OT: Bitcoins / Other Crypto Currencies for Dummies

Also to add there are thousands of scam coins out there but you might want to check history.....The DOT COMS also had thousands of scam companies so to speak out there that Billions were lost on...but from the Ashes came Amazon, Ebay, Google, Facebook etc its all the same just a different product offering.

The companies you mention are businesses that make money; crypto is not a business. In the end, you might be right....
Ohio now accepts BTC as a method of payment for business taxes.
Except Ohio really isn't authorizing payment of taxes in BitCoin. What is actually authorized is that a business can send bitcoin to an authorized intermediary who converts the bit coin to dollars and then pays the state in dollars.

From the WSJ:

Ohio filers will technically send their tax payments to an Atlanta-based payments processor called BitPay, which will then convert the bitcoin to dollars for the state treasurer’s office.
It's not even like paying by check where you send a check to the state and they handle converting the check to dollars. In this case, the State of Ohio never receives BitCoin, never worries about the price fluctuation of bitcoin, and never has to convert bitcoin to dollars. They only get dollars from the intermediary. And unlike paying in dollars, you have to pay a fee to convert the bitcoin.
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Except Ohio really isn't authorizing payment of taxes in BitCoin. What is actually authorized is that a business can send bitcoin to an authorized intermediary who converts the bit coin to dollars and then pays the state in dollars.

From the WSJ:

Ohio filers will technically send their tax payments to an Atlanta-based payments processor called BitPay, which will then convert the bitcoin to dollars for the state treasurer’s office.
It's not even like paying by check where you send a check to the state and they handle converting the check to dollars. In this case, the State of Ohio never receives BitCoin, never worries about the price fluctuation of bitcoin, and never has to convert bitcoin to dollars. They only get dollars from the intermediary. And unlike paying in dollars, you have to pay a fee to convert the bitcoin.
Lets not let facts get in the way here.

Business don't accept 50s or 100s for 1) security reasons or 2) don't have change for it.
The companies you mention are businesses that make money; crypto is not a business. In the end, you might be right....
The Genie is out of the bottle and it is not going back in. The industry may take a step back but it is not going to do anything but grow and keep growing. Cash is archaic it is 1000% going to go away
Its early in the game boys..liken it to the internet when that 1st came was going to fail it was a fad. It now controls the world

This will dwarf the internet
Its early in the game boys..liken it to the internet when that 1st came was going to fail it was a fad. It now controls the world

This will dwarf the internet

The “internet” was not a stock you could invest in. Just because the internet took off and changed the way we live doesn’t mean your investment in made you wealthy.

Bottom line... if today’s currency system collapses then a AR15 will be more valuable than bitcoin.
As Walter Alston was famous for saying:"It's too early to tell."Another decade may be necessary to judge the crypto fate.

What I do know is that I wish that I had invested that 10 K into them as I planned in late 2012 when the price was $10.
The “internet” was not a stock you could invest in. Just because the internet took off and changed the way we live doesn’t mean your investment in made you wealthy.

Bottom line... if today’s currency system collapses then a AR15 will be more valuable than bitcoin.
Todays economy has already COLLAPSED twice where have you been. Have you ever heard of the Great Depression and all the Banks crashing during the housing fiasco. You dobrealize the govt printed up money to bail all the banks out that FAILED.

Todays economy is a worldwide wide economy that needs worldwide currency and it is NOT fiat money. You better embrace change because times are changing
As Walter Alston was famous for saying:"It's too early to tell."Another decade may be necessary to judge the crypto fate.

What I do know is that I wish that I had invested that 10 K into them as I planned in late 2012 when the price was $10.
The price us great now.....people in genersl are really not smart they invest and pump when things are going up and high then sell when they are losing because they tried to jump on the train after it left the station....the tine to invest is when things are crashing this is the time that makes millionaires.
Todays economy has already COLLAPSED twice where have you been. Have you ever heard of the Great Depression and all the Banks crashing during the housing fiasco. You dobrealize the govt printed up money to bail all the banks out that FAILED.

Todays economy is a worldwide wide economy that needs worldwide currency and it is NOT fiat money. You better embrace change because times are changing

Along with the yawn of an insult, you are doing nothing but speaking in generalities. Again, just because the internet took off doesn’t mean made you money.

