Mods- question, Flood

This is funny because I never thought Flood would get fired after 2013 and knew that 1-2 years would have to play out. Many here were going crazy about firing Flood but now they switched but they now are totally convince Flood is a great coach. I don't know if he's a good coach and reserve my opinion after this recruiting season and next years performance. As I mentioned before, it doesn't even matter what happens the next 3 years, Flood is here for at least 4-5 years. The program will grow or die with Flood. After last season, everything was re set for 3 more years. However, now no one is allowed to question the recruiting. I use to complain that the board was too negative but now it goes to the other extreme where no one can criticize the program. Yes, I think recruiting so far is better than last 2 years and we can be fine if we mainly get 3 star player and reduce the number of 2 star players.
This is funny because I never thought Flood would get fired after 2013 and knew that 1-2 years would have to play out. Many here were going crazy about firing Flood but now they switched but they now are totally convince Flood is a great coach. I don't know if he's a good coach and reserve my opinion after this recruiting season and next years performance. As I mentioned before, it doesn't even matter what happens the next 3 years, Flood is here for at least 4-5 years. The program will grow or die with Flood. After last season, everything was re set for 3 more years. However, now no one is allowed to question the recruiting. I use to complain that the board was too negative but now it goes to the other extreme where no one can criticize the program. Yes, I think recruiting so far is better than last 2 years and we can be fine if we mainly get 3 star player and reduce the number of 2 star players.
Regardless of what you thought he had a very real chance of getting fired as they were raising funds and the USF win had nothing to do with his retention. Second, nobody is saying he is a great coach. They are simply saying he has shown he is open to change, is learning on the job, and has earned a chance to put his stamp on the program. I also don't think he is guaranteed 4-5 years as we will have much more money before then. If recruiting doesn't improve and we go out and win 3 or 4 games there will be rumblings as there should be.
There might be rumblings but the fans will take at least 2 years to decide but the administrators will take at least another 1 or 1.5 years. They don't watch all the games like the fans and they don't make quick decisions.
There might be rumblings but the fans will take at least 2 years to decide but the administrators will take at least another 1 or 1.5 years. They don't watch all the games like the fans and they don't make quick decisions.
The administration doesn't watch the games?
We're in the same category. At the close of the '13 season (actually just prior to the USF game) I was also one of the people on the phone with Athletic Development, representing a small group of ticket holders / boosters holding a pretty large chunk of money. And, like VKJ, this past season convinced me that Flood deserves an opportunity to work it out. We had a solid 1st season in the B1G, spoiled really only by the horrific PSU loss, and the recruiting is picking up.
I agree with your last statement. What do you think happens with a 4-6 win season this year?
I agree with your last statement. What do you think happens with a 4-6 win season this year?

I think there's a difference - a big difference - between 4 wins and 6.

A 6 win season with a bowl win becomes a 7 win season and puts us over .500 for the year. Assuming we play better than we did last year in the losses, i.e. keep OSU, Wiscy & MSU respectable, I don't think it hurts us at all. I think the '16 class stays mostly as committed and winds up being very strong.

A 4 win season and no bowl game is an entirely different animal. For one thing, a 4 win season assumes no wins in the B1G. That would be tough to swallow. Whether or not Flood's tenure could absorb a 4 win season would get determined the first week in February.
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I think we beat Indiana and Maryland since they are a mess. They lost a lot of starters. Wa State might be a challenge since they will score points and we have a new QB that is an unknown.
Since the thread has

Here is a reality check for everyone...NO ONE- HS Coaches, girlfriends, brothers, sisters , mothers, fathers, College Coaches, fans and recruiting sites have a fracking idea until it come directly from the player. And even then, they change their minds.

But with that said, there are many that have less then a clue and only repeating what they have heard online or 3rd or 4th, 10th hand and act like it is fact. There are also a few(a couple in this thread), who don't so often brag it but are in very close contact with recruits, recruit family, commits, players on the team and players in the NFL. I tend to know who many of these guys are and who isn't. I can't take their word as the end all to be all just like no one should take mine if I give a somewhat "informed" opinion. But, the guys I know that have these relationships, I tend to listen to them just a little closer then the guys who just repeat what they heard elsewhere.

We post on these message boards and sometimes have no clue who we are arguing with. It would surprise some of you.

Now something totally out of the blue- 4real- what is up with so many new posters taking your handle??? serious? There is only 1 4real
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I think there's a difference - a big difference - between 4 wins and 6.

