OT: Property tax relief coming for those over 65

Says the poster who chose to call himself (among his other screenames that we are aware of that got banned) "365Poster24Seven" lol! You can't make these losers up.
But then you miss all the laughs. He’s always been, by far, the most unintentionally funny person on these boards.

He’s the board’s Chief Inspector Charles Dreyfus. 🙂
If I was that desperate for laughs I'd just return to posting on the CE board.
Sorry, but I find it too depressing to read so much stupidity....especially from those who may or may not be Rutgers graduates.
But then you miss all the laughs. He’s always been, by far, the most unintentionally funny person on these boards.

He’s the board’s Chief Inspector Charles Dreyfus. 🙂
I'm in my seventies and so I need to spend my remaining time carefully. Reading comments that make me upset doesn't strike me as a good use of my energies. TBH, reading responses to such comments doesn't thrill me either.
Says the poster who chose to call himself (among his other screenames that we are aware of that got banned) "365Poster24Seven" lol! You can't make these losers up.
You’re an idiot my name was created in honor of the two biggest losers on this board. It’s easy to get banned on this site. All you need is to think differently than one person. All the garbage and hate you and your crew of losers post daily but you never get banned. Get a life try to stay off this site for one day. Imposible for you lol.
Hahaha so in his head he's creating screenames. Bigger loser than I originally thought But a fan nonetheless!

Post your address I'll send an autograph.
Hahaha so in his head he's creating screenames. Bigger loser than I originally thought But a fan nonetheless!

Post your address I'll send an autograph.
Whatever your the king of deflection. You’re so cool and have so much going on that you post on this site all day and all night weekends too. You start threads that die with you responding to them. You’re an embarrassment to your supposed superior race lol. Get a job and get one for the cat man too.
True lol

You're a complete loser and everyone knows it. Even you. The fact you are so triggered is funny to no end. Amazing the control one can have here. Create another screen name about other people. It's what loser do with pathetic lives. Hilarious you actually admitted that. #TooEasy
True lol

You're a complete loser and everyone knows it. Even you. The fact you are so triggered is funny to no end. Amazing the control one can have here. Create another screen name about other people. It's what loser do with pathetic lives. Hilarious you actually admitted that. #TooEasy
I haven’t seen your name on the boards lately because I quit the CE board. But for you to call out other people on the board a loser is astounding. For you to crow about being able to “control” random posters is sad. You need to get a better life perspective but your life is this board.
You’ve posted 180,000 times in the last 23 years here. That’s 21 times every day of every year, day in day out ….thats not healthy.
If I was that desperate for laughs I'd just return to posting on the CE board.
Sorry, but I find it too depressing to read so much stupidity....especially from those who may or may not be Rutgers graduates.

I'm in my seventies and so I need to spend my remaining time carefully. Reading comments that make me upset doesn't strike me as a good use of my energies. TBH, reading responses to such comments doesn't thrill me either.

I understand, and putting people on ignore or just skipping past their posts is the adult thing to do, in most cases.

In my case, I’m untroubled by other people’s stated views on just about anything, unless it involves harm to kids which is something for which I have a very low tolerance. Racism/bigotry/white-supremacy/etc. are all very stupid and very cowardly. But that stuff’s been around forever and will never go away.

I have no illusions about ever being able to change such people. And I never try. They are free to live a life of fear and ignorance if they so choose. Not my place to tell others how to think.

I just like to shine a light on the people engaging in it, whenever I see it. And then watch them scurry away, like cockroaches, as nearly all of them do when they’re confronted about it. They can’t talk about it openly, so they’re stuck. Which is why you see Cali dropped the whole thing instantly and has been desperately trying to deflect away from what he said ever since.
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I haven’t seen your name on the boards lately because I quit the CE board. But for you to call out other people on the board a loser is astounding. For you to crow about being able to “control” random posters is sad. You need to get a better life perspective but your life is this board.
You’ve posted 180,000 times in the last 23 years here. That’s 21 times every day of every year, day in day out ….thats not healthy.
You, like the midget above, can’t afford $10 a month. You had to ask your wife as you posted lol

That’s why you don’t post on the CE board. Don’t lie now.

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I go where I want Cuck.

Asking his wife to be able to spend $10 lol

Hard times in that crappy apartment. Ooof.
Says the guy who had to ask his wife if he could spend $10 on it. And she said no lo!
Life. You’re killing it bro. Have a great time on your week off at the Jersey shore lol
Says the guy who had to ask his wife if he could spend $10 on it. And she said no lo!
Life. You’re killing it bro. Have a great time on your week off at the Jersey shore lol
You drinking again? Either you are aiming your post at someone else but forgot to quote them, or you’re more confused than Biden on a bad night.

Either way, thanks for so emphatically underlining what I said about how you’re so very very bad at this. 😂
Hard to tell you losers apart ManicObe.

So no really how’s that board doing lol? Absolute zero eh.
Hard to tell you losers apart ManicObe.

So no really how’s that board doing lol? Absolute zero eh.
ManicObe? You really are drunk.

And what are you babbling about some “board”? That’s like the third time and I have no idea what you’re talking about (just like you, apparently). Once again, you seem to be confused. Maybe you should run for president, since being a convict or confused are the only required qualifications these days.
Hahaha such a liar. You’re a joke. Always have been:

Tells me it was a bigger failure than I even thought. And I knew it was a zero then.

