OT: Bitcoins / Other Crypto Currencies for Dummies

The verdict on crypto should be in by the time Uranus,the great disrupter,goes through Taurus,the sign of money,by the end of 2026.

Why didn't I buy when it was $10?
For some reason think $13,500,00 is the next resistance level will hit that and than all-time high $19,891.00 will break that and then.

Name your price $100,000.00 or a million or in between - all this year it's only June.

Take a look at a Gold chart over $1400.00- the Elites are running away from the dollar and so should you.

I just do what the smartest guys in the room do - only way out of the Federal Reserve System is Precious Metals - physical or Crypto-currencies...

What did Trump say with that Iran Drone - we were 10 minutes away from WW111...better get your house in order especially if you got kids. Those pieces of paper aint going to be worth shit by the end of the year.

Peace out

I really don't care what you do - but I will be wealthy by the end of the year and you will be so sad.

For some reason think $13,500,00 is the next resistance level will hit that and than all-time high $19,891.00 will break that and then.

Name your price $100,000.00 or a million or in between - all this year it's only June.

Take a look at a Gold chart over $1400.00- the Elites are running away from the dollar and so should you.

I just do what the smartest guys in the room do - only way out of the Federal Reserve System is Precious Metals - physical or Crypto-currencies...

What did Trump say with that Iran Drone - we were 10 minutes away from WW111...better get your house in order especially if you got kids. Those pieces of paper aint going to be worth shit by the end of the year.

Peace out

I really don't care what you do - but I will be wealthy by the end of the year and you will be so sad.

Maybe you'll answer the question this time:

Say you are right. WWW3 happens.
US dollar fails and basically worthless.
Physical USD only good for burning to keep warm.

What would the value of your Bitcoin "stock" be worth then?
You won't be able to exchange it for that $1mil USD since the dollar will have already failed.

Will you be able to start buying stuff with a digital BTC that has no tangible value?
From who? Who is selling you commodities for BTC when you have no option to exchange that BTC for another currency?

What goods are you trading for with a BTC?

At least with precious metals - they could have a tangible use.
Would be nice to get one, just one post, addressing BTC as an actual currency and not as an investment vehicle.
Currency is the way in which things move, investment is the way in which things sit. Bitcoin, like the US dollar, does both, though more profoundly than the dollar since Bitcoin is still so new. The history of the dollar is also one of wide fluctuations and uncertainty, as there were hundreds of versions of printed money in the early years of the United States. Eventually the inconveniences of too many types of money, each issued by different institutions, typically banks, gave way to a single unit of currency—the dollar. Other countries have pegged their currencies to the US dollar due to instability in their respective countries, and was commonly done to bring about confidence in those countries’ markets. The US dollar is regarded as relatively stable, but exchange rates vary, though not so much as to cause alarm by citizens and institutions.

Recently, countries like Argentina, for example, and, historically, post-WW2 Germany, experienced hyper-inflation, causing a drastic change in the value of their respective currencies, sometimes changing hourly. As a medium of exchange, a note is only as valuable as what it can be exchanged for, so two sides of a transaction affect the “rate of exchange” on a micro scale. Bitcoin operates according to the same dynamic, and because it is so new it isn’t widely used, which contributes to wider fluctuations than the US dollar. Not to missed in the discussion is that the US dollar is both an investment vehicle, as in the case of Argentinians keeping their money in US banks (in US dollars) so their money doesn’t lose its value, and is also a currency, as the US dollar is widely accepted and may therefore be exchanged for goods and services. This wide acceptance makes it more obvious as a currency, but the US dollar can also be an investment, not only as a hedge against another country’s hyper-inflation, but also as evidenced by US traders looking for fluctuations in the world’s currencies to take advantage of varying exchange rates.

