More to this JP Parking all most sounds....

The sad and pathetic thing is one of the largest spaces ideal for tailgating and enhancing the game atmosphere will sit empty (at least for now) - there has to be a way to come to an agreement - it's not that complicated. Collect and share in revenue and costs. Win win for both sides.
Why would any new season ticket holder want a parking pass in lots that are long walks to the stadium when there was a parking lot available in the shadow of the stadium?

Hey I got it!

Because the parking lot in the shadow of the stadium is no longer available.
aaaand we are back to people who aren't affected by this decision at all trying to tell people who are affected by it that they shouldn't be unhappy.
So the people who are affected by it have a legitimate gripe, but those who agree that they have a point shouldn't be able to say so?
This is so typical for RU. First, out of nowhere, no more parking in JP. No explanation forthcoming. Then after numerous inquiries and opinions a different story energies regarding the county. Then it evolves into a renegotiation breakdown on a bad deal and the media finally is involved.
Now, we're back to square one except for the parking issue. Some things just don't change, but become more complicated.
Maybe our on field performance is actually secondary to other things.
I just want to chime in and say, that the Johnson Park parking was an extremely dumb thing for RU to ever have. It completely devalued all the donation lots. I am glad it is back to working the way it should... You want a close parking spot? Great...send in your donation. Otherwise get ready to make a VERY reasonable walk.

Cash lots should always be behind the season ticket lots. The only way you change that is if you want to have a premium cash lot right in front of the stadium, for people who want to throw some money at it. Like $100 a space -- like they do at Yankee games. The idea of having the best spots around for $20 was always a dumb move, and I couldn't care less that people won't get to take advantage of it anymore.
So the people who are affected by it have a legitimate gripe, but those who agree that they have a point shouldn't be able to say so?
Don't bother.

That's his thing. You say up he (or she?) says down.

Face one simple fact.

You're just not going to get any sympathy from the people who donate sufficient money to the school as to ensure good parking.

But most in here are talking about something else.
Don't bother.

That's his thing. You say up he (or she?) says down.


But most in here are talking about something else.

Does it hurt to be wrong so many times in one thread?

I call it like I see it. Unlike, say, you, who twists himself (herself?) into knots to try to be up in arms about somebody else's first world problem. Or sometimes in rather strange, uncomfortable PDA episodes with other men. That's your thing.
I just want to chime in and say, that the Johnson Park parking was an extremely dumb thing for RU to ever have. It completely devalued all the donation lots. I am glad it is back to working the way it should... You want a close parking spot? Great...send in your donation. Otherwise get ready to make a VERY reasonable walk.

Cash lots should always be behind the season ticket lots. The only way you change that is if you want to have a premium cash lot right in front of the stadium, for people who want to throw some money at it. Like $100 a space -- like they do at Yankee games. The idea of having the best spots around for $20 was always a dumb move, and I couldn't care less that people won't get to take advantage of it anymore.
I agree that it did devalue the other lots and was underpriced. The solution shouldn't be to just get rid of that option, the solution should be to increase the price so that the parking passes are still a worthy investment. Doing this should also make it easier for the county and Rutgers to work out some sort of revenue-sharing deal. It was an unbelievable deal for $20 or $25, whatever it was a couple years ago, and even last year when they raised it to $45 it was still a no-brainer for us.

I would think something like this would work out for everyone involved. Both the county and Rutgers get their money, and the fans can still park there as long as they're willing to pay a fairer price than what they've been paying. Hopefully this is the end result and we have something like this next year.
You keep saying "first world problem" as if being upset that someone who pays less than you gets a closer parking spot isn't a first world problem. Let's face it, just about any complaint on this forum is a first world problem.
Maybe YOU don't care about the details since it doesn't affect YOU, but obviously those of us who are affected about it would like to know why we suddenly had one week to figure out where we are parking this season, after everyone else's parking passes were allocated and it is now too late to increase our donation to get a better lot, so we are stuck out in the silver lot.

Multiple ticket reps were saying that it was the county's decision. Do you think they all missed the same memo and came up with the same story? Obviously Hobbs doesn't need to arrange personal meetings with every ticket rep, you are intentionally hyperbolizing this to make excuses for the ticket reps being told to lie to us. If they would have just said that the parking lot is being discontinued because Rutgers lost money on it, that is a logical and concise explanation that any sensible person would understand. Instead they had them tell us the county decided it. Well did they think nobody was going to reach out to the county to ask why?

From my conversation with the parks department, it seems as though that one was on Rutgers too.
I was away most of the day. I usually don't agree with @ru66 , but I agree with most of what he said.
You accuse me of intentionally hyperbolizing, and you also accuse Hobbs and athletics of telling their people to lie. That's a lot of false accusations without facts to back them up. I've been witness (and party to) too many government fusterclucks when finger pointing kicks in and nobody can seem to get their story straight.

