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What the hell do gloves do??

They keep body fluids and poopie off your hands.

all true, yet that is not the reason why they are starting to talk double or triple masks, its more like the fact is masks are not stopping spread and never really did, they need as many explanation as to why cases went up almost everywhere, there is always an answer from the experts who actually are not using science
its hard enough to find legit data on wearing masks, care to point to the data on wearing two or three or four

Masks work. It's a simple physics and follows Newton's first law of motion, an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted on by a net external force. Anything that blocks, slows down or impacts the dispersion of particles from the mouth or nose will result in less available particles to infect others. That doesn't even take into account the filtration component for the mask wearer both in transmission to others and likewise for preventing the virus from reaching nasal, oral, and pulmonary mucosa. I tend to believe that cases in certain areas are not going down due to mask non-compliance and/or lack of social distancing as people are sick and tired of isolating themselves.
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They keep body fluids and poopie off your hands.

Masks work. It's a simple physics and follows Newton's first law of motion, an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted on by a net external force. Anything that blocks, slows down or impacts the dispersion of particles from the mouth or nose will result in less available particles to infect others. That doesn't even take into account the filtration component for the mask wearer both in transmission to others and likewise for preventing the virus from reaching nasal, oral, and pulmonary mucosa. I tend to believe that cases in certain areas are not going down due to mask non-compliance and/or lack of social distancing as people are sick and tired of isolating themselves.
Can you find anyone in the world getting Covid through there hands?? Wash your hands don't touch face. Its very simple.
They keep body fluids and poopie off your hands.

Masks work. It's a simple physics and follows Newton's first law of motion, an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted on by a net external force. Anything that blocks, slows down or impacts the dispersion of particles from the mouth or nose will result in less available particles to infect others. That doesn't even take into account the filtration component for the mask wearer both in transmission to others and likewise for preventing the virus from reaching nasal, oral, and pulmonary mucosa. I tend to believe that cases in certain areas are not going down due to mask non-compliance and/or lack of social distancing as people are sick and tired of isolating themselves.

yes thats why as late as Nov 2020, the WHO said that masks didnt work

as far as compliance, its very high and you cannot explain No Dakota vs So Dakota can you mask madates vs non mask mandates

explain Florida, no one ever does oddly

mask I suppose can help in certain situations but yet we can look at countries locking down, not locking down, masks, non masks and their EVENTUALLY trajectories look quite similar
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yes thats why as late as Nov 2020, the WHO said that masks didnt work

The same organization that still hasn't investigated China and the Wuhan lab? The same organization which stated "we have failed in our collective capacity"? This WHO from a NY Times article?: "The interim report, an early blueprint for reform, describes the faulty assumptions, ineffective planning and sluggish responses — including missteps by the W.H.O., itself — that helped fuel a pandemic that has killed more than two million people." The WHO could literally tell the world that fighting out of a wet paper bag is harder than fighting out of a burlap sack and people would believe them. Use a little common sense here. If I had Covid and didnt have a mask on, then coughed in your face from three feet away, do you think there is a difference if I was wearing a surgical or N95 mask? How about if the door was closed between us? I suppose the WHO could come out tomorrow and say closed doors are ineffective in stopping the spread of covid and people would believe that as true too.
people touching their masks, which happens ALL the time

The same organization that still hasn't investigated China and the Wuhan lab? The same organization which stated "we have failed in our collective capacity"? This WHO from a NY Times article?: "The interim report, an early blueprint for reform, describes the faulty assumptions, ineffective planning and sluggish responses — including missteps by the W.H.O., itself — that helped fuel a pandemic that has killed more than two million people." The WHO could literally tell the world that fighting out of a wet paper bag is harder than fighting out of a burlap sack and people would believe them. Use a little common sense here. If I had Covid and didnt have a mask on, then coughed in your face from three feet away, do you think there is a difference if I was wearing a surgical or N95 mask? How about if the door was closed between us? I suppose the WHO could come out tomorrow and say closed doors are ineffective in stopping the spread of covid and people would believe that as true too.

I applaud you for calling them out but unfortunately we are now in bed with them again.
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There's a story on covering seniors who die shortly after receiving the vaccine.Gibraltar had a total of 10 deaths before starting their program.8 days later,the count went to 45.Norway had 29 senior deaths out of 42,000 vaccinations.Both places-and likely the USA as well-are listing the deaths as natural causes.Before,it's COVID.Afterwards,it's natural causes.Yeah,that's logical.
I applaud you for calling them out but unfortunately we are now in bed with them again.

