OSU Vet School Has UM Fire Hydrants for Dogs to Pee On

Owie - looks like bullyin to meeeee. Body fluids used in a way to disturb others - a microaggression at minimum. Barky would so stop this
Of Course Rutgers is so PC that both Julie and Barchi would write apology letters to the offended school!
We should have TTFP fire hydrants spread throughout tailgating areas. Who here wouldn't enjoy peeing on one of them?
Originally posted by RUissy:
We should have TTFP fire hydrants spread throughout tailgating areas. Who here wouldn't enjoy peeing on one of them?
...or just order BLUE porto-potties and label them "The Lion's Den"
Originally posted by RUissy:
We should have TTFP fire hydrants spread throughout tailgating areas. Who here wouldn't enjoy peeing on one of them?
Oh please - hasn't Julie written enough apology letters?
The PeeSU fans would be in tears, taking pictures, e-mailing all the news would absolutely be worth it.
Originally posted by RUnumber1:
We need a Vet School first.
We do have a dog-training program. Only reason I know about it is I saw it on the BTN promos for the universities.