OT: Laviano quits San Diego State

He isn't getting a D1 scholarship on 8/29 a week before classes start, or in some cases, have already.
Really??? So being able to throw a football qualifies someone to express an opinion?

No but calling out someone you know nothing about qualifies you as being a Dick!! Unfortunately posters on here who complain the most about RU fans getting no respect are the one's that prove they don't deserve any.
Well in a year, Chris will have to figure out what to d with the rest of his life that probably does not include playing major sports. Should have bit the bullet rode the pines and enjoyed his year in San Diego.
But the really good news is that RETTIG IS FINALLY FREE !! Hope he has a great year.
To be fair, SD State has been a lot better then Rutgers the last 2 years. 22-6, bowl wins over Houston and Cincinnati. Their QB is legit.
If their qb is legit, why did their coach offer a scholarship to a 5th yr qb.. He wanted him to win the job. Beating laviano doesn't make their new qb anything more than mediocre.
Good luck to Chris. Lots of adults throwing a young man under the bus for his performance here when he did what his coaches asked and wanted. @S_Janowski , you come across as a real dick here. Bet you could not take 1/10 the shots Laviano took on the field and you are a keyboard warrior. Congrats.
Laviano took a beating here for RU. The least we can do is show some respect. If he was injured while he was getting mauled here and couldn't play anymore we'd be singing his praises.
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Coach Long sounds like a jerk with the "He is an expert at transferring" crack.
Laviano let him know basically one minute before the last practice a week before gameday and stuck it to him saying as long as he didn't go to class he was gone. This was a player who this coach of a top 25 program took a chance on with a 1 year valuable scholarship. That scholarship will officially be wasted. I'm surprised he was as nice as he was.
Coach Long sounds like a jerk with the "He is an expert at transferring" crack.
Can't really be sure of that.
Long might have felt CL should have stayed and tried to help the team even if he probably wasn't going to get playing time.
The scholarship CL took for this year might have been given to another grad transfer and Coach Long isn't too happy he gave it to someone who quit and now transferring from SDSU in an effort to play another sport .
Laviano, no matter how old he is, looks like the bad guy to me and the SDSU HC
is paying for taking him.
CL might have stayed and tried to work himself up the depth chart while mentoring the younger players, but decided to quit the team .
How can you fault a kid who makes a decision that he feels will benefit him or his career going forward. As long as he leaves on good terms and doesn't say anything derogatory about the school when leaving. Wish him well and next man up has an opportunity.

Case in point is Matt Flanagan who transferred to Pitt and seems like a class act.
Tough TE who supported Rutgers through some difficult years and is taking a last chance opportunity to improve his stats for consideration for the NFL.

Well Narduzzi has announced Flanagan as 1st Team TE and will be starting at YSU Saturday. Some on this board were somewhat critical of him when I inquired about his abilities.

Everything he has done at Pitt so far has been exemplary and we are very glad to have the young man.

Good for him. Maybe he learned how to hold onto a catchable pass. Certainly didn't know how last year. By all accounts, we have a massive upgrade in Washington who will start for us and could run circles around can imagine how little I care. Just glad he left so we can start developing the young guys like Griffin. I'm sure he can buy a ticket to an NFL game if he really wants to go. I'm 99% more confident in Washington's ability to reach the NFL than Flanagan who has 0 speed. Just remember this post next time you see Flanagan wide open and start wondering why the ball just rubbermanned off his hands and into the turf.

The fact that you're bragging that Flanagan is your starting TE is sad.
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It was a mystery to me, (as it was to many), why, when Flood was RU's HC, he continued to go with Laviano when it became very clear that CL was struggling and not really being effective. Certainly Rettig deserved at least a shot under those circumstances to show what he could do, but Flood absolutely refused to make a change no matter what.

It's always been my feeling that after staying with Laviano time and again regardless of how far off the tracks things were going on the field, Flood was hesitant to put Rettig in because, after continually declining to make any switch at QB at all, if Rettig began lighting things up, (or at the very least began moving the team more efficiently), it would have put even more of a spotlight on the fact the Kyle really didn't know what he was doing in terms of handling personnel, (or even more troubling, was playing favorites, for whatever reason), and honestly wasn't qualified to be a head coach, which in my opinion he most assuredly was not.

Anyway, the bottom line is that Flood is no longer HC here, (nor will he ever be one again anywhere except perhaps, perhaps, at the high school or DIII level, Laviano is pursuing what he feels is the best path for himself, and Rettig will finally be given his chance to be "the guy" under center. -I guess a lot of situations really do eventually sort themselves out with the passage of time.
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Some of you guys
What about the illegal drinking and staying up all night the night before a game? The kid just didn't have it and
RU coaches should have picked up on it. Mehringer said, this is my number one choice because we bonded so
close during the summer, he's a nice guy. His stay and Mehringer's stay was nothing but a big embarrassment to the
I could be mistaken, but when was he specifically "staying up all night the night before a game?" The incident that got him suspended for the 1st half of the Norfolk State game in 2015 didn't happen the night before the game.
Maybe if he was smart enough to graduate Rutgers early and get accepted to graduate school, he has a Plan B.

