Losing interest


All Conference
Feb 2, 2006
Sad to say that I am finally beginning to lose interest in RU Football. Thinking we may never be anything but cellar dwellers in the B1G East. Living away from the local hardcore fan base may be contributing to my thoughts and lack of interest.
my son said the same thing to me last game...he's 25 and been bringing him since he was 6 or 7. I've got 42-43 years in and have been on this downward path myself.

6 to 4 tix this year and maybe down to 2 next. Not even the losing....can't handle the ultra conservative coaching, play calling, and watching every drive stall out at the 30. #NOTfunanymore.
Agreed with the OP. No reason to renew season tickets, go to games like Morgan St or to see us get smashed by OSU, PSU, Mich, etc. Show that we belong, know what we're doing and can win, the interest will be there. Do as we are now, and eventually there won't be anyone left who cares.
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I know it's human nature but the romanization of years past here is crazy. These are far from our darkest days and if you are paying attention there is a lot to be excited about. Time...give the process time
One interesting thing I read is that our season ticket holder base has not gone down, it's just that those people have reduced the number of tickets they buy by a great deal. Folks do not want to lose their loyalty points by dropping out completely, so they do the bare minimum to keep what they have.
Sad to say that I am finally beginning to lose interest in RU Football. Thinking we may never be anything but cellar dwellers in the B1G East. Living away from the local hardcore fan base may be contributing to my thoughts and lack of interest.

Hey, sport. It's all about timing: wait for the full share of B1G $ to be received and invested in the program. Until then, find some resolve and perspective.
One interesting thing I read is that our season ticket holder base has not gone down, it's just that those people have reduced the number of tickets they buy by a great deal. Folks do not want to lose their loyalty points by dropping out completely, so they do the bare minimum to keep what they have.

To be clear, the season ticket base has gone down, but not as much as the number of seats held. So it's a combination of both.

I get why people lose interest. I'm on my 28th year as a season ticket holder. In those 28 years we've had 3 seasons of 9 wins or better. The "rebuilding" is endless. It is what it is. A lot of people don't feel compelled to send hard-earned money to Rutgers Athletics year after year, only to be disappointed week after week.
Hey, sport. It's all about timing: wait for the full share of B1G $ to be received and invested in the program. Until then, find some resolve and perspective.
This. Once we have the coin we can upgrade coaching. Hope Ash succeeds, but if he ends up being Shea 2 so be it. After the money comes, no excuses.
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Buh bye. Don't let the door hit you in the @ss.

Some of our fans are so soft and weak.

This is what a rebuild looks like. Come back when it is all shiny and new if you can't take the pain and watch some ugliness on the way there.

say this all you want but the school needs fans and money and its declining, you will see the evidence in the stands on Saturday
Sad to say that I am finally beginning to lose interest in RU Football. Thinking we may never be anything but cellar dwellers in the B1G East. Living away from the local hardcore fan base may be contributing to my thoughts and lack of interest.

I can relate with the OP…

Being a fan since the mid 70’s… all we keep be assured is that it will just take time. In the Mid 70’s when we first went big time and were getting blown out by the likes of PSU …we were told it would take time. Then in the 80’s as we started to have some success against the BC’s of the world… but were still being manhandled by the Syracuse & WV of the world… we thought it would just take some time. Then when we were all excited to join the Big East with the big boys… Miami / Va Tech, WVU etc etc….we took our lumps getting crushed by those teams… and told it would take time.. then as we saw the Schiano era begin, after the famous Sports Illustrated article in 2000 or 2001 titled “Can Rutgers ever win” we were told it would just take time… now 16 years after the Schiano era begins and 40 years after we went “Big Time” we are back to rebuilding again. For those of us who have lived through all this… over and over again it’s just getting old. The hope is that now after all the 40 years of up’s and downs we have finally worked our way up into the royalty of college football conferences… and the next cylce up will not just nudge us up into the next level of college football, but will move us into a higher level within our conference, and hopefully it will eventually lead to us being competitive in our division. But I know how long these things take, and fear it will be another 20 years until we are there. And not sure how old I will be when I can finally benefit from all the time and money I have invested in this program. Doesn’t help that a lot of my money has gone to my kids attending universities which have huge football programs and see how fortunate they are to just step into that world of success and crazy fan bases
At the end of last season I had completely lost interest, but I was very into it in the week leading up to Washington. My interest level currently is still very high, but we need to find a way to win some games.

There is way too much going on for me to follow RU football all the way down a 2-10 rabbit hole.
say this all you want but the school needs fans and money and its declining, you will see the evidence in the stands on Saturday
That's fine, but some of our fans get a single paper cut and act like they are mortally wounded and become drama queens. EMU was a paper cut, IMO.
I have been a fan my entire life and I will keep going. I am bringing my son to his first game this Saturday and having my father, me, and him all there means something special to me. Things will eventually get better.
That's fine, but some of our fans get a single paper cut and act like they are mortally wounded and become drama queens. EMU was a paper cut, IMO.
The further out I get from EMU, the more I think they are actually a solid team. Not a team we should be losing to at home,. but not an embarrassing loss either. Time will tell.
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The further out I get from EMU, the more I think they are actually a solid team. Not a team we should be losing to at home,. but not an embarrassing loss either. Time will tell.
Maybe no worse than Kent State 2012, especially if EMU wins their division. But I agree, should not have lost last week.
my son said the same thing to me last game...he's 25 and been bringing him since he was 6 or 7. I've got 42-43 years in and have been on this downward path myself.

