OT: Duke Lacrosse 30 for 30

Was awesome. Ironic it was shown today, a period where we've got a heightened focus on racial-strife and class war.

The general resentments that the community, the media, and the country felt toward those kids was very apparent with all the commentary and the jump to judgement. If they all aren't from rich families with good lawyers, who knows how that all ends.

The thing that left me feeling very uneasy at the end was there was a woman who was willing to pin this heinous crime on two RANDOM BOYS. Like she just picked them out of a hat and ruined their lives. What a nightmare.
Yes, the DA was corrupt, and lied about the DNA evidence. Yes, he should have been prosecuted. ANd yes, the team was innocent of rape, and it is a shame their reputations were tarnished.


Sorry, as someone mentioned in the documentary, the party was innapropriate. Nothing good is going to happen when you plan a party with strippers and prostitutes.

Call me old fashioned, they were innocent of the charges brought, but you can't say the Duke lacrosse team had zero culpability.

I know boys will be boys, but somehow many of us managed to make it through college without having to have sex with prostitutes in a setting that is just asking for trouble.

I know I am going to take a lot of crap for this, its my opinion, and the way I feel. Can't give the Lacrosse team a total pass here.
Yes, the DA was corrupt, and lied about the DNA evidence. Yes, he should have been prosecuted. ANd yes, the team was innocent of rape, and it is a shame their reputations were tarnished.


Sorry, as someone mentioned in the documentary, the party was innapropriate. Nothing good is going to happen when you plan a party with strippers and prostitutes.

Call me old fashioned, they were innocent of the charges brought, but you can't say the Duke lacrosse team had zero culpability.

I know boys will be boys, but somehow many of us managed to make it through college without having to have sex with prostitutes in a setting that is just asking for trouble.

I know I am going to take a lot of crap for this, its my opinion, and the way I feel. Can't give the Lacrosse team a total pass here.

You might be interested in my take on this. Many years ago I played lax for a college team (not Rutgers) that played in a tournament jointly sponsored by Duke and UNC in late March. The season started in March back then. And when you're in spring break (dead campus) and are a few days before the tournament starts you want to let off a little steam. When I was down there the drinking age was 18. A team could have gone to a bar. Hell, they could have gone to a strip club. But with most of the Duke team under 21, they were going to have trouble getting through the door. Instead, they got a keg at one of the homes a team member rented and someone had the foolish, brain dead idea of adding some strippers to the party. Nothing good could have come of that, and a whole lot of bad did. And if they could have gone out and legally drink, my firm belief is that NONE of this would have happened.

As far the show goes, and with all the talk here about fundraising for Rutgers, there was something very interesting that was left out. 88 members of the Duke faculty at the beginning published an add essentially advocating having a firing squad and then having a trial. In response, a significant number of Duke alumni responded by returning the university's annual giving request with a check in the amount of 88 cents. Interesting way to send a message.
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Probably the most intense 30 for 30 I've seen - and what makes it more amazing was the amount of people who were NOT part of it. Interviewing the parents was brilliant and for anyone who has a kid I think it really hit home - I know it did for me. I remember being part of the lynch mob when that story first broke and KNOWING the rich, snobby, overprivileged white Duke lacrosse players were guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt. I was definitely taught a lesson on this one, and I think a lot of other people were too.

Hoboken - I know the party was inappropriate, but this is far from the first time something like this has happened at a college (frat, other sports team, etc.) or 75% of bachelor parties. 40 guys got together and each put in $20 a piece - guess what if I was 20 years old I would probably put in $20 too. Big jump to say these boy were culpable - bad judgement happens all the time in college - but throwing an ill advised party vs. putting people through hell because of false rape accusations are night and day. Those 3 guys who were accused were absolutely destroyed in the court of public opinion and will never get their names back - the first thing I did when the 30 for 30 first came on was look up their 3 names to see where they are now. It is disgusting what happened to them, and in no way, shape or form did they deserve it.
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And the biased liberal media. It was a witch hunt from day one and a truly disgusting reflection on society.

The mainstream media today has liberal & shameful bias.

Just look at the Star Ledger/ as one example.

It used to be a fair & balanced news agency with honest journalists.

Now its a platform for radical leftist hate groups and the venom spewed by the demented Tom Moron is unreadable.
Has John Feinstein apologized yet?

The day after they were exonerated and charges were dropped Selena Roberts wrote a column in the NY Times that said even though they were innocent they deserved what they got. Rather than apologize, she doubled down.
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I bet prosecutorial abuse has never happened to poor kids. So imagine if these kids did not have the resources they had.

I was glad to see that they got involved with the Innocence Project. These young men will be very successful and make the world a better place. Coach Pressler is also a character person.
I bet prosecutorial abuse has never happened to poor kids. So imagine if these kids did not have the resources they had.

