OT: Bill to ban tackle football in NJ under age of 12 years old


All American
Gold Member
Jan 18, 2015
i am sure this will stir a good discussion. The article states the bill will likely go no where. But, will it gain momentum in time? Is there a need to tackle prior to 12 years old. One also thinks that tackling under the age of 12 does not lead to significant injury risk and teaches proper approach at a young that could actually limit injuries later on? If you suddenly start tackling as a teen with no prior expereince do you risk a higher level of injuries later on?

Also if you set it at 12 now, 15 is next followed by 18 under? All highly theoretical, but with a discussion, comes change.

@Richard Schnyderite
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Progression, all of it starts out as nothing more than info you should know to strangulating regulation.
Cigarettes started as a warning from the attorney general, "may be hazourdus to your health"
Today restrictions on them are stifling. Yet they are legal.
I don't smoke!
Just an observation of progression.
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i am sure this will stir a good discussion. The article states the bill will likely go no where. But, will it gain momentum in time? Is there a need to tackle prior to 12 years old. One also thinks that tackling under the age of 12 does not lead to significant injury risk and teaches proper approach at a young that could actually limit injuries later on? If you suddenly start tackling as a teen with no prior expereince do you risk a higher level of injuries later on?

Also if you set it at 12 now, 15 is next followed by 18 under? All highly theoretical, but with a discussion, comes change.

@Richard Schnyderite
And the residents of NJ keep voting for such fools.

The pussification of America continues. The issue is, 20 years ago, proper form was not taught. I remember growing up and my teammates and I would brag about who had the most beat up helmet throughout the season. The coaches almost encouraged it. Today that's not the case. Continue to teach proper form, educate, and the head injuries will decrease.
Progression, all of it starts out as nothing more than info you should know to strangulating regulation.
Cigarettes started as a warning from the attorney general, "may be hazourdus to your health"
Today restrictions on them are stifling. Yet they are legal.
I don't smoke!
Just an observation of progression.

Sounds like progress
Stupid Bill. Just from my experience many of us started in the 3rd or 4th grade when we were 8 or 9. By time we were 12 we new the proper techniques inside out. We were learning at an age when you really aren't able to generate much force. Thus injuries were very rare.

Now have everyone learning at age 12 and it becomes an even more dangerous game. This passes they'll see an increase in injury for that age bracket and then consider to make it older. They'll make the game even more dangerous by having people learn at ages where they can generate more force. Now that's ass backwards, but that's government for ya.
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This whole thing is stupid. Between having giant sized pads (in the name of safety) and having modern helmets that gives players a false sense of security to become Ram Man and use their heads, this causes players to go into runners shoulders/forearms in and try to knock them out into next week instead of using proper rugby form tackles to simply stop the runner. It does not help when some youth coaches rather have their kids go on WorldStar when they knock the other player out instead of tackle the runner.

Personally I would make shoulder pads as small as possible, think Michael Bennett. I would make those knockout hits illegal and make everyone learn how to do the rugby form tackling. For those who say that football is too fast for kids to rugby tackle all the time, look up rugby games on YouTube and see how fast those players make those rugby tackles. If you rep and rep those tackles with the proper coaching, you eventually get rid of the need for the knockout shots.

I also dont like 5-7 YOs playing tackle football, even as a youth coach. But I'm not going to go around and force my opinions onto other and besides, Bless those youth coaches who can and does teach the game properly to those Bobbleheads. However, someone said that it's better to teach the game to kids that age since they more than likely learn things quicker but run around at a slower speed/pace and speed. Rather that than teach the game to a bunch of 12 YOs for the first time who runs at a faster speed/pace but have attitudes to not learn everything right away.
At those ages I was playing pick-up football with my friends. No equipment. Some days we tackled and some days it was two-hand touch. We didn't need anyone to teach us that leading with our heads was stupid, so we all learned "proper" technique on our own.
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At those ages I was playing pick-up football with my friends. No equipment. Some days we tackled and some days it was two-hand touch. We didn't need anyone to teach us that leading with our heads was stupid, so we all learned "proper" technique on our own.

Yeah well, those days are long gone. Have you seen how the kids play street ball these days? I cringe to myself with all of their rules, let alone the way they tackle each other.

And besides, the topic here is organized ball not street ball.
If you take all the risk out of life, life would be pretty damned boring. There are a lot of kids getting injured riding bicycles, yet nobody's talking about a minimum age of 13 to ride one. A classic case of an overbearing government.
If you take all the risk out of life, life would be pretty damned boring. There are a lot of kids getting injured riding bicycles, yet nobody's talking about a minimum age of 13 to ride one. A classic case of an overbearing government.
Agreed. Theres alot of these injuries with soccer, basketball, skateboarding, etc that no ones talks about... even Flag/ 7 on 7 football.
As with everything, it all starts with pleas for "common sense" legislation for children and ends with a complete ban for everybody. That's the end game ... no more sport of football on a professional or collegiate level. My bet is they get there inside 25 years.
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It's true that kids below twelve can't generate much force. OTOH, kids' heads are very vulnerable to injury at that age. But the kids are going to tackle whether it be in street ball or organized ball, and I'd rather they do it in organized ball where there is at least someone to teach them how to do things right.