I have no dog in this hunt. I wish you well in your investment.
Cash is archaic it is 1000% going to go away
There are lots of viable alternatives to cash in today's cashless society. Of course, in the US they're all dollar-based.

Maybe at some point in the future there will be an alternative currency that is viable. Maybe that currency will even be blockchain based. But it won't be Bitcoin.

Bitcoin has too many problems, the most significant of which is volatility, to ever be an a viable currency. Bitcoin is dead. 20 years from now, if Bitcoin has any value, it will only be as a novelty item.
Not saying Bitcoin or any current digital currency is going to be the solution in the future noone can answer that question it may or may not. But there will be some form of digital currency in place it will not be current monetary system
Not saying Bitcoin or any current digital currency is going to be the solution in the future noone can answer that question it may or may not. But there will be some form of digital currency in place it will not be current monetary system
If it isn't Bitcoin (and it won't be, because Bitcoin has too many problems), then there is no point in buying or holding Bitcoin. The value will eventually diminish until it is close to zero.

As far as whether there is a new form of currency (and we're not talking about something like the Euro replacing individual currencies in Europe), the new currency would have to actually solve a problem with existing currency. And unless you are a terrorist or other criminal, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin don't actually solve any problems.
Along with the yawn of an insult, you are doing nothing but speaking in generalities. Again, just because the internet took off doesn’t mean made you money.

I have no dog in this hunt. I wish you well in your investment.
This is a good point, but if you invested in a variety of sites, all you needed was one to take off. There are cryptocurrencies that are basically crypto mutual funds, so maybe most of them will end up being worthless, but as long as one of them has a future then you're set. So far though, it hasn't mattered much which cryptocurrencies you've invested in because the fluctuations all seem to match each other.
This is a good point, but if you invested in a variety of sites, all you needed was one to take off. There are cryptocurrencies that are basically crypto mutual funds, so maybe most of them will end up being worthless, but as long as one of them has a future then you're set. So far though, it hasn't mattered much which cryptocurrencies you've invested in because the fluctuations all seem to match each other.
Which brings up the fundamental incongruity of a cryptocurrency as an investment. If it is a good currency, it is a bad investment. If it is a good investment, it is a bad currency.
If it isn't Bitcoin (and it won't be, because Bitcoin has too many problems), then there is no point in buying or holding Bitcoin. The value will eventually diminish until it is close to zero.

As far as whether there is a new form of currency (and we're not talking about something like the Euro replacing individual currencies in Europe), the new currency would have to actually solve a problem with existing currency. And unless you are a terrorist or other criminal, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin don't actually solve any problems.
I guess you'll get a shock then because you do not have a clue. Try researching the product its long past criminal activity
I guess you'll get a shock then because you do not have a clue. Try researching the product its long past criminal activity

Criminal activity is still occurring, but not at the same rate. In 2013, it was reported that 90% of transactions were used for criminal activity, and now, in 2018, it’s 10%. Well, 10% is still crazy high compared to regular currency.
Criminal activity is still occurring, but not at the same rate. In 2013, it was reported that 90% of transactions were used for criminal activity, and now, in 2018, it’s 10%. Well, 10% is still crazy high compared to regular currency.
90% of bitcoin transactions might be non-criminal today. But the vast majority of that 90% are people buying/selling bitcoin for price speculation purposes. They are not using bitcoin as a currency to transact business.

I stand by my previous comment that bitcoin has little benefit as a currency outside the criminal arena (whether that is terrorism, drug dealing, money laundering, tax evasion, etc.)
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1. What does Bitcoin have to do with "cash"? We already have a digital currency - U.S. Dollars.
If you want to go way back - credit cards starting making carrying cash obselete.

2. What is the purpose of an "alternative currency"?

Price speculation? Then its use is as an alternative investment - not a currency.
Just like investing in any other foreign currency.

Hedge against economic collapse?
If something backed by the U.S. government fails, why would anyone accept payment in a currency backed by nothing?
Invest in precious metals or materials or tradable goods. At least they have tangible value or can be used for something.
Cash could be burned for heat at least as a last resort. Or be made into clothes.

Also, if the economy collapses and technology fails, good luck using a digital currency with no tangible value.

Seems like "alternative currency" only use is to make untracked transactions - which does have value.
But that doesn't seem to be the argument from "alternative currency" proponents.
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A Canadian cryptocurrency exchange says about $140 million worth of customers’ holdings are stuck in an electronic vault because the company’s founder, and sole employee, died without sharing the password.