A 6 win season with a bowl win becomes a 7 win season and puts us over .500 for the year. Assuming we play better than we did last year in the losses, i.e. keep OSU, Wiscy & MSU respectable, I don't think it hurts us at all. I think the '16 class stays mostly as committed and winds up being very strong.

A 4 win season and no bowl game is an entirely different animal. For one thing, a 4 win season assumes no wins in the B1G. That would be tough to swallow. Whether or not Flood's tenure could absorb a 4 win season would get determined the first week in February.

We have a tough road this year with the schedule but...even if I don't think we win those 4 games, I do think we play them closer. QB and OL will determine if we get by the likes of WSU(even though they had a bad year, they beat some good teams)

Interesting to see what happens with our fanbase if we do well again OOC- win the games like Md/Indiana, maybe split with Mich/PSU and lose but play much better against those other 4. And with mostly Flood players...I would call the above, a very good season again. Though, I am sure there would be a few blasting the team again
Since the thread has

Here is a reality check for everyone...NO ONE- HS Coaches, girlfriends, brothers, sisters , mothers, fathers, College Coaches, fans and recruiting sites have a fracking idea until it come directly from the player. And even then, they change their minds.

But with that said, there are many that have less then a clue and only repeating what they have heard online or 3rd or 4th, 10th hand and act like it is fact. There are also a few(a couple in this thread), who don't so often brag it but are in very close contact with recruits, recruit family, commits, players on the team and players in the NFL. I tend to know who many of these guys are and who isn't. I can't take their word as the end all to be all just like no one should take mine if I give a somewhat "informed" opinion. But, the guys I know that have these relationships, I tend to listen to them just a little closer then the guys who just repeat what they heard elsewhere.

We post on these message boards and sometimes have no clue who we are arguing with. It would surprise some of you.

Now something totally out of the blue- 4real- what is up with so many new posters taking your handle??? serious? There is only 1 4real

Speaking of people I "tend to listen [to] just a little closer" - case in point is yesrutgers. Not only has he gone through the process of having his son recruited by BCS programs, but his son donned the Scarlet (and made an NFL roster) and he remains connected. So if he says not even fathers know, then you know he speaks the truth.

All we can do is ride the momentum --- and there is certainly buzz about us lately --- and hope that results in some high-level commits.
But by all means include 2002-2005 because the program was in exactly the same condition when Schiano inherited it as when Flood inherited it.

He has 2 of the 3 worst and 3 of the 5 worst classes in the last decade if you're using rankings. Now you can argue (probably with some accuracy) that Flood picked up better kids than the rankings, but I'm not the one who trotted them out to prove a point.

If you just include Schiano's classes since we started going to bowl games (and drop of 12, which I think is pretty sketchy) you get 43.5 which is a good deal better than Flood.

As for Schiano under performing his recruiting rankings (other poster).... Nope, his AVG team finished somewhere in the high 30s to low 40s in the Massey ratings and his avg class was just a bit higher than that. He was about spot on in performing to the recruiting rankings.

I wish people would spend more time trying to be accurate and less time trying to prove a point.

It may be better the Flood's but still where near a top 25 which I think was the point.
Speaking of people I "tend to listen [to] just a little closer" - case in point is yesrutgers. Not only has he gone through the process of having his son recruited by BCS programs, but his son donned the Scarlet (and made an NFL roster) and he remains connected. So if he says not even fathers know, then you know he speaks the truth.

All we can do is ride the momentum --- and there is certainly buzz about us lately --- and hope that results in some high-level commits.

Yup- I think I can honestly say that I think I know what I don't Day before Kevin was planning to make his commitment- we invited his HS coach to dinner with us so that Kevin could tell us what HE had decided. I thought he was going to USF, his Mom thought GaTech and his Coach is the one who had Rutgers(no inside info but he always had pushed Rutgers). His Mom and I were sitting there ordering apps for the table, relaxing and figured Kevin would tell us when ready. We weren't really stressing too much because we knew he would make his selection for the right reasons. His HS Coach was sitting there not really talking much and all of a sudden just burst out with "HOW THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS ORDERING FOOD LIKE IT IS LIKE EVERY OTHER NIGHT, KEVIN COULD YOU TELL ME WHERE YOU ARE GOING SO I CAN ENJOY THE NIGHT!" lol
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I know your old and senile but your implying something I didn't say.
To date floods recruiting in state has been subpar. That is over the past 3 years. In the next 10 months that can change and he can also beat more winning teams. If that happens I will be off the fence on him. But he has to get it done and he has not yet.

you did say, "most people agree", when in reality, most people do not agree with you.
Using class ranks from above, and ignoring whether they really mean anything beyond the top 20 or so.. and ignoring how taking more players get you a better rank in a given year rather than, say, only rating and ranking based on the top 10 recruits each season.. which probably better reflects the impact a recruiting class might have down the road... is the season records next to the recruiting class ranks. And I think the case is that the season follows the recruiting class. For example.. the 2015 season has not been played, but there is a class rank for 2015.