I feel your pain about losing your parking spot, but you seem to be angry and lashing out at everyone about it. Maybe the negotiations dragged on and just broke down in the last week or so. Sometimes that happens. For years, I parked in the free Fire/Police/EMS lot, but then I decided to up my donation and park in the Yellow Lot because it helped the program.

Can you at least admit that now that the facts seem to be out that parking in Johnson Park hurts the program and that needed to change. Perhaps you can reach out to someone (Sarah?) and see if you can get in a better lot at this point?

When I told the ticket rep that the parks department said Rutgers made the decision, the rep said, "All we know here at the ticket office is that our management told us the county decided not to allow parking there this year."

I'm sure if PSU had a Johnson Park right next to their stadium, there would be parking there. Why do we need to compare to other schools though? "This part of our experience is more convenient than at other schools, we need to make it less convenient to be like everyone else." When NJ raised the gas tax, should we have just been happy about it so that our prices can be higher like other states?

You seem to be sure how things are done at other places, and you are taking the word of ticket reps who are the lowest rung of the ladder, and probably got their information 3rd or 4th hand?

This is typical RU. Instead of instructing the Ticket Reps to tell the truth or to just say I do not know when asked about Johnson Park, the reps were either told to lie or lied on their own. Either way not a good look for the department.

In the scheme of things this lot is not a huge deal but boy it sure could have been handled better and a lot sooner.
Agree with stuff in bold only. Accusing people of lying is not nice unless you have facts to back it up. Athletics could give Johnson Park parkers a grace period to make a donation and perhaps get into a lot of their choice?
You keep saying "first world problem" as if being upset that someone who pays less than you gets a closer parking spot isn't a first world problem. Let's face it, just about any complaint on this forum is a first world problem.

That is a first world problem, too, and I'm not in that category. Actually this negatively impacts me, as well, although not close to the extent it does you.

Don't blame you for being pissed. Do blame you for going on and on about it like it's the end of the world. Bottom line: Rutgers was getting dicked from multiple directions on the deal, so they heaped it. You had a good run while it lasted; now you move on. Maybe they'll figure it out in the future, or maybe you go ahead and support the school by buying an RU parking pass.

But mostly I blame the guys who are not affected at all jumping all over RU and Hobbs for this. Same group of fans that cries over every negative headline is quicker to throw its own school under the bus over the slightest trigger than Politi or Manahan ever will be.
Does it hurt to be wrong so many times in one thread?

I call it like I see it. Unlike, say, you, who twists himself (herself?) into knots to try to be up in arms about somebody else's first world problem. Or sometimes in rather strange, uncomfortable PDA episodes with other men. That's your thing.

Where was he wrong in this thread?
I was away most of the day. I usually don't agree with @ru66 , but I agree with most of what he said.
You accuse me of intentionally hyperbolizing, and you also accuse Hobbs and athletics of telling their people to lie. That's a lot of false accusations without facts to back them up. I've been witness (and party to) too many government fusterclucks when finger pointing kicks in and nobody can seem to get their story straight.
The ticket rep literally said, "All we know is that management told us the county isn't letting us use that lot this year." I called the parks department and they couldn't believe that Rutgers is putting the blame on them.

I feel your pain about losing your parking spot, but you seem to be angry and lashing out at everyone about it. Maybe the negotiations dragged on and just broke down in the last week or so. Sometimes that happens. For years, I parked in the free Fire/Police/EMS lot, but then I decided to up my donation and park in the Yellow Lot because it helped the program.

Can you at least admit that now that the facts seem to be out that parking in Johnson Park hurts the program and that needed to change. Perhaps you can reach out to someone (Sarah?) and see if you can get in a better lot at this point?
I have admitted in multiple posts that now that we know the details of the deal with the parks department, it made sense that Rutgers ended it.

You seem to be sure how things are done at other places, and you are taking the word of ticket reps who are the lowest rung of the ladder, and probably got their information 3rd or 4th hand?
I'm not sure what you are referring to when you say I'm sure how things are done at other places. The only information I'm taking from the ticket reps is that they were told by management that the county ended the deal. I don't see why that isn't credible.

Athletics could give Johnson Park parkers a grace period to make a donation and perhaps get into a lot of their choice?
That would be nice and I asked about that, but they said they can't do that at this point.
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The ticket rep literally said, "All we know is that management told us the county isn't letting us use that lot this year." I called the parks department and they couldn't believe that Rutgers is putting the blame on them.

I have admitted in multiple posts that now that we know the details of the deal with the parks department, it made sense that Rutgers ended it.

I'm not sure what you are referring to when you say I'm sure how things are done at other places. The only information I'm taking from the ticket reps is that they were told by management that the county ended the deal. I don't see why that isn't credible.