ManicOne = huge liar
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But then you miss all the laughs. He’s always been, by far, the most unintentionally funny person on these boards.

He’s the board’s Chief Inspector Charles Dreyfus. 🙂

I see your valet and raise you a mulch huffer who is going to make his first ever trip outside of North America to find fraud in the latest election he predicted incorrectly!
If I was that desperate for laughs I'd just return to posting on the CE board.
Sorry, but I find it too depressing to read so much stupidity....especially from those who may or may not be Rutgers graduates.

Don't you want to know how Marine LePen was going to win the French elections?

How about the big red wave?

Don't be afraid. No one there actually graduated from RU, or any place other than a poorly regarded high school. Eh, maybe a few grads of a pole dancing class.
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Who is sadder The guy who lives off his wife’s family or the underemployed landscaper? Both men talk about freeloaders ruining our country but both appear to work full time on this site. Days afternoon weekends even holiday weekends you will find both individuals living on this board. It’s pretty pathetic where would they be without the internet?

If you look up welfare queen, you'd see both. Hundreds of posts a day. And just all wrong. Look what they wrote about France, a country neither has been to, nor could ever afford to visit despite it being cheaper than ever thanks to the current soaring economy.
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I haven’t seen your name on the boards lately because I quit the CE board. But for you to call out other people on the board a loser is astounding. For you to crow about being able to “control” random posters is sad. You need to get a better life perspective but your life is this board.
You’ve posted 180,000 times in the last 23 years here. That’s 21 times every day of every year, day in day out ….thats not healthy.

Are you figuring in his multiple bans for promoting white supremacy?

If that didn't make him enough of a loser, he also promoted hiring the BC coach over GS, guess who has a top 5 class and guess who is now an NFL assistant LMAO
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I hope you realize that you are giving him exactly what he wants: attention.

If the elections in France taught us anything, it is that the more you shine a light on white supremacy and how its promoters do nothing but prove it false, the better off the world is.

If the special moderating operation weren't in league with him and the rest of the freak show, you'd have an argument. But like the media, they instead wish to promote the crap. Good people have to call it out and the light, as @mildone points out, cause them to scurry and lose.

There are people who maybe read the board in passing and would chalk things up to the "many sides" bickering. But if they see long time "non affiliated" posters like yourself and Mildone calling it out, they look again and say "gee, maybe there's a problem here." And I know this because I have been told by people how it appreciated it was that I called out the BS- including by those who would have been their allies in the past. We all have an obligation to make him look dumber than he already does. And it's quite easy to do.
Hey look the fat paralegal (also a racist like ManicOne) who lied about being an attorney had entered the chat! Guess he got tired of posting about how bad Jews are in the University board and came here.

5 rapid fire posts in a row lol! Triggered!

I got all my fans in one spot. So great!
Are you figuring in his multiple bans for promoting white supremacy?

If that didn't make him enough of a loser, he also promoted hiring the BC coach over GS, guess who has a top 5 class and guess who is now an NFL assistant LMAO
Fat kid lies as much as ManicOne. His husband must be so proud.
If the special moderating operation weren't in league with him and the rest of the freak show, you'd have an argument. But like the media, they instead wish to promote the crap.
What or who do you mean by "the special moderating operation?" I won't comment on the rest except to say that posters like him are best ignored. If you must reply to them, keep it short so that you don't encourage them to continue -- and further spread their views.
What or who do you mean by "the special moderating operation?" I won't comment on the rest except to say that posters like him are best ignored. If you must reply to them, keep it short so that you don't encourage them to continue -- and further spread their views.
Do you hate Jews like the people you are coalescing around too? If you want to see some horribly racist, bigoted posts, go see Bot’s posts on the University board. There are still some that haven’t been deleted. Openly rooting rooting for Hamas. The hate and bigotry is shocking. At least for those that didn’t already know what and who he is.

You seem a little naive here. Be careful. You’re playing with racists.
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Why is the racist Valet- as the special moderating operation called him- referring to the white hooded landscaper as fat?

I guess we knew the breakup was coming when the 6 of a wife realized her parents' trust fund cash was being routed to the Shop Rite Lo Bro display?

I guess premium is the price she pays to let the passport-free whine about the latest L they took in the French elections. Still not as funny as the Lake and Oz threads though LMAO
Do you hate Jews like the people you are coalescing around too? If you want to see some horribly racist, bigoted posts, go see Bot’s posts on the University board. There are still some that haven’t been deleted. Openly rooting rooting for Hamas. The hate and bigotry is shocking. At least for those that didn’t already know what and who he is.

You seem a little naive here. Be careful. You’re playing with racists.
who is openly rooting for Hamas? links?
I mean...was this EVER in doubt?! They don't even deny it lol
I think this is yet another of your overstatements. It's clear that the moderators don't want to do much to control posters (even very obnoxious ones), but that's a far cry from saying they're in league together. For the record (and I have repeatedly said this), I wish the moderators would do more to keep the board civil.
I think this is yet another of your overstatements. It's clear that the moderators don't want to do much to control posters (even very obnoxious ones), but that's a far cry from saying they're in league together. For the record (and I have repeatedly said this), I wish the moderators would do more to keep the board civil.
this board is pretty tame vs some others you see. The main board is like the wild west and it self moderates of sorts. I have no issue with how this board is run however, if anyone is posting antisemitic rhetoric and supporting hamas, as indicated earlier, that person should be banned