OT: Net neutrality in danger again

don't everyone get too caught up in just net neutrality.

the title II thing is even more important than just NN.

for one, without title II there can be no NN.

but way beyond that, title II is what will allow for the net to be regulated, and while regulators are open to corruption, (gross understatement), total lack of ability to regulate is far worse.

forget trying to ref the net with legislation. legislation moves at a snails pace, only gets done every couple decades, is more open to corruption than even regulation, screw ups can't be fixed, but the main reason is that the net is morphing at a lightning pace as we speak, and will continue to do so for who knows how long, and it's oversight needs to be far more fluid than legislation could ever accommodate.

an unregulated utility with the power and scope over everything economic and everything else that is the internet, in the hands of corporate monopolies and duopolies whose only allegiance is to maximize shareholder value whatever it takes, with no regard to anything else, would be a disaster.