OT: Laviano quits San Diego State

Good luck to Chris. Lots of adults throwing a young man under the bus for his performance here when he did what his coaches asked and wanted. @S_Janowski , you come across as a real dick here. Bet you could not take 1/10 the shots Laviano took on the field and you are a keyboard warrior. Congrats.
I probably shouldn't be, but am kind of floored by the avarice (oops, brain fart) meanness on display by some of our "adult" fans. I have to ask again, what kind of life is someone living that they take pleasure in the struggles or failures of others?
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Best of luck to Chris. He is a tough guy who gave us an amazing effort. One more victory in 2015 (that Maryland game) and a bowl and maybe Flood and him have a different script.

I agree with his decision, he tried and why sit for a lame duck year if you didn't make the 2 deep? He probably has a connection for LAX team and now has time to prepare for spring.
Have you ever accepted a job offer only to cancel it after sleeping on it? Backed out of a real estate or business deal just prior to being official? A divorce or break-up? same line of thinking. Cut your losses, get out and look forward.
Knock off the holier than thou bullshit. Laviano isn't a high school kid. He's the same age if not older than NFL guys. He's not 13 years old. He's a garbage QB, period. I'm glad he's not on our team anymore. And get out of here with how good San Diego State is. They don't play anyone. If we played their schedule, we would be 10-2 too. Ohio State isn't the Washington Rainbow Warriors. You guys bash Temple for playing a garbage schedule but then say San Diego State is some powerhouse when you want to prove a point. Their toughest game was an 8-6 Wyoming team who got slaughtered by New Mexico.
It's not holier than thou bullshit. If you're sitting behind your computer taking pleasure in Laviano's struggles, then those of us who are not doing that actually are holier than thou by default.
I wish the kid luck. I'm not sure I understand his thinking but will always wish a kid well that gave us 4 years and much of his sweat and blood. We do have a lot of DB fans. And never understood why fans that got upset at the CL instagram like to say that CL has to toughen up when everyone that bitched about it is wearing diapers on their own. All tough enough to sit hundreds of yards away in a crowd of thousands and boo a kid but start crying when that kid comes back at them. I don't think it was the right thing for CL to do but I 100% understand it and laugh at all the bed wetters that it upset.
The worse scenario would have been if Laviano was lighting it up at SDS and named starter. To me the upside for the RU offense is so much higher now. I'll give some props to Laviano under Mc Daniel for his Michigan St. game we were very close to a huge upset that night. Add in the Indiana come back game that season as well.
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He did the best thing he could do. What guy who's 22 wants to sit as the 3rd string qb. If lacrosse is where he wants to find a bit a pleasure at this time in his life, I'm all for it. As for the head coach, who gives a crap about what these millionaire gym coaches say. They leave programs at the drop of a hat to improve their lot........I remember a guy a left RU one week before letter of intent signing day.
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In a way it is sad to see but he's an adult and has to learn to live by his choices. Wonder what his options were prior to going to SDSU. Maybe he was awed by the glamore (?) of San Diego and California. The comparison with Rettig and Allen are very fair in terms of attitude and maturity. Also question how he thinks he can just walk on to a school's lacrosse team after not playing the sport for several years. Also wasn't his footwork etc something that many felt was wanting. I think Janowski's use of the word soft refers to attitude and not toughness on the field where he did show some toughness. Certsinly appears as though his FB career has ended and maybe another sport is a viable option. Perhaps he should consider bowling .

In a way its sad to see but in life one learns that you have to live by your choices and hopefully learn something when they may not be what you might expect. My advice to Chris...,maybe it's time to just get a job and go to work. At least you have earnrd a college degree from Rutgers. Be proud of that and get on with your life. A year of playing lacrosse isn't going to change too many things so I hope he considers this as a better choice.
Agree that RU posters who revel in the failure of Laviano at SDSU are being short sighted IMO. Laviano gave RU FB what he had, and I appreciate that from a kid who came to RU and then had to play for Flood and then Mehringer.

And S Janowski calling out Laviano for being soft is one of the lamest comments I've read on this board in some time. Would love to watch S Janowski throw a football. Queue up the laugh track, ha !
Really??? So being able to throw a football qualifies someone to express an opinion?
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The rhetoric on this board was that Laviano deserved to start because he had it figured out and Rettig struggled with the mental aspect of the game. Laviano transfers to San Diego State, fails to make the two deep and leaves the team. Rettig transfers to Tennessee Tech and is starting Thursday against Western Illinois (he's listed as the starter on Page 10 of their Game Notes, PDF). I understand that SDSU is FBS while TTU is FCS and that Laviano accepted the bigger challenge, but Rettig gets to finish his career on a high note while Laviano won't.

