OT: Stock and Investment Talk

Vaccine #2 just about approved!

A second coronavirus vaccine is one step closer to being delivered, after a federal panel of outside experts on Thursday endorsed a coronavirus vaccine from Moderna and recommended the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) move forward with emergency authorization.

The panel voted 20-0, with one abstention, that the safety and efficacy of the vaccine outweigh the risks for use in individuals age 18 and older.

Based on the track taken by the already-approved vaccine manufactured by Pfizer and BioNTech, the FDA could grant emergency use authorization for the Moderna vaccine as soon as Friday.
@RU-05, hope you still own GBTC. Bitcoin broke through 20,000 and is pushing 21k. GBTC is up big today.
Yes I'm up 136% in a little over 2 months, and it has grown into my biggest position. The beer I owe you gets bigger and bigger.

I had considered trimming as it hit the $19,000 level and then buying back in at a cheaper price but I let it roll. Typically I'll look to trim when stocks are on this level of a run, recently trimmed PLUG, PLTR, GM, as example, but the talk is so bullish on bit coin that I'll let this run a while longer.
Yes I'm up 136% in a little over 2 months, and it has grown into my biggest position. The beer I owe you gets bigger and bigger.

I had considered trimming as it hit the $19,000 level and then buying back in at a cheaper price but I let it roll. Typically I'll look to trim when stocks are on this level of a run, recently trimmed PLUG, PLTR, GM, as example, but the talk is so bullish on bit coin that I'll let this run a while longer.
If Bezos ever adds a crypto-"Pay" button to Amazon, this is gonna be more fun than it's already been. Institutions are fueling the upward movement, as are retailers allowing people to use crypto as a form of payment. And then there's the ever-decreasing supply of coins. The varying estimates are dizzying, ranging from $50k to $400k, but no rise is gonna be linear. Volatility is fun with crypto-based stocks, and much sentiment is upward. Let's hope this doesn't become another version of the subprime fvckup 13 years ago.
Yes I'm up 136% in a little over 2 months, and it has grown into my biggest position. The beer I owe you gets bigger and bigger.

I had considered trimming as it hit the $19,000 level and then buying back in at a cheaper price but I let it roll. Typically I'll look to trim when stocks are on this level of a run, recently trimmed PLUG, PLTR, GM, as example, but the talk is so bullish on bit coin that I'll let this run a while longer.
Bookmark a site called CoinDesk. Real good Bitcoin info and the podcasts are terrific. They’re short and always interesting.
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If Bezos ever adds a crypto-"Pay" button to Amazon, this is gonna be more fun than it's already been. Institutions are fueling the upward movement, as are retailers allowing people to use crypto as a form of payment. And then there's the ever-decreasing supply of coins. The varying estimates are dizzying, ranging from $50k to $400k, but no rise is gonna be linear. Volatility is fun with crypto-based stocks, and much sentiment is upward. Let's hope this doesn't become another version of the subprime fvckup 13 years ago.
One of UK’s largest investment firms just invested 2.5% of their assets into bitcoin, a total of 742 million dollars. And you’re right about volatility. When it went from 1000 to 19,000 in 2017, there were 7 dips of at least 20%. The rise was almost parabolic however.
bitcoin will explode if they ever really push the digital currency pelosi wants. that said, wonder if there really is a competitor to bitcoin
Deal finally made:

Good day tomorrow for sure.

Question will then be how the market finishes up the year.

On CNBC Tom Lee was predicting that early 2021 there will be a 10ish% correction but the market will get rolling again afterwards and for the year will be up 25%.
Good day tomorrow for sure.

Question will then be how the market finishes up the year.

On CNBC Tom Lee was predicting that early 2021 there will be a 10ish% correction but the market will get rolling again afterwards and for the year will be up 25%.
Probably won't have too much action for the rest of the year. There is always a possibility of a correction, but whoop dee damn doo. As long as the vaccine doses keep coming, interest rates stay at zero, and the feds keep pumping, the party will continue in 2021. Just no other place to put your money for good returns.

Also, I finally put together a spreadsheet to calculate our composite/portfolio return. It's a weighted average of our 7 main investment accounts. I will track this year to year and record. 2020 YTD looking good! 😁
Yes I'm up 136% in a little over 2 months, and it has grown into my biggest position. The beer I owe you gets bigger and bigger.

I had considered trimming as it hit the $19,000 level and then buying back in at a cheaper price but I let it roll. Typically I'll look to trim when stocks are on this level of a run, recently trimmed PLUG, PLTR, GM, as example, but the talk is so bullish on bit coin that I'll let this run a while longer.

