OT: Laviano quits San Diego State

Count me in as a fan of Laviano. A decent recruit who committed here, stayed 4 years and always played hard and is an RU grad. Every non-dork in college has had alcohol and he did not hurt anyone. The social media issue was minor frustrated outburst. Maybe he should have stuck it out at SDSU but I don't think either he or the coach thought he would be 3rd string when he committed, seems the coach doth protest too much.
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SDSU coach..."He's kind of an expert at transferring"

Haha. Kid is so soft.

Sorry guys, but I believe that this is the post that is most inappropriate in this thread.

Chris Laviano committed 4 years to RU and gave his best under some very difficult conditions under multiple RU coaching staffs.

Who is S Janowski to laugh at Chris Laviano's effort that he gave at RU and have the culyones to call him soft ?

RU has some really sh*tty fans. S Janowski is part of that problem. Would love to hear about S Janowski's athletic background, not including video game play.
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Sorry guys, but I believe that this is the post that is most inappropriate in this thread.

Chris Laviano committed 4 years to RU and gave his best under some very difficult conditions under multiple RU coaching staffs.

Who is S Janowski to laugh at Chris Laviano's effort that he gave at RU and have the culyones to call him soft ?

RU has some really sh*tty fans. S Janowski is part of that problem. Would love to hear about S Janowski's athletic background, not including video game play.

If you think calling a 20 year old soft because he couldn't handle some boo's, partied way more than a D1 QB should party and quit on a team he just transferred to a week before the season starts because he was 3rd/4th on the depth chart is offensive, then you need to give yourself a tug. You might be soft too.

So in a nutshell, he never intended to get a grad degree, hoped to play football. That did not work out. Now he hopes to play Lacrosse and not pursue a degree somewhere else. I thing he needs to figure out what he wants to do and maybe it's time to grow up and move on with life...

So in a nutshell, he never intended to get a grad degree, hoped to play football. That did not work out. Now he hopes to play Lacrosse and not pursue a degree somewhere else. I thing he needs to figure out what he wants to do and maybe it's time to grow up and move on with life...

Honest post/tweet on his part. His decisios to transfer and then "hang it up" makes a lot of sense. I think he needs "an adult" to tell him "time to move on with life".
Help me out here - how did the system play him?

Such a millennial tweet

So in a nutshell, he never intended to get a grad degree, hoped to play football. That did not work out. Now he hopes to play Lacrosse and not pursue a degree somewhere else. I thing he needs to figure out what he wants to do and maybe it's time to grow up and move on with life...
So he was told he was being brought in for depth, got a chance for a free grad degree with room and board with the perks of being a D1 athlete....all while living in San Diego....but he got played?

Obviously, you're someone who charted a path to long term success for you and your kids and it's paid off. I'm sure you have a beautiful wife, a great job and one or two beautiful houses.

Seriously, what the f--- have you accomplished in life that puts you in a position to judge this kid so harshly?
Obviously, you're someone who charted a path to long term success for you and your kids and it's paid off. I'm sure you have a beautiful wife, a great job and one or two beautiful houses.

Seriously, what the f--- have you accomplished in life that puts you in a position to judge this kid so harshly?

I asked a simple question but thanks Mrs. Laviano.
I asked a simple question but thanks Mrs. Laviano.
Still a big douche. Congrats. Why is it so important to you to put our former QB down? He played hard here for 4 years. Took hard shots. Listened to some a-hole fans boo him. He tried to play a scheme designed by a child that was ill suited to him. He knew he had no chance this year, and he transferred. Don't understand the vitriol. Did he bang your wife or girlfriend?
Sad to see. But i don't think those who are being somewhat critical are questioning his toughness etc. What the are questioning is his maturity as a young adult with a collrge degree. I also think several people dont understand Janowski's use of the work "soft". Change it to a refence of immaturity or something similar. If you were the hesd coach or in charge of your work place and brought simeone in a d gave him a scholarship and/or perks and a great opportunity and the person decided to quit just before starting a season or a big event how would you respond. I think while Chris offered a different statement and simply said he was going to pursue some opportunities in the work world then perhaps he would really get the respect he may deserve. It's interesting to see thr various comparisons and differences between Laviano and Rettig. Ask yourself who really had a tougher and more difficult situation.