2002: 47 1-11
2003: 45 5-7
2004: 82 4-7
2005: 69 7-5

2006: 42 11-2
2007: 37 8-5
2008: 46 8-5
2009: 38 9-4
2010: 64 4-8
2011: 32 9-4
2012: 24 9-4

2013: 45 6-7
2014: 57 8-5
2015: 53

So, what can we take from this? I have bolded the 2 worst and 2 best class ranks.. which happen to be consecutive years in both cases.

Did we see worse results 4-5-6 years out from the bad classes of 2004 and 2005? I think many of us expected more after 2006. I think 2009 stands out as an aberration in a downward trend from 2008 to 2011. Certainly a seemingly overmatched Syracuse team kicked our butts in 2009 and I think that game provided the blueprint for other teams to kick our butts the following season... which was dismal. 2010 was definitely a low point.

However, if I am reading the recruiting class timing correctly.. the 2010 season would have relied on upperclassmen (3rd year, 4th year and 5th year players) from the 2006, 2007 and 2008 classes.

Perhaps what happened is that the class rankings followed the success.. or lack of it, on the field. That is, because Schiano and Rutgers did well in 2005 and 2006 on the field.. perhaps the experts decided that we must be getting better recruits.. so they improved the class rankings.. whether or not those rankings were deserved.

All that said.. Rutgers has never been in a better position for recruiting and having classes ranked higher... and it does not seem to be happening. Why not?
we will see who is right come Feb....hope as many people don't disappear or deny ever predicting doom and gloom

How ironic is it that the guy who posts this suddenly disappears from the free board in the wake of the Haskins commitment to MD????? LMAO. If RU is counting on this guy as a serious booster like he claims, I'm just smh...

How's that prediction of Haskins plus either Walker or Gary come February looking now?
How ironic is it that the guy who posts this suddenly disappears from the free board in the wake of the Haskins commitment to MD????? LMAO. If RU is counting on this guy as a serious booster like he claims, I'm just smh...

How's that prediction of Haskins plus either Walker or Gary come February looking now?
Well I was on a plane headed toCincinnati on Friday at the time of the announcement. Landed already knowing the outcome though....hit the reds game on Friday, was near the section that caught fire. Then had two fabulous meals at the Precint and Nicolas. Sorry if I didn't get a chance to wallow in your pity. Today was Walkers birthday, hope you sent him a tweet.
It's funny that if someone was a pure data guy he'd assume those 2004 and 2005 classes put us in a real hole. In reality they produced two NFL all-pros, countless NFL starters (zuttah, Stapleton, Haslam, Jason McCourty, Courteney Greene), and a number of really good college players (Blaze and Malast and Munoz etc).

Who would have thunk projecting the development of teenagers would be so damn difficult?
the people on this board are delusional. all the manipulation of rankings, years, stats, records, averages, and they leave out the most important detail: schiano was recruiting better than most of his peers (the exceptions being pitt, wvu, maybe louisville). schiano was at or near the top of his conference flood is at or near the bottom of his conference. case closed.
the people on this board are delusional. all the manipulation of rankings, years, stats, records, averages, and they leave out the most important detail: schiano was recruiting better than most of his peers (the exceptions being pitt, wvu, maybe louisville). schiano was at or near the top of his conference flood is at or near the bottom of his conference. case closed.
Lol. Schiano was recruiting third or fourth in the Big East and we should be impressed? Who was the Meter, Franklin, Harbaugh equivalent of that group?
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Lol. Schiano was recruiting third or fourth in the Big East and we should be impressed? Who was the Meter, Franklin, Harbaugh equivalent of that group?

Why would anyone LIKE this comment?

Schiano recruited better than any previous Rutgers coach.. EVER. And on the heels of the Shea years.. which even SHEA did not have to face when recruiting. The Graber years set the table for Shea's recruiting... and so on.
Lol. Schiano was recruiting third or fourth in the Big East and we should be impressed? Who was the Meter, Franklin, Harbaugh equivalent of that group?

Where was Rutgers ranked in the Big East prior to Shiano?

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