OT: Republican OR Democrat

Are you Republican OR Democrat OR Independent

  • Republican

    Votes: 129 36.8%
  • Democrat

    Votes: 104 29.6%
  • Independent

    Votes: 78 22.2%
  • Libertarian

    Votes: 27 7.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 13 3.7%

  • Total voters
Texas is the reason for all job growth. Rest of the country is down I believe.
Gas under $2 has nothing to do with Obama. He didn't help in that area.
Dollar is very strong because other currencies are very weak.
Agree on healthcare but let's see the health insurance increases now that it's in place.
Glad he's dead.
Giving the President credit for everything is a little ridiculous. Blaming everything on him is also ridiculous.

Not so on the economy and dollar. The economy is the strongest it's been since the 70s, and that can't just be written off. It's not because Texas is so great or other economies are weak either. President Obama nearly singlehandedly saved the country from recession. You can disagree with him on policy all day, but that is undeniable.
There was plenty of support for the public option, just not by the insurance companies that fund the Democrats' campaigns. Democrats are always quick to blame Congress for Obama not getting things done, but the Democrats controlled the House and Senate in the beginning of Obama's presidency and probably could have passed any progressive legislation they wanted to, but they didn't even try. It wasn't because of the Republicans, it was because they are beholden to the same campaign donors that the Republicans are.

OK. So let's pretend that the public option was passed with Democratic votes only. Are we to believe that Republicans would not have voted 50+ times for repeal, or that they would not have challenged it in court again and again, etc....

They actually did pass plenty of progressive things which did fix the economy, abolished don't ask don't the end of the day I consider myself a liberal, not a Democrat. I do however, support President Obama, and his record, especially over the Republican platform of tax cuts for billionaires, no separation between church and state, guns everywhere, and out of control spending on war mongering. President Obama has consistently resisted that. While I may not like plenty of Democrats including Menendez here in NJ, I will choose that consistently over the teabaggers who will destroy this country.
OK. So let's pretend that the public option was passed with Democratic votes only. Are we to believe that Republicans would not have voted 50+ times for repeal, or that they would not have challenged it in court again and again, etc....

They actually did pass plenty of progressive things which did fix the economy, abolished don't ask don't the end of the day I consider myself a liberal, not a Democrat. I do however, support President Obama, and his record, especially over the Republican platform of tax cuts for billionaires, no separation between church and state, guns everywhere, and out of control spending on war mongering. President Obama has consistently resisted that. While I may not like plenty of Democrats including Menendez here in NJ, I will choose that consistently over the teabaggers who will destroy this country.
So the Democrats didn't bother with the public option because the Republicans would have fought it...if that's the case then why should anyone vote for the Democrats? Apparently they're willing to give up their claimed goal of universal healthcare because they care more about what the Republicans' response would be. They won't pass the legislation their constituents want even when they are capable of doing so because they're afraid the Republicans will try to repeal it. If that is the reason why we have no public option, they must really have no backbone and are holding us back from progressive legislation even more than the Republicans are. Obviously the reason we have no public option isn't because they were afraid Republicans would try to repeal it, it's because the Democrats are just as corrupt as the Republicans are, and both parties answer to the same corporate paymasters--in this case, the insurance industry, who came out big winners with this law.

If they were passing a lot of progressive laws, then why didn't they end the war in Iraq sooner instead of trying to extend it? Why didn't they close Guantanamo Bay like Obama promised? Why didn't they stop wasting money on the war on drugs? Why did they continue the trillion-dollar bank bailouts that they criticized Bush for? Why didn't they pass any kind of election/campaign reform? Why did they extend the Patriot Act? Why didn't they try to repeal NAFTA? Why do they support warrantless NSA spying? Why does Obama support the TPP? Why have more whistleblowers been prosecuted under Obama's presidency than all others combined?

You're reasoning for voting for Democrats because they aren't as bad as Republicans is exactly why we have such horrible politicians. Nobody demands a good candidate anymore, they just want someone who isn't the worst. This is fixable, but if we keep voting for Democrats and Republicans, they aren't going to do anything about it.
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Not so on the economy and dollar. The economy is the strongest it's been since the 70s, and that can't just be written off. It's not because Texas is so great or other economies are weak either. President Obama nearly singlehandedly saved the country from recession. You can disagree with him on policy all day, but that is undeniable.
Let me get this straight

Are you actually stating that we have a stronger economy now, then we had from the early part of the 80's all the way through the 90's?
Let me get this straight

Are you actually stating that we have a stronger economy now, then we had from the early part of the 80's all the way through the 90's?