I was glad to see that they got involved with the Innocence Project. These young men will be very successful and make the world a better place. Coach Pressler is also a character person.

True-they had the means to see this through. They all seem to be successful in their careers and am happy they are all part of the Innocence project. It's amazing to think how badly these guys were railroaded, and how many people are rotting in jail and innocent because some cop or prosecutor had an agenda. Scary stuff - real scary stuff!
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I bet prosecutorial abuse has never happened to poor kids. So imagine if these kids did not have the resources they had.

You raise a fair point. However, the wrongly accused poor kid would never have had the 3 major networks, 3-4 cable newtorks along with most of the major newspapers in the country out to railroad them. With the degree of prosecutorial misconduct in this case, there are public defenders out there, I'm not saying all, that could have successfully defended them. I just not sure they could have stemmed a national rush to judgment.
And the biased liberal media. It was a witch hunt from day one and a truly disgusting reflection on society.
Wow after seeing the Fox exposé on the Duke Lacrosse team was the first time I was hearing about the incident.
FOX IS A LIBERAL MEDIA OUTLET <<< now that is news!
Probably the most intense 30 for 30 I've seen - and what makes it more amazing was the amount of people who were NOT part of it. Interviewing the parents was brilliant and for anyone who has a kid I think it really hit home - I know it did for me. I remember being part of the lynch mob when that story first broke and KNOWING the rich, snobby, overprivileged white Duke lacrosse players were guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt. I was definitely taught a lesson on this one, and I think a lot of other people were too.

Hoboken - I know the party was inappropriate, but this is far from the first time something like this has happened at a college (frat, other sports team, etc.) or 75% of bachelor parties. 40 guys got together and each put in $20 a piece - guess what if I was 20 years old I would probably put in $20 too. Big jump to say these boy were culpable - bad judgement happens all the time in college - but throwing an ill advised party vs. putting people through hell because of false rape accusations are night and day. Those 3 guys who were accused were absolutely destroyed in the court of public opinion and will never get their names back - the first thing I did when the 30 for 30 first came on was look up their 3 names to see where they are now. It is disgusting what happened to them, and in no way, shape or form did they deserve it.
Good post and nice to see your mea culpa.

I'm not sure who was there, but Reade Seligman wasn't even at the party when the stripper got evidenced by the cell phone records and ATM video.

Colin Finnerty ended up playing at Loyola a few years and was a good player for the Greyhounds. As a Loyola alum, I was very hopeful that he had a good experience there...none of those guys deserved what they got.

I also thought Reade Seligman came across really well...seemed like a very bright kid and as much as society wants to make these guys the bad guys (athletes, good school, 'privileged', etc.) it is clear that they have more character and integrity than the DA (certainly), but also all the self-righteous people willing to sacrifice three kids before any evidence was vetted because the narrative fit with their own agenda.

I also thought the press conference where Seligman highlighted that they got railroaded, but had the ability to hire good lawyers was poignant, and the fact that he, and the others, have worked with the Innocence Project and recognize that not everyone has those advantages, showed a lot of character and integrity.
I am sorry his name is slipping my mind but the captain was amazing. His press conference was exceptional. He had poise and strength. He was the voice for his team.

He had a jod offer rescinded during this and when cleared it was offered to him again
He turned them down.

Have you read how much support Duke lacrosse players give to Bryant college.

Also one of the captains could have gone for his Masters and played one more year at Duke. He went to Bryant instead to play for Pressler
The liberal media is ruining our country. Today, everything is racist, people who are successful are evil, and people should protest for the sake of protesting. The state of the pathetic souls in our country is encouraged by the liberal asshats.
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The liberal media is ruining our country. Today, everything is racist, people who are success are evil, and people should protest for the sake of protesting. The state of the pathetic souls in our country is encouraged by the liberal asshats.

You're racist!
Some of you may know this, some may not but the Seligmanns live around the corner from me and the shit that we had to deal with during this whole mess was ridiculous. Reade was receiving death threats from every pathetic liberal militia in the world, police were non-stop scouring our area in response to threats, their lives were made an absolute living hell for a year. Granted Reade got a cool $20 mill. out of this whole ordeal, it's something I'd never want to see anyone endure.

There was months where he was afraid to even go outside because he was afraid someone would try to kill him.
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Call me old fashioned, they were innocent of the charges brought, but you can't say the Duke lacrosse team had zero culpability.

I know boys will be boys, but somehow many of us managed to make it through college without having to have sex with prostitutes in a setting that is just asking for trouble.

See, this is part of the problem. No one had sex with her. At least none of the players. Maybe you should watch it again before spouting more misinformation.

Lots of that going on these days. People pining their innate beliefs to false stories. Those kids are all doing well now, so at least there is that.
Honestly didn't even know the result of the case until this thread.