Congrats to Rettig. Will be following his game Thursday. Hope he has a great season.
He did the best thing he could do. What guy who's 22 wants to sit as the 3rd string qb. If lacrosse is where he wants to find a bit a pleasure at this time in his life, I'm all for it. As for the head coach, who gives a crap about what these millionaire gym coaches say. They leave programs at the drop of a hat to improve their lot........I remember a guy a left RU one week before letter of intent signing day.
You make a good point. Perhaps Laviano is thinking he wants one last shot at playing, why not take it in beautiful San Diego. It didn't work out, and rather than commit the time and energy just to ride pine, he's moving on from football now as opposed to 4 months from now. Would it be better if he took up a roster spot and resources and not have his heart in it? Now there's a young hungry QB two spots away from the starting job instead of Chris sun setting his career.
Some of you clearly have no class.

Best of luck CL wherever you end up.

Sorry Spanky, but screw this notion of "class".

He played when he shouldn't have because he was favored by a coach for some reason yet to be revealed to the public. That's not necessarily his fault, but it speaks to how poorly run this program was.

He has, however, displayed countless times that he's a "me-first" partier, who probably didn't give two shits about RU. He has a terrible attitude and it was clear that it permeated throughout the locker room.

I don't personally hate the kid, haven't met him, but as far as him in a Rutgers uniform? That'll forever be a dark spot in my mind.

Couldn't pick a worse representative for RU football.

It's not holier than thou bullshit. If you're sitting behind your computer taking pleasure in Laviano's struggles, then those of us who are not doing that actually are holier than thou by default.

It's a miracle that you can see us from that high horse, friend.

Get a grip.
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Umm, they beat a Pac12 team (Cal) and a 10-2 Houston team in a bowl game, sparky. Stop with your douchier than thou BS. Garbage QB? He is tied for 9th for most TD passes in a single season. I'm not saying he's great. Yeah, Carroo threw all those passes to himself that he caught. He was maddingly inconsistent, and his stats paralleled Gary Nova's junior stats, who turned out to be a fairly decent QB in his senior year with a good coach behind him--something Laviano did not get at Rutgers. Yeah, call the wahhhmbulance.

I said since 14-15 that CL was a serviceable backup at best at this level (no shame in that at all) and although that's just my opinion, I think the situation bore that out fairly accurately. Any attempts to prop him up as otherwise ring pretty hollow and are a stretch at best IMO.

Joe P.
Sorry Spanky, but screw this notion of "class".

He played when he shouldn't have because he was favored by a coach for some reason yet to be revealed to the public. That's not necessarily his fault, but it speaks to how poorly run this program was.

He has, however, displayed countless times that he's a "me-first" partier, who probably didn't give two shits about RU. He has a terrible attitude and it was clear that it permeated throughout the locker room.

I don't personally hate the kid, haven't met him, but as far as him in a Rutgers uniform? That'll forever be a dark spot in my mind.

Couldn't pick a worse representative for RU football.

It's a miracle that you can see us from that high horse, friend.

Get a grip.

Really? You're going to say that after the events that unfurled a couple years ago? Come on.

People are still acting like Laviano was some villain and Rettig was a hero never given a fair shot. Laviano was chosen to be RU's starting QB by two completely different staffs. Any transgression he made off the field was minor, especially with whats going on around college football today.
While Chris was clearly not a Big Ten caliber QB, and we all know this from watching him play, he is a Rutgers letter winner and alumnus. He was here for four years and graduated a loyal son. Regardless of his on field performance, he is one of us. I wish him well and hope that he finds what he is looking for this year. It's certainly not the easy path he's choosing. Me, I would have stayed in San Diego living for free in paradise for a year.
Only thing he was loyal to was partying
I think the coach was pissed in that he gave the kid a chance to continue his career and Chris left almost immediately after not winning the job. Any coach would be annoyed.

One poster took the quote a bit out of context. From the story that was linked I think it is fair to say that he was a bit frustrated with the situation. I underlined the quote posted here as well as the complete quote. I bolded the statement shows what I think is Coach Long's frustration.

He’s kind of an expert on transferring. He told me his first class wasn’t until 7 o’clock tonight and as long as he didn’t go to class, he could transfer and be eligible. I don’t know that. I would guess he’s right because I’m sure he checked.”

Long was surprised by Laviano’s request, finding out just minutes before Monday afternoon’s practice began.

