OT: Ignoring jury duty summons

Plum Street

Hall of Famer
Jun 21, 2009
Anyone ever do this ? I always responded and showed up. But …never had a real good experience!
Does the old adage , “did you send it certified apply” ? Asking for a friend!
Was the friend called in the last 3 years? There is an exemption, if they didn't end up serving, that sometimes they miss. I was called 2 years ago, but my service was not needed. Notified by e-mail which I have copies of stored in 3 different places.
I've been called at least 7 times, once for Grand Jury. Once in Mon Co, the phone system was down on the call in day so I along with a few others showed up and were made to stay thru lunch then dismissed.
Was the friend called in the last 3 years? There is an exemption, if they didn't end up serving, that sometimes they miss. I was called 2 years ago, but my service was not needed. Notified by e-mail which I have copies of stored in 3 different places.
No this friend is eligible for duty
Just remember you have a friend/relative who was a victim of the same crime & you can't be impartial
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I received one last year- had a conflict and they moved my date and told me they would send a new JD notice- they never did and I honestly forgot the date - a few weeks after that date- I suddenly remembered in a panic- called them again to let them know I never received a new notice- they told me they would check into it and get back to me- they never did...I called again about a month ago to see if I was still on the list and I wasn't...
Not really self absorbed with this jury duty post but in New Jersey this fake message that “it’s all done by a computer”… In other words the luck of the draw as the Jury Manager would tell you is a lie. There are thousands of people who are eligible in NJ many who have never been contacted or served on jury duty. Ex: Middlesex County almost has 900+ k residents… there are registered voters and those who have a nj drivers license in the pool yet for whatever reasoning they send to people over 75-80 and guess what … that should never happen. I have served over 131 weeks of jury duty in my life living in NJ. consisting of 2 years Federal Grand Jury … 6 months State Grand Jury … 3 times County. So I don’t blame people in today’s world to not care about serving . Also the 6 states and one district that still calls the age of mid 70’s ( 75 ) ok to serve are delusional. The age should be tops 70 years old. It was lowered to age 65 during Covid19 then 2 years ago raised back to 75. The system is broken.
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My father passed in October of 2022. I’m the executor of the estate. I live in Hunterdon County and he spent the last 60+ years of his life in Monmouth County. Sometime in mid-2023, I received a jury duty summons in his name in Hunterdon County (a county he never lived in). Obviously a computer error since his estate is tied to my address. To be fair, when I called to explain, the folks in Flemington were excellent.

Also, if you legitimately get called, do your damn civic duty. JMO.
Not sure about ignoring it. But recently I got a notice of jury duty. I canceled a dental appointment for it, and then the day before I was informed by email that I was not needed. I think they alert so many people that the chances of not being needed is pretty good.
Disturbing thread - Service on jury duty is a cost of being a citizen. Lots of selfish people on this board. Amazing how self-absorbed people have become.
Ok holier than though guy.

He that is without sin among you, let him
first cast a stone
I did jury duty several times in Trenton, when I lived in Hamilton. Once in Woodbury, as well, after I moved to Gloucester County. After I became self-employed, I began taking advantage of the exemption. If I was getting paid, I'd still do them, but I'm not going to take a financial hit for it.

In my opinion, attorneys and prosecutors should have less leeway in selecting jurors, if we really want to call it "a jury of our peers." I understand that maybe you don't want neo-Nazis or any type of extremist freaks, but except for that, I say take the first 9. The trial becomes a stacked deck if one side or the other is better at picking only jurors who are predisposed to agree with them. And a huge jury pool is needed when the lawyers can pick and choose.

As for "doing your duty" and "following the law," all I can say is "damn." Society is on a horrible slippery slope in that regard. Red lights are not respected much anymore, for example, unless it's convenient for the driver. Go through an intersection when the light is green at your own peril (I realize it's worse here in Atlantic City, which can be like the wild west when it comes to driving).
Not sure about ignoring it. But recently I got a notice of jury duty. I canceled a dental appointment for it, and then the day before I was informed by email that I was not needed. I think they alert so many people that the chances of not being needed is pretty good.

That's my experience. Received notices twice in the last 20 years and both times was called the day before I was supposed to report saying my services were not needed. You get a 3 year exemption whether you had to actually show up or not.
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Never was summoned for jury duty until I moved to Monmouth County 15 years ago. Once I registered for the county golf card I have been summoned 5 times and had to report to freehold 3 times without being seated for a jury. Like clockwork 1 month after the 3 years are up I get a card in the mail. Meanwhile my wife who has been a Monmouth County resident pretty much her entire life has never been summoned.
Here is my dilemma. I have a jury summons for petit court here in Burlington County for Monday. I also was supposed to play in a golf outing at Union League National down the shore. Fingers crossed when I call Sunday night they don't need me. LOL.
Ok holier than though guy.

He that is without sin among you, let him
first cast a stone

I knew someone would (sadly) flip this around as a “holier than thou” thing.

We live in an age where everyone gets to make up their own version of morality, apparently.
No because you probably cheat on your taxes or go over the speed limit

Thinking that he “probably” cheats on his taxes says more about you than he does about him.

Believe it or not, there are plenty of people who wouldn’t even think about cheating on their taxes.
I knew someone would (sadly) flip this around as a “holier than thou” thing.

We live in an age where everyone gets to make up their own version of morality, apparently.
Ok so you’re for or against my friend ignoring the jury summons ? Just want to be clear
Anyone ever do this ? I always responded and showed up. But …never had a real good experience!
Does the old adage , “did you send it certified apply” ? Asking for a friend!
Send it in . Half the time they won't need you.