Actually, given that the economy was NOT strong in the 70's, particularly '73-76 and '78-79, he may be correct in saying that today's economy is stronger. However, he seems to have developed a bad case of amnesia with respect to 1983-89 and 1994-1999.
Actually, given that the economy was NOT strong in the 70's, particularly '73-76 and '78-79, he may be correct in saying that today's economy is stronger. However, he seems to have developed a bad case of amnesia with respect to 1983-89 and 1994-1999.

Those of us who were alive in the 70's remember all too well what it was like
Not so on the economy and dollar. The economy is the strongest it's been since the 70s, and that can't just be written off. It's not because Texas is so great or other economies are weak either. President Obama nearly singlehandedly saved the country from recession. You can disagree with him on policy all day, but that is undeniable.
I would say the Fed saved the country and I believe they would have done that no matter who was President. Ben actually said he wanted Congress to do something but since they didn't, the fed did.
But I always like to learn (unlike others who just form opinions) so I'd like to hear the policies President Obama put in place that saved the country. BTW, I only care about policy. I think personalities shouldn't be included in these things. Just my opinion.
If that happens what will be left will be basically a third world cesspool, and will look like Greece in no time.

You want to talk about takers, let's talk about how the red states with the exception of TX and AK for oil, mostly take more than they get from the rest of us. As NJ taxpayers we are paying for big government in MS and AL.

I'd be more than glad to sign on for them financing themselves, especially without the immigrants they hate so much.
there's A LOT more left (or should I say right :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) besides those two red neck states. I am not so sure they hate immigrants as much as illegal one's? Somebody has to work the fields. Besides, what will you eat?

wait a minute..where did I say anything about takers? You don't have to convince me NJ gets a terrible ROI...
The auto industry bail out certainly helped the country. An incidentally since most of the auto industry jobs are in the midwest and the south, that was another federal action that helped mostly red states.
Not so on the economy and dollar. The economy is the strongest it's been since the 70s, and that can't just be written off. It's not because Texas is so great or other economies are weak either. President Obama nearly singlehandedly saved the country from recession. You can disagree with him on policy all day, but that is undeniable.

If you really believe this then I will not even try to engage in a debate here. I crossed over and voted (the first term) for BS artist. WORST PRESIDENT EVER. What a completely missed opportunity to make a real change. Will take years to fix his mess. He did some good things for the 5% but completely bailed on the most important 50% of priorities. An empty suit President/divisive dictator who picks and chooses what laws to enforce combined with a do nothing congress and an activist supreme court. We're fracked and you wonder why gun sales are up.
The auto industry bail out certainly helped the country. An incidentally since most of the auto industry jobs are in the midwest and the south, that was another federal action that helped mostly red states.

Name me the last time Wisconsin, Illinois, and Michigan went Republican in a presidential election. Ohio is a purple state. Indiana mostly Republican.
, abolished don't ask don't tell

Actually they didn't do it legally, they did it by executive order. So I feel really bad for all the service people that do a good job and came out as openly gay. Because when the next president is elected and they want "Dont Ask, Dont Tell" again. Then those serviceman are out the door, by the signing of another executive order in 2 seconds. So while you may personally like it, Obama did them a HUGE disservice by the way he did it.
Actually they didn't do it legally, they did it by executive order. So I feel really bad for all the service people that do a good job and came out as openly gay. Because when the next president is elected and they want "Dont Ask, Dont Tell" again. Then those serviceman are out the door, by the signing of another executive order in 2 seconds. So while you may personally like it, Obama did them a HUGE disservice by the way he did it.

You really think the next non-D president is going to repeal that executive order?
You really think the next non-D president is going to repeal that executive order?

Depends on who it is, but I think it is very likely. My brother is still in the Navy and he knows people that have kept their preferences private because they are career people. So I'm not the only one thinking this.
Depends on who it is, but I think it is very likely. My brother is still in the Navy and he knows people that have kept their preferences private because they are career people. So I'm not the only one thinking this.