But two independent researchers say publicly available transaction records associated with QuadrigaCX suggest the money may be gone, not trapped.

So much for Bitcoin being a safer way to secure your assets.
The Genie is out of the bottle and it is not going back in. The industry may take a step back but it is not going to do anything but grow and keep growing. Cash is archaic it is 1000% going to go away

A step back? True, if you were standing at the edge of the Grand Canyon and looking away. And cash will be gone only if you are predicting for the year 2100.
How to Capitalize on Crypto Eating the World Economy [Visualized]
In Crypto We Trust
Growing from $17.7B to $623B so far this year, thecrypto-economyis seeing mass adoption across oceans and borders.

Welcome to the fastest growing industry in human history.


Despite the boom in cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin remains king

The World Economy (Pre-Crypto)

A traditional view of the world’s money

Welcome to the world’s GDP!We’ve got about $78.5 Trillion USD total. If you live in the USA or China, congratulations! You’re worth about $29 Trillion and make up about 39% of the world’s GDP.

If you’re Saudi Arabia,you’re worth about $756 Billion, or about .96% of the global GDP.

And if you’re Jeff Bezos,you’re worth about $100 Billion, or about .13% of the global GDP (And hey Jeff, could you help me get my Alexa working again?)

A Year in Crypto


Year to date of the crypto market cap

Growing from a market cap of $17.7B to $623.2B USD, the crypto industry has grown by 3,520% so far this year — A rate some experts might call “Stupid Fast”

Despite the boom of new coins in the market Bitcoin reigns supreme with an approximately$318B market capand just over 51% of the industry.

The World Meets Crypto

Move over Argentina, Crypto is the 21st richest country now!

This is what the world economy looks like today featuring cryptocurrencies. Do you see that little slice between Switzerland and Argentina? That’s crypto, and it’s already 35x larger than it was at Jan 1st, 2017. It’s not a big slice, but it’s visible now which is a pretty big accomplishment in and of itself.

The Future of Crypto
Now let’s look forward at what the future has in store for us. We’ll assume a more modest rate of growth at just 1,000% annually, but for fun-sies let’s see what happens if crypto maintains this growth through 2018

Crypto One Year Projection Maintained Growth

In crypto we trust

Wowza! If the crypto market keeps up its breakneck growth for just one more year, it will already be bigger than the US economy!

Another year out and crypto looks like pacman.

Back to a more modest 6x growth rate (less than a fifth of 2017's). Here’s the respective charts for 2018–2020.

Crypto 2018 Projection at 1/5th Growth

Crypto in 2018 EOY

Crypto is the 6th biggest economy in the world this time next year if it slows growth to a fifth of what it’s doing now.

Crypto 2019 Projection at 1/5th Growth

Crypto in 2019 EOY

In 2 years, crypto overtakes China as the second largest world economy.

Crypto 2020 Projection at 1/5th Growth

Crypto in 2020 EOY

By the end of 2020, half the world runs on crypto.

And some people are saying “the ship has sailed” when it comes to crypto.

“But this growth isn’t possibly sustainable!”
I’ll be the first to admit the growth we’re seeing is bat-**** crazy.

I remember around a year ago around New Years 2017, there was a poll asking what we thought the price of Ethereum (then $8) would be by the end of 2017. I thought I was so bullish when I guessed$50!After all that was more than 6x in a year. Today, Ethereum specifically is sitting at around100x what it was a year ago.

The lesson to be taken away is that, yes the crypto-economycouldcollapse and all of your (and my) investments could fall to zero, but there’s also the opportunity to see growth that defies historical logic.

Money is made up, traditional economics isn’t holding up, and it’s the wild wild west in the crypto world.