“I used to get upset with players when they would quit or decide to leave,” Long said. “I don’t anymore. It’s really common now. A lot more common than it was 20 years ago. I must be getting old because the reasons they give you are ridiculous.
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Good luck to Chris. Lots of adults throwing a young man under the bus for his performance here when he did what his coaches asked and wanted. @S_Janowski , you come across as a real dick here. Bet you could not take 1/10 the shots Laviano took on the field and you are a keyboard warrior. Congrats.

22 is an adult. He can vote, drink beer, fight and kill people in the army, he has a degree can start his own business.

He quit, that's fine, sometimes quitting is the smart move. It's never the honorable one. Coaches ask for commitments, but they leave when more money is offered.

Keyboard warriors criticize because well, we pay to see them play. If we aren't here criticizing because we pay attention, who is going to watch them?

It's all in the game.
I probably shouldn't be, but am kind of floored by the avarice on display by some of our "adult" fans. I have to ask again, what kind of life is someone living that they take pleasure in the struggles or failures of others?

Avarice? extreme greed for wealth or material gain?

But I get it your point and agree. It is untoward at a minimum.
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He quit, that's fine, sometimes quitting is the smart move. It's never the honorable one. Coaches ask for commitments, but they leave when more money is offered.

Hmm.. seems to me the commitment goes both ways. Perhaps he feels he wasn't given a fair shot... perhaps he is right. Perhaps his leaving opens up the 3rd slot for some young kid rather than a 5th year player and that makes a difference in that kids future.. perhaps it was honorable to leave.

My bottom line is that its his life, not any of ours and it doesn't affect us at all. So why bash the young man.. why go out of your way to do so?
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I don't think he was even on the 4 deep. I checked the SD State roster depth about a week ago. Like others have said, he should transfer to a 1AA team such as Stony Brook.
I wouldn't throw Laviano under the bus, he picked Rutgers to be his team and he tried very hard to make it a winner. He is welcome to the Scarlet Nation with open arms, in my book.
What about the illegal drinking and staying up all night the night before a game? The kid just didn't have it and
RU coaches should have picked up on it. Mehringer said, this is my number one choice because we bonded so
close during the summer, he's a nice guy. His stay and Mehringer's stay was nothing but a big embarrassment to the
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How can you fault a kid who makes a decision that he feels will benefit him or his career going forward. As long as he leaves on good terms and doesn't say anything derogatory about the school when leaving. Wish him well and next man up has an opportunity.

Case in point is Matt Flanagan who transferred to Pitt and seems like a class act.
Tough TE who supported Rutgers through some difficult years and is taking a last chance opportunity to improve his stats for consideration for the NFL.

Well Narduzzi has announced Flanagan as 1st Team TE and will be starting at YSU Saturday. Some on this board were somewhat critical of him when I inquired about his abilities.

Everything he has done at Pitt so far has been exemplary and we are very glad to have the young man.

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If Tim Tebow can play minor league baseball after an unsuccessful run at QB, I'm sure Chris can play D2 lacrosse

Lacrosse isn't baseball, and Tebow is a much better athlete. He might be able to play at that level after such a long lay off (not sure how good he was in high school) but I wouldn't say it's a guarantee. Fall ball starts in a week, lacrosse shape is much different than under center QB shape, and I doubt he has worked on his stick skills at all.

I wish him luck. The situation he was in at RU was Flood's faul, not his.
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Some of you clearly have no class. Best of luck CL wherever you end up.
Sorry Spanky, but screw this notion of "class".
I rest my case.
People are still acting like Laviano was some villain and Rettig was a hero never given a fair shot. Laviano was chosen to be RU's starting QB by two completely different staffs. Any transgression he made off the field was minor, especially with whats going on around college football today.
And Rettig was passed over by three Div 1 staffs.
who wasn't?
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How can you fault a kid who makes a decision that he feels will benefit him or his career going forward. As long as he leaves on good terms and doesn't say anything derogatory about the school when leaving. Wish him well and next man up has an opportunity.

Case in point is Matt Flanagan who transferred to Pitt and seems like a class act.
Tough TE who supported Rutgers through some difficult years and is taking a last chance opportunity to improve his stats for consideration for the NFL.

Well Narduzzi has announced Flanagan as 1st Team TE and will be starting at YSU Saturday. Some on this board were somewhat critical of him when I inquired about his abilities.

Everything he has done at Pitt so far has been exemplary and we are very glad to have the young man.