At least the one positive is that both have good words about Rutgers.
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partied way more than a D1 QB should party
Who are you to say whether a guy in college whom you've probably never met "partied way more than a D1 QB should party"? I lived with some VERY high profile Ohio State football players a couple years ago when I was still in school and I knew things that would've wrecked their current NFL careers before they could get to the draft. His "partying" probably didn't have much of an affect on him as a QB. You can criticize him for his play all you'd like, don't criticize a guy for having fun in college.
Kid wants to play, not sit. It's that simple. I give him credit for not wasting the scholarship money of SDSU. Does it matter if the 4th string qb who only has 1yr left of elegibility leaves? I take exception with anyone who calls him soft. He gave it everything he had here at RU and got the crap beat out of him in the process. Did he lack ability....yes. we recruited him, not the other way around. Putting athletes in position where they cannot succeed is our fault, not theirs.
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Who are you to say whether a guy in college whom you've probably never met "partied way more than a D1 QB should party"? I lived with some VERY high profile Ohio State football players a couple years ago when I was still in school and I knew things that would've wrecked their current NFL careers before they could get to the draft. His "partying" probably didn't have much of an affect on him as a QB. You can criticize him for his play all you'd like, don't criticize a guy for having fun in college.

Sad to see. But i don't think those who are being somewhat critical are questioning his toughness etc. What the are questioning is his maturity as a young adult with a collrge degree. I also think several people dont understand Janowski's use of the work "soft". Change it to a refence of immaturity or something similar. If you were the hesd coach or in charge of your work place and brought simeone in a d gave him a scholarship and/or perks and a great opportunity and the person decided to quit just before starting a season or a big event how would you respond. I think while Chris offered a different statement and simply said he was going to pursue some opportunities in the work world then perhaps he would really get the respect he may deserve. It's interesting to see thr various comparisons and differences between Laviano and Rettig. Ask yourself who really had a tougher and more difficult situation.

At least the one positive is that both have good words about Rutgers.

Agree with your last sentence. But I think we all know what "soft" means when a keyboard warrior like Mr Janowski uses it to criticize a player. Still want to see a video of Janowski throwing a football. It will help me better understand his point of view, ha !
Can someone explain the whole "he partied too hard here" thing? What is this in reference to? I know he got caught with the fake ID thing but besides that what's the story?

I saw Gary Nova at Olde Queens Tavern plenty of times when I was at RU. Don't understand what the issue is.
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Can someone explain the whole "he partied too hard here" thing? What is this in reference to? I know he got caught with the fake ID thing but besides that what's the story?

I saw Gary Nova at Olde Queens Tavern plenty of times when I was at RU. Don't understand what the issue is.
RIGHT? That's where I'm confused as well. God forbid someone in college has an alcoholic drink. Because I'm sure everyone looking down on him for drinking before he was 21 NEVER had a beer before they were of legal age.
RIGHT? That's where I'm confused as well. God forbid someone in college has an alcoholic drink. Because I'm sure everyone looking down on him for drinking before he was 21 NEVER had a beer before they were of legal age.
The fake ID issue wouldn't even have happened at an SEC school because he'd be let in through the back entrance with a police escort.
Laviano played his heart out. I have not changed my mind that he shouldn't have been the starter, but I'm not the coach. What bothers me most is that one guy never even got a CHANCE; that was mind numbing to me.

I read Politi's article about Rettig where he says if you want it bad enough you keep fighting; this is not the mindset I saw in Laviano. If Laviano had to endure Rettig's treatment he would have left RU as well. Laviano was put in a very hard position, trusted by Flood (we won't rehash his shortcomings) and then thrust into yet another OC that brought with him an offense that Laviano (and Rettig for that matter) were not suited for. The offensive line last year did well in that they didn't get him killed, but his task was daunting.

