To what I have said, and this is the last I will say on Harvey for now, I actually do believe the Mets should trade him at the next point his value is its' highest (easier said than done), which requires him pitching well for an extended period.
His recent failures could be attributed to the fact that he's pitched the most innings the year post TJS, more innings than wainwright or any other ace who's had it within past 10 years. Fact. Ask Pedro Martinez about his mechanics, I think he'd know. Obviously compensating for something atm, maybe not hurt but definitely uncomfortable. Maybe the pre season stomach surgery is affecting him? Or it could be he's a head case, much debatable....I don't think a player wanting to thrive in NYC, his moxy, or his apparent lifestyle makes him a bad guy or a non conformist, nor do I think it makes him an unprofessional head case! plawecki shouldn't say s*** bc he's never had any success anyway...
Regardless he's not a guy, nor is really any player imo, worth a 7 year 150-200mil contract. Kershaw really the only pitcher, and the generational hitters (trout, Harper) are worth that kind of risk. I'd bet about 98% of those contracts look terrible by year 6 when a guy is 34 and already declining. Given out far too often. Most importantly sandy alderson doesn't think so either. That's why harvey needs to take some time off, hangout in the minors to give his head or body time to rest or whatever, and come back strong in 2nd half to help mets win + make himself trade-able in the offseason.