It really is a total gray area.. In the grand scheme of things.. Some of these bowl games are technically "meaningless" (Quick: 9 years ago, who did Rutgers play in a bowl game) But for the practices leading up to them, where programs get to focus time on developing players who are expected to contribute the following year.. That in itself is immeasurable... I can easily see merits on both sides of the argument... Unfortunately, there is no easy fix to this... (some of you make think its as easy as pulling a schollie.. But if you really sit down and think it thru... Its not nearly that easy, as there could be serious repercussions) But also by allowing it.. Where would it stop? Say RU went 6-6 this year.. How would we feel if DH and JPO both opted out? Now both of them were real good players for us.. But they're also both fringe 7th rd at the very best of cases... IDK.. I mean like I said, cases can be made on both sides...