OT: Does anyone know anyone who has tested positive?

Everyone has a cough, drip, sneezes. I always clear my throat. If you are concerned quarantine yourself. Just because you sneeze doesn't mean you have it.
Just going on record here. I'm certain the same people who think this is a media induced panic will also claim it was a either a big hoax or declare Trump a hero if we somehow manage to overcome the inept handling of this crisis and come out of in relatively good shape.

As someone who does not engage in the political back and forth here, I will say that this crisis has been very revealing for some posters here, and not in a good way.
Multiple people in my Manhattan Office (same company) tested positive, first one was seven floors below.

no idea who they are. I went partial wfh friday, it was announced over weekend and went to full office closure except traders on Monday.

looks like they got it last week of Feb first week of march.
Everyone has a cough, drip, sneezes. I always clear my throat. If you are concerned quarantine yourself. Just because you sneeze doesn't mean you have it.
I think the sneeze and/or runny nose means you’ve got a cold. COVID19 starts as upper respiratory and moves to lower respiratory...dry coughs... Disclaimer: I’m not trained in medicine.
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But did you stay at Holiday Inn Express last night?
No, but I have a sore throat and need to clear it from time to time and have a slight fever. I’m actually hoping I have a mild case of COVID19 considering the belief is that the true number of cases is between 5 and 10 times the number of reported cases. One of the cruise ships showed an asymptomatic rate much higher (~50%) than the reported 15%.
Wife and I got sick over the weekend. Me with cold-like symptoms, fatigue, runny nose and slight chills today that went away. Wife with cough and aches. Any other point in our lives we would assume a cold or weather-related. Wife is convinced we have it but I doubt we'd qualify to get tested given the cluster f*ck that's turned out to be.

I had already been working from home before the weekend and my wife is home full-time. So we were already doing the social distancing thing. We're worried about our 4 and 2 year olds though.

I believe I have(had) it. Last Monday I had a fever, it was about 100.5 and very rare for me to ever run a fever. Four days prior to that I was in Aspen for a work/ski trip type thing. As I've since found out Aspen is blowing up with cases and has the highest concentration of cases in all of Colorado.
I got home last Thursday, felt ok, by Monday i had a fever and I've been quarantined home since Tuesday morning. I've been feeling much better, some shortness of breath going up and down the stairs, slight cough... fever basically gone although it did randomly reappear for one day this past Sunday. I also have a 5 year old/2 year old, and my wife has been super mom/super nurse. I feel totally fine and if this wasn't in the news I'd chalk it up to a cold. I called my doc and they said they wouldn't even test me since my fever has been under 100 (except sunday night it returned to 100.4) for a week. So i sit inside and work from home.
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Just going on record here. I'm certain the same people who think this is a media induced panic will also claim it was a either a big hoax or declare Trump a hero if we somehow manage to overcome the inept handling of this crisis and come out of in relatively good shape.

As someone who does not engage in the political back and forth here, I will say that this crisis has been very revealing for some posters here, and not in a good way.

I wouldn't worry about the posters on this thread. But the victory lap Trump does when this is all over is going to be legendary. And the media, of course, will claim he should get no credit for the country having 20,000 (or even 100,000) deaths when they (the media based on the CDC's numbers) were all predicting 1.5 million deaths three days ago. As I said three days ago, surely Trump will deserve a place on Mt. Rushmore if he solves the greatest threat to humanity since the black plague with less American deaths than the annual common flu?
I wouldn't worry about the posters on this thread. But the victory lap Trump does when this is all over is going to be legendary. And the media, of course, will claim he should get no credit for the country having 20,000 (or even 100,000) deaths when they (the media based on the CDC's numbers) were all predicting 1.5 million deaths three days ago. As I said three days ago, surely Trump will deserve a place on Mt. Rushmore if he solves the greatest threat to humanity since the black plague with less American deaths than the annual common flu?
That would be so Trump. Look at me, only 20k people died.
Back to original question, learned of our first positive in town today (Montville) and possibly someone from work was in contact with a positive. Don’t know who in either.
Wasn’t making any conclusions regarding sample size and number of positives. Just noting today first positive in my hometown and first positive at work. There is a chance I interacted with person at work due to his/her department and where he/she sits. All of a sudden my sample size of 2 gets real for me; I’m 65 and have asthma but otherwise healthy (except for knees).
Apparently there is a heavy dosage of the flu existing right now as well. Hope everyone gets better and feels well !
My wife was just notified that a child patient that came into her office was in contact with a positive case, and that they are trying to get that child tested. The whole office has been told by their respective doctors to self quarantine, but none will be tested. My wife's doctor says that they have a long list of patients who have had contact with someone that is suspected of having corona, but none of them are being tested either unless they show symptoms.