Do NOT trim! Hodl this. 50 - 100k by the end of next year. Wouldnt be shocked if hit higher either...

bitcoin will explode if they ever really push the digital currency pelosi wants. that said, wonder if there really is a competitor to bitcoin

There's not a competitor. BTC's market cap is about 66% of all crypto. Ether is a good second option as a lot of apps are being built on that chain, but the scarcity that is present in BTC doesnt exist.
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Do NOT trim! Hodl this. 50 - 100k by the end of next year. Wouldnt be shocked if hit higher either...

There's not a competitor. BTC's market cap is about 66% of all crypto. Ether is a good second option as a lot of apps are being built on that chain, but the scarcity that is present in BTC doesnt exist.
I couldn’t agree more on all points.
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Dow down big this morning, I thought it was maybe a sell the news situation with stimulus, but it sounds like it is based on the UK's shut down and the mutation of covid.
Just saw amazon shut down it's NJ warehouse because of rising cases among workers.
Speaking of REITs, today some PE firm made an all cash offer of $18/share for Holmdel based Monmouth Real Estate (MNR) today. Those SOBs found my secret little cash cow. I've been collecting 5% income plus making another couple points a quarter writing calls on it.

I put the proceeds into VTRS which was just spun out from PFE last month. It's taken a complete nose dive as indexes and dumb money automatically sell it. It's currently selling for less than 4x forward earnings. I don't see much risk in that over the next year or two.
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Just noticed CYDY hit 6.00 today. Looked for news on it, looks like it’s HIV drug is meeting it’s clinical benchmarks. I don’t own it but whoever knocked the poster that promoted it owes him some props
I brought some AI stock at 115 12/17 and buying incrementally over the week. Already at 170 today pre market. I don’t normally buy any initial offering, I think it started at 42. Bit more riskier and more like gambling. I ‘m also riding SQ and PYPL up for the last two week related to Bitcoin.
I brought some AI stock at 115 12/17 and buying incrementally over the week. Already at 170 today pre market. I don’t normally buy any initial offering, I think it started at 42. Bit more riskier and more like gambling. I ‘m also riding SQ and PYPL up for the last two week related to Bitcoin.

See ETF ARKW....
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AMBL en fuego, with an extra boost from the stimulus bill. From 21 cents to $1.25 in 5 days.
AMBL en fuego, with an extra boost from the stimulus bill. From 21 cents to $1.25 in 5 days.
Bought it at .17 cents.

A pretty small position to start but getting up there amongst my bigger positions.

Their story sounds like a winner, time will tell if the business is.

Edit: what is the relation to the stimulus?
Bought it at .17 cents.

A pretty small position to start but getting up there amongst my bigger positions.

Their story sounds like a winner, time will tell if the business is.

Edit: what is the relation to the stimulus?

Alternative energy incentives in the stimulus package. ALB is up around 3% today after 2% yesterday. Non-China rare earths and lithium, given Biden's signals that he's not going give China a free reign, are an interesting place to be.
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I brought some AI stock at 115 12/17 and buying incrementally over the week. Already at 170 today pre market. I don’t normally buy any initial offering, I think it started at 42. Bit more riskier and more like gambling. I ‘m also riding SQ and PYPL up for the last two week related to Bitcoin.
I think it actually started trading at around $90. It jumped out of the gate then dipped a little, I was thinking about buying around $100.

That and selling FEYE off the news they were hacked are two of my recent misses.
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I'm seeing a price to sales of 96x for AI, FSLY by comparison is at 43x. SNOW is at 202x.

None of these companies currently make money at the moment, but that is not the current goal, growth is, but you do wonder about those valuations.

(side note, I learned the other day my e-trade fundamentals page are not completely up to date, which is frustrating, so the above may not be accurate).
Maybe I'm just being impatient, maybe I'm bedazzled by the shiny new toys, but big tech has been a drag on my portfolio for months. And in this environment, a 10% move over a couple months is just not that impressive, so even if they get going again, they are just not going to be leaders.

I'm not selling them, but I am looking at them cross eyed.
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Maybe I'm just being impatient, maybe I'm bedazzled by the shiny new toys, but big tech has been a drag on my portfolio for months. And in this environment, a 10% move over a couple months is just not that impressive, so even if they get going again, they are just not going to be leaders.
The big techs, I believe will get closer to their highs near earning season. I do owe quite a bit. Sold some Apple, near its high today. PPayPal over its high recently, MSFT close to high and ADOBE getting close. AMZN in the range of 3100-3250 and I sell some at 3250 and buy back at 3100 but waiting for 3350-3400. FB down because of hearings. I been selling some of them NVDA, NFLX when they go up 5-8 points and buying when they go down.

You are so use to the high flyers that get 30-40% return in 2 weeks. It is fun when you get the high flyers right.
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