That would be nice and I asked about that, but they said they can't do that at this point.
Hopefully, it works out for you. I feel your pain. You counted on having that parking, and it is gone. Very unfortunate.
Where was he wrong in this thread?

It's kind of funny you dropping in because you're one of the regular recipients of his PDA. Knowing that, I'da stayed clear.

But, since you asked nicely enough -

He contradicted himself in the actual post to which I responded while simultaneously mischaracterizing my involvement in the thread.

And this:

"If communicated the right way this would have not been the issue it has become."

It would have definitely been an issue either way, as evidenced by the fact that we have people completely unaffected (like you and e5!) going out of their way to make it an issue, even after it's been communicated.

Also .. and these should be most interesting for you:

"^^^What they said.^^^"

"^^^What he said.^^^"

I just went back through today, but I'm sure I could dig up more if I go further.
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I just want to chime in and say, that the Johnson Park parking was an extremely dumb thing for RU to ever have. It completely devalued all the donation lots. I am glad it is back to working the way it should... You want a close parking spot? Great...send in your donation. Otherwise get ready to make a VERY reasonable walk.

Cash lots should always be behind the season ticket lots. The only way you change that is if you want to have a premium cash lot right in front of the stadium, for people who want to throw some money at it. Like $100 a space -- like they do at Yankee games. The idea of having the best spots around for $20 was always a dumb move, and I couldn't care less that people won't get to take advantage of it anymore.

This seems like the obvious answer.

If the numbers didn't work out for whatever reason before, just raise the price until it does. Johnson park is super convenient. Even if it doesn't fill up with RU fans it will mostly fill up with visitors. Having it as an expensive game day cash lot (rather than a prepaid season parking lot) also solves the issue of the lot being rained out occasionally (which makes it unsuitable as a location for season parking pass holders).
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That is a first world problem, too, and I'm not in that category. Actually this negatively impacts me, as well, although not close to the extent it does you.

Don't blame you for being pissed. Do blame you for going on and on about it like it's the end of the world. Bottom line: Rutgers was getting dicked from multiple directions on the deal, so they heaped it. You had a good run while it lasted; now you move on. Maybe they'll figure it out in the future, or maybe you go ahead and support the school by buying an RU parking pass.

But mostly I blame the guys who are not affected at all jumping all over RU and Hobbs for this. Same group of fans that cries over every negative headline is quicker to throw its own school under the bus over the slightest trigger than Politi or Manahan ever will be.
It's not the end of the world, and I'm sure we'll still have a good time in the silver lot this year. At the end of the day though, if Rutgers would have announced that they were losing money at Johnson Park and are discontinuing that option early enough for us to adjust our parking situations at the same time as everyone else, that would have been understandable and at least we would have had time to get into a lot that corresponds with our priority points. I get that sometimes negotiations break down and maybe they didn't know it would get to that point until a week or so ago, but even then it would have been better to just say we lost money on that parking lot than to tell us that the county pulled the rug out from under them with no explanation. The timing sucks and the finger-pointing makes it worse.
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RU should have as many parking options as possible. It was a good idea for the casual fan and visitors. Should have compromised. Seems silly. RU and County quibble and fans get the shaft.
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RU should have as many parking options as possible. It was a good idea for the casual fan and visitors. Should have compromised. Seems silly. RU and County quibble and fans get the shaft.

This is unnecessary criticism. RU has more than sufficient parking opportunities for casual fans and visitors. Nobody is "getting the shaft", here.
It's kind of funny you dropping in because you're one of the regular recipients of his PDA. Knowing that, I'da stayed clear.

But, since you asked nicely enough -

He contradicted himself in the actual post to which I responded while simultaneously mischaracterizing my involvement in the thread.

And this:

"If communicated the right way this would have not been the issue it has become."

It would have definitely been an issue either way, as evidenced by the fact that we have people completely unaffected (like you and e5!) going out of their way to make it an issue, even after it's been communicated.

Also .. and this one should be most interesting for you:

"^^^What they said.^^^"

I just went back through today, but I'm sure I could dig up more if I go further.

So speaking for me .... I was one of the ones in this thread (and related threads) saying this was a non-issue, mostly because it impacted very few people, and most of the people affected are visiting fans. In the scheme of things, parking at Johnson Park is meaningless. The fact that parking was cancelled in Johnson Park is meaningless, whether it was done so Rutgers can make more money, or not spend more money, or to ease traffic congestion, or to protect green acres, or because someone doesn't like grass. I've been pretty consistent in saying cancelling parking there sucks for those who've parked there, but it is only a handful of people and they have other parking options, even if those options aren't as desirable.

