OT: Republican OR Democrat

Are you Republican OR Democrat OR Independent

  • Republican

    Votes: 129 36.8%
  • Democrat

    Votes: 104 29.6%
  • Independent

    Votes: 78 22.2%
  • Libertarian

    Votes: 27 7.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 13 3.7%

  • Total voters
Your post is typical of the childish Behavior of Dems/libs aka socialists . Can't have a normal discussion with you .
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"The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money."
-- Margaret Thatcher
I'll see your Margaret Thatcher and raise you Winston Churchill:
"The chief vice of capitalism is the unequal distribution of wealth; the chief vice of socialism is the equal distribution of misery."

And about politics generally, Churchill put it well and why I can't stand politicians or politics:
"Politics is the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month and next year. And to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn't happen."
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My grandmother in the 60's told me she was a democrat. I asked why and her answer, "democrats steal 20% of the money and leave 80% for the rest of us while Republicans steal 80% of the money and leave 20% for the rest of us."
What she didn't say was that, Republicans make 100% of the money. So, "leaving 20%" is sort of generous, don't you think?
Republican, I was a democrate until the commie took over.
A couple of clarifications to your otherwise incisive post:
1) Bernie Sanders is a Democratic Socialist, not a Communist. Not the same thing.
2) He has not yet taken over, and it is highly questionable that he will.
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Repub for now. Fiscal conservative social liberal

Raised Catholic. Now an atheist.

The religious right in this country makes my skin crawl.

Because both parties spend like drunken sailors I will probably start to vote Dem before I die.

They used to hide it but Dems are now pubicly socialist. I can't have this country turn into a South American mess. I'll probably stick with the repubs. At least they fight wars and not run from them.

Major blocks of this globe have taken steps to tilt their male/female ratios towards males, there is going to be major upheavals as a result.

I am glad I am dead in 30yrs.

This is a very good post and I am almost the same as you although I didn't go as far as you denounce christianity all together I am simply just not religious anymore.
Interesting. Never heard it put like that.
Probably because it's completely ridiculous. Basically the argument is that more people would vote against the winner if there were more choices, so let's limit the number of choices. By that logic why don't we just get rid of the second choice so that there is only one candidate in every election? This way nobody can vote against the eventual winner. Oh wait, we already have that for a huge chunk of congressional elections...seems to be working pretty well. [eyeroll]
As they currently stand the results surprise me. Based on the posting here I thought the Democrats would have a significant majority. BTW, I indicated independent.
That's because the mods silence any right leaning posts. They have determined this is the left wing CE board & the right wing CE board is on a separate but equal board.
Looking at these comments from the democratic/liberal voters on this board makes me think of this wonderful Winston Churchill quote:

"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter"

Lots of crazy stuff coming from the left.
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Um...the UK is a socialist country.

If Margaret Thatcher was so conservative why the does the UK still have socialized medicine and why did she raise taxes?

Could it be because right wingers cling to nonsense rather than facts?
How is Obama working out?

- Lowest unemployment since the 70s
- Gas under $2
- Dow through the roof
- Dollar strongest it's been in decades
- Healthcare for all
- Osama bin Laden dead

So pretty great, thanks for asking.

And that was after he had to clean up the mess than Republicans left after they spent $100 billion plus on an illegal war based on lies to take out a stable leader and replace him with ISIS.
Not having any problem with socialism indicates incredible naïveté from never having lived in a country that fully implemented the system (such as Soviet Russia, or flat out ignorance. I'll be damned if that was repeated in this country, which my family came to for opportunity afforded by capitalism and a relative lack of religious discrimination (sadly that seems to be changing for the worse).

Every other western country other than US is socialist. In fact, the US is socialist in many ways. Medicare and Medicaid are socialism. State universities, socialism. Roads and bridges, socialism. How many people are fleeing Scandinavia?

The USSR was communist, and that was really on paper because you could never have real communism. And many Soviet Jews fled to Israel, which is a socialist country. Free healthcare and free college.

And if that's so bad, why is that that in Israel, the UK, Canada, and Australia- all have had conservatives governments for many years now- there is socialized medicine and low cost or free college?
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How is Obama working out?

- Lowest unemployment since the 70s
- Gas under $2
- Dow through the roof
- Dollar strongest it's been in decades
- Healthcare for all
- Osama bin Laden dead

So pretty great, thanks for asking.

