OT: Laviano quits San Diego State

to bad but if not talented enough , that's how it goes.
Don't take any pleasure in seeing him lose out, but don't feel sorry for him .
He could have tried to be a positive influence , but decided to quit and that's why I won't care if he succeeds as a lacrosse player or even gets a chance to play that sport in college.
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The rhetoric on this board was that Laviano deserved to start because he had it figured out and Rettig struggled with the mental aspect of the game. Laviano transfers to San Diego State, fails to make the two deep and leaves the team. Rettig transfers to Tennessee Tech and is starting Thursday against Western Illinois (he's listed as the starter on Page 10 of their Game Notes, PDF). I understand that SDSU is FBS while TTU is FCS and that Laviano accepted the bigger challenge, but Rettig gets to finish his career on a high note while Laviano won't.
When you can't make the two deep as a 5th year guy at SDSU in the mountain west, as a former B1G starter -- you know Flood and Mehringer had no idea what they were doing.

So excited to see a new starter under center this year under a competent OC.

To be fair, SD State has been a lot better then Rutgers the last 2 years. 22-6, bowl wins over Houston and Cincinnati. Their QB is legit.
When you can't make the two deep as a 5th year guy at SDSU in the mountain west, as a former B1G starter -- you know Flood and Mehringer had no idea what they were doing.

So excited to see a new starter under center this year under a competent OC.

Ash was the HC. You can't blame Mehringer but put no blame on Ash. Laviano was a lot better when Flood was the HC too. He regressed horribly.
To be fair, SD State has been a lot better then Rutgers the last 2 years. 22-6, bowl wins over Houston and Cincinnati. Their QB is legit.

Their QB is garbage that's why they brought in Laviano. There running back ran for like 2100 yards and scored 20 touchdowns.
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When you can't make the two deep as a 5th year guy at SDSU in the mountain west, as a former B1G starter -- you know Flood and Mehringer had no idea what they were doing.
Umm, SDSU beat Cal and a 10-2 Houston in a bowl game last year. Flood and Mehringer is apples and oranges when the QBs are different on the 2 teams. And what about Ash and McDaniel? Cherry pick much?

Their QB is garbage that's why they brought in Laviano. There running back ran for like 2100 yards and scored 20 touchdowns.
Garbage? Their QB was coming off an injury.
153/251 1994 yds 61.0% completion, 20 TDs and 6 INTs. I'd take that garbage over any of the QB performances at RU, except for Nova's senior year.
Coach Long sounds like a jerk with the "He is an expert at transferring" crack.
I thought that as well after only seeing that quote. But reading the whole article I can understand the frustration of the coach with laviano bringing this to him right before practice. Plus, the way Laviano laid out his plans to the coach, it does seem like he's an expert on transferring.
Flood screwed Rettig by recruiting and not playing him and screwed Laviano by recruiting and playing him. Glad that saga is over. Not sure we will win many games this year but we will look a lot better simply because we have more speed at the skill spots and a true D1 QB.

And someone is blowing smoke. There is zero chance he will get a full ride to a D2 school for lacrosse. They don't do that. Even at D1 schools it's extraordinarily rare.

Wouldn't it be something if he transferred back to RU to try to play lacrosse. Not sure he is walking into any D1 team though after not playing since high school and getting much of a run. Maybe some low level D1 team but even that I doubt.
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If Tim Tebow can play minor league baseball after an unsuccessful run at QB, I'm sure Chris can play D2 lacrosse

And someone is blowing smoke. There is zero chance he will get a full ride to a D2 school for lacrosse. They don't do that. Even at D1 schools it's extraordinarily rare.

Wouldn't it be something if he transferred back to RU to try to play lacrosse. Not sure he is walking into any D1 team though after not playing since high school and getting much of a run. Maybe some low level D1 team but even that I doubt.
Good luck to Chris. Lots of adults throwing a young man under the bus for his performance here when he did what his coaches asked and wanted. @S_Janowski , you come across as a real dick here. Bet you could not take 1/10 the shots Laviano took on the field and you are a keyboard warrior. Congrats.

Agree that RU posters who revel in the failure of Laviano at SDSU are being short sighted IMO. Laviano gave RU FB what he had, and I appreciate that from a kid who came to RU and then had to play for Flood and then Mehringer.

And S Janowski calling out Laviano for being soft is one of the lamest comments I've read on this board in some time. Would love to watch S Janowski throw a football. Queue up the laugh track, ha !
Umm, SDSU beat Cal and a 10-2 Houston in a bowl game last year. Flood and Mehringer is apples and oranges when the QBs are different on the 2 teams. And what about Ash and McDaniel? Cherry pick much?

Garbage? Their QB was coming off an injury.
153/251 1994 yds 61.0% completion, 20 TDs and 6 INTs. I'd take that garbage over any of the QB performances at RU, except for Nova's senior year.

Oh boy, you're still defending them... o_O

Did you miss the point that he didn't even get 2nd string? Apparently, it's debatable if he even got 3rd string. He wasn't 3rd as of a few weeks ago. So yeah, keep cherry picking.
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Agree that RU posters who revel in the failure of Laviano at SDSU are being short sighted IMO. Laviano gave RU FB what he had, and I appreciate that from a kid who came to RU and then had to play for Flood and then Mehringer.

