I wonder if NIRH takes the train from JC to work every day?
It's easy to say, "you greedy Rs don't want to find any infrastructure" when the extent of your driving is to Rutgers games or down to Monmouth county to wash your clothes at your parents' house.
If you're worried about the train tube collapsing, your should tax train riders--starting with yourself. A path fare should be $37.50 until they have enough dough to upgrade the tunnels.
Yeah, didn't think so...
1, I take the bus, 2, I have a washer dryer, and 3, pretty sure a bunch of Rs supported including the governor and Wisniweski was against. Also, I have a shore house and I drive locally sometimes. But I do appreciate the concern.
PATH and NJT fares were already raised. NJ has the highest public transit costs in the US. Yet even after this gas tax, we wouldn't have the highest gas prices- surrounding states at least would still be higher.
If we built the MOM line I would have no benefit but your property value would increase.Yet I would not oppose it because I realize it's good for all of us. In fact I hope they build it, it would be good for the state in many, many ways.
Your mentality isn't an R mentality in NJ, really it's a regional mentality. Guess what, if god forbid one of the tunnels collapses, good luck driving on Route 9 or any local road, and we will all share the economic impact.
There is total bipartisan selfishness on this issue. I don't blame the Rs in NJ at all on this one. It's more a vote of who gets what, not an understanding that we all need functioning transportation for obvious reasons.
And just an FYI, I think most people in NJ are post party at the local level, given Christie's approval with Rs is poor and the Ds are close to a Sweeney-Prieto pay per view match.