Never had any issue with Flanagan as a person but he wasnt very productive stat-wise at RU though stats don't always tell the full story. He had a new OC every year he was here so that certainly didn't help and I don't recall how he was as a blocker. He was also behind an NFL TE in Tyler Kroft for 2 years. He could end up being your version of Andrew Turzilli or could end up bring a marginal role player, but I don't get why you get so pissy when posters here don't act like he's the next coming of Antonio Gates. I also think Narduzzi is 'playing the game' a bit politically/recruiting-wise in this situation.

Joe P.
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How can you fault a kid who makes a decision that he feels will benefit him or his career going forward. As long as he leaves on good terms and doesn't say anything derogatory about the school when leaving. Wish him well and next man up has an opportunity.

Case in point is Matt Flanagan who transferred to Pitt and seems like a class act.
Tough TE who supported Rutgers through some difficult years and is taking a last chance opportunity to improve his stats for consideration for the NFL.

Well Narduzzi has announced Flanagan as 1st Team TE and will be starting at YSU Saturday. Some on this board were somewhat critical of him when I inquired about his abilities.

Everything he has done at Pitt so far has been exemplary and we are very glad to have the young man.


I'm happy for Flanagan, as I was for Agudosi and Patten when they got serious looks in NFL camps, and Rettig and Laviano when they got 2nd chances elsewhere.

The past two years were a shitshow, for various reasons. Flood was incompetent, lost control of the team, and was stubborn to a fault. Ash, as a new head coach and defensive expert, delegated too much responsibility to someone, DM, who turned out to be in way over his head, and married to a system the personnel didn't fit. Hopefully Ash has learned from his mistakes, brought in the right personnel, and has begun recruiting players he feels comfortable with. Time will tell.

Having said all that, Laviano gets way too many benefits of the doubt. In all my years of following Rutgers football, I can't think of another player who has so many hardcore supporters despite so many issues. Attitude, arrests, poor performance. Now excusing him quitting on his team and coach on the eve of the season. Some of you guys are really showing yourselves here. Is that slyker guy still around mouthing off? I think I put him on ignore.
Some people take this stuff way to seriously. It's friggin' college football. He didn't walk out on his platoon in the middle of a war. I hated him as a player and thought his meltdown a couple years ago was dumb but life went on. He graduated from RU, thought he'd like it out there in SD and realized that he doesn't love football anymore (or simply isn't good enough to play). If something makes someone else happy and no one is being hurt in the process who am I to question it.
When you can't make the two deep as a 5th year guy at SDSU in the mountain west, as a former B1G starter -- you know Flood and Mehringer had no idea what they were doing.

So excited to see a new starter under center this year under a competent OC.
Flood knew exactly what he was doing, he wanted CL to start and nothing was going to change that, stubborn ass.
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Really? You're going to say that after the events that unfurled a couple years ago? Come on.

People are still acting like Laviano was some villain and Rettig was a hero never given a fair shot. Laviano was chosen to be RU's starting QB by two completely different staffs. Any transgression he made off the field was minor, especially with whats going on around college football today.
Not CL fault but u give shut theseason opener start then u bury him for the rest of the year. Bad coaching, I hope we aren't still paying KF
Their qb play has not been legit. It has been bad. They win because they play the best defense in the mountain west. They also have had huge oline and have had great rb. Passing is the worst in the mwc
61% completion, 20 TD to 6 INT is pretty damn good where I come from. Don't need to pass a lot when you have 2 backs combine for 3000+ though.
All the best to the former RU player. The desire to transfer to play lax is an interesting arc.

Still shudder at Flood holding the program hostage by force feeding his qb choice no matter what. The choice not to give Retting a shot was absurd. Glad he has a shot in his final year. Amazing how Flood squandered all the potential positivity of joining the B10.
I wish the kid luck. I'm not sure I understand his thinking but will always wish a kid well that gave us 4 years and much of his sweat and blood. We do have a lot of DB fans. And never understood why fans that got upset at the CL instagram like to say that CL has to toughen up when everyone that bitched about it is wearing diapers on their own. All tough enough to sit hundreds of yards away in a crowd of thousands and boo a kid but start crying when that kid comes back at them. I don't think it was the right thing for CL to do but I 100% understand it and laugh at all the bed wetters that it upset.
It is his decision, I wish him luck. I also wish that he had made this decision 5 years ago
The way things work around here, Laviano will land a scholarship at a Div-1 lacrosse program and some how score a last second goal in a game that prevents Rutgers from going to the NCAA lacrosse tournament. The College Sports Gawds punishing us for the disparagement of Laviano in this thread.
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