You might be, but I sure ain't in that bedroom. Here's some food for thought for anyone in the "masks dont help" camp and I will get off my soapbox on this topic. Who on the list of any workers in the state were the closest to and spent the most amount of time exposed to those with Covid? Healthcare workers and those working in healthcare facilities I would surmise. By April 18th, 2020, New Jersey's general population had a positivity rate of 45.14%. At the exact same time, one of the largest hospitals in northern NJ and getting hammered with Covid patients, had a positivity rate amongst it's own symptomatic and/or high risk exposed employees of 38%. Think about that. The people who were face to face with these patients, taking medical histories, starting IV lines, drawing blood, delivering food, helping them to the bathroom, inserting breathing tubes, aerosolizing Covid with breathing treatments/hi flow oxygen, mobilizing in patients rooms to resuscitate them, doing chest compressions, etc., etc., etc., had a LOWER positivity rate than the general population. What on Earth could be THE most justifiable reason for that?? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
There's a story on covering seniors who die shortly after receiving the vaccine.Gibraltar had a total of 10 deaths before starting their program.8 days later,the count went to 45.Norway had 29 senior deaths out of 42,000 vaccinations.Both places-and likely the USA as well-are listing the deaths as natural causes.Before,it's COVID.Afterwards,it's natural causes.Yeah,that's logical.

If those who died never tested positive it is extremely logical they shouldn't be labeled a Covid death, vaccine or no vaccine. Also it is conceivable that an old person dies shortly after they get an injection, well, because old people dying is quite a common occurance. Whether or not it is vaccination related is a different story and is unrelated to Covid diagnosed seniors.
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There's a story on covering seniors who die shortly after receiving the vaccine.Gibraltar had a total of 10 deaths before starting their program.8 days later,the count went to 45.Norway had 29 senior deaths out of 42,000 vaccinations.Both places-and likely the USA as well-are listing the deaths as natural causes.Before,it's COVID.Afterwards,it's natural causes.Yeah,that's logical.

I suggest you stop getting news from tabloid websites and social media.

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You might be, but I sure ain't in that bedroom. Here's some food for thought for anyone in the "masks dont help" camp and I will get off my soapbox on this topic. Who on the list of any workers in the state were the closest to and spent the most amount of time exposed to those with Covid? Healthcare workers and those working in healthcare facilities I would surmise. By April 18th, 2020, New Jersey's general population had a positivity rate of 45.14%. At the exact same time, one of the largest hospitals in northern NJ and getting hammered with Covid patients, had a positivity rate amongst it's own symptomatic and/or high risk exposed employees of 38%. Think about that. The people who were face to face with these patients, taking medical histories, starting IV lines, drawing blood, delivering food, helping them to the bathroom, inserting breathing tubes, aerosolizing Covid with breathing treatments/hi flow oxygen, mobilizing in patients rooms to resuscitate them, doing chest compressions, etc., etc., etc., had a LOWER positivity rate than the general population. What on Earth could be THE most justifiable reason for that?? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

Im assuming n95s
You might be, but I sure ain't in that bedroom. Here's some food for thought for anyone in the "masks dont help" camp and I will get off my soapbox on this topic. Who on the list of any workers in the state were the closest to and spent the most amount of time exposed to those with Covid? Healthcare workers and those working in healthcare facilities I would surmise. By April 18th, 2020, New Jersey's general population had a positivity rate of 45.14%. At the exact same time, one of the largest hospitals in northern NJ and getting hammered with Covid patients, had a positivity rate amongst it's own symptomatic and/or high risk exposed employees of 38%. Think about that. The people who were face to face with these patients, taking medical histories, starting IV lines, drawing blood, delivering food, helping them to the bathroom, inserting breathing tubes, aerosolizing Covid with breathing treatments/hi flow oxygen, mobilizing in patients rooms to resuscitate them, doing chest compressions, etc., etc., etc., had a LOWER positivity rate than the general population. What on Earth could be THE most justifiable reason for that?? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

You can lead a horse to water.....

Won’t matter he’ll find some other article written somewhere that just substantiates he current view
Might be some good news. (It's a stock I invested in several months ago, upon learning about their efforts to develop an effective treatment to combat covid-19.) As of this posting, it's up about 70% today.

Tyme Technologies Surges After Securing US Patent Claims for COVID-19 Therapeutic
BY MT Newswires
— 9:18 AM ET 02/03/2021

09:18 AM EST, 02/03/2021 (MT Newswires) -- Tyme Technologies ( TYME
) said premarket Wednesday the US Patent and Trademark Office has granted additional patent claims related to the its investigational metabolomic technology platform, TYME ( TYME
)-19, for the treatment of COVID-19.

