OT: Electric vehicles

@Knight Shift

Interesting post on the Lighting forum about an owner using the adapter for long trip. Good reminder that not all Tesla superchargers will work with the adapter. Need to check on the app.
@Knight Shift

Interesting post on the Lighting forum about an owner using the adapter for long trip. Good reminder that not all Tesla superchargers will work with the adapter. Need to check on the app.
Saw that, and if you read to bottom, he went to the the wrong Supercharger stations. There are two in that local. If you go to Ford's website, they give you guidance on how to locate the correct Supercharger stations--they have to be 250 and above, not the 150 variety.
Is there any way to ask the school to build more EV chargers? Its crazy that Stockton U has more chargers than Rutgers. The chargers in Busch/Livi are always full if not broken.