OT-How many times you wear your dress shirts before laundering?

one time. We have a dry cleaner located on our campus so i just drop off them for washing. $1 a shirt is worth every minute that I don't have to spend washing/ironing
LOL! You guys are great! I knew I wasn't the only one.

My wife dry cleans EVERYTHING! Costs a fortune... so we got to talking about it... and how often I bring my shirts to the cleaners... it got me thinking... is it gross??

I mean... if there's dirt on the collar of course I'll get it cleaned...but if it doesn't look dirty....

I should look into those no iron shirts. I was under the assumption that they didn't really work. They actually look good right out of the dryer?
There are some people that can not smell their stink. I came across a few in my lifetime and they almost made me throw up.
One and done. Never occurred to me to wear multiple times without dry cleaning. Can I skip the daily shower and shave as well?
Why would you want to rewear a dress shirt before dry-cleaning? To save the $1.50? If that is the case, maybe consider if having a more put together appearance at work would result in a $250 raise that would offset the cost of not rewearing dress shirts.
Once should be the general limit unless extenuating circumstances. Newer shirts like those from Brooks Brothers are worth the investment if you want to avoid the dry cleaning charge for a wash and press. Don't know any place around where I live charging a $1 a shirt anymore. I think I am paying 1.70 for mine that require pressing.
Holy Crap Thanks for the last couple of guys- I'm thinking through the whole thread that it is no wonder we cant raise money. But now, very happy I don't share an office space with most of you.
The only time I have had to go twice is only under special circumstances.

The only clothes besides suits that should be worn more then once are jeans, sweaters, sweat shirts/pants, as long as not worked out in.
I'm an Software Engineer, I only own 1 drest shirt for weddings and funerals. It gets washed depending on how long it's been between the two.
Okay, a more important question: "How many Hawaiian shirts do you own?"

None. I'm not that old, but I do own several T-shirts featuring ironic quotes from tv shows.
You can't be a true software engineer then!
Just curious as to what you fellas on here do with regards to laundering your dress shirts?

Do you wear them once only and then have them laundered, or do you wear multiple times before laundering?

For years I've been re-wearing my dress shirts until they look too wrinkled or if I get a stain.. So I usually get a couple wears before laundering. I mean... I wear an undershirt every day so most of the shirt never even touches my body..and I don't really sweat either unless it's Summer-time.

I guess I'm lazy, don't want to schlep back and forth to the cleaners to do my shirts more often. How bout you guys? One and done... or something else?
One time unless you are a dirtbag or grubster. Do you wear your underwear for several days too? Why isn't your girlfriend helping you to clean up your act?
The only clothes besides suits that should be worn more then once are jeans, sweaters, sweat shirts/pants, as long as not worked out in.

But if you wear an undershirt, like every red-blooded American should (there was a thread about this months ago), what's the difference between your sweaters and dress shirts here? I wonder how many of the "ewww one and done" crowd go undershirtless.

And it's not about saving the $1.75 on the cleaning. It's also about extending the useful life of the shirt. If I can average 1.4 wears per cleaning, I can extend the shirt's life as much as 40%.
here in Fla you cant usually get away with 2x unless you keep a wardrobe at work
I cycled to/from my office and changed in the air cond faculty locker 2x was possible
When I taught at UFlorida you could get away with casual>>>but I wore suit/tie 50% of the time

that said.....I have NOT even worn LONG PANTS since I retired 5 years ago
Why would you want to rewear a dress shirt before dry-cleaning? To save the $1.50? If that is the case, maybe consider if having a more put together appearance at work would result in a $250 raise that would offset the cost of not rewearing dress shirts.

Very rational idea here. I know a teacher who has to wear a shirt/tie everyday and because of the increased healthcare contributions has actually made less money each year for the last three years. Not trying to open a can of worms here bringing teachers into this but it is very ignorant of you, unless you are just trolling to make a statement like that.
But if you wear an undershirt, like every red-blooded American should (there was a thread about this months ago), what's the difference between your sweaters and dress shirts here? I wonder how many of the "ewww one and done" crowd go undershirtless.

And it's not about saving the $1.75 on the cleaning. It's also about extending the useful life of the shirt. If I can average 1.4 wears per cleaning, I can extend the shirt's life as much as 40%.

If anyone is wearing a dress shirt without an undershirt, you can be excused from this conversation...your opinion no longer counts. Lol
I understand the idea that the shirt really isn't dirty but unless you wash it, dry it, iron with starch- it just doesn't look crisp. And if you wash, dry and iron- that is just not worth the effort.
I don't like undershirts but I will only wear a button down once. The only shirt I will rewear is a sweatshirt or cardigan and that is if they are worn lightly.
For 35 years I was 1 and done (wife was home and did laundry). Now the wife works, we take them to be done, and I wear them twice. Not to save money but to save trips to the dry cleaner. When the weather gets warmer I may have to reconsider.
Guys... it's not the money. It's that it is one more chore to do... driving to and from the cleaners is just one more thing to fit into my day. Also have very limited closet space (very old house), so I don't have 30 dress shirts like some of you might that I can keep in rotation at the cleaners and at home.

My wife does all the other laundry in our house so I don't re-wear anything else... not including sweaters and sweatshirts. It's the farming out of the dress shirt washing that is a nuisance. You guys are making me re-think this though. Perhaps I will pick up a bunch of quality no-iron shirts that I can throw right into the laundry. That would be easiest by far... but I honestly don't know if I believe they really come out wrinkle free... and I definitely do not have the time to do my own ironing and starching.
I use IT once then take IT to the cleaners so that IT's ready to go for the next wedding or funeral
that I have to attend. That shirt may last me for the rest of my life...... and beyond.
One and Done
Give Shirt to wife....she washes and dries it.
Then she irons it in the morning before i go to work.

FYI......Tip of day: DO not marry American Ladies...mine is from Bogota, Columbia
When I worked in an office I had around 8 dress shirts. Washed them separately once a week and shared the ironing with the wife. No big deal. Did take pants to the dry cleaners once they needed more than a touch up (2 wearings) or got a spot on them.

Now I only wear black at the bar. 3 shirts and 3 pants or just enough to get thru a weekend.
Guys... it's not the money. It's that it is one more chore to do... driving to and from the cleaners is just one more thing to fit into my day. Also have very limited closet space (very old house), so I don't have 30 dress shirts like some of you might that I can keep in rotation at the cleaners and at home.

My wife does all the other laundry in our house so I don't re-wear anything else... not including sweaters and sweatshirts. It's the farming out of the dress shirt washing that is a nuisance. You guys are making me re-think this though. Perhaps I will pick up a bunch of quality no-iron shirts that I can throw right into the laundry. That would be easiest by far... but I honestly don't know if I believe they really come out wrinkle free... and I definitely do not have the time to do my own ironing and starching.
So your lazy and dirty ! It's about doing the right thing . You are probably stinking up your work place . Buy more shirts do you don't have to go the laundry so often.

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