I highly doubt some coach from some D1 school with real scholarship money is going to agree to withhold some of it until 8/28, when Chris sees where he is on the depth chart to then decide whether he wants to go play lacrosse. All after not playing lacrosse for almost 5 years.

It's ridiculous on its face. Chris probably had that his head.

From reading that article, my guess is he is going to land at a school like Adelphi and give lacrosse a go. On his own dime.
I highly doubt some coach from some D1 school with real scholarship money is going to agree to withhold some of it until 8/28, when Chris sees where he is on the depth chart to then decide whether he wants to go play lacrosse. All after not playing lacrosse for almost 5 years.

It's ridiculous on its face. Chris probably had that his head.

From reading that article, my guess is he is going to land at a school like Adelphi and give lacrosse a go. On his own dime.

Or Stony Brook with in-state tuition. And wouldn't any D1 school give at most a half scholarship?

Anyway, he took a beating playing QB at RU so I think people are piling on here a little.
Laviano let him know basically one minute before the last practice a week before gameday and stuck it to him saying as long as he didn't go to class he was gone. This was a player who this coach of a top 25 program took a chance on with a 1 year valuable scholarship. That scholarship will officially be wasted. I'm surprised he was as nice as he was.

The scholarship won't get wasted. Myles Cheathum is listed as a starter Saturday at DE and is a walk-on. Their backup RG (Nick Gerhard) is a walk-on and he entered camp in competition for the starting OC position. They have four walk-ons that are listed on their two deep for Saturday's game (PDF, Page 20, walk-ons are noted as SQuad [68 Myles Cheathum, 6-2, 255, So.-SQ]) on offense and defense as well as their starting long snapper and backup kickers.
The scholarship won't get wasted. Myles Cheathum is listed as a starter Saturday at DE and is a walk-on. Their backup RG (Nick Gerhard) is a walk-on and he entered camp in competition for the starting OC position. They have four walk-ons that are listed on their two deep for Saturday's game (PDF, Page 20, walk-ons are noted as SQuad [68 Myles Cheathum, 6-2, 255, So.-SQ]) on offense and defense as well as their starting long snapper and backup kickers.
And if they're remaining with the team, they didn't need a scholarship. The coach could have used it on either a grad transfer that wouldn't continued providing depth the entire season or another freshman in their recruiting class. I'm sure the coach considers it a wasted opportunity as his comments made him seem pretty darn pissed at laviano.
I wouldn't throw Laviano under the bus, he picked Rutgers to be his team and he tried very hard to make it a winner. He is welcome to the Scarlet Nation with open arms, in my book.
He hated the fans. How many shots did he take at the fans on social media. Do you forget he walked away from the media at the Spring game? I know each fan base has its share of idiots. But guess what, you don't generalize and exclude the fans who are still rooting for you.

He was the leader of our offense and he should have acted like one. He had a chance to compete and he didn't want that. That's fine. Hes weak minded. He's not welcomed back.
He hated the fans like you. How many shots did he take before getting booed by those same fans and then reacted on social media. Don't think he walked away from the media at the Spring game. I know each fan base has its share of idiots. But guess what, you don't generalize and exclude the fans who are still rooting for you.

He was the leader of our offense and he should have acted like one (he did). He had a chance to compete and he didn't want that-yes he did. That's fine. Hes weak minded in your weak mind. He's not welcomed back by you.

FIFY. ^^^One of the angriest posters on this forum.
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And get out of here with how good San Diego State is. They don't play anyone. If we played their schedule, we would be 10-2 too. Ohio State isn't the Washington Rainbow Warriors.
Just got home from work, read this whole thread and I'm still trying to figure out who the fvck the Washington Rainbow Warriors are.:confused: Did the huskies change their nickname? Or did Washington move their campus to Hawaii?:)
It was a mystery to me, (as it was to many), why, when Flood was RU's HC, he continued to go with Laviano when it became very clear that CL was struggling and not really being effective. Certainly Rettig deserved at least a shot under those circumstances to show what he could do, but Flood absolutely refused to make a change no matter what.

It's always been my feeling that after staying with Laviano time and again regardless of how far off the tracks things were going on the field, Flood was hesitant to put Rettig in because, after continually declining to make any switch at QB at all, if Rettig began lighting things up, (or at the very least began moving the team more efficiently), it would have put even more of a spotlight on the fact the Kyle really didn't know what he was doing in terms of handling personnel, (or even more troubling, was playing favorites, for whatever reason), and honestly wasn't qualified to be a head coach, which in my opinion he most assuredly was not.