I don’t know enough about the history of the US dollar to know what the fluctuations in value (purchase “power”) were as it was gaining broader acceptance, but over time people’s confidence in it made it more widely accepted. Whether the blockchain is enough to make Bitcoin a trustworthy and widely accepted currency remains to be seen, but its rapid rise in price (in dollars) gives it the impression that it is primarily an investment vehicle. One of the things about Bitcoin that hasn’t been settled yet, even by the early founders of Bitcoin and its various exchanges, is whether it is primarily a currency, an investment, or a technology. We’ll eventually find out. But the old guard—the Fed, Treasury, credit-card companies and big banks—will have a lot to say about it. But it’s early in the game, and too early to tell if the divisibility of a Bitcoin will make it easy, via cell-phone apps, to readily use it to buy a gallon of milk or get a haircut or pay Rivals their annual fee.
Currency is the way in which things move, investment is the way in which things sit. Bitcoin, like the US dollar, does both, though more profoundly than the dollar since Bitcoin is still so new. The history of the dollar is also one of wide fluctuations and uncertainty, as there were hundreds of versions of printed money in the early years of the United States. Eventually the inconveniences of too many types of money, each issued by different institutions, typically banks, gave way to a single unit of currency—the dollar. Other countries have pegged their currencies to the US dollar due to instability in their respective countries, and was commonly done to bring about confidence in those countries’ markets. The US dollar is regarded as relatively stable, but exchange rates vary, though not so much as to cause alarm by citizens and institutions.

Recently, countries like Argentina, for example, and, historically, post-WW2 Germany, experienced hyper-inflation, causing a drastic change in the value of their respective currencies, sometimes changing hourly. As a medium of exchange, a note is only as valuable as what it can be exchanged for, so two sides of a transaction affect the “rate of exchange” on a micro scale. Bitcoin operates according to the same dynamic, and because it is so new it isn’t widely used, which contributes to wider fluctuations than the US dollar. Not to missed in the discussion is that the US dollar is both an investment vehicle, as in the case of Argentinians keeping their money in US banks (in US dollars) so their money doesn’t lose its value, and is also a currency, as the US dollar is widely accepted and may therefore be exchanged for goods and services. This wide acceptance makes it more obvious as a currency, but the US dollar can also be an investment, not only as a hedge against another country’s hyper-inflation, but also as evidenced by US traders looking for fluctuations in the world’s currencies to take advantage of varying exchange rates.

I don’t know enough about the history of the US dollar to know what the fluctuations in value (purchase “power”) were as it was gaining broader acceptance, but over time people’s confidence in it made it more widely accepted. Whether the blockchain is enough to make Bitcoin a trustworthy and widely accepted currency remains to be seen, but its rapid rise in price (in dollars) gives it the impression that it is primarily an investment vehicle. One of the things about Bitcoin that hasn’t been settled yet, even by the early founders of Bitcoin and its various exchanges, is whether it is primarily a currency, an investment, or a technology. We’ll eventually find out. But the old guard—the Fed, Treasury, credit-card companies and big banks—will have a lot to say about it. But it’s early in the game, and too early to tell if the divisibility of a Bitcoin will make it easy, via cell-phone apps, to readily use it to buy a gallon of milk or get a haircut or pay Rivals their annual fee.
They are already testing soda machines that I know of because I saw the video myself with crypto payments via phone loaf app. Its a QR code reader right now. I cannot comment on anything else as that us the only video I saw or looked for....that was at least 6 or 7 months ago so I'm sure alot has changed since then
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Time to cash out now...... Google is breaking quantum........

The news: According to a report in the Financial Times, a team of researchers from Google led by John Martinis have demonstrated quantum supremacy for the first time. This is the point at which a quantum computer is shown to be capable of performing a task that’s beyond the reach of even the most powerful conventional supercomputer. The claim appeared in a paper that was posted on a NASA website, but the publication was then taken down.
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Time to cash out now...... Google is breaking quantum........

