Just answer me this - why are coins even necessary if technology is really at the core of crypto? You can have technology platforms driven by blockchain and execute smart contracts without issuing a bunch of nonsensical coins driving speculation and hype. IBM and financial institutions are doing it right now. And it’s one of the main reason countries are looking at digital currencies. By the way, when OpenSea experiences a bug or service interruption who would Rutgers call to trouble/shoot or compensate RU for the downtime and angry ticket holders that missed the game standing in line?You still skirt around your rationale as to how crypto is the biggest finance scam of all time.
Speculative coins are always going to pop up. There's little to prevent that. just like there's little to prevent a shitty restaurant opening up in a town with a lot of restaurants. People see restaurants busy and simply want to get in.
Youre essentially saying that since there's shitcoins that are scams, all of crypto is a scam. Clearly that's not true.
Is Rutgers going to go with an IBM-like solution at a cost of X (high number) per ticket, or a platform like OpenSea or a yet to be established platform where fees are pennies? They'll go for the cheap option.
Saying that NFT's are a hobby or tax shelter is a fools errand. You say there's no barrier to entry so by default the market is saturated. How is that any different than physical art? There is ZERO barrier to entry there. I could spill marinara sauce on a bunch of paper plates and have an art show selling slices of my san marzano stained sheets of paper.
Reading your 2nd life comments here and in the past, leads me to believe you're jaded by your investment in second life. Did you stop investing in tech stocks because you lost a ton of money on AOL or Yahoo?
And ya Bitgo is behind Chivo. Is it any different than Pfizer, big pharma, big tobacco in the past, or anyone lobbying DC? Our govt simply cant get out of its own way. The amount of money printed the last 2 years scares the hell out of me. The inflation we're seeing and will see frightens me. The future value of the dollar frightens me. I could go on and on. Bitcoin, to me, provides the perfect opportunity to hedge against those fears. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Ill have lost $$ I could have stood to lose. I put the odds of that at less than 1% now.
I really dont want to keep going back and forth here. If you want to keep chatting via email or elsewhere, let me know.
Regarding NFTs, I don’t disagree with your logic because I never understood the art industry and my mother was both an artist and owned a commercial art business. But physical art and collectibles will ultimately prevail because displaying a Picasso on a wall satisfies a human need that clicking open a picture file on your computer to show guests does not. If the physical world no longer mattered, we’d all be buying virtual beachfront properties (screw LBI) and hooking up with a new VR chick every night. Somehow I’m pretty sure you would opt for the real thing.