Anyway, the bottom line is that Flood is no longer HC here, (nor will he ever be one again anywhere except perhaps, perhaps, at the high school or DIII level, Laviano is pursuing what he feels is the best path for himself, and Rettig will finally be given his chance to be "the guy" under center. -I guess a lot of situations really do eventually sort themselves out with the passage of time.
Well said.

I highly doubt some coach from some D1 school with real scholarship money is going to agree to withhold some of it until 8/28, when Chris sees where he is on the depth chart to then decide whether he wants to go play lacrosse. All after not playing lacrosse for almost 5 years.

It's ridiculous on its face. Chris probably had that his head.

From reading that article, my guess is he is going to land at a school like Adelphi and give lacrosse a go. On his own dime.
So you are saying that Laviano is unlikely to be the anti-Christopher James Hogan?
Good luck to Laviano, he is a loyal son!

As for the SDSU Coach, he failed. He failed to keep his player. He failed to Coach a young man. He is the failure!
Chris Laviano took some vicious hits while playing at Rutgers and NOT ONCE DID HE QUIT ON HIS TEAM OR COACH!!! Cut the kid a break already and just wish him the best.
So you are saying that Laviano is unlikely to be the anti-Christopher James Hogan?

Chris Hogan was a really good midfielder who was probably in incredible shape when he showed up to Monmouth. He played 4 years of lacrosse and then went to a D3 school to play football. Midfield to WR is more natural than under center QB to midfielder, assuming that's what he is.
And if they're remaining with the team, they didn't need a scholarship. The coach could have used it on either a grad transfer that wouldn't continued providing depth the entire season or another freshman in their recruiting class. I'm sure the coach considers it a wasted opportunity as his comments made him seem pretty darn pissed at laviano.

I do understand your point. But unless he believed that Laviano was going to be able to earn at least a backup role, he already wasted the scholarship on him. He was looking at giving a scholarship to a player who wasn't going to play in his only year there (unless he believed he could be the holder on placekicks). He now has an opportunity to reward a walk-on who has worked hard and earned a scholarship, which could help team morale.
Good luck to Laviano, he is a loyal son!

As for the SDSU Coach, he failed. He failed to keep his player. He failed to Coach a young man. He is the failure!

Agree with the first thought...with the last thought-really??? Don't think you can be any further off the mark. Sounds like something from the 'Cult of Self-Esteem Handbook'.

Joe P.
Coming from you I take nothing you say seriously. I think you actually need help.
That hurts, Chip. I thought we would spend some time together in the hot tub getting to know each other better. Try being happy.

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It was a mystery to me, (as it was to many), why, when Flood was RU's HC, he continued to go with Laviano when it became very clear that CL was struggling and not really being effective. Certainly Rettig deserved at least a shot under those circumstances to show what he could do, but Flood absolutely refused to make a change no matter what.

It's always been my feeling that after staying with Laviano time and again regardless of how far off the tracks things were going on the field, Flood was hesitant to put Rettig in because, after continually declining to make any switch at QB at all, if Rettig began lighting things up, (or at the very least began moving the team more efficiently), it would have put even more of a spotlight on the fact the Kyle really didn't know what he was doing in terms of handling personnel, (or even more troubling, was playing favorites, for whatever reason), and honestly wasn't qualified to be a head coach, which in my opinion he most assuredly was not.

Anyway, the bottom line is that Flood is no longer HC here, (nor will he ever be one again anywhere except perhaps, perhaps, at the high school or DIII level, Laviano is pursuing what he feels is the best path for himself, and Rettig will finally be given his chance to be "the guy" under center. -I guess a lot of situations really do eventually sort themselves out with the passage of time.

I'm convinced the inmates were running the asylum in Flood's last two years and Laviano was Carroo's (among others) guy. I honestly don't think it was anything else.

Regarding CL leaving SDSU, I could have a lot to say, but it's way past time to move on. He's not at RU anymore and it's a few days before opening day.
Long was surprised by Laviano’s request, finding out just minutes before Monday afternoon’s practice began.

“I used to get upset with players when they would quit or decide to leave,” Long said. “I don’t anymore. It’s really common now. A lot more common than it was 20 years ago. I must be getting old because the reasons they give you are ridiculous.”

How can you fault a kid who makes a decision that he feels will benefit him or his career going forward. As long as he leaves on good terms and doesn't say anything derogatory about the school when leaving. Wish him well and next man up has an opportunity.

Case in point is Matt Flanagan who transferred to Pitt and seems like a class act.
Tough TE who supported Rutgers through some difficult years and is taking a last chance opportunity to improve his stats for consideration for the NFL.

Well Narduzzi has announced Flanagan as 1st Team TE and will be starting at YSU Saturday. Some on this board were somewhat critical of him when I inquired about his abilities.

Everything he has done at Pitt so far has been exemplary and we are very glad to have the young man.


Way to go completely off topic