I'd say the recent Supreme Court decision will make that exceedingly difficult. My guess is that people have kept quiet not because of a reversal of official policy but concern about the reactions of individuals. But keep crying wolf if you want.
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Actually they didn't do it legally, they did it by executive order. So I feel really bad for all the service people that do a good job and came out as openly gay. Because when the next president is elected and they want "Dont Ask, Dont Tell" again. Then those serviceman are out the door, by the signing of another executive order in 2 seconds. So while you may personally like it, Obama did them a HUGE disservice by the way he did it.

Executive order IS legal.
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I'd say the recent Supreme Court decision will make that exceedingly difficult. My guess is that people have kept quiet not because of a reversal of official policy but concern about the reactions of individuals. But keep crying wolf if you want.

We'll see early Feb. 2017. Crying wolf? Just mine, and some other's, opinion about the matter.
I believe getting rid of "don't ask don't tell" was a two part action. Don't ask don't tell referred to the screening process for recruits but there was also a change to the uniform military code of justice, the violation of which was used to discharge service members (so much for caring about our military personnel, I knew a lifelong marine who served in Vietnam who told me in the 90s if they found out about him they would treat him as if he'd worked for iraq).
If you really believe this then I will not even try to engage in a debate here. I crossed over and voted (the first term) for BS artist. WORST PRESIDENT EVER. What a completely missed opportunity to make a real change. Will take years to fix his mess. He did some good things for the 5% but completely bailed on the most important 50% of priorities. An empty suit President/divisive dictator who picks and chooses what laws to enforce combined with a do nothing congress and an activist supreme court. We're fracked and you wonder why gun sales are up.

Um which laws are those...

What the the lowest unemployment since the 70s or the low gas....

Activist Court....2 Obama nominees

Please give me non Fox News points.
I would say the Fed saved the country and I believe they would have done that no matter who was President. Ben actually said he wanted Congress to do something but since they didn't, the fed did.
But I always like to learn (unlike others who just form opinions) so I'd like to hear the policies President Obama put in place that saved the country. BTW, I only care about policy. I think personalities shouldn't be included in these things. Just my opinion.

Obamacare created jobs, as did the bailout, and saved a lot of companies.
So the Democrats didn't bother with the public option because the Republicans would have fought it...if that's the case then why should anyone vote for the Democrats? Apparently they're willing to give up their claimed goal of universal healthcare because they care more about what the Republicans' response would be. They won't pass the legislation their constituents want even when they are capable of doing so because they're afraid the Republicans will try to repeal it. If that is the reason why we have no public option, they must really have no backbone and are holding us back from progressive legislation even more than the Republicans are. Obviously the reason we have no public option isn't because they were afraid Republicans would try to repeal it, it's because the Democrats are just as corrupt as the Republicans are, and both parties answer to the same corporate paymasters--in this case, the insurance industry, who came out big winners with this law.

If they were passing a lot of progressive laws, then why didn't they end the war in Iraq sooner instead of trying to extend it? Why didn't they close Guantanamo Bay like Obama promised? Why didn't they stop wasting money on the war on drugs? Why did they continue the trillion-dollar bank bailouts that they criticized Bush for? Why didn't they pass any kind of election/campaign reform? Why did they extend the Patriot Act? Why didn't they try to repeal NAFTA? Why do they support warrantless NSA spying? Why does Obama support the TPP? Why have more whistleblowers been prosecuted under Obama's presidency than all others combined?

You're reasoning for voting for Democrats because they aren't as bad as Republicans is exactly why we have such horrible politicians. Nobody demands a good candidate anymore, they just want someone who isn't the worst. This is fixable, but if we keep voting for Democrats and Republicans, they aren't going to do anything about it.

See here is the problem. Living in Hudson County I can vote for the Green party or whoever to make a statement.

But, there is no way that if I lived elsewhere, that I would do that.

How about the fact that if- god forbid- one of the umpteen boobs running from the other side gets to nominate someone to the SCOTUS? Do you want women in back alleys with coat hangars, no separation of church and state...

Nevermind the fact that would cement Citizens United which is the root of what you're talking about.