“So how do I capitalize?”
You hold shift while pressing your key But for real:

1. If you haven’t already, put some money in crypto
Enough that you would not be devastated if it disappeared, but you would be very excited to see it multiply. We still have a long way to go and the industry is young. Grab yourself a slice of the pie before it’s gone

2. Place your bets long-term
Like startups, more than 90% of new coins will likely fail. So don’t support the pump and dump economy, invest long-term in the tokens you actually believe are offering something valuable to the ecosystem/world

3. Time in the market > Timing in the market
Crypto prices take 25% swings up and down in a day — get used to it. But if you’re placing your bets long term and HODL, you’ll catch every bull run on the way to the moon

4. Build something
For as fast as it’s growing, the crypto industry is still in an infantile stage. There are green fields of opportunity waiting for the ambitious engineer or entrepreneur out there. We didn’t see the most popular mobile apps until almost 10 years after the invention of the iPhone, and I’m certain the most popular blockchain apps are still waiting to be developed

Thanks so much to my team atDispatch Labs, for helping me edit and encouraging me to turn my preachings into writings. And thanks to all the blockchain builders out there who’ve gotten us this far. We’re standing on the shoulders of giants ❤️


A Canadian cryptocurrency exchange says about $140 million worth of customers’ holdings are stuck in an electronic vault because the company’s founder, and sole employee, died without sharing the password.

But two independent researchers say publicly available transaction records associated with QuadrigaCX suggest the money may be gone, not trapped.

So much for Bitcoin being a safer way to secure your assets.

It's just don't understand blockchain...........

A Canadian cryptocurrency exchange says about $140 million worth of customers’ holdings are stuck in an electronic vault because the company’s founder, and sole employee, died without sharing the password.

But two independent researchers say publicly available transaction records associated with QuadrigaCX suggest the money may be gone, not trapped.

So much for Bitcoin being a safer way to secure your assets.
Rule #1 you take your coins off exchange immediately.....i do mot buy for a second that this person is the only person with passwords

2nd Digital Currency is the future of the world whether you like it or not.

Infrastructure to accomodate is being built more and more everyday
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Rule #1 you take your coins off exchange immediately.....i do mot buy for a second that this person is the only person with passwords

2nd Digital Currency is the future of the world whether you like it or not.

Infrastructure to accomodate is being built more and more everyday

a) "digital currency" can mean anything...... I use Paypal-- is that digital currency? probably not what you think you mean...

b) if you think governments like China and US are going to give-up control easily... you are very mistaken.... what may "evolve' is just more government control of "electronic exchanges for goods"... which will be less privacy/freedom... not "more"...

c) the morning quantum computing goes live............ 90% of the current blockchain platforms will be obsolete
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Rule #1 you take your coins off exchange immediately.....i do mot buy for a second that this person is the only person with passwords

2nd Digital Currency is the future of the world whether you like it or not.

Infrastructure to accomodate is being built more and more everyday

Digital currency is the future?

They should create some sort of card that digitally keeps track of my credit so that I can stop carrying around these huge piles of physical money.
2nd Digital Currency is the future of the world whether you like it or not.

Possibly. But it certainly won't be Bitcoin or any other similar cybercurrencies in existence today. Probably won't even be blockchain based.

If there are digital currencies, most likely they will be digital versions of existing "fiat currency".
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Every person proclaiming "crypo currency is the future" should have to start their post with:

"Cypto-currency is an investment vehicle"
"Crypto-currency is means of exchange for goods and services"

Then an intelligent conversation could be had.
[QUOTE="RU Golfer, post: 3731422, member: 4026", Blockchain technology is here to stay.

argued - no one...

the debate is "pretend" money backed by "nothing"

people can call blockchain exchanges tied to actual Govermental fiat currency "cryptocurrency" if they want to.... but, it's not --- it's just electronic transfer of funds using block-chain technology......
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[QUOTE="RU Golfer, post: 3731422, member: 4026", Blockchain technology is here to stay.

argued - no one...

the debate is "pretend" money backed by "nothing"

people can call blockchain exchanges tied to actual Govermental fiat currency "cryptocurrency" if they want to.... but, it's not --- it's just electronic transfer of funds using block-chain technology......

correct. It is just a different technology, replacing SWIFT, as a way to wire dollars (and in the future Euros or other standard currencies). It isn't new currency meant to replace existing currency.
Bitcoin is going to run this week over 8K solid now - after Thursday this week may get a beat down before Thursday but will run from June 1st to the end of the a price 20 - 100K by the end of year...

I'd say a closer to a 100K by year end but you won't be able to touch it - go now! lt's running now and wont come down this year.

Peace out
Possibly. But it certainly won't be Bitcoin or any other similar cybercurrencies in existence today. Probably won't even be blockchain based.

If there are digital currencies, most likely they will be digital versions of existing "fiat currency".
Never responded back to this but NEVER going to happen