Couple of scary posts on BWI:
JoeDidntKnow said:
Joe is NEVER tough to defend. We Are.... because He Was"
bjamin41 said:
We know Joe was told about the abuse when that ginger came to him.
We know that Joe did the absolute minimum in regards to putting an end to the abuse
We know that Joe was the most powerful employee at the university
We know that Sandusky raped children in the PSU facilities
We know that Joe allowed Sandusky to use the facilities even after he found out about the abuse.
We know that Joe said "I wish I could have done more" and he was more concerned about the "universities procedures" so he in his own words "backed away" and turned over the issues to someone else.
Those are the facts... If a victim comes forth about the 1979 abuse, it would just be another fact to what we already know. Until then we can only go but what we know for sure.
What we all know sure...
Joe Paterno cared some much about the University, his legacy and his football program that he went as far as to cover up for a child rapist to protect it.
The sick part is... All Penn State fans know everything above, but yert they still support Joe, last year many fans wore buttons and tee shirts with 409 on it, the shirt represents Joe's wins. So may of the fans want the statue back, fans still hold signs up supporting Joe at the games and wearing other things like his black sneakers and thick glasses to the game.
No new allegations will change how PSU fans feel about Joe and what went down, the are completely brainwashed into believing he is a saint no matter what.
21Guns Responds:
Fact: If I ever meet you, I'll beat you so bad that your entire family tree will need traction.