I really cannot understand that mentality. In life you're never going to get a 100%, so yeah, I will vote for whoever will keep the Koch/Jesusfreak/NRA/Halliburton circus away from the levers of power.
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The bailout otherwise know as TARP was passed by the Bush admin

And extended by Obama. Republicans flipped on it, like they flipped on the mandate, raising the debt ceiling, amnesty, negotiating with terrorists, once we had a black president. When Reagan sold weapons to Iran and granted millions of Mexicans the right to stay here, it was just peachy. When Obama deported more than Bush, he didn't care about the border.
I can only think people who aren't horrified by the GOP today just aren't paying attention--or they're part of that party's out of control base. This is NOT the party of Reagan or even Newt Gingrich. There is no moderation whatsoever in this party now, no willingness to compromise ever on any issue, and they're so out of control now they are openly siding with the leader of another nation against their own president or attempting openly to scuttle negotiations their president has with another nation. This behavior is pretty much without precedent and it's not the kind of thing Eisenhower, Reagan or even George W Bush would've done.
And extended by Obama. Republicans flipped on it, like they flipped on the mandate, raising the debt ceiling, amnesty, negotiating with terrorists, once we had a black president. When Reagan sold weapons to Iran and granted millions of Mexicans the right to stay here, it was just peachy. When Obama deported more than Bush, he didn't care about the border.
i don't recall there being an extension on Tarp

Furthermore, the reason why it "appears" that Obama deported more people than Bush is that the Obama admin changed the metric as to what was considered a deportation

The counted people bring stopped at the border as a deportation. No previous administration had done this.
Um which laws are those...

What the the lowest unemployment since the 70s or the low gas....

Activist Court....2 Obama nominees

Please give me non Fox News points.

Sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States. Should be impeached. Not to prosecute Illegal Aliens. Not to inform Congress of his negotiations (i.e.Side Deals). Making Illegal Executive Directives, Not directing his justice Dept. to Investigate Planned Parenthood for their illegal activity of selling baby parts. (there is 4 off the top of my head)

What's the REAL unemployment Rate? What kind of jobs are people actually getting. What's the labor participation rate? 60% (lowest in 50 years?) Thank the Fracking Industry in Pa. North Dakota, Wyoming, and Oil in Texas. And the world economic slowdown for the Oil Prices.

Mess, the whole middle East. The widening of income due to folk like me who can make money in the market but folks like my relatives and friends who can't make more than .6% on their bank accounts. Food Stamps and other gov't (non-SS/Medicare) subsidies thru the roof. Blacks and White more at odds than 6 years ago thanks to Mr. Unite US all...(ha).

When the Supreme Court votes everything 5-4 it only takes 1 appt. to make a difference. But this isn't something I blame him for. Just like I don't blame him for the do nothing congress.

I'd take the 'because he is black" and park it. He was voted in wasn't he? Nobody wants to work with him because he said he would be different and work together than immediately did two things. Tell John McCann "I won/ you lost" and shoved Obamacare down everyone's throat without including the other side. Not to mention his talking dummy Harry Reid who blocked EVERYTHING from coming to the senate floor. Where do you think he gets his orders from?

He should just get the frack out of office and let Joe finish things out. That I could live with. As I said, 95% are worthless. He's just THE WORST EVER and I can't wait to light off the fireworks the minute ANYBODY else is in office (ex. Clinton). If she's elected I my just shoot myself.
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See here is the problem. Living in Hudson County I can vote for the Green party or whoever to make a statement.

But, there is no way that if I lived elsewhere, that I would do that.

How about the fact that if- god forbid- one of the umpteen boobs running from the other side gets to nominate someone to the SCOTUS? Do you want women in back alleys with coat hangars, no separation of church and state...

Nevermind the fact that would cement Citizens United which is the root of what you're talking about.

I really cannot understand that mentality. In life you're never going to get a 100%, so yeah, I will vote for whoever will keep the Koch/Jesusfreak/NRA/Halliburton circus away from the levers of power.
This line of thinking on both sides of the political spectrum is why we will never have universal healthcare or election reform and why the Goldman Sachs and weapons contractors of the country will continue to hold power regardless of who is in office. The fear of Republicans and the fear of Democrats is what is keeping both parties in power. If you are willing to vote for the Democrats even though you previously said that they won't pass legislation that you want because you know the Republicans would fight it, then you must be fine with the government not improving at all and just staying at the status quo (or maybe not even doing that since the Democratic party is the reason why I, and many others, can no longer afford health insurance).
there's A LOT more left (or should I say right :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) besides those two red neck states. I am not so sure they hate immigrants as much as illegal one's? Somebody has to work the fields. Besides, what will you eat?

