OT: Republican OR Democrat

Are you Republican OR Democrat OR Independent

  • Republican

    Votes: 129 36.8%
  • Democrat

    Votes: 104 29.6%
  • Independent

    Votes: 78 22.2%
  • Libertarian

    Votes: 27 7.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 13 3.7%

  • Total voters


All Conference
Gold Member
Oct 25, 2006
Hey Everyone,

I just want to get a gauge of the board.
Independent. The Democrats and Republicans are destroying this country, and the only thing that keeps either one in power is convincing people that they need to vote for them because the other party is worse. The government might have the best interest of the country again if we had real campaign and election reform, and we're never going to get it with the Democrats and Republicans.
We may have to fix the republicans and democrats, but someone actually told me a long time ago why a two party system is best. Lets say its a three party system and the third party is called the whatever party. Then in a election the whatever party won 40% to 30% to 30%. That means that 60% of the country voted against the whatever party yet they are in power. You can see how much worse and worse it gets when more and more parties are added.
Except in a parliamentary system you need a majority so the whatever party would have to form a coalition with someone else. The real weakness in that kind of system is the fact that sometimes the coalitions are fragile and break apart too frequently. Also, sometimes a small party is all that is needed for some larger ones to form a majority coalition which can lead to a small fringe party getting into government and getting too many concessions for their cooperation.
Since both liberals (dems) and conservatives (reps) suck...I registered INDY here in NY when I retired from the military...being an INDY in the people's republic of NY is tantamount to "nobody" status, I get that. I really have no respect for ether political party and what BOTH are doing to the country...

Yes, implied in my response is a "we're f***ed" message...
I don't get why one of the major parties isn't fiscally conservative, socially liberal. Aren't most normal people that?
I agree with this for the most part, since the notion seems to reflect myself and close friends decently well. But have you looked around us? Normal is not making short-sighted decisions with regard to school choice/cost, spending habits,and/or depending way too much on ones parents, then whining and passing blame around when personal finances get difficult and life doesn't go one's way.
The fact that your vote, especially in national elections, is worthless if your state is either blue or red has turned a lot of people off. The Electoral College should be eliminated. The actual popular vote should be the only decider of who won. I live in NY as an Independent. I vote, but I know for a fact that NYC will decide the outcome every time for the Democrats. So, if I want to vote for a Democrat, the vote is really unnecessary. If I want to vote for a Republican, I may as well stay home. I have often voted for third party candidates as both my true choice and as a rebellion against the system.
As the saying goes, democracy stinks but it is better than the others. :rolleyes:
I don't get why one of the major parties isn't fiscally conservative, socially liberal. Aren't most normal people that?

NO! But then again your definition of normal may be way different. If you define normal like a Hilary person than yes. If you define it as a Huckabee person than not so much.

By the way didn't recent polls on social issues show the country leaning Conservative?
I don't get why one of the major parties isn't fiscally conservative, socially liberal. Aren't most normal people that?

That would be Libertarian. The Libertarian Party's core beliefs are (per Wikipedia):

"Libertarians support maximum liberty in both personal and economic matters. They advocate a much smaller government; one that is limited to protecting individuals from coercion and violence. Libertarians tend to embrace individual responsibility, oppose government bureaucracy and taxes, promote private charity, tolerate diverse lifestyles, support the free market, and defend civil liberties."
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Democrat. Was a Republican for 30 years until the Tea Party takeover.
that is too bad... the original idea of the tea party, limit taxation, less government control of our lives, etc, was a noble cause, one that many
could agree with.... because there are some tea partiers that are off the wall, it has driven some away from those original efforts..

I can see not backing the tea party, they so have substancial influence, but do not totally control the republican party..... I would rather stay republican
than go democratic based on that element.
NO! But then again your definition of normal may be way different. If you define normal like a Hilary person than yes. If you define it as a Huckabee person than not so much.

By the way didn't recent polls on social issues show the country leaning Conservative?

Huckabee is about as normal as Saudia Arabia when it comes to social issues
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You ought to add Libertarian. I believe they are the 3rd largest party in USA.
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'
Ronald Reagan
The two party system has been co-opted by the extremes of both parties, and I support neither. Both have their own agendas to waste taxpayer money.
Trump is nutty and bombastic, but I can see why he appeals to some.
I wonder what a Ross Perot Presidency would have been like.
Hey I updated the poll to included other parties. You can change your vote if needed.
Conservative, socially and politically, what ever party that is, I am.
Zap when you find it, please let me know, and I'll join up with you.

I'm a registered Dem so if I ever decide to run for local government, I'd have a shot. Only voted once for a Dem governor.
I'm basically an original intent, strict interpretation Constitutionalist. We've gone way off the tracks since 1787.
Dem through grad school... Rep from self-employment to 2006... Independent since
Huckabee is about as normal as Saudia Arabia when it comes to social issues

He was just my example for one of the 2 sides, but I guess we know what side you fall on. Your choice. Enjoy the games today.