OT: Other than RU, what are your favorite charities to give and volunteer with?


All American
May 29, 2003
Curious if their any great charities or organizations I should be giving too or volunteering with that I’m not already aware of ? Any good ones that people really like or find beneficial?
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Special Olympics NJ, 26,000 athletes that don't pay for any services.
I am volunteer Board Chair of North Jersey Interfaith Cares - founded to support local Syrian refugees. St Jude Hospital is among the other charities I support.
Family has been involved with Friendship Circle. Both of my children volunteered a lot time with local special needs kids - played games, taught sports, went out. It means a lot for the kids on both sides. My daughter has carried forward to college, where her team now spends time with a similar local charity. It's easy and it's local.
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St. Jude
Fulfill (formerly Ocean County Food Kitchen.)
Sloan Kettering
7 Grandchildren
I always contribute to local police, fire and EMT drives since I'm afraid they wont put out the fire in my house. :)
I've worked with a non-profit called, Main Street Philanthropy, that actually goes into high schools, and teaches a process where the kids actually identify their "social passions," identify a wide # of non-profits that help support those passions, and then analyze them from both a quantitative and qualitative perspective. It's really quite cool, as the students pull 990 forms from the web, break down the #s to look at specific ratios (in order to get a better idea on how the organizations actually use their money), and invite various leaders (executive directors, development directors, etc.) into the classroom for a couple panel discussions. They basically interview the leaders in order to narrow down their (the students') focus. Ultimately, the students choose a handful of non-profits to fundraise for (often partnering with their contacts in order to create stronger fundraisers), and finally provide grant checks to the organizations. They also take a field trip to visit a few of them, which is always meaningful and a lot of fun. One of the partners in it, is local, so if interested, DM me or whatever you do on this thing to get to someone, privately.
Separately, we support the local firehouse and PD departments, and have done fundraising for the NJ Center for Tourette Syndrome and Associated Disorders, in Somerville. They do great work for some great kids and families.
Local fire and rescue squad
American Battlefield Trust (preserves endangered battlefields from development. Originally just Civil War but now expanded to Revolution (involved in protecting part of Monmouth from Princeton U development plans) and War of 1812.
I look at the places that have mostly volunteers like foodbanks and fire departments. I tend not give to larger organizations because most goes to overhead.
I look at the places that have mostly volunteers like foodbanks and fire departments. I tend not give to larger organizations because most goes to overhead.

There's a really interesting Ted Talk that, among other things, addresses this issue. At the very least, it forces you to consider that while many large non-profits have a very large staff, spend a ton of money on marketing, etc., that it may be that the "good" that they do outweighs their need to spend a higher % of funding on overhead. The other take, is that many smaller non-profits need to initially spend a higher %, simply to get their feet under them and get some traction. I'm no expert on any of this, but it did provide some additional perspective to things.
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Center for Food Action in Bergen County drive for Thanksgiving. Donate to provide 5 families with a 12-14 lb. turkey, potatoes, cranberry sauce, etc. etc. at $49 per family.
We are partners with St. Jude and support the Amputee Coalition. My Mother in law was an amputee and very active in advocating for that community. She passed away, but was awesome and I would support anything Kathy was involved in. This is a great thread.
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Multiple cancer groups for my mom. Alzheimer's Association for my dad. Autism NJ for a great friend and his parents plus so many others. Street Tails Dog Rescue for Scarlet.
Boys and Girls clubs of Broward County, FL. I volunteered as a football and basketball coach for many years. Juvenile crime rate drops in half, on average, in every town or part of a city a B&G club opens.
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My wife champions St. Judes and a veterans group on a rotating basis. I support Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and the Alzheimer's Association. on a rotating basis.

I donate time (but not funds) to Habitat for Humanity Greater Plainfield/Middlesex Chapter.
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My wife champions St. Judes and a veterans group on a rotating basis. I support Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and the Alzheimer's Association. on a rotating basis.