And that was after he had to clean up the mess than Republicans left after they spent $100 billion plus on an illegal war based on lies to take out a stable leader and replace him with ISIS.
Can you explain what Obama did to lower gas prices? Also "healthcare for all" is a flat out lie. I had health insurance, but now thanks to the "Affordable" Care Act, I can't afford it anymore, even though he told us, "If you like your plan, you can keep it." Well mine was discontinued because it didn't cover prescription drugs, which I was totally fine with because that was what made it affordable.

EDIT: Also, Obama is no more anti-war than Bush was, and Sanders isn't any better either even though they brand themselves as these fresh progressives.

EDIT 2: As if losing my health insurance wasn't bad enough, now I have to pay an $800 fine for not having health insurance. This is not progress. Most of the healthcare systems you mention in other countries are single payer. What we have is far from that unfortunately. Obama did absolutely nothing to lower costs or fix the system, instead he made it more expensive and is now fining people for not being covered, and the Democrats are applauding this unbelievable law.
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How is Obama working out?

- Lowest unemployment since the 70s
- Gas under $2
- Dow through the roof
- Dollar strongest it's been in decades
- Healthcare for all
- Osama bin Laden dead

So pretty great, thanks for asking.

And that was after he had to clean up the mess than Republicans left after they spent $100 billion plus on an illegal war based on lies to take out a stable leader and replace him with ISIS.
Wow, just wow. Are you trying to be stupid?

- Real unemployment is through the roof and growing
- Gas under $2? Yeah, explain Obama's role in this.
- Dow through the roof? Educate yourself on QE
- Dollar? Is he is responsible for the EU tanking and Japan devaluing the yen? Good grief
- Healthcare for all - 1. That is untrue ; 2. HC spending and costs have skyrocketed under Oblunder
- OBL dead - yes, great job by the CIA and Seal Team 6 ; but I guess Obama gets credit for continuing GWB's programs

Anything else professor?

FYI - I still support you calling for Flood's head! :)
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Wow, just wow. Are you trying to be stupid?

- Real unemployment is through the roof and growing Proof?
- Gas under $2? Yeah, explain Obama's role in this. Same role he had when in 2012 you guys claimed gas was too high and we needed Keystone
- Dow through the roof? Educate yourself on QE Don't need to
- Dollar? Is he is responsible for the EU tanking and Japan devaluing the yen? Good grief We are historically high against CDN, AUS and others
- Healthcare for all - 1. That is untrue ; 2. HC spending and costs have skyrocketed under Oblunder No it isn't
- OBL dead - yes, great job by the CIA and Seal Team 6 ; but I guess Obama gets credit for continuing GWB's programs So then why didn't it happen then..could it be because we invaded another country for no reason?

Anything else professor?

FYI - I still support you calling for Flood's head! :) Thanks Flood's mismanagement is so bad that it boggles my mind that anyone could support him.
That's because the mods silence any right leaning posts. They have determined this is the left wing CE board & the right wing CE board is on a separate but equal board.

Huh? Can't say I've ever noticed anything like that. Only thing I recall seeing is that threads that become left-right pissing matches get moved to the CE board, where they often become RWCJs.
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Can you explain what Obama did to lower gas prices? Also "healthcare for all" is a flat out lie. I had health insurance, but now thanks to the "Affordable" Care Act, I can't afford it anymore, even though he told us, "If you like your plan, you can keep it." Well mine was discontinued because it didn't cover prescription drugs, which I was totally fine with because that was what made it affordable.

EDIT: Also, Obama is no more anti-war than Bush was, and Sanders isn't any better either even though they brand themselves as these fresh progressives.

EDIT 2: As if losing my health insurance wasn't bad enough, now I have to pay an $800 fine for not having health insurance. This is not progress. Most of the healthcare systems you mention in other countries are single payer. What we have is far from that unfortunately. Obama did absolutely nothing to lower costs or fix the system, instead he made it more expensive and is now fining people for not being covered, and the Democrats are applauding this unbelievable law.

That seems to be a problem with your carrier. I agree, we should have single payer, that is why I clicked independent in the original poll.

Obama was against Iraq from day one, as was Sanders. Bush is the godfather of ISIS. What I would like to see from Republicans other than Trump and Paul is an apology to Americans and the world and an admission that neo conservativism is morally and literally bankrupting.

There is a difference between targeted drone strikes on terrorists, which is what Obama has done, versus what Bush did in Iraq and what Republicans want in Iran.
That seems to be a problem with your carrier. I agree, we should have single payer, that is why I clicked independent in the original poll.

