nice call on loney..:)
Again win loss for pitchers is misleading. How many more wins would king Felix have if Seattle could hit? he won a game this year when Seattle had all of one hit in game.