OT: Bitcoins / Other Crypto Currencies for Dummies

I’m being a bit of smart ass while trying to make a subtle point. If the economy collapses to the point the market doesn’t come back where your basic index fund is worthless, you best have a lot of bullets.

I get it... and I was just saying (as I'm sure you know)... that total anarchy ain't nearly as hard to find from here as you might used to think...
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That only gets you past the first wave of attacks, maybe last out a day or two.

Only someone with a tank (@m1ipabrams) has a fighting chance of lasting out the first week. And then, only if he has a ready supply of fuel and spare parts.

Personally, I think having a large stable of hookers, a massive supply of blow, and corral full of sheep, and a few dozen tactical nuclear weapons is the only way to survive long term. But that's just me.

Call my buddy Ron, he can set you up - no problem.

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