Still have a real dearth of testing in NJ.
I would relate some of the effects of this as a bad case of flu...after age 45 I began taking an annual flu shot... 2 times I came down with the flu virus though I had been vaccinated ... it took 7 days to begin feeling somewhat better in 2012 had the flu for about 10 days until I felt better... Maybe some people being affected ( by COVID19 ) have immune systems that are more resistant to this particular appears those are the younger and non compromised individuals with stronger immune systems less susceptible... we just saw an article from Wuhan claiming A blood types more susceptible and possibly more likely to die...O blood types not likely to suffer severe case...a great deal out thereto digest ...a great deal of good and bad info...If true about blood types would help the medical field at least try to protect those folks.
Just going on record here. I'm certain the same people who think this is a media induced panic will also claim it was a either a big hoax or declare Trump a hero if we somehow manage to overcome the inept handling of this crisis and come out of in relatively good shape.

As someone who does not engage in the political back and forth here, I will say that this crisis has been very revealing for some posters here, and not in a good way.

Media has already made it impossible to not give trump tons off credit and call him a hero. They set the bar too high. They have already made this the biggest crisis in American history since WW2. Worse than 9/11, worse than 08 financial crisis.... China has 4K or so dead experts in USA saying we can expect 480k minimum by end of year and our economy is going to burn down to the ground...

You can criticize and make conclusions about people on the board for not taking the media’s word for it hook, line and sinker but the media has been wrong/deceptive a lot over the last 3 years. They have lost credibility. Don’t blame me blame them for accusing a 17 year old kid for being racist, or when they talked about the trump pee tape, or down played the killing of terrorists or called trump xenophobic for stopping flight from China.... Again China has 4K dead and experts predicting 480k in USA by end of year minimum. Some things are not adding up. So excuse me if I am a bit hesitant to be all in on the numbers...
Media has already made it impossible to not give trump tons off credit and call him a hero. They set the bar too high. They have already made this the biggest crisis in American history since WW2. Worse than 9/11, worse than 08 financial crisis.... China has 4K or so dead experts in USA saying we can expect 480k minimum by end of year and our economy is going to burn down to the ground...

You can criticize and make conclusions about people on the board for not taking the media’s word for it hook, line and sinker but the media has been wrong/deceptive a lot over the last 3 years. They have lost credibility. Don’t blame me blame them for accusing a 17 year old kid for being racist, or when they talked about the trump pee tape, or down played the killing of terrorists or called trump xenophobic for stopping flight from China.... Again China has 4K dead and experts predicting 480k in USA by end of year minimum. Some things are not adding up. So excuse me if I am a bit hesitant to be all in on the numbers...
Media has already made it impossible to not give trump tons off credit and call him a hero. They set the bar too high. They have already made this the biggest crisis in American history since WW2. Worse than 9/11, worse than 08 financial crisis.... China has 4K or so dead experts in USA saying we can expect 480k minimum by end of year and our economy is going to burn down to the ground...

You can criticize and make conclusions about people on the board for not taking the media’s word for it hook, line and sinker but the media has been wrong/deceptive a lot over the last 3 years. They have lost credibility. Don’t blame me blame them for accusing a 17 year old kid for being racist, or when they talked about the trump pee tape, or down played the killing of terrorists or called trump xenophobic for stopping flight from China.... Again China has 4K dead and experts predicting 480k in USA by end of year minimum. Some things are not adding up. So excuse me if I am a bit hesitant to be all in on the numbers...
I think the credit will go to all the governors that acted before the Federal Government took it seriously. Anytime someone wants to give credit to Trump, they can just play the video where he predicted we’ll be at zero cases now.
Let’s try not to look at this pro Trump or anti Trump. This is a crisis that both sides needed to do a great job...mainly by allowing the right people do a great job....and I’m happy to say I like what I see so far. The virus is not our fault. We just have to deal with it and hopefully be more prepared in the future.
I think the credit will go to all the governors that acted before the Federal Government took it seriously. Anytime someone wants to give credit to Trump, they can just play the video where he predicted we’ll be at zero cases now.

FYI it is not trumps job to shut down schools or shut down cities. That is why we have governors, mayors.... They need to do what is best for their states. Trump can only do what he can do.

Cuomo has praised trump multiple times that he is doing everything he can to support them.

the real interesting thing is people who hate trump, called him inept, called him a fascist now want him to take over the whole country bypassing all local governments... can make this up.
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Let’s try not to look at this pro Trump or anti Trump. This is a crisis that both sides needed to do a great job...mainly by allowing the right people do a great job....and I’m happy to say I like what I see so far. The virus is not our fault. We just have to deal with it and hopefully be more prepared in the future.

I think everyone is stepping up to the plate in a virtually uncontrollable situation from trump, to Cuomo to my local mayor
FYI it is not trumps job to shut down schools or shut down cities. That is why we have governors, mayors.... They need to do what is best for their states. Trump can only do what he can do.