Obama was against Iraq from day one, as was Sanders. Bush is the godfather of ISIS. What I would like to see from Republicans other than Trump and Paul is an apology to Americans and the world and an admission that neo conservativism is morally and literally bankrupting.

There is a difference between targeted drone strikes on terrorists, which is what Obama has done, versus what Bush did in Iraq and what Republicans want in Iran.
No, it is not a problem with my carrier. It is illegal to offer plans that don't cover prescription drugs now, so even the most affordable plans of any carrier are more expensive than the plan I used to have. Trust me, I looked into this extensively and even met with multiple healthcare marketplace enrollment assistants. The plans that are useful are unaffordable, and the plans that are remotely affordable are pretty useless because the deductibles are upwards of $7000. The enrollment assistants said they've been meeting with hundreds of people all day that can't afford insurance anymore, and the subsidy only kicks in if you are dirt poor. The middle class gets screwed again.

If Obama was so against the war in Iraq, why did he try to extend the withdrawal deadline? He withdrew the troops at the same time Bush had planned. If Sanders is so anti-war, then why did he support bills that spent billions of dollars on sustaining the war? Obama's drone strikes are probably breeding more terrorists because of how many civilians they are killing. I don't think we are going to be winning over the public in the middle East by killing regular people's innocent friends and family members.
Every other western country other than US is socialist. In fact, the US is socialist in many ways. Medicare and Medicaid are socialism. State universities, socialism. Roads and bridges, socialism. How many people are fleeing Scandinavia?

The USSR was communist, and that was really on paper because you could never have real communism. And many Soviet Jews fled to Israel, which is a socialist country. Free healthcare and free college.

And if that's so bad, why is that that in Israel, the UK, Canada, and Australia- all have had conservatives governments for many years now- there is socialized medicine and low cost or free college?

First of all, nothing is truly free; everyone ends up paying for 'free' education and healthcare.

True socialism is forcing everyone into a collective, as the ACA unconstitutionally does with healthcare (and fining those who don't have insurance. Taxpayer-funded programs such as Medicare and Medicaid are a different story.

I'll be the first to say that infrastructure is hugely important, and taxpayer funds are rightly used to support it. However, citizens have a choice in the matter, including paying a tax when purchasing gas, tolls for certain highways/bridges, and their bills for electricity/gas/Internet/etc.

Soviet Jews (including myself) did not flee to Israel for the socialism; that is a flat-out lie. We escaped religious discrimination/persecution and pursed the opportunity for better lives elsewhere (at the expense of having our possessions confiscated and existing passports revoked). Those of us who were able to obtain American green cards came here; the rest (including immediate family of mine) were alternatively accepted into Israel, which we always considered to be our ancestral homeland. Education is free in Israel because it is tied into mandatory two-year military service. Those who serve in the U.S. are paid and can receive free or discounted education.

Healthcare may be free, but results in longer wait times for checkups/procedures and (at best) equal or worse quality. There is a reason why up to now, many rich/powerful people from other countries have come here for major procedures. Tort reform and a reduced dependence on prescription drugs to treat even the most benign pain/discomfort are the start to truly curbing still skyrocketing healthcare costs.

My family came here legally with almost nothing, learned a completely new language, and has worked tirelessly for years to put us in an exponentially better position today. This inspires me to never stop improving to this day. We took advantage of the American OPPORTUNITY to EARN success, not because it was TAKEN from others and HANDED to us. Too many people either don't understand this, or understand but disagree because they are too lazy or disinclined to put in the effort themselves. That is why I will always oppose true socialism and democratic views on finance.
The American opportunity for success comes about as a result of a lot of tax payer funded programs, like the best university system, public and private, in the world. It did not appear as if by magic.
Politically, you are a nut.

RU football, you are on the money. I am shocked how everyone isn't united to demand more from this program and for Flood's termination. The past month has been a disgrace. Let's keep pounding away until the Kool-Aid drinkers see the light!
Interesting. Never heard it put like that.
It's actually a one party system. Going down the same road in the same direction. Just a question of which lane you are in; left or right, how comfortable the ride will be, and when we will arrive at our destination. Bankers/industrialists lay the pavement.
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I'll see your Margaret Thatcher and raise you Winston Churchill:
"The chief vice of capitalism is the unequal distribution of wealth; the chief vice of socialism is the equal distribution of misery."

And about politics generally, Churchill put it well and why I can't stand politicians or politics:
"Politics is the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month and next year. And to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn't happen."