Wow, perception is easy to F up and an even bigger cluster to clean...
I am sorry his name is slipping my mind but the captain was amazing. His press conference was exceptional. He had poise and strength. He was the voice for his team.

He had a jod offer rescinded during this and when cleared it was offered to him again
He turned them down.

Have you read how much support Duke lacrosse players give to Bryant college.

Also one of the captains could have gone for his Masters and played one more year at Duke. He went to Bryant instead to play for Pressler

The captain's name is David Evans. He is a Baltimore kid...who has a very strong reputation there.
Honestly didn't even know the result of the case until this thread.

Wow, perception is easy to F up and an even bigger cluster to clean...

That's the crazy thing - I think to some in the court of public opinion they are still guilty.
For that to occur, he would actually have to have a conscience.

Same with a number of people, including Jesse Jackson.

And there needs to be something done about women who make false accusations. If you are known to be lying, you should get whatever punishment the accused would be considered for. This story isn't unique, sadly.
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Same with a number of people, including Jesse Jackson.

And there needs to be something done about women who make false accusations. If you are known to be lying, you should get whatever punishment the accused would be considered for. This story isn't unique, sadly.

Not guilty by reason of mental defect. I put it much more on Nifong than her. He should have known who he was dealing with.
I put it on both. That guy should have been in jail for a long, long time thought.

As should those 88 professors at Duke who helped perpetuate this lie.
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I put it on both. That guy should have been in jail for a long, long time thought.

As should those 88 professors at Duke who helped perpetuate this lie.

Those 88 professors, as full of excrement as they are, did not file charges not withhold exculpatory evidence. I think the Duke alums sent the right message when they sent the 88 cent donations. There's a new university president there now, and if the message wasn't heeded it should continue to be sent.
Those 88 professors, as full of excrement as they are, did not file charges not withhold exculpatory evidence. I think the Duke alums sent the right message when they sent the 88 cent donations. There's a new university president there now, and if the message wasn't heeded it should continue to be sent.

Nifong's crimes were worse, but there is no doubt those 88 professors made the situation much, much worse too.
Nifong's crimes were worse, but there is no doubt those 88 professors made the situation much, much worse too.

You can make the situation worse (much, much worse) without violating criminal statutes.
Yes, the DA was corrupt, and lied about the DNA evidence. Yes, he should have been prosecuted. ANd yes, the team was innocent of rape, and it is a shame their reputations were tarnished.


Sorry, as someone mentioned in the documentary, the party was innapropriate. Nothing good is going to happen when you plan a party with strippers and prostitutes.

Call me old fashioned, they were innocent of the charges brought, but you can't say the Duke lacrosse team had zero culpability.

I know boys will be boys, but somehow many of us managed to make it through college without having to have sex with prostitutes in a setting that is just asking for trouble.

I know I am going to take a lot of crap for this, its my opinion, and the way I feel. Can't give the Lacrosse team a total pass here.

So anybody who has ever attended a bachelor party where strippers were hired is culpable if false allegations of rape are made against them?
So anybody who has ever attended a bachelor party where strippers were hired is culpable if false allegations of rape are made against them?

Pretty shocking that even in the face of the facts that came to light, someone would still hold the position this person does. Crazy, actually.
Nifong's crimes were worse, but there is no doubt those 88 professors made the situation much, much worse too.

Nifong essentially incited a mass riot by coming out all over the media and saying how the Duke Lax players were absolutely guilty without any evidence or without having anyone specifically indicted so there was nobody to defend themselves. It was both utterly brilliant and utterly insane at the same time. Nifong should be serving a long jail sentence for what he did.
What about the detective on the case Mark Gottlieb falsifying his report so all the descriptions matched that of the players accused. While fellow investigator Ben Himan's report painted a totally different picture, but was hidden by NiFong. His report showed her description of the attackers matched none of the players accused. His report also stated serious doubt if she was telling the truth. Nifong had help from Gottlieb who changed his report.
I interviewed Reade Seligmann for a Summer associate position while he was in law school. Very impressive kid. Honestly, at the time, his name was familiar to me but it wasn't until after the interview that I was told that he was one of the players implicated in this story. He got the job and is still at the firm.
What about the detective on the case Mark Gottlieb falsifying his report so all the descriptions matched that of the players accused. While fellow investigator Ben Himan's report painted a totally different picture, but was hidden by NiFong. His report showed her description of the attackers matched none of the players accused. His report also stated serious doubt if she was telling the truth. Nifong had help from Gottlieb who changed his report.

At the end of the film it said he left the Durham PD in 2008 and committed suicide a couple of years ago. Time to let that one go.
I interviewed Reade Seligmann for a Summer associate position while he was in law school. Very impressive kid. Honestly, at the time, his name was familiar to me but it wasn't until after the interview that I was told that he was one of the players implicated in this story. He got the job and is still at the firm.

Good to hear. Both he and Evans came across as very impressive throughout this sordid affair.