OT: Laviano quits San Diego State

In reviewing this thread, it appears that there is a lack of objectivity on the part of more than just a few. Some folks can't separate Laviano from Flood. Others, view him as the cause of Rettigs failure to play. I don't think that Laviano had much to do with either situation. judge the kid on his own merits or lack thereof.
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In reviewing this thread, it appears that there is a lack of objectivity on the part of more than just a few. Some folks can't separate Laviano from Flood. Others, view him as the cause of Rettigs failure to play. I don't think that Laviano had much to do with either situation. judge the kid on his own merits or lack thereof.
I'm judging Chris on his actions at SDSU and quitting the FB team after accepting a scholarship, then looking to play another sport at another school.
I'm basing my comments on him trying to play lacrosse on a scholarship, if he plans to play on his own dime I was too harsh when I knocked his leaving the FB team.
In reviewing this thread, it appears that there is a lack of objectivity on the part of more than just a few. Some folks can't separate Laviano from Flood. Others, view him as the cause of Rettigs failure to play. I don't think that Laviano had much to do with either situation. judge the kid on his own merits or lack thereof.

He made things worse for himself by the way he comes across to the fans in interviews and his own posts.
Agree with the first thought...with the last thought-really??? Don't think you can be any further off the mark. Sounds like something from the 'Cult of Self-Esteem Handbook'.

Joe P.

What the Coach should have said: "On behalf of SDSU, I'd like to thank Chris Laviano, I appreciate the opportunity to have worked with him and we all wish him the best of luck"
Anything else is ego busted crap that belies failure and resentment. That's true even if Laviano had behaved badly. The Coach is the one in charge
What the Coach should have said: "On behalf of SDSU, I'd like to thank Chris Laviano, I appreciate the opportunity to have worked with him and we all wish him the best of luck"
Anything else is ego busted crap that belies failure and resentment. That's true even if Laviano had behaved badly. The Coach is the one in charge

Honestly I think all he had to say was 'he's decided to go in a different direction and wish him the best.' I'm not a fan of airing everything out in public. I also think CL was right in knowing what his transfer rights are. Regardless of what the coach said, CL is not a minor and is not incapacitated that we know of. He has an 'end' in that bargain too. I'm not a fan of just excusing responsibility because someone doesn't like what someone else said, and just because you don't like it doesn't make it inaccurate. Unprofessional? May have a point there, but that may not mean the original content was inaccurate.

Joe P.
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I do not know Laviano well enough to comment.

I hear you; none of what I said is meant to judge CL as a person. I just kind of shake my head at the posters who were using his transfer to SDSU as 'proof' of his QB prowess and how 'bad/ stupid' Ash&a staff were are now trying to do a bunch of mental gymnastics to justify their original 'point'.

Joe P.
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Hilarious how sensitive some of you are about this.

Laviano spent his years here partying his ass off, and losing us football games.

He should be immune to any sort of criticism simply because he got a free education from the school?

And his statement, holy smokes. Some adult in his life needs to sit him down and give him some advice. Kid can't help himself.
Hilarious how sensitive some of you are about this.

Laviano spent his years here partying his ass off, and losing us football games.

He should be immune to any sort of criticism simply because he got a free education from the school?

And his statement, holy smokes. Some adult in his life needs to sit him down and give him some advice. Kid can't help himself.
how do you know he partied his ass off? I'm asking genuinely - besides the fake ID thing I haven't heard any stories and no one in this thread seems to be citing sources
Hilarious how sensitive some of you are about this.

Laviano spent his years here partying his ass off, and losing us football games.

He should be immune to any sort of criticism simply because he got a free education from the school?

And his statement, holy smokes. Some adult in his life needs to sit him down and give him some advice. Kid can't help himself.
You sound really stupid. Losing us football games? Yeah, ok.
how do you know he partied his ass off? I'm asking genuinely - besides the fake ID thing I haven't heard any stories and no one in this thread seems to be citing sources
If we only heard once about the fake ID we should let it go because there is no proof he used it again.
So that makes him innocent right? So you sit the guys that never did it, right? The ID was part of
the package, dirty gestures to the crowd is just another, couldn't play QB for a lick, another. A Bad attitude during interviews another. The ones sticking up for him, are more tiresome than those that criticize him.
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If we only heard once about the fake ID we should let it go because there is no proof he used it again.
So that makes him innocent right? So you sit the guys that never did it, right? The ID was part of
the package, dirty gestures to the crowd is just another, couldn't play QB for a lick, another. A Bad attitude during interviews another. The ones sticking up for him, is more tiresome than the ones
that criticize him.

Sorry but I can't put blame on any of our QB's who played for Flood. Kyle started effing up the FB program the day he became HC. Being the starting QB under Flood was an awful situation for any kid to be in.

I believe that Laviano would have succeeded at a much higher level if he played for a real HC. But we will never know that. It's just a hunch.

I don't like it when posters attack our players, especially starters who gave a great deal of effort in support of RU FB over a 4 year period.
If we only heard once about the fake ID we should let it go because there is no proof he used it again.
So that makes him innocent right? So you sit the guys that never did it, right? The ID was part of
the package, dirty gestures to the crowd is just another, couldn't play QB for a lick, another. A Bad attitude during interviews another. The ones sticking up for him, are more tiresome than those that criticize him.
So if we hear that he went to a party one time, we're supposed to assume that he's this crazy partier that goes and blacks out all the time?
In reviewing this thread, it appears that there is a lack of objectivity on the part of more than just a few. Some folks can't separate Laviano from Flood. Others, view him as the cause of Rettigs failure to play. I don't think that Laviano had much to do with either situation. judge the kid on his own merits or lack thereof.
It is pretty amazing how some of these lower life forms love to rip on college kids. Thank god I never partied while I was in school!
Hilarious how sensitive some of you are about this.

Laviano spent his years here partying his ass off, and losing us football games.

He should be immune to any sort of criticism simply because he got a free education from the school?

And his statement, holy smokes. Some adult in his life needs to sit him down and give him some advice. Kid can't help himself.

WOW! A college kid partying his ass off. Who would have seen that one coming?!
D1 athletes aren't normal college students. If they are partying their asses off, they will fail on the field. It's too competitive to be living like a regular student.

This shouldn't be news to anyone.
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So where did CL end up? Guessing he's back at his parents' house.

At least, if he is sitting home, he knows he owns the:

6th greatest single game passing yardage In Rutgers History (Against a Big Ten opponent)

8th greatest single season passing yardage In Rutgers History ( Playing in the Big Ten )

Tied for 9th in RU History for TD passes for a single season

All playing behind an offensive line that is not considered one of the best in RU's history, and as many of the RU message board experts will remind him, playing for terrible Offensive Coordinators in a horrible Offensive scheme.

A lot of former and future QB's will never have these things to put n their resume.
At least, if he is sitting home, he knows he owns the:

6th greatest single game passing yardage In Rutgers History (Against a Big Ten opponent)

8th greatest single season passing yardage In Rutgers History ( Playing in the Big Ten )

Tied for 9th in RU History for TD passes for a single season

All playing behind an offensive line that is not considered one of the best in RU's history, and as many of the RU message board experts will remind him, playing for terrible Offensive Coordinators in a horrible Offensive scheme.

A lot of former and future QB's will never have these things to put n their resume.

If he's so good, why did he leave when he could have been starting for a Big Ten team as a senior? And why couldn't he crack the two deep at San Diego State?
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