Well, you're entitled to your opinion.To be honest the whole recruits read boards is incredibly overblown IMO. It's a way for one faction of the board to tell another faction to shut up. It's a ridiculous theory to think a recruit will form an opinion of a school from something on a random free board. Every one of theses kids is on twitter etc and are numb to social media from a positive and negative side.
But (a) you can't possibly know how everybody thinks, (b) each player has his own way of viewing these things, (c) nobody said a player will form an opinion solely on what they see online, but (d) you cannot argue that there's no value in risking having a negative influence if it can be easily avoided, (e) to an RU recruit, there's nothing "random" about this forum (f) if I wanted to just tell people to shut up, I'd just tell them to shut up; I wouldn't waste time being Machiavellian about it.
But otherwise, I totally agree with everything you said. :D