According to the biotechnology company, TYME ( TYME )-19 curbs viral replication by inhibiting the ability of the virus to use the infected cell's synthetic apparatus to make viral proteins and lipids.
Im assuming n95s

Assume all you want. Surgical masks still block particles from being projected outward and offer some protection from inhaling particles. Thus a net effect of reducing transmission of the virus. A couple articles to read during your free time.

Mayo Clinic

January 2021 study

Funny, the WHO recommends masks "where the virus is circulating" on this December 1st, 2020 page.

WHO and masks
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Yeah we can stop oretending any of us have the facts on covid which is what I have been saying for months. Our Top scientist has changed his story many times. In his defense the facts do keep changing and we are learning more as we go but nobody should call anyone out about the facts. If you put any stock into our media, mayors or governors you are probably not going to make many good stock picks either. Even if we just follow the science we will be wrong as often as we are right.

As always I hope for less deaths and not more. Hoping the vaccine helps immensely and am pissed that people are lying, stealing and cheating to jump the line ahead of old ladies.
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Yeah we can stop oretending any of us have the facts on covid which is what I have been saying for months. Our Top scientist has changed his story many times. In his defense the facts do keep changing and we are learning more as we go but nobody should call anyone out about the facts. If you put any stock into our media, mayors or governors you are probably not going to make many good stock picks either. Even if we just follow the science we will be wrong as often as we are right.

As always I hope for less deaths and not more. Hoping the vaccine helps immensely and am pissed that people are lying, stealing and cheating to jump the line ahead of old ladies.

this....this is the biggest issue I have...those declaring they KNOW all the facts and cannot be questioned. Fact is they dont know the facts but continue to use this us or against kind of thinking selectively using science has the end all to any argument and ALMOST NEVER admitting they got PLENTY of stuff WRONG that they explicity told us were SCIENCE and that we neded to SHUT UP and do what we are told.
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are hospital workers wearing N95s and trained in how to wear PPE yes or no

Absolutely, but thatbis not the point of contention. Anyway, can everyone in the world get N95s? Yes or no? So do the next best thing. Please check this article where your ultimate Gods of medical care reside. They recommend masks where the virus is circulating. Dated December 1st, 2020. If you are going to cite the WHO, please use the most current and up to date recommendations, not your November 2020 one, before trying to fool the public. The WHO cant get get of their own way if they tried.

WHO and mask usage.
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this....this is the biggest issue I have...those declaring they KNOW all the facts and cannot be questioned. Fact is they dont know the facts but continue to use this us or against kind of thinking selectively using science has the end all to any argument and ALMOST NEVER admitting they got PLENTY of stuff WRONG that they explicity told us were SCIENCE and that we neded to SHUT UP and do what we are told.
Posters, doctors, scientists post/print whatever is the most up to date knowledge or what is believed to be the current thinking, which frequently changes. Your response is always to shoot down whatever is presented without ever offering a better or alternative treatment or plan. Everything you post becomes us vs them instead of acknowledging that people are trying their best, not some ulterior motive to control or limit our democracy.
Yeah we can stop oretending any of us have the facts on covid which is what I have been saying for months. Our Top scientist has changed his story many times. In his defense the facts do keep changing and we are learning more as we go but nobody should call anyone out about the facts. If you put any stock into our media, mayors or governors you are probably not going to make many good stock picks either. Even if we just follow the science we will be wrong as often as we are right.

As always I hope for less deaths and not more. Hoping the vaccine helps immensely and am pissed that people are lying, stealing and cheating to jump the line ahead of old ladies.
this....this is the biggest issue I have...those declaring they KNOW all the facts and cannot be questioned. Fact is they dont know the facts but continue to use this us or against kind of thinking selectively using science has the end all to any argument and ALMOST NEVER admitting they got PLENTY of stuff WRONG that they explicity told us were SCIENCE and that we neded to SHUT UP and do what we are told.

I would like to see any facts which definitively state masks do not offer protection against the spreading this virus. If you are referring to the Danish study of 6,000 people, none of the respectable journals give it any credence. Plus, that trial was inconclusive not negative at its conclusion.
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Posters, doctors, scientists post/print whatever is the most up to date knowledge or what is believed to be the current thinking, which frequently changes. Your response is always to shoot down whatever is presented without ever offering a better or alternative treatment or plan. Everything you post becomes us vs them instead of acknowledging that people are trying their best, not some ulterior motive to control or limit our democracy.

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