The news: According to a report in the Financial Times, a team of researchers from Google led by John Martinis have demonstrated quantum supremacy for the first time. This is the point at which a quantum computer is shown to be capable of performing a task that’s beyond the reach of even the most powerful conventional supercomputer. The claim appeared in a paper that was posted on a NASA website, but the publication was then taken down.
If that quantum-conventional computational ratio is accurate, the implications are beyond the pale of comprehension right now.
I was wondering what cryptocurrency is. I have read a lot of articles on the Internet, but I cannot say that I figured everything out. I still have a lot of questions, so I'm here. Guys, tell me about your experience of cooperation with this service Will it be profitable if I buy bitcoin with credit card on Can I pay attention to other services for buying cryptocurrency? What do you think?
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A way to play the BTC trade in your tax free IRA without the need for your own BTC wallet. GBTC : Tracks BTC directly, although at a slight premium + a 2% mngmt fee. 1000 shares = approximately 1 BTC
So where is the Bitcoin price as we sit tonight?

$56,340 does that make you question the dollar?

Smart money is going into Bitcoin and physical

Running the f out of the dollar...

Are you guys sheep?

I enjoy Mai Tai's and Yathzee and that will be the rest of my . and Tits. lol

Set for Life. Talk that over with your Stock Broker. lmao

& dont forget the big tits. Who likes big tits?
and go f somebodywith distilled water. I told you bitches 2 years ago. So f off - just kidding but IM rich and your not

I looked earlier today....... wow. I'm richer than I thought (makes my $8600 drunk buys seem like brain surgery)...

I still have serious questions about any of this crypto.

no doubt Musk diving in has shot it to the moon (christ - he moved Dogo from .0003 to .05).

But, still - in the long run...... baring world collapse --- no way Gov'ts will let this keep runnin' without control.

and if China takes over - they will shut it down 100%

But for baby!!
I will say this and there are probably 20,000 people in the world that know this????

In the next 6 weeks the US bonds will crash and boy you better be out of the US Dollar....any investment - 401 K, Pensions, Bank Accounts etc.

I told you 2 years ago Bitcoin and physical Silver is a flight to safety - go to your local Gold/Silver guy - no Silver - its gone. If he has it buy everything he has got.

It's a run out of the Dollar. Its coming and we are here.

Peace out
I will say this and there are probably 20,000 people in the world that know this????

In the next 6 weeks the US bonds will crash and boy you better be out of the US Dollar....any investment - 401 K, Pensions, Bank Accounts etc.

I told you 2 years ago Bitcoin and physical Silver is a flight to safety - go to your local Gold/Silver guy - no Silver - its gone. If he has it buy everything he has got.

It's a run out of the Dollar. Its coming and we are here.

Peace out

at least AOC gave herself 12 years.....

you're on the clock JP
I will say this and there are probably 20,000 people in the world that know this????

In the next 6 weeks the US bonds will crash and boy you better be out of the US Dollar....any investment - 401 K, Pensions, Bank Accounts etc.

I told you 2 years ago Bitcoin and physical Silver is a flight to safety - go to your local Gold/Silver guy - no Silver - its gone. If he has it buy everything he has got.

It's a run out of the Dollar. Its coming and we are here.

Peace out

What are you even implying here? With 401k
Most people don’t even have options behind USD denominated funds, money markets, or cash as their options.

while I don’t own much physical, I am
Holding gold, silver, and BTC/ETH in my portfolios.
I believe a correction is coming and will prob happen a few weeks after the stimulus is approved. This is trying to to hedge against inflation and a devalued dollar.

there just doesn’t seem to be any safe haven out there anymore
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What are you even implying here? With 401k
Most people don’t even have options behind USD denominated funds, money markets, or cash as their options.

while I don’t own much physical, I am
Holding gold, silver, and BTC/ETH in my portfolios.
I believe a correction is coming and will prob happen a few weeks after the stimulus is approved. This is trying to to hedge against inflation and a devalued dollar.

there just doesn’t seem to be any safe haven out there anymore
gold, silver, lead, steel, alcohol and beans.

gold, silver, lead, steel, alcohol and beans.