And S Janowski calling out Laviano for being soft is one of the lamest comments I've read on this board in some time. Would love to watch S Janowski throw a football. Queue up the laugh track, ha !

He just quit on his team a week before the season started because he wasn't on the two deep.

He also threw an Instagram fit when he was playing for Rutgers.

I stand by my comments.
He just quit on his team a week before the season started because he wasn't on the two deep.

He also threw an Instagram fit when he was playing for Rutgers.

I stand by my comments.
And you are still a dick. And check your facts. He posted on Instagram after getting booed when he got drilled and was brought back on the field one play later. Again, you sound like a real tough guy behind the computer.
While Chris was clearly not a Big Ten caliber QB, and we all know this from watching him play, he is a Rutgers letter winner and alumnus. He was here for four years and graduated a loyal son. Regardless of his on field performance, he is one of us. I wish him well and hope that he finds what he is looking for this year. It's certainly not the easy path he's choosing. Me, I would have stayed in San Diego living for free in paradise for a year.
Good luck to Chris. Lots of adults throwing a young man under the bus for his performance here when he did what his coaches asked and wanted. @S_Janowski , you come across as a real dick here. Bet you could not take 1/10 the shots Laviano took on the field and you are a keyboard warrior. Congrats.

Knock off the holier than thou bullshit. Laviano isn't a high school kid. He's the same age if not older than NFL guys. He's not 13 years old. He's a garbage QB, period. I'm glad he's not on our team anymore. And get out of here with how good San Diego State is. They don't play anyone. If we played their schedule, we would be 10-2 too. Ohio State isn't the Washington Rainbow Warriors. You guys bash Temple for playing a garbage schedule but then say San Diego State is some powerhouse when you want to prove a point. Their toughest game was an 8-6 Wyoming team who got slaughtered by New Mexico.
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While Chris was clearly not a Big Ten caliber QB, and we all know this from watching him play, he is a Rutgers letter winner and alumnus. He was here for four years and graduated a loyal son. Regardless of his on field performance, he is one of us. I wish him well and hope that he finds what he is looking for this year. It's certainly not the easy path he's choosing. Me, I would have stayed in San Diego living for free in paradise for a year.

The problem is that (it sounds like) his ex-coach is whispering in his ear that he will have no problem getting a lacrosse scholarship, so it doesn't seem like it is a harder path. I hope for his sake he is getting good advice.

I understand a transfer if he had pro aspirations and thought the transfer will get him there, but there isn't a chance of going pro and he will need to get a real job upon graduation,,,

I don't get it, Perfect weather and free tuition . Is it safe to assume registration has started at other colleges? Would it be harder to get prime classes if you start now?...

I would kill my kids if they bailed on that
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Ash was the HC. You can't blame Mehringer but put no blame on Ash. Laviano was a lot better when Flood was the HC too. He regressed horribly.

I disagree that Laviano regressed. He didn't fit the new offense, which caused him to move more. I've stated earlier that I thought Laviano's footwork needed improvement and consistency and he was then put into an offense where that weakness was magnified.
Knock off the holier than thou bullshit. Laviano isn't a high school kid. He's the same age if not older than NFL guys. He's not 13 years old. He's a garbage QB, period. I'm glad he's not on our team anymore. And get out of here with how good San Diego State is. They don't play anyone. If we played their schedule, we would be 10-2 too. Ohio State isn't the Washington Rainbow Warriors. You guys bash Temple for playing a garbage schedule but then say San Diego State is some powerhouse when you want to prove a point. Their toughest game was an 8-6 Wyoming team who got slaughtered by New Mexico.
Umm, they beat a Pac12 team (Cal) and a 10-2 Houston team in a bowl game, sparky. Stop with your douchier than thou BS. Garbage QB? He is tied for 9th for most TD passes in a single season. I'm not saying he's great. Yeah, Carroo threw all those passes to himself that he caught. He was maddingly inconsistent, and his stats paralleled Gary Nova's junior stats, who turned out to be a fairly decent QB in his senior year with a good coach behind him--something Laviano did not get at Rutgers. Yeah, call the wahhhmbulance.
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does his transferring out right now help him eligibility wise?.... the
"expert at transferring" might be true, if he can jump to another school and be immediately eligible.....don't know the rules, but there may be
a method to what he is doing, and could not wait on it.
does his transferring out right now help him eligibility wise?.... the
"expert at transferring" might be true, if he can jump to another school and be immediately eligible.....don't know the rules, but there may be
a method to what he is doing, and could not wait on it.

This is his final year of eligibility UNLESS he can pry a hardship waiver from the NCAA (I'd be shocked if that happened). I cannot see a scenario where any football program in the country will bring him in to play this year since the season officially starts in two days. As I understand it, he needed with transfer before starting classes at SDSU in order to play Lacrosse in the spring.
Bets of luck to Chris. This does illustrate that a lot of problems last year stemmed from Merhinger and the QB spot. That's why I am fairly confident this year we should exceed expectations.
Good point. Bolin/Kill is a major upgrade from Laviano/Merhinger on multiple levels. We now have a transfer that wins his job and is named captain along with a former B1G coach of the year.