Losing interest

I love when people feel the need to make announcements like this. If you had really lost interest, you'd have just stopped posting. And probably no one would notice. That's how hobbies and message boards work.

This is just melodramatic, "I need attention" bull $#@!. I feel you should be better than this, if only because you live in the awesome town of Wenatchee.

Not true...I used to go to many men's bball games, but haven't been to the RAC in 5 years. I still follow the team and watch 90% of the game on TV but can't bring myself to drag myself out of the city to the RAC. It's also worth noting that while I love RU football, there's not many people I know that share that passion and are willing to attend with me. In the Schiano years there was a pretty sizeable core in my friend circle that would go to games, but that has dwindled down to almost nobody.

So while the OP may be melodramatic, don't underestimate the damage that is being done by this horrific program
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I could care less what the record is I go 3 home games and try to make 1 away game. Been going to games since the 80's. Perhaps this explains the bitterness in my posts. I know Schiano is a favorite here but I really enjoyed watching Doug Graber coach. Fun entertaining teams during that era.
I used to organize the Los Angeles game watches through the alumni club. Now I've got a million things I'd rather do than spend my Saturday watching boring, losing football every week.
He is 12 weeks old. We are going for a quick tailgate and part of the game and then leaving. We figured this would be the game that I would be okay with leaving early at. He has his rutgers gear and ear plugs ready to go.

I will be excited for the first game that he is aware of going. I remember my first game. 1992 Rutgers vs VA tech on Halloween.
What a tremendous first game to attend - with a thrilling, unforgetable finish.
oh crap, the curse. here it is a beautiful fall Friday and now I'm getting excited for the game tomorrow....:flushed:
Morgan state has not scored a single point in two straight games to start this season...
When media bushwhacked Schiano and Mulcahy - and McCormack fired Mulchay - things would never be the same.
The worst thing was that Drunky Dick was replaced by "Throw 'Em Under The Bus" Barchi!
After a bad loss like last week (Eastern Michigan), I get down and question why I continue to go to the games week after week, when so often Rutgers lets me down. I even start to question whether or not I should renew my season tickets.... but then Friday comes, and all that questioning disappears, and I get excited for the upcoming game and I get hopeful that RU will turn the season around. "Hope" is what keeps RU fans going. Go Knights!
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You have not secured a single positive thought about Rutgers football in your posting history.
You continue to try and bully people here,and when called out,like yesterday by others,want to tell everyone how hard your life has been. Please ,if you dont like other posters points ,just stick to your own views,not try and bash everyone else views. If you want to accept the current production of 11 straight losses,220-17 in consecutive B10 game loss results like last season,then back that result 100% as your accepted outcome for RU football. Those that have followed the program from the Shea Graber years dont wish to return to that level,which we are at currently.
listen when diehards are actually thinking on bailing on tailgates and maybe just going to the game, you know interest is way year will be SCARY with season ticket sales probably under 20K
This year is bad enough already. And our tailgate this week is less than half of our full complement.
This was a devastating loss for me. I've already checked out mentally for this season. I'm a long time season ticket holder and I almost didn't even want to attend this week. I'll still go to games but the passion and enthusiasm is gone. It's just not fun anymore.

I'll look forward to the tailgates, suck it up and go into the games, but my interest has waned. ..... Call me whatever you'd like, but I'm sure this loss took the wind out of a lot of long time fan's sails as well.
This sums it up pretty well. The underlined comment is the feeling I had walking out of the stadium last week.
Did you not hear that we were doing a MAJOR rebuild ? Maybe you were under a rock . Did you also expect that once we got in to the best division in college football that we would start kicking ass on the big boys in the first couple of seasons ? Maybe you went off your meds. You sound like an uneducated RU fan with unrealistic views. Like a previous poster said. Come back when it's rebuilt and shiny and new.

Been following Rutgers since 1987 so I am a very educated fan and have been through it all. You just want to believe that because we say we are in a rebuild that it automatically works. If you can't see that with this coach, athletics dept. and administration that we'll be rebuilding perpetually, that's on you. But don't blame me for recognizing reality and the fact that it may not work.
Been following Rutgers since 1987 so I am a very educated fan and have been through it all. You just want to believe that because we say we are in a rebuild that it automatically works. If you can't see that with this coach, athletics dept. and administration that we'll be rebuilding perpetually, that's on you. But don't blame me for recognizing reality and the fact that it may not work.
You don't even know what a major rebuild is. With the exception of last week there is improvement everywhere in the program. We have played one season and two games so far . We have a lot more games to go . So you don't recognize anything yet.
You don't even know what a major rebuild is. With the exception of last week there is improvement everywhere in the program. We have played one season and two games so far . We have a lot more games to go . So you don't recognize anything yet.[/
You don't even know what a major rebuild is. With the exception of last week there is improvement everywhere in the program. We have played one season and two games so far . We have a lot more games to go . So you don't recognize anything yet.

I'll bet you that we don't win more than 2 games this season. What kind of rebuild is that?
You continue to try and bully people here,and when called out,like yesterday by others,want to tell everyone how hard your life has been. Please ,if you dont like other posters points ,just stick to your own views,not try and bash everyone else views. If you want to accept the current production of 11 straight losses,220-17 in consecutive B10 game loss results like last season,then back that result 100% as your accepted outcome for RU football. Those that have followed the program from the Shea Graber years dont wish to return to that level,which we are at currently.
No, I am not accepting anything in your post, or your constant drumbeat of negativity that started with you even before the season was underway, like your love fest for BC and Camp. We are nowhere near Shea/Graber years, you idiot, and again, it highlights your clueless nature and the agenda you have. Have a nice day.
I'll bet you that we don't win more than 2 games this season. What kind of rebuild is that?
That says the rebuild is on schedule in year 2 as we were predicted to win 2 maybe 3 games. Only idiots like you expected us to go bowling and win 7 games. Lol
The "rebuilding" is endless.
I think this says it all. I've been a fan since the 60's when I was in college. Pretty much we have seen mediocrity at best.
But, at least I was there for the time when we finally became relevant under Schiano. I was there for the first ever bowl game win and thought all of the years of disappointment was finally over. I have truly mellowed in my golden years and have come to expect a lot less from the program. It is what it is.