Some folks have been warning about the big crash for the past 5-6 years. They actually were crowing about the COVID crash last year, but then went away when the market starting hitting all-time highs again just a few months later.
Some folks have been warning about the big crash for the past 5-6 years. They actually were crowing about the COVID crash last year, but then went away when the market starting hitting all-time highs again just a few months later.

Well, thee was the 2006 crisis.... but QE1, QE2, QE3 and 11 Trillion dollar$ later, it was fine...
S&P was up +11% in 2006. So the crash definitely didn't start then. 2007 was positive as well.

Stocks are where sharps make money months before the squares start to invest...

  1. January 2005 Federal Reserve Governor Edward Gramlich raises concerns over subprime lending says mortgage brokers no longer have incentives for careful underwriting and a bubble may exist.
  2. mid-2005 Greg Lippmann calls the CDO market a 'ponzi scheme'
  3. June 2005Lehman starts shorting housing loans
  4. December 2005: Yield Curve Inverts
  5. Mid 2006 AIG stops selling CDO insurance
  6. Mid 2006 high risk lenders (like Ameriquest) announce large layoffs
  7. September 2006: Home Prices Fall for the First Time in 11 Years
  8. November 2006: New Home Permits Fall 28 Percent
by 2006 it was well underway....... the suckers didn't know it.
Stocks are where sharps make money months before the squares start to invest...

  1. January 2005 Federal Reserve Governor Edward Gramlich raises concerns over subprime lending says mortgage brokers no longer have incentives for careful underwriting and a bubble may exist.
  2. mid-2005 Greg Lippmann calls the CDO market a 'ponzi scheme'
  3. June 2005Lehman starts shorting housing loans
  4. December 2005: Yield Curve Inverts
  5. Mid 2006 AIG stops selling CDO insurance
  6. Mid 2006 high risk lenders (like Ameriquest) announce large layoffs
  7. September 2006: Home Prices Fall for the First Time in 11 Years
  8. November 2006: New Home Permits Fall 28 Percent
by 2006 it was well underway....... the suckers didn't know it.
The crash didn't happen until 2008, that's the data.

The issues that led to the 2008/2009 crash started in the 80s with the slow burning wick being lit in the late 90s.
Again, if the economy crashes to the level of Mad Max, your gold and bits won’t mean sh$t. Your Sig on the other hand...
Again, if the economy crashes to the level of Mad Max, your gold and bits won’t mean sh$t. Your Sig on the other hand...


but, there's a lot of levels between here and there

but, a whole mess fewer levels than I would have guessed a year ago...........
Again, if the economy crashes to the level of Mad Max, your gold and bits won’t mean sh$t. Your Sig on the other hand...
That only gets you past the first wave of attacks, maybe last out a day or two.

Only someone with a tank (@m1ipabrams) has a fighting chance of lasting out the first week. And then, only if he has a ready supply of fuel and spare parts.

Personally, I think having a large stable of hookers, a massive supply of blow, and corral full of sheep, and a few dozen tactical nuclear weapons is the only way to survive long term. But that's just me.
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That only gets you past the first wave of attacks, maybe last out a day or two.

Only someone with a tank (@m1ipabrams) has a fighting chance of lasting out the first week. And then, only if he has a ready supply of fuel and spare parts.

Personally, I think having a large stable of hookers, a massive supply of blow, and corral full of sheep, and a few dozen tactical nuclear weapons is the only way to survive long term. But that's just me.

when the world ends I’m getting your number. In the words of Bill Murray in Stripes “I want to party with you”
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but, there's a lot of levels between here and there

but, a whole mess fewer levels than I would have guessed a year ago...........

I’m being a bit of smart ass while trying to make a subtle point. If the economy collapses to the point the market doesn’t come back where your basic index fund is worthless, you best have a lot of bullets.