I think football is in trouble. The information now coming out about concussions will lead many parents to encourage their athletic sons to do something beside football: we may see a boom in lacrosse.
And many will agree that the state should control the children's activities instead of the parents.
This whole thing is stupid. Between having giant sized pads (in the name of safety) and having modern helmets that gives players a false sense of security to become Ram Man and use their heads, this causes players to go into runners shoulders/forearms in and try to knock them out into next week instead of using proper rugby form tackles to simply stop the runner. It does not help when some youth coaches rather have their kids go on WorldStar when they knock the other player out instead of tackle the runner.

Personally I would make shoulder pads as small as possible, think Michael Bennett. I would make those knockout hits illegal and make everyone learn how to do the rugby form tackling. For those who say that football is too fast for kids to rugby tackle all the time, look up rugby games on YouTube and see how fast those players make those rugby tackles. If you rep and rep those tackles with the proper coaching, you eventually get rid of the need for the knockout shots

This. x100.

Won't stop concussions as that also plagues rugby, but the rules and equipment of American football is for pussies. If you really want to watch a manly tackle sport, rugby is where it is at. Impact is incredibly violent but proper form tackling (wrap and hold, and bring to ground) is required. Spearing is for fools who are too dumb to realize they are risking their life.
Tackle football will be banned someday. It’s only a matter of time.
Tackle football will be banned someday. It’s only a matter of time.

I think this prophecy will come true. What I wonder is whether any sport that involves a lot of concussions -- I'm thinking of rugby, lacrosse (am I right about lacrosse?) and hockey -- will survive in a world in which brains increasingly count much more than brawn. And I wonder if people will become less interested in sports in general. (I'm not suggesting that any of this is necessarily a good thing!)
Not that I would want it there, but can football evolve? Maybe speed, agility etc along the lines of 7v7?. I couldn’t see fans being drawn in the numbers they are unless it is basically unchanged.
I think this prophecy will come true. What I wonder is whether any sport that involves a lot of concussions -- I'm thinking of rugby, lacrosse (am I right about lacrosse?) and hockey -- will survive in a world in which brains increasingly count much more than brawn. And I wonder if people will become less interested in sports in general. (I'm not suggesting that any of this is necessarily a good thing!)

There are concussions in lacrosse, but to a degree that if it's a problem for lacrosse it's also a problem for soccer
There are concussions in lacrosse, but to a degree that if it's a problem for lacrosse it's also a problem for soccer

I know some parents are concerned about youth soccer because of headers. I think there's been talk of banning headers in youth soccer.

I did read something on line that said that lacrosse is second only to football in youth concussions. Maybe kids will have to turn to basketball, already a popular sport among kids.
I know some parents are concerned about youth soccer because of headers. I think there's been talk of banning headers in youth soccer.

I did read something on line that said that lacrosse is second only to football in youth concussions. Maybe kids will have to turn to basketball, already a popular sport among kids.
There's always badminton and ping pong. Prominently displayed on ESPN 8 "THE OCHO". I heard there's a movement to ban dodgeball as well.
Not that I would want it there, but can football evolve? Maybe speed, agility etc along the lines of 7v7?. I couldn’t see fans being drawn in the numbers they are unless it is basically unchanged.
Yeah but players can have the same concussion issues when players crash into each other on crossing routes, deep balls, etc. And is that going tobe played with or without helmets?
Proper technique like "bite the football" is not proper technique anymore.

I have talked to a lot of good high school coaches, and college coaches, and almost all agree that there is no gain to playing tackle football that young.
Proper technique like "bite the football" is not proper technique anymore.

I have talked to a lot of good high school coaches, and college coaches, and almost all agree that there is no gain to playing tackle football that young.

If we ban youth tackle football, are we just creating the possibility of a wave of serious injuries when inexperienced teen-agers begin tackling?
Proper technique like "bite the football" is not proper technique anymore.

I have talked to a lot of good high school coaches, and college coaches, and almost all agree that there is no gain to playing tackle football that young.

Banning tackling would be the equivalent of banning swinging a baseball bat. It's a fundamental staple of the game. How anyone can be in favor of this is pure insanity to me.
If we ban youth tackle football, are we just creating the possibility of a wave of serious injuries when inexperienced teen-agers begin tackling?

It is all about the experience of the coaches. There is not enough good coaches on youth teams to teach tackling properly. Dads are put in impossible situations to teach it correctly to modern standards.
Banning tackling would be the equivalent of banning swinging a baseball bat. It's a fundamental staple of the game. How anyone can be in favor of this is pure insanity to me.

Speaking as someone who, as a child, was hit by the backswing of a baseball bat, bats are not nearly as dangerous as tackling when used as intended to be.
Proper technique like "bite the football" is not proper technique anymore.

I have talked to a lot of good high school coaches, and college coaches, and almost all agree that there is no gain to playing tackle football that young.
Who ever says "bite the ball is proper technique" is an asshat.