But I changed my position when I heard that it was Rutgers Athletics that made the decision to cancel parking. When I thought it was the park commission, I thought, "it's just the park commission; we don't expect them to be football fan friendly". But now that I found out it was Rutgers that made the decision, I am disappointed -- Not because they cancelled JP parking, but because of how they did it.

Issue 1: It was poorly communicated. This is not a new problem for Rutgers Athletics. Miscommunication has been the norm for years. Although I don't believe anyone consciously decided that ticket agents should lie about the issue, the fact remains that ticket agents gave out incorrect information.

Issue 2: The timing was late, meaning the handful of fans affected didn't have time to find alternative. And this problem will continue through the season as Johnson Park is listed as a gameday parking location in the season ticket book. So season ticket holders who don't spend time on this board will think there is gameday parking in Johnson Park, and may direct friends there for gameday parking.

Both these issues combine into a credibility gap pattern. Combine this with other miscommunication issues, all seemingly minor on their own, and you have fans wonder if information from the Athletic Department is accurate. So the next time Hobbs says his hands were tied in moving a game to Yankee Stadium, or eliminating a student tailgate area, or harassing tailgaters, or whatever the next issue is, we are all going to wonder what the true story is.
So speaking for me .... I was one of the ones in this thread (and related threads) saying this was a non-issue, mostly because it impacted very few people, and most of the people affected are visiting fans. In the scheme of things, parking at Johnson Park is meaningless. The fact that parking was cancelled in Johnson Park is meaningless, whether it was done so Rutgers can make more money, or not spend more money, or to ease traffic congestion, or to protect green acres, or because someone doesn't like grass. I've been pretty consistent in saying cancelling parking there sucks for those who've parked there, but it is only a handful of people and they have other parking options, even if those options aren't as desirable.

But I changed my position when I heard that it was Rutgers Athletics that made the decision to cancel parking. When I thought it was the park commission, I thought, "it's just the park commission; we don't expect them to be football fan friendly". But now that I found out it was Rutgers that made the decision, I am disappointed -- Not because they cancelled JP parking, but because of how they did it.

Issue 1: It was poorly communicated. This is not a new problem for Rutgers Athletics. Miscommunication has been the norm for years. Although I don't believe anyone consciously decided that ticket agents should lie about the issue, the fact remains that ticket agents gave out incorrect information.

Issue 2: The timing was late, meaning the handful of fans affected didn't have time to find alternative. And this problem will continue through the season as Johnson Park is listed as a gameday parking location in the season ticket book. So season ticket holders who don't spend time on this board will think there is gameday parking in Johnson Park, and may direct friends there for gameday parking.

Both these issues combine into a credibility gap pattern. Combine this with other miscommunication issues, all seemingly minor on their own, and you have fans wonder if information from the Athletic Department is accurate. So the next time Hobbs says his hands were tied in moving a game to Yankee Stadium, or eliminating a student tailgate area, or harassing tailgaters, or whatever the next issue is, we are all going to wonder what the true story is.

I thought we hired an AD Communications Director last year. Did I imagine that?
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Silver is not bad. Has some nice areas with grass if you get there early enough and it's really not far unless you have some type of disability.
This is unnecessary criticism. RU has more than sufficient parking opportunities for casual fans and visitors. Nobody is "getting the shaft", here.

Bus from the RAC or walk across the street. If you want to spur attendance and the casual fan you want more options not less. Some battles like parking not worth winning. I would have preferred a compromise than shutting it down.
Bus from the RAC or walk across the street. If you want to spur attendance and the casual fan you want more options not less. Some battles like parking not worth winning. I would have preferred a compromise than shutting it down.

Well, the walk across the street isn't sustainable at the current price level. So we wind up like every other big school - if you're not a season ticket holder / high-level donor, then you're getting some exercise on game day. That's life in the bigs.

Didn't he get fired after 11 days? Or maybe I'm thinking of someone else.

I honestly don't know. If only there were some way to check...

I've been pointing to this as a position of need since Day 1 of the Schiano era (because he sucked at handling the press). We need a day-to-day communications director who talks to the press regularly and takes out the trash as required.
Sustainable? I think the best way to make it sustainable is to have as many fans and as many options as possible. Taking away options is silly. Taking away options at last minute is indefensible. Like the Yankee Stadium fiasco... head scratching.
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Silver is not bad. Has some nice areas with grass if you get there early enough and it's really not far unless you have some type of disability.
Thanks, can you elaborate on the grass areas? It looks like the silver lot consists of a few parking lots. Is one better than the others for finding a grass area? When you say "if you get there early enough" do you mean that the grass areas get crowded?
Sustainable? I think the best way to make it sustainable is to have as many fans and as many options as possible. Taking away options is silly. Taking away options at last minute is indefensible. Like the Yankee Stadium fiasco... head scratching.

You totally misunderstood my post.