wait a minute..where did I say anything about takers? You don't have to convince me NJ gets a terrible ROI...
Sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States. Should be impeached. Not to prosecute Illegal Aliens. Not to inform Congress of his negotiations (i.e.Side Deals). Making Illegal Executive Directives, Not directing his justice Dept. to Investigate Planned Parenthood for their illegal activity of selling baby parts. (there is 4 off the top of my head)

What's the REAL unemployment Rate? What kind of jobs are people actually getting. What's the labor participation rate? 60% (lowest in 50 years?) Thank the Fracking Industry in Pa. North Dakota, Wyoming, and Oil in Texas. And the world economic slowdown for the Oil Prices.

Mess, the whole middle East. The widening of income due to folk like me who can make money in the market but folks like my relatives and friends who can't make more than .6% on their bank accounts. Food Stamps and other gov't (non-SS/Medicare) subsidies thru the roof. Blacks and White more at odds than 6 years ago thanks to Mr. Unite US all...(ha).

When the Supreme Court votes everything 5-4 it only takes 1 appt. to make a difference. But this isn't something I blame him for. Just like I don't blame him for the do nothing congress.

I'd take the 'because he is black" and park it. He was voted in wasn't he? Nobody wants to work with him because he said he would be different and work together than immediately did two things. Tell John McCann "I won/ you lost" and shoved Obamacare down everyone's throat without including the other side. Not to mention his talking dummy Harry Reid who blocked EVERYTHING from coming to the senate floor. Where do you think he gets his orders from?

He should just get the frack out of office and let Joe finish things out. That I could live with. As I said, 95% are worthless. He's just THE WORST EVER and I can't wait to light off the fireworks the minute ANYBODY else is in office (ex. Clinton). If she's elected I my just shoot myself.

- Planned Parenthiood is not selling baby parts. And abortion is legal.

- Where in the Consitution are illegal aliens?

- Um..can you direct me to where these side deals were and what was unconstitutional about them....a

- Executive orders are legal, every President has them

Mitch McConnell said the Congress' goal was to make Obama a one term President How did that go?

Just turn off Fox News....or read the Constitution!
This line of thinking on both sides of the political spectrum is why we will never have universal healthcare or election reform and why the Goldman Sachs and weapons contractors of the country will continue to hold power regardless of who is in office. The fear of Republicans and the fear of Democrats is what is keeping both parties in power. If you are willing to vote for the Democrats even though you previously said that they won't pass legislation that you want because you know the Republicans would fight it, then you must be fine with the government not improving at all and just staying at the status quo (or maybe not even doing that since the Democratic party is the reason why I, and many others, can no longer afford health insurance).

OK I really have to know. How exactly can either party do anything without an absolute majority? In fact, that is the mentality of the teabaggers, they have no majority anywhere but a few state legilsatures so let's shut everything down...

You want change, vote for someone like Bernie Sanders AND someone in Congress who will take the money out of politics....
OK I really have to know. How exactly can either party do anything without an absolute majority? In fact, that is the mentality of the teabaggers, they have no majority anywhere but a few state legilsatures so let's shut everything down...

You want change, vote for someone like Bernie Sanders AND someone in Congress who will take the money out of politics....
Change for change sake isn't always good. The "change" Sanders would bring would bankrupt the nation and destroy America.
Actually if you look at what he proposes, it's not raising taxes, it is cutting loopholes for billionaires and out of control military spending.
Actually if you look at what he proposes, it's not raising taxes, it is cutting loopholes for billionaires and out of control military spending.
His programs and ideas would cost trillions and trillions. I saw one estimate of $10T in new spending and counting. Sooner or later, even liberal dems will realize that there's no money left. Hell, we can't afford what we are doing now, not even close:

Yeah from who? Compare the fiscal health of Burlington VT where was mayor to where some of the nuts on the other side were in charge...NJ is a fiscal wreck and FL is not so great.

What kills the defecit is corporations paying little or no taxes and the military getting weapons they do not need nor want.
Yeah from who? Compare the fiscal health of Burlington VT where was mayor to where some of the nuts on the other side were in charge...NJ is a fiscal wreck and FL is not so great.