I donate time (but not funds) to Habitat for Humanity Greater Plainfield/Middlesex Chapter.
We are volunteers for SONJ for special events throughout the year.
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We are volunteers for SONJ for special events throughout the year.
SONJ = Southern Ocean County? It's great fun and a good way to get out and work with my hands for a few days a year. Greater Plainfield isn't even my local chapter, but they are very active with construction projects. There's almost always one project or another going on at any given time.
We are volunteers for SONJ for special events throughout the year.
SONJ = Southern Ocean County? It's great fun and a good way to get out and work with my hands for a few days a year. Greater Plainfield isn't even my local chapter, but they are very active with construction projects. There's almost always one project or another going on at any given time.
Special Olympics of New Jersey
Michelle Fund. Been involved for more than 10 years running an annual softball tournament. Was tournament director for 5 years. Now that my girls have aged out I act as a consultant and work during the weekend if tourney (8 am Friday to 10 pm Sunday). Roughly 130 games are played amongst 60 teams. Tournament named in honor of a 12 year old girl who was hit and killer by a drunk motor cycle rider while she walked to school. Parents established fund to raise money to donate back into young girls athletics. This year will he 21st annual tournament.
Donate RU football tickets to Seats of Dreams (NJ), which connects big sister/brother chaperones with kids in need. Donate to an academic program at RU. Donate locally in NC to various elementary schools (just today, in fact, for playground equipment), church groups, military support groups including Family Readiness Groups at Bragg, and the Special Forces Association, as well individual fallen hero fundraisers, of which there are many here, given the signifant military presence. Also support the Sandhills Childrens Center.
Curious if their any great charities or organizations I should be giving too or volunteering with that I’m not already aware of ? Any good ones that people really like or find beneficial?
Shannon Daley Memorial Fund based out of Readington NJ.
An event driven charity that supports families that have a financial need due to the illness of a child. One of the families that is being supported in our next event on March 6, is the Powers family of Cranbury. The dad Trevor Powers was a grad assistant coach I believe under Schiano and Flood. Trent Powers is a 4 year old who has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy .
. We are as grass root as it gets. We do not have an office or a staff. We raise money to help families and we are rapidly nearing the $3,000,000 mark. We could always use help, contacts,donations or ads. As a side note by reading the boards a few years ago we read about a young Marine from South Brunswick who needed a heart transplant and his family was supported through one of our events. I don't normally post but i am a long time RU supporter, first football game in 1962 and grew up on campus in the 6th ward. GORU
My old church has a sister parish in Guatemala, and we have a microloan program called "Amistad y Fé" which is used by our friends down south to acquire better farm tools, buy hens for eggs to sell, improve the water delivery system, etc.
St. Baldrick’s - childhood cancer

Autism Speaks - autism research

Wounded Warriors
Great thread. So many good choices. We're very partial to Century for the Cure, an annual charity bike ride to raise money for cancer research. It was founded by one of my best friends, who is a cancer survivor (had stage 4 non-Hodgkins lymphoma about 15 years ago and somehow survived), and decided to start the ride about 14 years ago.

Ride has grown every year and we've (several of us are heavily involved in supporting/running the event, including a few other RU sports fans who post here occasionally) raised over $2.5MM in that time and every nickel goes to the Cancer Institute of NJ. If you like to ride a bike and enjoy raising money, and want to hear yours truly spinning tunes at the after-party BBQ all day, then sign up.
Great Post....

My favorite is Heifer International you basically buy Livestock animals for poor people world wide who breed the animals and make money and create a sustainable business while feeding poor children. Such a wonderful organization.

We also give to St Jude and Shriners every year .

One other group we recently gave to is Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society that works to bring immigrants at risk worldwide to America. This group was targeted by the Nazi who attacked the Synagogue in Pittsburgh for their support of HIAS.

I also volunteer ( and make charitable donations to ) with Castle of Dreams Animal Rescue and have fostered 9 puppies with the last one being a foster failure.

My wife volunteers with Mary's Place in Ocean Grove that is a respite for women who have cancer. Another wonderful organization.