LOL where is Our Winston? I agree with him about the unequal distribution of wealth under capitalism... It actually rewards the people that work by distributing more wealth to them, then it does to the folks that CHOOSE not to work. Imagine that! I have to SMH about the anti-capitalism crowd. There has not been in the history of the world an economic system that has accumulated more wealth AND distributed more widely. You think otherwise, then please give me one SCALABLE example.

One additional thought aimed at the anti-corporate crowd (while I share the popular distaste for Sr. Exec pay and perks) most corporate jobs are held by hard working family folks that pay the taxes that help fund all the free shiit the "anti" crowd demands. When you kill off the corporations don't you also eliminate the funding source for a lot of your free shiit?

Would love to chat some more but I have to sign off. I have work in the morning (and I'm grateful for that).
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The John Birch Society threw me out,saying that I was too extreme for them.Maybe I should take Groucho's advice.
First of all, nothing is truly free; everyone ends up paying for 'free' education and healthcare.

True socialism is forcing everyone into a collective, as the ACA unconstitutionally does with healthcare (and fining those who don't have insurance. Taxpayer-funded programs such as Medicare and Medicaid are a different story.

I'll be the first to say that infrastructure is hugely important, and taxpayer funds are rightly used to support it. However, citizens have a choice in the matter, including paying a tax when purchasing gas, tolls for certain highways/bridges, and their bills for electricity/gas/Internet/etc.

Soviet Jews (including myself) did not flee to Israel for the socialism; that is a flat-out lie. We escaped religious discrimination/persecution and pursed the opportunity for better lives elsewhere (at the expense of having our possessions confiscated and existing passports revoked). Those of us who were able to obtain American green cards came here; the rest (including immediate family of mine) were alternatively accepted into Israel, which we always considered to be our ancestral homeland. Education is free in Israel because it is tied into mandatory two-year military service. Those who serve in the U.S. are paid and can receive free or discounted education.

Healthcare may be free, but results in longer wait times for checkups/procedures and (at best) equal or worse quality. There is a reason why up to now, many rich/powerful people from other countries have come here for major procedures. Tort reform and a reduced dependence on prescription drugs to treat even the most benign pain/discomfort are the start to truly curbing still skyrocketing healthcare costs.

My family came here legally with almost nothing, learned a completely new language, and has worked tirelessly for years to put us in an exponentially better position today. This inspires me to never stop improving to this day. We took advantage of the American OPPORTUNITY to EARN success, not because it was TAKEN from others and HANDED to us. Too many people either don't understand this, or understand but disagree because they are too lazy or disinclined to put in the effort themselves. That is why I will always oppose true socialism and democratic views on finance.

Not what I said, but I think you're missing the point. The fact of the matter is, every country is socialist, so that is a dumb label. We can pick and choose which elements of socialism we like, but we need to be honest here, and not just scream socialism about Obama, and not about Israel, or NJ students paying lower tuition at RU, etc.

As one example if Obamacare is socialism why was it invented by the Heritage Foundation?
No, it is not a problem with my carrier. It is illegal to offer plans that don't cover prescription drugs now, so even the most affordable plans of any carrier are more expensive than the plan I used to have. Trust me, I looked into this extensively and even met with multiple healthcare marketplace enrollment assistants. The plans that are useful are unaffordable, and the plans that are remotely affordable are pretty useless because the deductibles are upwards of $7000. The enrollment assistants said they've been meeting with hundreds of people all day that can't afford insurance anymore, and the subsidy only kicks in if you are dirt poor. The middle class gets screwed again.

If Obama was so against the war in Iraq, why did he try to extend the withdrawal deadline? He withdrew the troops at the same time Bush had planned. If Sanders is so anti-war, then why did he support bills that spent billions of dollars on sustaining the war? Obama's drone strikes are probably breeding more terrorists because of how many civilians they are killing. I don't think we are going to be winning over the public in the middle East by killing regular people's innocent friends and family members.

Because the alternative was/is total chaos. Unfotunately we cannot undo the Bush years. Same thing on the healthcare- there was no support for the public option.

I don't think the drone strikes are brewing terrorism. If you look at ISIS it's more complicated than that.

I think you need to look at Obama in terms of he's the only President in the history of the US to have a Congress whose stated goal was to end his presidency. He got a lot of good things done. He will have left the country in better shape than he found it, in two unsustainable wars with soaring unemployment.

I support Bernie but I know he will be hampered by the teabaggers at every turn.

