Unfortunately, no. We have 9 accounts across Fidelity, T Rowe, E-Trade, Ally, Voya, and TIAA CREF (long story). So, I need to get the performance from each account and put the data into a spreadsheet to weigh the accounts by size. The math is simple, but it takes a bit of time to log into everything.
We have 3 accounts in Fidelity.....personal/fun, rollover IRA, and Fidelity crypto. I don't think they have a summary performance calculation for these accounts. All such info is separate.
The only way I know to automatically track different accounts across an entire portfolio is Morningstar's portfolio manager. This is a premium service. I use it for 6 accounts to track for quick reference, but it is a little wonky and probably more time consuming than doing it manually. Morningstar's X-Ray service is awesome. It shows you a summary stock list for an account or portfolio across all holdings, even ETFs and mutual funds.