6 to 4 tix this year and maybe down to 2 next. Not even the losing....can't handle the ultra conservative coaching, play calling, and watching every drive stall out at the 30. #NOTfunanymore.
The pattern of play and the inability to successfully compete in a power conference will ultimately wear down even the most die hard fans.
Hey, sport. It's all about timing: wait for the full share of B1G $ to be received and invested in the program. Until then, find some resolve and perspective.
That is my biggest worry. Unless we ditch Barchi and bring in a president who understands athletics, a large part of the increased BIG$ will do nothing but get rid of the subsidy.
These coaches know how to win games. They haven't upgraded the overall talent to B1G level. Until then, more of the same. $$$$
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It's one thing to lose to emu in a close game that ends up to be a shootout, because I think they are a good team. But the way in which we lost at home....a tortuous, boring, foot dragging effort is unacceptable and quite depressing. But maybe I was wrong in what I saw.. I'll have to see the tape.
EMU game a "single" paper cut? You've got to be kidding. Except for some middling success during the Schiano years, this program has been floundering for years.
2006-2011 we were not floundering,except for the lost 2010 season when EL was injured.
2012 was a decent year
2013 was painful
2014 was a surprising bounce back considering the HC,
2015 started floundering.

So, I don't agree. And yes, EMU was a single paper cut. Michigan was a freaking stab wound. That still hurts me, Mr. Sunshine Pumper, even though I have soaked that wound in Kool Aid.
It's one thing to lose to emu in a close game that ends up to be a shootout, because I think they are a good team. But the way in which we lost at home....a tortuous, boring, foot dragging effort is unacceptable and quite depressing. But maybe I was wrong in what I saw.. I'll have to see the tape.
No, you are right, and I am willing to give the coaching staff a pass, considering what happened to Coach Kill. But Ash has to learn to take the reins and/or delegate offensive play calling. The punting inside the 40 against a MAC team crap has to stop.
Agreed with the OP. No reason to renew season tickets, go to games like Morgan St or to see us get smashed by OSU, PSU, Mich, etc. Show that we belong, know what we're doing and can win, the interest will be there. Do as we are now, and eventually there won't be anyone left who cares.
Did you not hear that we were doing a MAJOR rebuild ? Maybe you were under a rock . Did you also expect that once we got in to the best division in college football that we would start kicking ass on the big boys in the first couple of seasons ? Maybe you went off your meds. You sound like an uneducated RU fan with unrealistic views. Like a previous poster said. Come back when it's rebuilt and shiny and new.
The last 10,000 season ticket holders who wave bye bye to the the worn out season ticket holders will have lots of awesome tailgating room . When you accept awful results, you will probably get them. Shrugging off a bad loss like EMU shows that there is no low bar of expectations, you will accept anything, no matter how bad it is.
I love when people feel the need to make announcements like this. If you had really lost interest, you'd have just stopped posting. And probably no one would notice. That's how hobbies and message boards work.

This is just melodramatic, "I need attention" bull $#@!. I feel you should be better than this, if only because you live in the awesome town of Wenatchee.
Rutgers literally could not give tickets away to this game. Every season ticket holder was offered two freebies, and still, the stadium looked about half full. Give the students credit for showing up, and the noise in the stadium at times was good, but the place cleared out in the fourth quarter despite a close game. Ugly. GRADE: F.
I love when people feel the need to make announcements like this. If you had really lost interest, you'd have just stopped posting. And probably no one would notice. That's how hobbies and message boards work.

This is just melodramatic, "I need attention" bull $#@!. I feel you should be better than this, if only because you live in the awesome town of Wenatchee.

It's called 'Venting' lol. I'm just as guilty. Venting feels better than just shrugging it off I guess.
Beat Nebraksa and there will be a 180 degree turn around in fan

Dave is not a casual fan, but he is an out of state fan. I have about 6 friends who are out of state fans/alums who used to travel back to see 1 or 2 games a year. Not this year, they will watch from home.
We're in a death battle to avoid being the worst P5 program. We've become an on the field embarrassment yet again. Everyone understands it's a rebuild but everyone should also understand that it's only natural for people to be frustrated, disappointed, lose some interest, etc. I get that listening to that latter group of people may be annoying for some of you but that's also part of being a fan. I find it interesting that there are people who appear to have full patience with the program scuffling along but none for the loyal fans who are understandably worn out.
Sad to say that I am finally beginning to lose interest in RU Football. Thinking we may never be anything but cellar dwellers in the B1G East. Living away from the local hardcore fan base may be contributing to my thoughts and lack of interest.
I know that feeling but as a real fan if you love something or one you'll never give a fan since I was 11 years old in "62" I've been up and down but my heart has always been home state U ...RU forever..