All that said, I wish Laviano well, and hope he finds what he wants out of life, and finds the desire to go and get it. After all, everything we want isn't always just sent our way.
Kid wants to play, not sit. It's that simple. I give him credit for not wasting the scholarship money of SDSU. Does it matter if the 4th string qb who only has 1yr left of elegibility leaves? I take exception with anyone who calls him soft. He gave it everything he had here at RU and got the crap beat out of him in the process. Did he lack ability....yes. we recruited him, not the other way around. Putting athletes in position where they cannot succeed is our fault, not theirs.

All true, I'll bet Rettig only wanted the chance to COMPETE for the opportunity to play. Plenty of times last year that NO ONE was able to move the ball. I don't know if it was coaching, scheme, personnel or any combination of the above, I DO know that if nothing works it seems stupid to keep trying it; you know, Einstein's definition of insanity, "trying the same thing over and over again hoping for different results."

Laviano had an impossible task last year, but he got the benefit of the doubt here, and not somewhere else, so the victim role don't stick.
Who are you to say whether a guy in college whom you've probably never met "partied way more than a D1 QB should party"? I lived with some VERY high profile Ohio State football players a couple years ago when I was still in school and I knew things that would've wrecked their current NFL careers before they could get to the draft. His "partying" probably didn't have much of an affect on him as a QB. You can criticize him for his play all you'd like, don't criticize a guy for having fun in college.

That's cool. I don't live under a rock and im sure that's the lifestyle plenty of NFL bound college players live.

There's a huge difference playing for Ohio state and being National contender and getting your butt creamed 78-0 and being the doormat of college football though. That's the same game Laviano went 1-8 with 6 yards...

I didn't realize using the word "soft" was so offensive these days lol. The only reason I used that was because he quit a week before the season started because he was 3rd string, which he admitted. After reading his post he sounds more immature though.
The way things work around here, Laviano will land a scholarship at a Div-1 lacrosse program and some how score a last second goal in a game that prevents Rutgers from going to the NCAA lacrosse tournament. The College Sports Gawds punishing us for the disparagement of Laviano in this thread.

More like he'd send a goal into his own net to put RU in the tournament. Unless you missed the spike on 4th & 2 that even made it as a clue on Jeopardy!
Still a big douche. Congrats. Why is it so important to you to put our former QB down? He played hard here for 4 years. Took hard shots. Listened to some a-hole fans boo him. He tried to play a scheme designed by a child that was ill suited to him. He knew he had no chance this year, and he transferred. Don't understand the vitriol. Did he bang your wife or girlfriend?
Probably your boyfriend
I'm happy for Flanagan, as I was for Agudosi and Patten when they got serious looks in NFL camps, and Rettig and Laviano when they got 2nd chances elsewhere.

The past two years were a shitshow, for various reasons. Flood was incompetent, lost control of the team, and was stubborn to a fault. Ash, as a new head coach and defensive expert, delegated too much responsibility to someone, DM, who turned out to be in way over his head, and married to a system the personnel didn't fit. Hopefully Ash has learned from his mistakes, brought in the right personnel, and has begun recruiting players he feels comfortable with. Time will tell.

Having said all that, Laviano gets way too many benefits of the doubt. In all my years of following Rutgers football, I can't think of another player who has so many hardcore supporters despite so many issues. Attitude, arrests, poor performance. Now excusing him quitting on his team and coach on the eve of the season. Some of you guys are really showing yourselves here. Is that slyker guy still around mouthing off? I think I put him on ignore.
The fact that you used, a curse word doesn't bother me, but can you next time
use a word I can fast 10 times?
That's cool. I don't live under a rock and im sure that's the lifestyle plenty of NFL bound college players live.