What kills the defecit is corporations paying little or no taxes and the military getting weapons they do not need nor want.
The money in your last sentence is no where close to generating what you think it will. Where else will you find money? How much is enough to take away from people? Very curious, what amount is the limit for you?

As for being mayor of a 42,000 person town, come on, not really comparable with being president of 300+ million people and a $3.5T budget.
- Planned Parenthiood is not selling baby parts. um..ok. sure. And abortion is legal. unfortunately one got one correct. as bad as the Nazi's. They experimented for good cause in their own mind as well.

- Where in the Constitution are illegal aliens? upholding the LAWs of the united states is his duty. Illegal is Illegal by definition.
Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution requires the President to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” The President must enforce all constitutionally valid Acts of Congress, regardless of the Administration’s view of their wisdom or policy.

- Um..can you direct me to where these side deals were and what was unconstitutional about is a law that the President must inform the congress of all such deals. Once again his admin is just playing with words to skirt the law.
The administration rejects the view that the documents in question fall under the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 — which allows Congress to evaluate, and vote on, the deal. But Republicans argue that the act’s provisions specifically say the side-deals do indeed come under its remit.

The provisions of the act state: "Not later than 5 calendar days after reaching an agreement with Iran" relating to its nuclear program, President Obama "shall transmit to the appropriate congressional committees and leadership" the agreement as defined in the law, including all related materials.

- Executive orders are legal, every President has them. And according to what HE HIMSELF said..
WASHINGTON — President Obama is poised to ignore stark warnings that executive action on immigration would amount to “violating our laws” and would be “very difficult to defend legally.”

Those warnings came not from Republican lawmakers but from Mr. Obama himself.
(NY Times..that conservative rag)

Mitch McConnell said the Congress' goal was to make Obama a one term President How did that go? Not a big fan of him or the speaker. As I said I 95% are worthless. But in reality Obama only lasted as President of the United States for about 2 weeks. He became an empty suit and leader for special interests quite fast.

Just turn off Fox News....or read the Constitution!

Watch I watch from FOX news is mostly the afternoon stuff..Henner, Shep, and Bret at 6pm because I believe those guys are fact based. So I'm not brain washed like those of you who live on CNBC. And I don't need to read the Constitution to know that Obama is breaking laws and he and his Justice Dept. are selectively enforcing them.

You didn't respond to my labor participation rate comment, or the one's about his promise to unite and then divide, and to reach across the aisle and then pass OBCare in the backroom shutting our the other side. Or the mess overseas, or his weakness to draw a line and then back up, or his talk about Crimea and then do zilch, or the failure to address the IRA (oh that's right, they didn't do anything wrong), or the hypocrisy of his gun control crusade while black kids are dying left and right in the cities (I don't own one. They scare me), or the trillions of dollars spent for a few hundred thousand jobs, or the $500million being spent (about $47mm already) to train 5 freedom fighters. Or the Billions spent on Obamacare to insure about 9million people only to have a completely different 9 million people without insurance. That's ok..I don't really mind my deductible going from zero to $1,500 this year. But hey, the premiums didn't go And there really wasn't any other way to take care of these people?

Here's one I support. I'm glad gay people have the right to marry. I am friends with several gay people. I think they actually honor the institution and commitment of marriage far better as a group than us straight people and certainly those dopes in Hollywood and Sports. See, I'm open minded and for doing the right things.

Its like the Rutgers football fanbase. 35-38% are gonna vote for the guy/love the guy no matter what. For those that weren't going to vote for him because of his race or party affiliation he gave them stuff. And then you can also bring in plenty of immigrants and yes illegal aliens and since you don't even make them truly identify themselves..yes some of them can vote..DEMOCRATIC..cause they get shit. Yup, the Republican's had their chance and they screwed up as well.

I am compassionate, I volunteer, I donate, I sponsor, and I believe in a hand up and we owe folks opportunity. I've worked multiple jobs since I was 14, sometimes 80 and on average perhaps 55 hours per week for the past 43 years to get what I have. What I don't need is somebody just saying they should have some of it because I have more.

The rant is over. Shouldn't even be doing this as it is not the CE board.

But let me close with this. WORST PRESIDENT EVER! (and hopefully he doesn't drop a drone on my house tonight or have the IRS standing in my drive tomorrow morning. but hey, ya never know with this guy.)
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