Cuomo has praised trump multiple times that he is doing everything he can to support them.

the real interesting thing is people who hate trump, called him inept, called him a fascist now want him to take over the whole country bypassing all local governments... can make this up.
I'm very happy that he doesn't think its a hoax anymore. better late than never.
this is pointless. I know people that are showing all the symptoms but the hospitals won't test them because they are in their 20s with no preexisting conditions. They are told to go home and self quarantine.

Yep. The testing is woefully inadequate, and any published number of cases is waaaaay lower than reality because of it. Like I said above, my wife's doctor has a list of people who were exposed to corona positive people, but none are getting tested and all have been advised to self quarantine and watch for symptoms to develop. And even then, testing is only if symptoms become moderate to severe.

Given that, our REPORTED mortality rate numbers are going to end up very high, since we're only confirming severe cases to begin with. If we were testing everyone, our REPORTED mortality rates would be much lower.

Edit: For clarity, per Yeah Baby's response below.
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Yep. The testing is woefully inadequate, and any published number of cases is waaaaay lower than reality because of it. Like I said above, my wife's doctor has a list of people who were exposed to corona positive people, but none are getting tested and all have been advised to self quarantine and watch for symptoms to develop. And even then, testing is only if symptoms become moderate to severe.

Given that, our mortality rate numbers are going to end up very high, since we're only confirming severe cases to begin with.
Fear mongering 101. The worst thing about some of you is now you want things to get bad just so you can say “I told you so.”

I’m rooting for the best possible outcome here. Stop the BS and pull together.
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Fear mongering 101. The worst thing about some of you is now you want things to get bad just so you can say “I told you so.”

I’m rooting for the best possible outcome here. Stop the BS and pull together.

How is any of that fear mongering? People with milder forms of the virus are not being tested, which will lower the denominator of the mortality rate fraction. That will mathematically result in a higher mortality rate, because the top number is known and the bottom number is being under reported.

That DOESN'T MEAN that more people will die, just that we'll be reporting a higher mortality rate. Sorry if that wasn't clear - though that math was obvious, as it's been discussed multiple times on this forum and elsewhere.

Right now, we have 100 deaths with about 7000 confirmed cases, for roughly a 1.4% mortality rate.... if we were providing more comprehensive testing and contact tracking, that number would be much much lower (for instance, 100 deaths in 25,000 cases would show a 0.4% mortality rate). If we only test people with severe symptoms, our reported mortality rate will be "mortality rate among those with severe symptoms" rather than "mortality rate of those who become infected".
I'm very happy that he doesn't think its a hoax anymore. better late than never.

unfortunately this was fake news and why i can’t/don’t trust media. I heard the full comment and he obviously meant that the democrats pinning it on him was the new hoax NOT the virus. Media only plays the part where he says hoax. The media repeating things out of context is a form of fake news.

Again the media is doing it to themselves. This is why I don’t believe them. This is why people don’t quarantine for the two weeks.
unfortunately this was fake news and why i can’t/don’t trust media. I heard the full comment and he obviously meant that the democrats pinning it on him was the new hoax NOT the virus. Media only plays the part where he says hoax. The media repeating things out of context is a form of fake news.

Again the media is doing it to themselves. This is why I don’t believe them. This is why people don’t quarantine for the two weeks.

1) People (who've been exposed) don't quarantine for the two weeks because they're jackasses. (Essential workers excluded, of course)
2) Yes, to the OP I know four people who have tested positive. Two others at my job - one a full-time employee and another contract employee - are presumptive. I have been told to self-isolate for 14 days from my last contact with the positive cases, and am doing so certainly not for my benefit but for the greater good...just in case, since I haven't been tested. (I'm not aged, nor am I showing symptoms, although I am diabetic and have high blood pressure). That was the 10th, so I'm rounding the turn on the back stretch but not quite in the home straightaway yet.
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We are now 15 days since the RU-Maryland game so all of us who were celebrating together and I know alot of hugs and handshakes were exchanged can rest knowing no one got infected at the game.....I know @RU848789 was already popping out of hibernation to attend the game so he can rest easy
We are now 15 days since the RU-Maryland game so all of us who were celebrating together and I know alot of hugs and handshakes were exchanged can rest knowing no one got infected at the game.....I know @RU848789 was already popping out of hibernation to attend the game so he can rest easy
Yep, that was my last public appearance in a crowd, despite objections from my family. I knew the risk then was tiny, but I still made sure to arrive early, stay in my seat the whole time, and leave well after 95% of fans left to minimize my exposure to others. No hugs, just handshakes and high fives that night. And on my way out, I washed up very thoroughly and when I got home, I went right to the washer and tossed my clothes in, then took a shower. Don't think I've been within 6 feet of another soul, other than my wife and son, for 15 days now, with the exception of being about 3-4 feet (which is sufficient if they're not symptomatic) from a few store clerks on my 2 am food runs. Life like this kind of sucks, but it's certainly bearable.
We got an alert today that a Cranford teacher who lives in Monmouth County tested positive. I'd say it's only a matter of time for us to have someone close test positive, but unfortunately, I'm not related to any professional basketball players.
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