There's a huge difference playing for Ohio state and being National contender and getting your butt creamed 78-0 and being the doormat of college football though. That's the same game Laviano went 1-8 with 6 yards...

I didn't realize using the word "soft" was so offensive these days lol. The only reason I used that was because he quit a week before the season started because he was 3rd string, which he admitted. After reading his post he sounds more immature though.
Yeah, the 1/8 is all on him, when Zach Allen jumped in and 1/10. Having 0.2 seconds to throw the ball and getting crushed makes for a successful QB. Idiot.
The rhetoric on this board was that Laviano deserved to start because he had it figured out and Rettig struggled with the mental aspect of the game. Laviano transfers to San Diego State, fails to make the two deep and leaves the team. Rettig transfers to Tennessee Tech and is starting Thursday against Western Illinois (he's listed as the starter on Page 10 of their Game Notes, PDF). I understand that SDSU is FBS while TTU is FCS and that Laviano accepted the bigger challenge, but Rettig gets to finish his career on a high note while Laviano won't.

Rettig should have been the starter.
Always fascinating to see the threads that "strike a nerve"!

Sad to see. But i don't think those who are being somewhat critical are questioning his toughness etc. What the are questioning is his maturity as a young adult with a collrge degree. I also think several people dont understand Janowski's use of the work "soft". Change it to a refence of immaturity or something similar. If you were the hesd coach or in charge of your work place and brought simeone in a d gave him a scholarship and/or perks and a great opportunity and the person decided to quit just before starting a season or a big event how would you respond. I think while Chris offered a different statement and simply said he was going to pursue some opportunities in the work world then perhaps he would really get the respect he may deserve. It's interesting to see thr various comparisons and differences between Laviano and Rettig. Ask yourself who really had a tougher and more difficult situation.

At least the one positive is that both have good words about Rutgers.

Not sure if it is a point you were trying to make but it shows something. To me, it may have been softer to know you have 1 year and no chance of seeing the field but, get that last year on ship than to say, I am going to try something else with no guaranty. I am sure he didn't sit in his dorm room in SD and just say, hell, I'm going to quit. But he had long talks with his family before doing so.
Like him or not- he gave us 4 years of his life. It does not matter if he was an AA or even that good. If he wasnt good enough to be a P5 starter, well, there are millions and millions of kids that are not. But, he was asked to do so and he did the best he could.

Not you 62, but we have so many fans that are complete shatholes...I don't think he is a P5 starter either or maybe not even a backup, but why should I rag on him because of skills? He has maybe 100 times more skills then I ever could have had.
Not sure if it is a point you were trying to make but it shows something. To me, it may have been softer to know you have 1 year and no chance of seeing the field but, get that last year on ship than to say, I am going to try something else with no guaranty. I am sure he didn't sit in his dorm room in SD and just say, hell, I'm going to quit. But he had long talks with his family before doing so.
Like him or not- he gave us 4 years of his life. It does not matter if he was an AA or even that good. If he wasnt good enough to be a P5 starter, well, there are millions and millions of kids that are not. But, he was asked to do so and he did the best he could.

Not you 62, but we have so many fans that are complete shatholes...I don't think he is a P5 starter either or maybe not even a backup, but why should I rag on him because of skills? He has maybe 100 times more skills then I ever could have had.

I hear you on that; CL is a better FB player than I ever was...but you better be a lot better than I was to play at this level (don't think there was too much of a demand for 5'6", 155lb centers/d-tackles in the Big East in 1998). I never had any issue with CL; my 'beef' was more with some of our fans who kept trying to tell me he was 'A' when logical observation said it was 'B'. CL also takes a lot of displaced flak people still have for Flood.

Joe P.
Can someone explain the whole "he partied too hard here" thing? What is this in reference to? I know he got caught with the fake ID thing but besides that what's the story?

I saw Gary Nova at Olde Queens Tavern plenty of times when I was at RU. Don't understand what the issue is.

Ask people who were students around that time and who would know.
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