Most Exciting Play You Saw by Rutgers Football

Mine are Turays block, Ito field goal and Brantley bs Vtech. If I had been at the game the savage to brown TD would make the list. Just not the same though listening on a car radio.
If it is a single play that I saw in person, it has to be 2006 Louisville, swing pass to Leonard, perfect play calll.
Also loved Leonard Leap at Illinois first time ever saw that like 87 yards for a TD amazing Play.
Also thought of that Nate Jones interception. Gray play BS call.
the Virginia tech game because the play was THE very last one of the game, do or die
the game itself was a disgrace for the most part...really bad plays along the way

the Savage to Brown pass a very close number two, but I would understand
it being number one for many

it is amazing that the Leonard swing pass, and down the sideline is remembered as a big highlight, since it did not go for a td....yet it is the first play I remember from that game.
after that play I was sure we would win.

the Miami interception and return..... I often have discussions about this because I do not believe that play would have been a td if there was not the interference call.....first, I could swear that one official was signalling that our returner stepped out of bounds near the 50,
and was waving the play dead..... this also caused a few Miami players to pull up...

was at the 2006 North Carolina game with a tremendous defensive stop.... unfortunately the RU fans were 100 yards away with a bad angle..... I kept waiting for the North Carolina crowd to erupt when the back crossed the goal, the roar never came

if you choose a defensive play as your best, this would be it....IMO...will have to search for that
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The surreal atmosphere of the Louisville game is definitely worth remembering, it began long before the game started, walking the lots was different than any other sporting event I've ever was incredible.

Your statement of never feeling like we were out of that game was part of that specialness, I too felt a calm combined with all that excitement that I've never felt previous or since....holy shite, that night was amazing
Zap- amazing testament to that night coming from someone who has experienced so much when it comes to sports.
Agree 100%. The lots before that game was incredible, you just felt like it was going to be something special and it actually felt like the whole world was watching. For me, knowing our son was in the locker room getting ready for this just added to it.
I also remember commenting to my wife at halftime how it just didn't seem like we were out of it. The crowd was still very loud and there seemed to be a confidence like I had never seen.
Watched a full replay of that game last year and even on TV it was so loud from 1st play to last play and the crowd just never sat down.
But for one single play- Timmy Brown for the TD was tops. Fux those UConn fans. Worse pieces of shat to ever live.
For me it's got to be the Savage to Brown TD pass against UConn.
The looks on the faces of the UConn fans and players were priceless. I was watching on TV and I jumped out of my chair and ran around the room. It was fantastic!!!

Colbert... Thanks for this thread. Nice way to get ready for today's game and to shed light on what's possible here on The Banks.
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They are ALL great. What would REALLY make me Happy are some Great Plays NOW and in the Future.(My compliments to the OP. This has to rate as one of the Best Posts Ever)
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Depressing that none of these are in the past three seasons.

Hopefully we have many more of these to come!
Bolin throwing a Hail Mary pass to Grant to beat PSU in Happy Valley in 2017 on Joe Pa Day. It ended PSU's unbeaten season and led to the firing of their coach James Franklin. I will never forget that play.
Bolin throwing a Hail Mary pass to Grant to beat PSU in Happy Valley in 2017 on Joe Pa Day. It ended PSU's unbeaten season and led to the firing of their coach James Franklin. I will never forget that play.

You mean Lewis. Bolin would stare down Grant the entire time and the safety would intercept it and return it for a touchdown. Bolin can't reach the end zone on a hail mary.
For me it's got to be the Savage to Brown TD pass against UConn.
The looks on the faces of the UConn fans and players were priceless. I was watching on TV and I jumped out of my chair and ran around the room. It was fantastic!!!

I was at that game in the visitors section with a couple thousand RU fans. The 5 minutes before that play we were being goaded by the knuckle dragging uconn fans next to us after they had taken the lead.. made it even better.. the RU section went absolutely beserk.
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Leonard leap against the Illini.Grants last run against Iowa where he got caught and injured. That should have been the One but will be remembered for the injury. He ran like he was a human video game.
Either the Brown catch because it was soooo unexpected or the last play Va Tech because all or nothing.
But for shear excitement and it didn't count, the onside kick vs ASU in the Garden State Bowl. It went all the way to the end zone after being batted around and we recovered for an apparent TD. However, we were called for illegal touching or something stupid and got nothing. Very exciting as it unfolded, but the same as usual.
Zap- amazing testament to that night coming from someone who has experienced so much when it comes to sports.
Agree 100%. The lots before that game was incredible, you just felt like it was going to be something special and it actually felt like the whole world was watching. For me, knowing our son was in the locker room getting ready for this just added to it.
I also remember commenting to my wife at halftime how it just didn't seem like we were out of it. The crowd was still very loud and there seemed to be a confidence like I had never seen.
Watched a full replay of that game last year and even on TV it was so loud from 1st play to last play and the crowd just never sat down.
But for one single play- Timmy Brown for the TD was tops. Fux those UConn fans. Worse pieces of shat to ever live.
I got there for that game at 11AM I was never more pumped for a game like I was that day. That day will be tough to replicate for RU. There has not been am atmosphere anywhere close to that since. That team just had IT. Should have been on a BCS game.....Townsend catch the ball it hit you right in the middle of the numbers...Also got screwed on the Slaton fumble. That team deserved to go to the BCS they had all the pieces to the puzzle and the stain as well
Being in GA since 84 has limited my in person viewings, so limiting to that:
1) Nate Jones 100 yard kickoff return at Tennessee in 2002
2) Goal line stop at UNC in 2006
3)Hamilton stop at Maryland in 2014
4)Hayes interception return at Minnesota in 2016
I have to say the fake FG for a TD in 2012 against Louisville in the defacto Big East championship ... it was so shocking and then euphoric .. I thought we were going to the Sugar Bowl. But the Big East refs had to give it to us one last time on our way out and called ineligible man downfield which was clearly not after shown later.

Still hurts........

But, if just one single play................ Savage to Brown.......
Yesterday, Lewis faking two steps of a run up the middle, stepping back and lofting a ball to the wide open Griffin-Stewart..

The new era has arrived!!
I was at that game in the visitors section with a couple thousand RU fans. The 5 minutes before that play we were being goaded by the knuckle dragging uconn fans next to us after they had taken the lead.. made it even better.. the RU section went absolutely beserk.
Yea was there also da puppy fans were atrocious! Tim Brown ran right over to us in that visitor corner section after the TD Jumping and waving while all those puppy fans stood, stood, stood...
I have to go with Fortas to Brantley as #1 and Savage to Brown as #1A. I was at the Va Tech game and only heard the UConn play on the radio so that's what tilts it.
If we extend this to something amazing seen AT a Rutgers game.. I think it was circa 1981 or so.. a nice looking blonde cheerleader did back handsprings around.. oh, I'd say 1/3rd of the track... nonstop all the way around the curve of the north endzone. As people caught on to what they were seeing the cheers grew louder and louder.. and when she stopped she was all wobbly.

Quite amazing really.