If we want real change we have to get rid of gerrymandering, money in politics, and reform the Senate, so that Wyoming (fewer people than Middlesex County) doesn't have the same say as California.
Because the alternative was/is total chaos. Unfotunately we cannot undo the Bush years. Same thing on the healthcare- there was no support for the public option.

I don't think the drone strikes are brewing terrorism. If you look at ISIS it's more complicated than that.

I think you need to look at Obama in terms of he's the only President in the history of the US to have a Congress whose stated goal was to end his presidency. He got a lot of good things done. He will have left the country in better shape than he found it, in two unsustainable wars with soaring unemployment.

I support Bernie but I know he will be hampered by the teabaggers at every turn.

If we want real change we have to get rid of gerrymandering, money in politics, and reform the Senate, so that Wyoming (fewer people than Middlesex County) doesn't have the same say as California.
There was plenty of support for the public option, just not by the insurance companies that fund the Democrats' campaigns. Democrats are always quick to blame Congress for Obama not getting things done, but the Democrats controlled the House and Senate in the beginning of Obama's presidency and probably could have passed any progressive legislation they wanted to, but they didn't even try. It wasn't because of the Republicans, it was because they are beholden to the same campaign donors that the Republicans are.
What she didn't say was that, Republicans make 100% of the money. So, "leaving 20%" is sort of generous, don't you think?
Back then, I think things were pretty equal when it came to earnings Knight. And people were much more civil. But my grandmother was one of the first women to run for and win an office. And she was instrumental with getting Roosevelt Hospital built. She was a great woman, feisty as hell back when women were expected to stay home.
How is Obama working out?

- Lowest unemployment since the 70s
- Gas under $2
- Dow through the roof
- Dollar strongest it's been in decades
- Healthcare for all
- Osama bin Laden dead

So pretty great, thanks for asking.

And that was after he had to clean up the mess than Republicans left after they spent $100 billion plus on an illegal war based on lies to take out a stable leader and replace him with ISIS.

Texas is the reason for all job growth. Rest of the country is down I believe.
Gas under $2 has nothing to do with Obama. He didn't help in that area.
Dollar is very strong because other currencies are very weak.
Agree on healthcare but let's see the health insurance increases now that it's in place.
Glad he's dead.
Giving the President credit for everything is a little ridiculous. Blaming everything on him is also ridiculous.
All of you are total slackers if you're not on board this political party Revival--this is who I roll with now. You'll notice Spanky's (our moderator, not the character's) grandfather, or possibly great-grandfather, or great uncle, at 1:12, which tells you about Spanky's political affiliation. We're working on getting something for halftime during the tOSU game, and it's starting to look pretty good that we'll make it happen.

If we want real change we have to get rid of gerrymandering, money in politics, and reform the Senate, so that Wyoming (fewer people than Middlesex County) doesn't have the same say as California.

Make you a deal...if we give you California, NYC, New Jersey (ex-Hunt/Warren/Suff) Phila, and Chicago will you all go away and leave the rest of us alone?

Obama is such a hypocrite. He voted against taking out Saddam but then stands up a says we got to give rid of Assad causes he is killing his own and using chem weapons on them. Gee, THAT sounds familiar. Only problem is he is too much a pu$$y to do anything about it.

In hind sight I would agree to have left all those crazies in place. But once you took 'em out you can walk away. Now it is a FRACKING gigantic mess.

...and why I am I getting involved in this political thread? Cause I think 95% of them aren't worth a damn.
Make you a deal...if we give you California, NYC, New Jersey (ex-Hunt/Warren/Suff) Phila, and Chicago will you all go away and leave the rest of us alone?

Obama is such a hypocrite. He voted against taking out Saddam but then stands up a says we got to give rid of Assad causes he is killing his own and using chem weapons on them. Gee, THAT sounds familiar. Only problem is he is too much a pu$$y to do anything about it.

In hind sight I would agree to have left all those crazies in place. But once you took 'em out you can walk away. Now it is a FRACKING gigantic mess.

...and why I am I getting involved in this political thread? Cause I think 95% of them aren't worth a damn.

If that happens what will be left will be basically a third world cesspool, and will look like Greece in no time.

You want to talk about takers, let's talk about how the red states with the exception of TX and AK for oil, mostly take more than they get from the rest of us. As NJ taxpayers we are paying for big government in MS and AL.

I'd be more than glad to sign on for them financing themselves, especially without the immigrants they hate so much.